Carbon Nanotube Memory Company's Ship May Finally Come In
Viewpoints: 2017 Semi Outlook
How Much Data Are Cellular and WiFi Really Using?
Industry Agrees on Wireless Charging Standard for Cars
Samsung Reveals Cause of Galaxy Note7 Battery Fires, Explosions
Is Semiconductor
M&A Wave Dissipating?
Feels Smartphone Squeeze
Test Engineer to Give Real-Life Lessons at DesignCon 2017
U.S. Naval Academy HFsat Coordinated for 15 Meter-to-10 Meter Transponder
Some Silicon Valley Tech Executives Bunkering for Doomsday
(they'll probably cause it)
How Your Phone Knows Where You Have Been
Innovations at 7nm to Keep Moore's Law Alive
4-Point Plan to Save the Tech Sector Post-Brexit (usually
safe to ignore the 'experts')
Massive Networks of Fake Bot
Accounts Found on Twitter (...while dupes base their pathetic lives
on 'likes')
China Strengthens Lead in Electromobility
Amateur Radio Parity Act Speeds to U.S. House Passage, Heads to Senate
CEPT Meeting Makes Progress on WRC-19 Agenda Items Affecting Amateur Radio
Samsung Galaxy Note 7 Crisis Signals Problems at Korea Inc.
The Diesel Engine at 120
Hawaiians Call Mark Zuckerberg 'The Face of Neocolonialism' over Land Grab
(he's an elitist now)
FCC Adjusts
Civil Monetary Penalties
Lawrence Livermore Physicist Jailed for Fraud
Sleeping Superconductivity Awakens
New Hotel Owner Wants Ham Repeater Antennas Removed from Roof
Japan's Space Industry Gets Some New Life
New LinkedIn Site Design Encourages Engagement (meh)
Chip Sales Grew
1.5% in 2016
Trump to Tap Pai as FCC Chair
Several CubeSats with Amateur Radio Payloads Deployed from ISS
Gallium Oxide Offers Promise for Power Electronics
15 Views from a Silicon
(Fox-1B) Launch Moved to Late August
AT&T: Hotspot 2.0 a 'Critical Requirement' for Wi-Fi
$24B Semi Assembly and Testing Services Poised for Steady Growth
Google Giving Its Products Significant Advantage on Search Results
Hamvention Ready to Deal with Anticipated Traffic Flow at New Venue
Antitrust Suit Against Apple Can Move Forward
Obama Last-Minute Spy Law Could Reignite Safe Harbour Debate
Flame Retardant in Li-Ion Batteries Could Quench Fires
Sweden's SAQ Alexanderson Alternator Station Reports 'Successful' Christmas Transmission
FCC Fines Pirate FM
Operator $25k (the guy is a dope)
GaAs Component Market to Grow >4% to $9.13B in 2021
British Military Contracts for 1st Laser Weapon in Mid 2020s
TSMC Expects Flat
Year for Foundry
Tie the Tightest Knot Ever Achieved
techUK Welcomes PM May's Brexit Plan
Got 5 Minutes? Meet a Mentor, Be a Mentor
Global Semiconductor Sales up 7% Y/Y
2017 Slowdown in Semiconductor Capex Growth
PC Shipments Decline
for 5th Straight Year
Pure-Play Foundry Market Surges 11% in 2016 to Reach $50B
ARRL Asks FCC to Allocate New 5 MHz Band
5 Years Will Flip Tech to a New Level
IoT Spending Hit
Estimated $737B in 2016
LTE Alliance Says LTE Broadcast Making Important Progress
CubeSat-Carrying Experimental Japanese Rocket Launch Scrubbed
UK Regulator Ofcom No Longer Listing Unassigned Amateur Radio Call Signs
Canada Revises Amateur Radio Service Requirements
Want to
Grow AM Radio? Follow These 5 Steps
China Launches New Electronic Intelligence Naval Ship
Is Wi-Fi
Bad for Our Health?
Verizon Has Deployed Fixed 5G Gear in 10+ U.S. Cities
ZTE to Cut 3,000 Jobs
Verizon Kills 2-Year Contracts and Smartphone Subsidies
>100M Online Shoppers Expected in 2017
USAF Explores
Commercial Satellite Resiliency
FBI Paying Geek Squad Members to Dig Around in Computers?
Radio Club of America Announces New 'Wireless Women' Section on Website
Warns of IRS Impersonation Phone Scam
Beijing's Snow So Dirty, Government Advises Use of Umbrellas
Nokia Android Phone Spurns
the West
Process Makes Smaller,
Cheaper Chips
630 Meters Becoming a "Mainstream Amateur Band"
Wi-Fi Providing
Precision Time Synchronization
WH Report Warns
of China's Threat to Chip Industry
Norway Warned Plan to Switch off FM Radio Will 'Cut off Millions'
Wi-Fi Expands with 802.11ax at CES
FCC Dismisses 2 Petitions from Radio Amateurs
ARRL Education & Technology Program Offers Grants to 4 Schools
2G Sunset a Slow Burn
5G, Virtual Reality, IoT Poised to Dominate CES 2017
Britain Has World's Top Economy 6 Months After Brexit
What U.S. Tech Giants Face in Europe in 2017
France Becomes Every Worker's Dream with New Email Policy
5 More Mistakes to Avoid in Product Development
Verizon and AT&T Prepare to Bring 5G to Market
Tesla Owner Files Sudden Acceleration Lawsuit
States Wire up Roads as Cars Get Smarter
CES 2017: UK Support to Tech
Firms 'an Embarrassment'
GaN Thin-Film Transistors Produced in 200°C Process
Semi Forecasts Bullish
Fridges, Washing Machines May Be Vital Witnesses in Murder Plots
Automation to Kill 15M Jobs in 20 Years
2017: The Year of Self-Driving Cars and Trucks (see
FCC Approves New Emergency Alert System 'Event Codes'
Nokia Hits Apple
with Patent Suits
Special Call Sign Prefixes Available to Celebrate Canada's Sesquicentennial
From 5G Trials to IoT Debates, 2016 Delivered in Wireless Tech
Ericsson, Nokia Stumble Through Market Slowdown
Total Memory Market Forecast to Increase 10% in 2017
Qualcomm Makes $47
Billion Takeover Bid for NXP Semiconductor
China Starts 2017 Engulfed by Smog
2016: Lethargic Bidding in FCC's 600 MHz Spectrum Auction
3D Printing and Additive Manufacturing Will Grow in 2017
Panasonic to Invest >$256M in Tesla's U.S. Solar Cell Plant
Microsoft to Be First Company to Reach $1Trillion Valuation
92% of UK
Engineers Are Men and 94% Are White (oppression the only explanation
per PC reasoning)
Solid State Technology: 2016 in Review
FCC Denies Expert Linears' Request for Waiver of 15 dB Rule
2017: More Apple Security Flaws, Cyberattacks, Hacktivisim