RF Cascade Workbook for Excel
RF & Electronics Symbols for Visio
RF & Electronics Symbols for Office
RF & Electronics Stencils for Visio
RF Workbench
T-Shirts, Mugs, Cups, Ball Caps, Mouse Pads
Espresso Engineering Workbook™
Smith Chart™ for Excel
Mechanics & Physics Conversions, Formulas & References
Throughout the years
as an engineer, I have needed to research topics on engineering, physics, chemistry,
mechanics, mathematics, etc. The Internet has made the job infinitely simpler, with
the caveat that you have to be careful of your sources. Anyone can post anything
on the Internet without peer review, and errors are rampant. The topics listed below
are primarily ones that I have researched and generated custom pages for the content.
I welcome visitor review and comments on my material to help ensure accuracy.
Click here
for a link to NIST's Reference on Constants, Units and Uncertainty. Click
here for an incredible resource from the the U.S. Department of Energy.
Acoustic Properties
Area Conversions
Aluminum Tubing
Animated (AGIF)
Lifetime Acceleration
ASCII Characters
Apothecary, Avoirdupois &
Unusual Conversions
Atomic Clocks
Balsa Wood Weights
Beaufort Wind Scale
Bolts, Nuts &
Washers - Metric
Bolts, Nuts &
Washers - SAE
Carnot Cycle
Cesium Atomic Clocks
Chemical Composition of the Human Body
C.I.E. Chromaticity Diagram
Coefficient of Expansion
Constants (all values)
Constants (general only)
Universal Time (UTC)
Daylight Saving(s) Time
Density Conversions
Density of Building
Drill Sizes - Lettered
Drill Sizes - Numbered
Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow, Hail
Fundamental Particles
Galvanic Series
Greek Alphabet (Symbols,
Hail, Freezing Rain, Sleet, Snow
Heat Index Chart
IC Heat Transfer
IC Lifetime
Laws of Motion
Laws of Thermodynamics
Length Conversions
Light (visible)
Mass Conversions
Materials Properties
Mechanical Constants
Mechanical Units
Military Specifications
Musical Instrument Sound Chart
Musical Scales
Nobel Prize in Physics
Numerical Prefixes
Orbital Perturbations
Periodic Table
Perseid Meteor Showers 2010
Phonetic Alphabet
Postage Stamp
Rate History
Pressure Conversions
Psychrometric Chart
P-T Diagram
Rain Facts
Relative Humidity - Dew
Screws: Styles, Sizes and Shapes
SI Base Units & Derived
Sleet, Snow, Freezing Rain, Hail
Solar System
Solvents Properties
Sound, Velocity (Speed)
in Various Media
Sound, Absorption &
Velocity (Speed) in Still Air
Sound Levels
Sound Power
Sound Velocity in
Dry Air
Speed Conversions
Speed of Sound
Tap & Drill - Metric
Tap & Drill - SAE
Temperature Conversions
Thermal Conductivity
Thermal Resistance Theory
Time Conversions
Time Standard
Time Zone Map
Torx Heads
Thermal Conductivity
Tubing, Aluminum
Ultrasonic Frequency
Units (general),
NIST List,
Units, Mechanical
Units of
UTC (Coordinated
Universal Time)
Velocity of Sound
Volume Conversions
Windchill Chart
Wind Scale, Beaufort
Wood Density
and Heat of Combustion Values
Work-Energy-Heat Conversions
World Time Zone Map
