U.S. Firm Hit with $7.5 Million Fine
for Ignoring Do Not Call Lists (good, I hate those SoBs)
AT&T Seeks to Patent Self-Destructing E-mail
Sprint Set to Become 'Spectrum Powerhouse'
Beyond Silicon: Transistors Without Semiconductors
Semiconductor on Graphene Promises 1 THz Performance
to Replace NFC
Lack of Bidders Sees Singapore's 4G
Spectrum Offered at Reserve Prices
Bill Allowing More Foreign Workers Stirs a Tech Debate
Child's Data is Stored in the Cloud (no worries, you can trust the gov't)
Startup Plans Constellation of Tiny Monitoring Satellites
Wireless Control Systems for
Buildings Will Reach Nearly $300 Million by 2020
FCC Orders Carriers to Protect Customer Information Residing on Devices
(while FCC collects / stores your messages, location, etc.)
New Low-Cost,
Transparent Electrodes
Interview Questions That Really Work
Low-Power Wi-Fi Signal Tracks
Movement - Even Behind Walls
Samsung Launches Laser Printers with NFC
Graphene to Realize Flexible Organic LED Displays
FCC Tees up H Block Spectrum Auction
As People Head into Space, PayPal Will Follow
Google Making
Videogame Console and Smart Watch: Report
Chinese Firm Charged in Theft of Electricity Generator Turbine Software
World's Fastest LTE 4G Launches in
South Korea
'Disruptive Wi-Fi/MVNO' Products Coming from Cable Companies in 2014
IEEE Honors Inventor of Immersion Lithography
More Women Would
Pick Computer Science if Media nix Outdated 'Nerd' Stereotype (another
new bad word since it might offend the easily offended)
Fad-Loving Japan May Derail a Sony Smartphone
More Leakage of Explosive Electrolytes in Batteries
Get Ready for Natural Gas Vehicles
Good for China; Bad for Everyone Else (terrible stats for the rest of us)
The Internet of Cars Approaching a Crossroads
Myanmar Awards Cellphone Licenses
Western European Mobile Phone Market
Declined in 1Q13
Silicon Labs Integrates MEMS Oscillator on Standard CMOS Chip
European Internet 'Running 25%
Slower Than Advertised'
Chip-on-Heatsink Game-Changer
Win 8.1's Little Changes Are a Huge Improvement
Microsoft Reorg Rumors Heat Up
Some Tech Companies Find Ways Not to Hire Americans (amnesty bill will
make it even easier)
SK Telecom
Introduces World's First LTE-A Network
British Airways to Relax Rules on
Electronic Devices
NFC Devices Now Account for 13.3% of Mobile WebbTraffic
Laser Guided Codes
Advance Single Pixel Terahertz Imaging
Instagram Overtakes YouTube and Vine
for Mobile Video Traffic
FTC Tells Search Engines to Label Advertising as Such
iDEN Shutdown Days Away, Sprint Begins 800 MHz Refarming for CDMA, LTE
UK Science Spending to
Remain 'Flat'
Microscopy Technique Could Help Computer Industry Develop 3-D Components
Femtosecond X-rays from Tabletop Accelerator
CNN Exits Radio
Business Completely
Northrop Grumman Contract Aims at Improving GPS-Challenged Navigation and Geo-Registration
Samsung Doubles Mobile Download
Speed for Galaxy S4 Smartphone
Low-Power, Wide-Area Wireless Networks May Transform M2M
Microsoft Looks for New Start with Launch of Retooled Windows 8
UK Launches Drive to Register 100,000 Engineering Technicians
FCC Fines Firms for Unlawful Operation on GMRS Frequencies
Fatigue' Haunts Internet Masses
Tesla Lab to Become
Science Center
Nokia Offers Interest-Free Loans for
Mobile Phone Purchases
In-Flight Wi-Fi Still Costly, but More Available
Wood Could Be Good for Cheap Rechargeable Battery
Army Launches Program to Advance Quantum Computing for Parallel Processing
Android to Dominate Global Device Sales in Years Ahead
Hong Kong Network Offers Special SIM
Card for Tourists
Cyber Attack Hits South Korea
Satellites to Bring 'Fast, Cheap' Internet to 'Under-Connected'
Small Business Sales Rise, But Hiring Lags
Nearly $1.7 Billion in Revenue from
Automotive App Downloads by 2018
For Modern Jurors, Being on a Case Means Being Offline (no Facebook or Twitter - oh
Airport Body Scanners: Are They Hazardous?
1,000,000 Engineers in India Struggling to Get Placed in Extremely Challenging Market
Extreme Insulating-to-Conducting Nanowires Promise Novel Applications
Facebook Found Collecting, Storing Unauthorized User Info in Profiles
(privacy not so important to them when big $$$ at stake)
Beyond Silicon:
Transistors Without Semiconductors
New Rules for Europeans When
Personal Data is Lost or Stolen
First International
Partner Connects over the USAF's Protected Comms Satellite System
Scientists Solve
Riddle of Strangely Behaving Magnetic Material
Looming Conflict over Spectrum Sharing
Mold Could Make Memristors for Biocomputers
Architects Plan Wooden Skyscraper for Human Habitation
Nissan Unveils "World’s Fastest" Electric Racer
Only 1
FM Satellite Available During Field Day
Australia Plans 2nd Auction of
Unsold 700 MHz Spectrum
Atomically-Flat Transistors Show Promise for NexGen Green Electronics
Ire at U.S., Germany Does Its Own Domestic Spying
NPR Getting Grief
for Fancy Digs (it's just your tax money, quit whining)
New Method Joins
Gallium Nitride and Diamond for Better Thermal Management
Experimentation Key to
Telcos' Success
New Zealand Emerges as Guinea Pig for Global Tech Firms
Reply Comment Deadline Extended in Proposed 5 GHz Unlicensed Broadband Expansion
Local Governments Reeling Under "Affordable Health Care" Costs, Cutting Employee Hours
40% of Young Smartphone Owners
Now Using IP-based Messaging
Retailers Adopt NFC-Enabled
Electronic Shelf Labels (good idea)
15 Competitors Selected
for DARPA Spectrum Challenge
Danish Chemists' Molecular Chip Breakthrough
4 Reasons Your Employees Should Attend Conferences
Enables First Atomic-Scale Heat Transfer Measurements
e2v Releases First Space Qualified GHz-Class Microprocessor
Eye Chip Sends Signals to Blind Rats' Brains (rat's name Steve Austin?)
Mobile Device Boom No Threat to Movie Theatre Growth
Canada Makes First Call on AEHF
Researchers Report Quantum Networking Milestone
Meet Me at the Intersection of Fiber and Wireless
India Sets up Elaborate System to Tap Phone Calls, e-Mail
Magnetic Clouds in Graphene
NAB Calls for
Indecency Clarity
Europe's Space Hub to Open Its Doors on 6 October
Faster Wi-Fi Coming Soon, 802.11ac
Wearable Electronics: Highly Conductive Textiles and Paper with Aluminum
(will triboelectric charging make people walking stun guns?)
Graphene Produces Femtosecond Pulses of Any Colour
Apocalyptic Scenes as Smog Engulfs Singapore
Microsoft Walked Away from Deal to
Buy Nokia's Phone Division
African Entrepreneurs Deflate Google's Internet Balloon Idea
New 'Charmed' Particle May Represent Previously Unknown State of Matter
MBDA Reveals Future Rapid Response Missile Concept (very cool)
Flexible Multicell Zn-MnO2 Battery for Printed Electronics
The Heart of Responsible e-Waste Recycling
DOE Tool Compares Gasoline to Electricity Costs
Want to Write a Book? 4 Tips for Doing it Right
EarthLink Re-Enters Wireless as a Clearwire MVNO Offering WiMAX
Hidden Features Found in Apple's
Latest iPhone Software
Tesla to
Demo Quick-Swap Electric Car Batteries
End to Fed stimulus, China Slowdown Spark World Sell-Off
Broadcasting Text Messages into
Space (ET text home)
Effect of Cell Phone Coverage and Political Violence in Africa (anyone
surprised? we subsidize it)
Small Satellites Soar in High-Altitude Demonstration
FCC Nominee Favors Competition over Regulation
Researchers Ask Industry for Ideas on Common Data Link Radios for Small Manpackable UAVs
Cognitive Radio Arrives, All by Itself
Internet Balloons to Benefit Small Business
Mobile Call Logs Can Reveal a Lot to the NSA
LatAm Wrap-Up: 125,000 LTE subscribers; Brazil Reaches 14.1M Cellphones
Top Wireless Executives: Where Are They Now?
Silicon Valley Will Always Produce the Big Hits
Printing Tiny 3D Batteries
California Amateurs Claim New World Distance Record on 3.7 mm Band
Google 1st Amendment Court Case Against NSA Surveillance Secrecy
(political cover - they're in bed with the WH ops)
British Retailers Struggle to Be
Mobile Ready
Raising the Next Bill Gates
India to Send World's Last Telegraph Message July 14 (another bygone world-changing
technology - heavy sigh)
CTIA Chief Wheeler Likely to Address Spectrum Auctions, IP Transition
India May Lift Limit on Foreign Ownership
of Mobile Networks
NYC to Install Free Cellphone-Charging Stations (and probably read its contents
in the process)
NSA, GCHQ Reportedly Break into BlackBerry Calls, Messages
10,000 Apple Accounts Subject to Data Requests
Yahoo: 13,000 Government
Requests for Data
NASA's 'PhoneSat' Program Points to Satellites of the Future
Direct Images of Topological Insulator's Edge Currents
Graphene Digital Circuit to Function at GHz Frequencies
Solar Cell Claims 44.4%
Conversion Efficiency
China's Tianhe-2 Retakes Fastest Supercomputer
McDonald's Tests NFC Payments
Good Cheer
New IEEE 1149.1-2013
Supports Accessing Silicon Instruments
oPhones for Drugs OK per Philly Wireless Company (just be sure to vote the
right way)
Unused RF
Spectrum May Ease Wi-Fi Traffic Jams
UK Spied on G20 Allies at London Summit (I guess we're not the only ones)
Sulfur-Based Battery Outperforms Lithium-Ion in Tests
the Quantum Nature of Magnetism
Scientists Moving 15-Ton Magnet from New York to Chicago
CMOS PA Targeted at Increasing Competitiveness of Baseband
AT&T, Verizon, Others Sharpen Focus on Wireless Backhaul
Graphene Research Provides Li-Ion Battery Boost
What Do IBM Layoffs Mean for New York's Chip Initiative?
10 Super
Gadgets for Your High-Tech Home
NEC Develops Wind Noise Suppression
Technology for Phones (a popup that tells you to roll up the car window?)
Produce Star-Shaped Macromolecule That Grabs Large Anions
DOD Mobility Pilots Getting
Ready to Move on to Operational Deployment
LinkedIn Builds Its Publishing Presence
Another $100M Prez Famly Trip to Africa While U.S. Parks and WH Tours Shut Down
Issues Wireless Emergency Alerts Update to iPhone 4S, 5 (still think Apple
is innocent bystander in data snooping?)
NFC Stands for Nobody F****** Cares and Apple
Gets That
Simple Invisibility Cloak Hides Toys, Pets, People
NSA Admits Listening to U.S. Phone Calls Without Warrants
Producing Cheaper and More Flexible Thin Crystalline Silicon Wafers
Will My Computer Understand Me?
Drinking Hot Cocoa Before Going to Bed Might Prevent Diabetes (dark chocolate
M&Ms are my circulatory drug of choice)
U.S. Agencies Said to Swap Data with Thousands of Firms
LinkedIn: How It's Changing Business
Do Advanced College Degrees Really Pay Off?
USAF to Replicate GPS on
the Ground for NexGen Testing of at White Sands
Bangladesh Mandates Mobile Number Portability
by January 2014
Tablets, Smartphones
Steal Scene at Tokyo Toy Show
Ground-Penetrating Radar Program Moves Forward
Engineers Cheer 'Multi-CAD' Strategy
Electronics Industry Report
Forecasts Slow Growth in Second Half of 2013
Trader Fined for Selling Dangerous Phone
Safety-Critical Software Certification Exam Gets Low Grade in First Test
Dish Tests 50 Mbps Fixed LTE Service
Secret Court Ruling Put Tech Companies in Data Bind
Options for Future of IC Process Technology.
A Workout for Your Brain, on Your Smartphone
Microsoft Releases Office App
for iPhone
"Googleproof" Anonymity is the Height of Chic
What Is the Best Way to Measure
a Researcher's Scientific Impact?
Sneaky Ways Bosses Try to Get Employees to Quit
500 W GaN L-Band Amplifier
Ready for Rugged Radar Designs
Silicon Valley Intensifies Lobbying on Immigration Bill
Graphene Nanoribbons Atom by Atom
ARRL Kid's Day is June 15
NFC Sees 10x Growth
Cuts NFC Ticketing Forecast
How Technology Is Destroying Jobs
Voice-Activated Technology Is Called Safety Risk for Drivers
Hands-Free Talking, Texting Still Unsafe for Drivers
'Space Odyssey' Author Inspires Imagination Research Center
TI Plans to Boost China Manufacturing
Memory Device Based on Light Response
Market Selloff, Dollar Slumps as Rout Gathers Pace (the Fed will be running
$$$ presses at full steam today)
After the Crash: Driver's License, Registration, Cellphone, Please (coming
soon to NJ)
Discovery of New Material State Counterintuitive to Laws of Physics
Across Asia, Officials' E-mails May Be Vulnerable (GMail, YahooMail, etc.,
ain't really 'free')
U.S. LTE Subscribers will Make up 70% of Connections by 2017
Amid Data Controversy, NSA Builds Its Biggest Data Farm (if you squint, you
can see NSA's record of your conversations and Web surfing)
Dedication, Commemorative Broadcast Planned
Wafer-Scale Heteroepitaxial Growth of III-V Nanowires on Silicon
Additive Offers Near-Perfect Results as Nucleating Agent for Organic Semiconductors
Carrier WiFi Equipment Market Red Hot,
up 53% in 2012
Visa to Launch NFC Payments in the UK This Year
Broadcom Hits TbPS with Comms Processor
U. of Derby Researchers Seek New Ways
to Use RFID
T-Mobile Assails Study on 600 MHz Auction, Calls for Spectrum Aggregation Limits
Google Seals Waze App Sat-Nav Takeover
Smartphones Will Account for Nearly
Half of Wi-Fi Chipset Shipments in 2018
3 Tech Giants Want to Reveal Data Requests
'Crazy Ants' That Feast on Electronics (buggy hardware?)
Semiconducting Films
for Atom-Thick Circuits
Considers New ASIC to Handle Wideband RF Phased Array Beamforming
on AT&T Gets Push-to-Talk with Wi-Fi
Switched-Capacitor Filters: An Introduction
Move Closer to Low-Cost, Implantable Electronics
Camera Captures Voices Without a Microphone (yea! another way to be spied
Graphene and Semiconductor
Technology Together: Smaller, Cheaper, Better
iTunes Radio no Threat
to Radio
Closing the Last Bell-Test
Loophole for Photons
Contest University Videos Available on YouTube
Particle Pathways Promise Better Li-Ion Batteries
MEMS Startup Wins Strategic Investment
Tech Companies Tread Lightly in Statements on U.S. Spying
BBC Digital 'Catastrophe' Criticised
Tesla to Produce 'Affordable EV' by 2016
Steady Cell Phone Use Leads to Spikes in Blood Pressure
Data-Driven Tech Industry Is Shaken by Online Privacy Fears
FCC Targets Online
Retailer in Citation
Tech Giants Deny Granting NSA 'Direct Access' to Servers (right, and we believe
Few Options for Companies to Defy U.S. Intelligence Demands
NASA's 'PhoneSat' Program Points to Satellites of the Future
Some Shrug
at NSA Snooping: Privacy's Already Dead (lapdog U.S. media wants you - not
themselves - to just comply)
To Invent Like Edison, Learn to Collaborate
Carbon Nanotubes for
Molecular Magnetic Resonances
New Experiment Opens Window on Glasses
Pandora Reports Radio
Listening Down Again
More Delays for Bangladesh's 3G License
Google to Buy Israeli
GPS App Waze for $1B
Protesters Rally in Singapore Against New Online Rules
Army Eyes
Open-Systems Standard for SATCOM Networking for Big Combat Vehicles
Managing Market Share by Restricting Spectrum Ownership - Warnings of a Managed Economy?
World's 5 Largest Intellectual Property Offices (IP5)
Meet in Silicon Valley
Tech Industry Could Pay Stiff Price for PRISM
Huawei Hits Back at UK Cyber
Security Report
Dynamic Performance of Nitride HEMTs
TiVo to Gain $490M in Patent
Settlement with Google, Cisco
NSA Taps Internet
Giants' Systems to Mine User Data (flash: all the top inet guys are o buds)
U.S. Spy Chief Clapper Defends
Prism and Phone Surveillance
FCC to Vote on New Rules to Protect Wireless Customers' Call Data (fox guarding
the hen house?)
China Builds Fastest Supercomputer in the World
Robbing a Gas Station with a Smartphone
'Long-Awaited Explanation' for Mysterious Effects in High-Temperature Superconductors
Navy Names 5 Electronics Distributors to Supply Aerial Weapons Parts over Next 5 Years
Massive Lasers Could Cut High-Level Nuclear Wastes' Half-Lives to Decades
Second Life for Possible
Spintronic Materials
A Day in the Life of the Relentlessly Tracked
Teleportation Between Atomic Systems over Long Distances
'Time Cloak' Hides Data - But Not the Fact There's Something to Hide
Novel Electrodes Improve Li-Ion Batteries
Wafer Bonding Could Push Solar Efficiency to 50%
Indian Networks Sign $2.1B Towers Sharing
Why Bypass Caps Make a Difference - Part 5
Collecting Phone Records of Millions of Verizon Customers Daily (out of control
Beer Fridge Blamed for Cellphone Network Blackout
Sparks Fly at Senate Hearing About Spectrum Auctions
Countries Seek Entrepreneurs from Silicon Valley
2013 Semi Market Growth Estimate Reduced
Wi-See Uses Wi-Fi Signals to Recognise
Body Gestures
1 in 3 Mobile Phones to Come with NFC by 2017
TV Still King as Viewing Medium
Belgium Issues Timetable for 4G Spectrum
Cuban Emergency Net Activated
(they have a clever logo)
Intel Exec Admits LTE Weakness is Holding Back U.S. Sales
in Space
Fourier Domain Mode-Locked Lasers Could Achieve Femtosecond Pulses
Wi-Fi and BYOD Are Two Key Factors Shaping
the Future of the Mobile Workforce
Samsung Passes Apple in U.S. Smartphone Market
Gov't Motors (GM) Bailout Has Cost Taxpayers $50 Billion
Airline Kicks 100 Students off Plane for Not Putting Away Phones
Data is 'Next Big Opportunity' for UK Space Industry
FCC Sets Deadlines for Comments on RF Exposure Reassessment
ITC Rules Apple Violated Samsung Patents
Bandwidth Capacity Trading for Wi-Fi
In China, an Empire Built by Aping Apple
Precise Measurements Test Quantum Electrodynamics, Possible 5th Fundamental Force
Infrastructure for NFC Mobile Wallet
Services is Being Rolled Out
GSMA Lobbies for Consolidation
Novel Silicon Electrodes That Improve Li-Ion Batteries
Just 5% of Locations Carry 50% of All
Mobile Data Traffic
Cheap Batteries for Backup Renewable Energy
FreedomPop Announces Free Mobile
Dense Hydrogen in a New Light
Verizon and AT&T vs. Sprint and T-Mobile in 600 MHz Auction Battle
Smog Plus Storm Sends
Beijing into Darkness at Noon
U.S. Cellular Launches Home Phone Service for $20/Month
Perfectly Designed
Manufacturing in U.S. Shrinks at Fastest Pace in 4 Years
WLAN Gear Sees Rare Down Quarter
'Atari Dump' Will Be Excavated, After Nearly 30 Years
Samsung Says New Superfast '5G' Works with Handsets in Motion
Cool Electron Acceleration
Get Ready for .Google and .Apple (or maybe .YouAreOwnedFool)
Home Depot Goes Radio
Online Throttling and Site-Blocking to Be Outlawed in Europe Under Net Neutrality
Foxconn to Build at Least 5 Devices Running Mozilla's Firefox OS
Over 1 Billion Android Smartphones to
Ship in 2017
Most Parents Show Little Concern About Children's Media Use
Lithium-Ion Batteries
Wants Microsoft to Break Up
Blind Federation Criticizes Captcha
Security Test (hackers love these groups)
Man Struck, Killed By Subway Train by Jumping Down for Cell Phone
Qualcomm Grabs Record 59% Revenue Share
of Cellular Baseband Revenues
New Method Improves Printed Electronics Efficiency 10x
IBM Breakthrough Could Alleviate Mobile Data Bottleneck
Artificial Magnetic
Monopoles Discovered
'Fake Votes' Cast in France's First Digital Election
(Does anyone really think electronic ballots are secure? It's a dream come true for fraudsters.)
16 Cell Bands, 3 Wi-Fi Bands, 1 Handset - the Complexity of the 'Worldphone'
New Mathematical
Model Links Space-Time Theories
LTE and Smartphone Uptake Drives Video
Traffic Growth
Europe Set for Record-Breaking
Space Launch
Virtual Mobile Phone Firms Spy Growth in Spain's Recession
New Sensor 1000x More
Sensitive Than Current Camera Sensors
Samsung Says New Superfast '5G' Works with Handsets
The Echo Chamber of Silicon Valley
To Thwart Stray RFID Reads, IDRO Develops
Wealth of Most Americans Down 55% Since Recession
Even with Defects,
Graphene Is Strongest Material in the Universe
Semiconductor Market Expects 3-4% Revenue Growth in 2013
Nokia's India Tax Appeal Rejected
Nitride Gate Insulation and Passivation Reduces Current Collapse
Genes Weakly Linked to Education Level