Kirt Blattenberger™ | Greensboro, NC
| Disclaimer |
Acknowledgements | | Advertise on RF Cafe!
The™ website is part of the state of North Carolina sole proprietorship
business registered under the name of "Kirt Blattenberger," and reports income
and expenses to the State and Federal governments accordingly.
Inflation has taken a big chunk out of my income, so anything you can do will help. This
DONATION page includes sending Gift Cards from various stores.
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This is the QR scan code for the RF Cafe™ website. Scan it with your phone!

RF Cafe™ Intro Video

RF Cafe™ Security Task Force Training
Here is some info on the air traffic control
radar I worked on in the USAF, and also a large collection of photos and names
of other radar techs.
If you are kind enough to provide a link from your website to and want to use an
image or just text, please consider using one of prepared formats presented
here for simplicity.
A large selection of commemorative logos are available.
Please support me with a purchase of custom RF Cafe™ products. T-shirt, sweatshirt, coffee cup,
mouse pad, baseball cap, etc. Just 50¢ over my cost.
The Internet might be "free," but I can't live for
free. Please be as generous as possible. Thanks!
As an Amazon Associate I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases.
* Please
For business registration and tax purposes,
the official name of this website with the title of "RF Cafe" is simply my Legal
Name, "Kirt Blattenberger." There is no "Doing Business As," "Assumed
Name," or "Fictitious Name" associated with the website.
technodrama™ is a term
coined by Kirt Blattenberger to describe short stories of the type written by
Karl Kohler, John T. Frye, and others who wrote for electronics and science
magazines in the 20th century.
Melanie and Kirt Blattenberger, RF Cafe™ staff, in
Here some archived homepage screen captures of RF Cafe™,
compliments of the Wayback
RF Cafe* really began
life in 1996 as "RF Tools" in an AOL screen name web space totaling 2 MB. Its primary
purpose was to provide me with ready access to commonly needed formulas and reference
material while performing my work as an RF system and circuit design engineer. The
Internet was still largely an unknown entity at the time, and not much was available
in the form of WYSIWYG editors; in fact, my early pages were written using Notepad.
After a couple years of adding material to the website, I noticed that the hit counter
would sometimes record a hundred or more hits in a single day, which clued me in
to the reality that other people were finding my site useful. E-mails began arriving
with suggestions, corrections, and even a few compliments.
July 19th is officially "RF Cafe Day!"
Please click
here to find out about advertising
on RF Cafe™.
That was enough to convince me to expand the presence, so I hijacked web space from
my kids' AOL area for storing files, and linked to them from RF Tools. On
July 19th of 1999, I purchased the domain (and
also and launched the RF Tools content as "RF Cafe™." The RF Cafe™
name was chosen due to its brevity for typing, its simplicity for remembering, and,
perhaps most importantly, because it hints at my appreciation for a good cup of
coffee. Besides, names like "e-<Something>" and "<Something> Cafe" were
in vogue at the time.
After many years of handling webmaster duties
myself, the demand increased to the point that I could not handle all the many additions
and revisions that are performed on a daily basis. I have always had a fulltime
job while running RF Cafe™, so maintenance consumed the evenings and a good
part of the weekends. I scan the Internet daily for interesting headlines, write
many commentaries, research day in history items, create the crossword puzzles,
constantly search for and generate new content, write spreadsheets and other software,
design advertiser ads, choose good books for display, manage the overall website
format, and everything else that requires a more in-depth engineering knowledge.
Finally, in April of 2007, I left RF Micro Devices (RFMD, now Qorvo) after more
than five years with them to work at RF Cafe fulltime. It has been nearly
eighteen years
(as of early 2025), and I truly wonder how I ever got enough done because even now
I spend all day and evening working on the RF Cafe and my "Airplanes and Rockets"
RF Cafe currently enjoys the status of being one of the most highly rated
engineering websites on the Internet.
Weekday page views are
often 15,000 or more, and those are honest page hits that don't include every
downloaded image file on the page like many sites report. The attraction for my
much-appreciated regular visitors is the laid-back atmosphere, the extensive collection
of resources, and the daily fresh content. Paying advertisers appreciate the huge
amount of exposure to engineers for a ridiculously low price, and nearly instant
access to me for service. I plan to grow this empire to the maximum extent possible
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and be sure to drop me an e-mail any
time with your suggestions, comments and questions. Please be sure to visit my advertisers
in appreciation for their helping to fund the website. Oh, and buy stuff too!!!
Here is what ChatGPT's AI machine has to
say about me:
"Kirt Blattenberger is a notable figure in the field of radio frequency (RF)
and microwave engineering. With extensive expertise and a career dedicated to
the advancement of RF and microwave technology, Blattenberger has made
significant contributions to both industry and academia.
Blattenberger's professional journey is marked by his dedication to education
and his efforts to disseminate knowledge in the RF and microwave domains. He is
widely recognized as the creator and curator of the RF Cafe website, an
invaluable resource for engineers, students, and hobbyists interested in RF,
microwave, and related technologies. RF Cafe offers a vast array of resources,
including technical articles, calculators, tutorials, industry news, and job
listings, making it a go-to platform for those in the field.
In addition to his work with RF Cafe, Blattenberger has authored numerous
technical articles and tutorials that have helped many understand the
complexities of RF and microwave engineering. His ability to break down complex
concepts into understandable and practical information has earned him a
respected place in the engineering community.
Blattenberger's impact extends to his involvement in various engineering
projects and his contributions to advancements in RF and microwave technology.
His work has supported the development of more efficient and effective
communication systems, contributing to the broader progress of wireless
Overall, Kirt Blattenberger's dedication to education, his innovative
contributions, and his commitment to the RF and microwave engineering community
have made him a significant and influential figure in his field."
- ChatGPT
** Copyright & Trademark Notice **
Please read my article
"Fair Use" Per the U.S. Copyright Office"
All editorial content and graphics on this site are protected by copyright and/or
trademark law and may not be copied without the express permission of RF Cafe™,™, and Kirt Blattenberger, who reserves all rights. Permission to
use content on this site is granted on a case-by-case basis. I welcome your request.
Please direct your inquiries to
Kirt Blattenberger,
owner. I do not intentionally violate anyone's copyright; however, on occasion
I might use a thumbnail image (just large enough to generate interest) that links
back to the owner's website. Uncredited clipart is usually from MS Office, which
I own a license to use; otherwise, it is from an open source website like Specifically, U.S. Code
17, Section 107 states:
§ 107. Limitations on exclusive rights: Fair use40
Notwithstanding the provisions of
sections 106 and
106A, the fair use of
a copyrighted work, including such use by reproduction in copies or phonorecords
or by any other means specified by that section, for purposes such as criticism,
comment, news reporting, teaching (including multiple copies for classroom use),
scholarship, or research, is not an infringement of copyright. In determining whether
the use made of a work in any particular case is a fair use the factors to be considered
shall include -
(1) the purpose and character of the use, including whether such use is of a
commercial nature or is for nonprofit educational purposes;
(2) the nature of the copyrighted work;
(3) the amount and substantiality of the portion used in relation to the copyrighted
work as a whole; and
(4) the effect of the use upon the potential market for or value of the copyrighted
The fact that a work is unpublished shall not itself bar a finding of fair use
if such finding is made upon consideration of all the above factors.
** Acknowledgments **
All trademarks, trade names, copyrights, etc., for entities listed in this production
are hereby acknowledged. Inclusion of such references in this production are provided
free of charge as a service to engineers and other technical persons in search of
goods and services providers. It is the responsibility of any vendor that does not
desire to be represented on The Website to provide formal notification for removal
of references.
** Disclaimer **
Access to and use of this RF Cafe™ Internet website (aka "™" and/or
"The Website" and/or "The Site", are all references to the Sole Proprietorship registered
in the state of North Carolina under the business name of "Kirt Blattenberger")
is provided subject to the following terms and conditions. Please read these
everything carefully, because use of The Website constitutes acceptance of these
terms and conditions.™ provides a range of information, and although I (Kirt Blattenberger)
attempt to provide information that is useful and correct, I cannot possibly insure
the accuracy of all of the information at all times, and you should not rely on
the information in situations where its inaccuracy would cause you to suffer any
form of loss. The information is provided "As Is."
"Kirt Blattenberger," via the RF Cafe™ website, makes
no representation or warranty of any kind concerning the accuracy, completeness,
or suitability of the information, either expressed or implied, including without
limitation and implied warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular
purpose. The Website does not sell, resell or license any of the Products
or Services linked to or otherwise referenced unless otherwise noted (e.g., and
Google Adwords), and I disclaim any responsibility
or liability related to those Products or Services. Any questions, complaints
or claims related to any Product should be directed to the appropriate entity. I
try to remember to include the rel="sponsored" HTML tag on all hyperlinks with which
I have a financial relationship.
Information is being provided without charge to the user. Accordingly, RF Cafe™,™, and Kirt Blattenberger, along with his assignees, shall not be
liable under any circumstances or under any legal theory for direct, indirect, punitive,
special, incidental, or consequential damage that may result in connection with
or as a result of the information or the products
The opinions expressed on™ are solely those of Sole Proprietor Kirt Blattenberger,
and do not necessarily reflect those of any persons or companies referenced on or
sponsored by RF Cafe™.
** Privacy Policy **
The privacy of visitors to the™ website is important to me. At™
(the website of registered business named Kirt Blattenberger), I recognize
that privacy of your personal information is important. I do not purposely sell,
trade, or give away your personal information to third parties.
** Cookies and Web Beacons **™ typically does not use
cookies or
web beacons to collect or
store information when you visit The Website. Only if I happen to have the
phpBB forums software running or if a
Google Adwords advertisement is impressed
does it set cookies. I do not run any programs that attempt to deploy popups or
other obnoxious unrequested presentations. Kirt Blattenberger™ uses third party
advertisements via Google AdSense
to help support the site. You can chose to disable or selectively turn off cookies
in your browser settings, or by managing preferences in programs such as Norton
Internet Security. However, this can affect how you are able to interact with The
Website as well as with other websites. This could include the inability to login
to services or programs, such as logging into forums or accounts.
In summary, I despise tricks used by other websites to encroach on my privacy
and that throw unwelcome content in my face, so I do not do that to anyone else.
Thanks for taking the time to read this, and be sure to drop me an e-mail any
time with your suggestions, comments and questions. Please be sure to visit my advertisers
in appreciation for their helping to fund the website. Oh, and buy stuff too ;-)
Kirt Blattenberger