Cog·i·ta·tion [koj-i-tey'-shun]
– noun: Concerted thought or reflection; meditation; contemplation.
Kirt ['kərt ] – proper noun: RF Cafe webmaster.
These articles were originally known as 'Factoids,' but the title was changed
because of the multiple (and sometimes unflattering) definition of the word.
Note: There is also a huge collection of my topical 'Smorgasbord' writings that might
interest you as well.
These original Kirt's Cogitations™ may be reproduced (no more than 5,
please) provided proper credit is given to me, Kirt Blattenberger.
367 -
Christmas and Happy New Year," Around the World
366 -
Open Neutral in a Single-Phase, 120/240 Volt Electrical Service
365 -
"The Traitorous
Eight" of Silicon Valley
364 -
Version of Semiconductor History
363 -
Labguy's World of Vintage Video Equipment
362 -
Radio Chassis
Work Fixture
361 -
Resistor Cube Equivalent Resistance - Another Approach
360 -
Necessity Is the Mother of Invention
359 -
An RF Cafe Visitor's Thoughts on AI
358 -
The Life and Times of a Recovering Disc Jockey - Jim Quinn, The Warroom
357 -
Nothing Lasts Forever - Including Copyrights
356 -
ChatGPT Thinks I Discovered and Own Everything
355 -
No ARRL Membership Renewal for Me
354 -
The Eagles' Joe Walsh: "I'm an Analog Guy"
353 -
RF Cafe Sponsors at IMS 2023 in San Diego
352 -
ChatGPT: Inaccuracies in Technical Responses
351 -
Odes on Technology - ChatGPT
350 -
Noise Figure / Y-Factor Disagreement Conundrum - Solved
349 -
Mystery Burst Transmission in the HF Ham Bands
348b -
Chinese Spy Balloon Fiasco
348 -
ChatGPT: OpenAI Content Generation
347 -
Timeline: Milestones in Patents
346 -
QST Member Spotlight 2023 - Members of Notability Dr. Joseph Hooton Taylor,
Jr., K1JT
345 -
Engineering Website Traffic Summary - 2022 per
344 -
Electronics Companies Magazine Ads - August 2022 Microwave Journal
343 -
FITSAT-1 CubeSat Flight over Erie, Pennsylvania - December 12, 2012
342 -
Electronics Companies Magazine Ads
341 -
My Bifurcated Spinal Cord
340 - Carl
Kohler's Life & Times per Son, Christoverre Smorgasbord
339 -
Kazakhstan Broadcast Facility in Balkhash
338 - Plate-Solving Star Identifier
337 -
The XML Guts of an Excel Workbook File
336 - Eyes of a
Generation™... Television's Living History
335 -
Bob Pease's Messy Workbench in CQ Magazine
334 - The
Letter "Xi" Stricken from Greek Alphabet
333 - Electronics
Themed ASCII Art
332 -
Log Polar Plane Stencil c1958
331 -
Engineering and Technology History Wiki (ETHW) - Dr. Dave Leeson
330 -
What Does My Overheated Transmissions Have to Do with Admiral Grace Hopper?
329 -
COVID-19 Vaccination Effort Has No Statistically Significant Control Group
328 -
PS Magazine - The Preventative Maintenance Monthly
327 -
Long Is 1 Trillion Seconds?
326 -
Sears 1940 Amateur Radio, Test Equipment, Sound System Catalog
325 -
Inventors and Their Inventions
324 - QST Christmas Covers
323 - The Radio Boys Adventure
Book Series
322 - The
New Normal - Face Masks Forever
321 -
Power Equivalent in the Electricity-Water Analogy
320 -
The 3D Smith Chart: From Theory to Experimental Reality
319 - Morse Code in the "Western
Union" Song
318 -
Radio Operator Homes - Buy & Sell
317 -
The Lincoln Vocational Technical Center - A Partial Autobiography
316 -
to Remove Clutter from Online Document Displays
315 -
New Silvertone Radio Line, 1941 Sears Catalog
314 -
Stacked Yagi TV Antennas by Dave Jones, N1UAV
313 -
Sansui TA-300 Integrated Tuner Amplifier
312 -
RF Cafe Advertiser Booth Location at IMS 2019
311 -
Longitude Problem
310 -
Little Known Facts About Dr. Robert M. Page
XXX - Drone-Based
Field Measurement System™ (dB-FMS)™
309 -
Radio Industry Marks 20th Anniversary - Harrisburg Telegraph c1940
308 -
Chance to Buy a New Radio - Harrisburg Telegraph c1942
307 -
the Dial Cord in a Realistic Patrolman-50 Radio
306 - Hearing
Microwaves - It's All in Your Head
305 - Insider
$$$tock Trading at Your Company
304 - Open
Radio Shack Sighted in Ashtabula, Ohio
303 -
Sonic Booms,
Fallout, Satellites, and the Moon
302 - Found: Very
Rare HP 5212A Electronic Counter
301- Vintage
Alliance Model U-100 Tenna-Rotor Installation
300 - Of Zerts, Plenches
and Spunfits
299 - World's
1st Radio Broadcast from a Moving Train
298 -
Saving(s) Time vs. Standard Time
297 -
Amateur Radio Call Sign Assignment Investigation
296 - ESD Damage
Control - It's Not Just for Semiconductors Anymore
295 - Farewell and Adieu, H. Ward
294 - Edwin H. Armstrong: The
Rest of the Story
293 -
Annual "Jamboree on the Air" 1958-2017
292 -
Nikola Tesla in 19th Century Newspapers
291 -
The Great North American Solar Eclipse of 2017
290 -
1st Newspaper Appearance of Transistor Invention Announcement
289 -
Breaking News: The Arctic Icebergs Are Melting - circa 1922!
288 -
MIA: The Other Half of the Antenna and Cable Loss Equation
287 -
A Radio Shack Eulogy
286 -
1930 U.S. Census - Do You Own a Radio?
285 -
Heathkit DX-60B Amateur Radio Transmitter Restoration
284 -
Lightning Protection Systems
283 -
Call Me KB3UON/AE - Amateur Extra License Exam Passed!
282 -
Radio, by Marek Klemes
281 -
Domain Name Valuation per Online Estimators
280 -
National Railways Radio Department
279 -
Neil Carlton's (VE3NCE) Radio Stamp Collection
278 -
Watch in Erie, Pennsylvania
277 - The Broken
U.S. Patent System
276 - 2017 Obamacare Cost for RF Cafe
275 - Is Your
Domain Being Blocked by a Country?
274 - Dead White Men
273 - Defeating AdBlock
272 -
All Elements
Heavier Than Helium Are Metals?
271 - X-Microwave™
Block-Level Prototyping System
270 -
1st Mention of Electric Light in The New York Times
269 - The Shive
Wave Machine - Bell Telephone Labs
268 -
IEEE MTT-S Buys Rights to Smith Chart
267 -
'Drone' Registration with the FAA Begins Today
266 -
2016 Obamacare Cost for RF Cafe
265 -
I Handle Unsolicited Telephone Calls
264 - Not
Many Know -40°F = -40°C
263 - September
11, 11 Years Later
262 - Rationalizing Pi
261 - RF
Cafe at IMS 2011
260 - CFLs - Will They
Really Save the Earth?
259 - CQ Engineers & Technicians:
QST a Great Resource
258 - How an Electrical
Engineer Spends "Vacation"
257 - Refusing to Suffer
256 -
The Resistor Cube Equivalent Resistance Solution
255 - Websites -
Wayback™ When
254 - "That's
One Small Step for Man..."
253 -
Cafe Visits Beantown
in Reverse)
251 - The New [Smart]
250 - Zeptoeverything
- It's Mine
249 - RF Cafe's
Greener Man-Cave
248 - AM/FM Under Siege
247 - The 10,000-Foot View
246 - Nowhere to Hide
245 - Of Free Software
244 - Science in Music
243 - Retiring
Your Retirement Plans?
242 - Choose Your
Welfare System
241 - You Can't Choose
Your Relatives
240 - The Law
of Unintended Consequences
239 - Trial by Fire
238 - Too Clever by Half
237 - Teaching
an Old Dog New Tricks
236 - - What's in It for You?
235 - The More Things
234 - FireWire of
a Different Sort
233 -
Why Are You Looking for a New Job?
232 - The Stamp of
Approval for Science
231 - All Hail the CFL
230 - Windowtalkers™
229 - Tax Freedom
Day – An Oxymoron
228 - Not Such A
Smooth Operator
227 - A Rising
Tide Lifts All Boats
226 - WWVB
225 - Jobs, Jobs, Jobs
224 - RF Technology in
223 - Electronic Voting
222 - Engineering °s
221 - RFCafe.EU's
Raison d'Être
220 - Expensive Exposure
219 - It Happened When?
218 - What a
Difference a Letter (Word) Makes
217 - Hobbyists are
Still the Future
216 - Points of Inflection
215 - Disruptive Disruptions
214 - Ignorance is NOT
213 - U.S. Leads the
Nuclear Energy Pack
212 - Rules of Thumb
211 - My Astronaut
Days of Yore
210 - Domiciliary Hot
209 - The American
Spirit Alive and Well
208 - Tempus Fugit
207 - Splitting
Hairs Over Precision
206 - Our Best Days are
Before Us
205 - Pure Genius
204 - H1B or RG30M Visas?
203 - WLAN in the
Most Unlikely Places
202 - MSI - A Trip Back
201 - Riddle Me This,
200 - The Good Old Days?
199 - Techno-Speak
198 - Mixed Signals
197 - Secure RFID. Or
196 - Chinese Piracy.
195 - A Step Back to Today
194 - Is Print Now Passé?
193 - Katrina:
The Political Mother of All Storms
192 - When is a Phone
Not a Phone?
191 - To RSS, or Not
to RSS
190 - Ubiquitous GPS
189 - Caveat Emptor
188 - Researching
the State of R&D
187 - Petty Patents
186 - Technopolis c2005
185 - The More Things
184 -
Why You Shouldn't Take a Mercury Thermometer in Your Carry-On
183 -
The Next Assembly Line Robot - Antifreeze
182 - A Reason
to Question Authority
181 - Why Google
Won't Be Offering Me a Job
180 - Entertain
Me, But Don't Insult Me
179 - RFID Could
Save Your Leg...or Kidney, or...
178 - Lorem Ispum,
Et Cetera
177 - Thanks
for Helping Us Track You
176 - Of Enigma
Machines and Windtalkers
175 - One Man's
Fast is Another Man's Slow
174 - Voxel Searching
173 - Obliquity of the
172 - Gray Markets
171 - H1B Visas in 2004
170 - Why Dilbert's
Tie Curls Up
169 - Online Fraud Toppers
168 - ISO
Stands for Nothing - Just Ask Them
167 - Thank a Terrorist
166 - The
1st Professional Human Computer
165 - Big Brother's Big Brother
164 - Ima
Cum Laude. Areyoua Cum Laude?
163 - Water for the Naive?
162 - So Quite,
You Can Hear a Snowflake Drop
161 - Well, They Say
the Mind is the First Thing to Go
160 - Now That's Cold!
159 - Does
Your Employer Want You Dead?
158 - Why You Get Bumped
157 - Good Luck
156 - Just an Old жена's
155 -
Top 300 Electronics Companies for 2003
154 - Bug Sniffers
153 - Some Really Cool
152 - Geekdom Ain't so
151 - Look Deep Into
My Eyes
150 -
Faster than This Speeding Train, Superman?
149 - AWG Math
148 - Hand Me an
8-denarius Nail, Please
147 - Fledgling Pilots
146 - Plastic, Heal
145 - BSOD on Cellphones
144 - Oh, to Be a Turtle(...and
not the Mutant Ninja type, either)
143 - The Mavens of Techno-Speak
142 -
Punch Cards Making a Comeback?
141 - One
Man's Summer is Another Man's Winter
140 -
Hypocrisy - Synonymous Terms
139 -
- Fodder for Micro Hard Drives
138 - X-Prize
- the Grown-Up's Toy Rocket
137 - Mnemonic
for VSWR and Return Loss
136 - The Pre-Plastic Era
- Not So Long Ago
135 - H1Bs Filling the Void?
134 - The Origin
of "I"
133 - Cockleburs
on Your Tennies
132 - Really Big
and Really Small
131 -
White LEDs Dethrone the Incandescent Bulb?
130 - Wi-Fi in Your
Cellphone (WiFiFone?)
129 -
A Side Order of Insect Filth with Those Fries?
128 - So Near, and Yet
So Far
127 - Don't Be a Human
Lightning Rod
126 - High
Voltage Auto Systems Coming to a Car Near You
125 - C60 - the
124 - A Cell Phone
by Any Other Name...
123 - EE Times
2002 Salary Survey
122 - Insist
on Cash When Russia is the Customer
121 - Dirty Money
120 - The Marvel That
is Carbon
119 - These Aren't My
118 - A New Wind Chill Chart
117 - It's Baaaack....
116 - Mathematica
- Summa Cum Laude
115 - Entangled Qbits
114 - Lobster Compasses
113 - SETI Wants
Your Computer
112 - Cray = Guess
111 - NASA's Got the Time
110 - Green Death
109 - Well, Duh, Reentries
108 - The n-Gun Salute
107 - Ctrl+Alt+Del That
106 - Ping Pong Balls
in Space
105 - Dephlogisticating
104 - The NUMB3RS
Behind Rock Skipping
103 - Paint Brushes 101
102 - The Origin
of the Name "Wall Street"
101 - Project "Butthead
100 - Patents c2003
99 - We Don't
Need No Stinking Fab
98 - I've Got
Your WMD Right Here
97 - The Bottom
Line Trumps Security
96 - Silicon Implants
95 - We're All Freaks... In
Our Own Sort of Way
94 - Uncloaking Stealth
93 - Rossum's Universal
92 - New Pick-Up Line:
What's Your Erdös Number?
91 - Big Brother's
Along for the Ride
90 - 2004 Salary Survey
89 - Microstrip Ice
88 - The Google Bomb
87 - Chipping Your Ride
86 - Snowflake Shape Predictability
85 - Daylight
Savings Time Inanity
84 - Cool Wall Warts
83 - e-Cats
82 - Snowflake
Shape Predictability
81 - Oak ID
80 - My
Technology (and My Money) Go to China
79 - Nowhere for Nukes
to Hide
78 - Cheap GaN
77 - Amazing
76 - Does a "Fair"
Coin Really Exist?
75 - Carbon in the News
74 - The Doppler Toppler
73 - No Shortage of Oil
72 - The Good Trojan
71 - My Computer IS
a Tennis Shoe
70 - The Dumbing Down
of America
69 - A Glue that
Sticks to Nothing
68 - Bluetooth
- Oops, I Just Violated Their Trademark
67 - Lorem Ipsum -
Not Really
66 - Daylight Saving
Time - Birth of a Burden
65 - pB-Free: The
Craze Has Begun
64 - Time Standard of
the Dark Ages: The H2O Clock
63 - À la tonalité,
le temps sera...
62 - The Twilight Zone
- Defined
61 - Early Leakage
60 - Paris Mean Time -
59 - Wreck Your
Prius? Call in the Hazmat Team
58 - Frozen Smoke
57 - Nowhere to Hide
56 - Galileo vs. GPS &
55 - Gold Digging
54 - The 1st
Computer Rodent
53 - Bottom Line
Trumps Ideology
52 - These Boots
Were Made for Charging...
51 - Running Out
of IP Addresses
50 - Unbreakable Code?
49 - Jack (and
Jacques) Has Become a Dull Boy
48 - Two
Squeaky Clean Seals: $200,000. Watching an Orca Eat Them: Priceless
47 - See-Through
46 - Stock Option Envy
45 - Shooting
Crooked - On Purpose
44 - Wi-Fi Insecurity
43 -
Theirs Choose Ph.Ds, Ours Choose Baseball Caps Worn Backwards and Baggy Pants
42 - Notice to IEEE Insurance
41 - Hmmmm.. Maybe
I Should Test This Theory on My Two Cats...
40 - Escalating
the Performance of Escalators
39 - Real Plastic Money
38 - Do You Stutter? You're
in Good Company
37 - LED Taillights
on the Way
36 - Earthshine on the
35 - Hoax Hotline
34 -
Microwave Oven Clocks Causing Global Warming
33 - The First Photo
32 - Not This Year
31 - R.H.I.P. (Rank
Has It's Price)
30 - Hand Me the Raid
29 - Family-Friendly
28 - A Better Photodetector
27 - Wow, We're Popular!
26 - No Wonder I Feel
25 - Terrorist Inerters
24 - Memorial Day Tribute
23 - Not Sure I Like
These Odds
22 - Tuning In Your Tennis
21 - A Cool Concept
20 - We Are Not Alone
19 - Solstice Trivia
18 - Patently Offensive
17 - Electronic
Porpoises on the Ocean's Horizon
16 - NAND Seems Logical
15 - We'll Take
14 - Better Re-Check
Those Numbers
13 - My Mussel
Glue Can Beats Your Gorilla Glue
12 - Ala Doc's DeLorean
11 - Allies Not Required
10 - These Are a Serious
Set of Speakers
9 - U.S. Losing
More Ground in Academia
8 - Falling Through the
7 - Ethernet, Meet Gasnet
6 - Blowing Bubbles at
the ISS
5 - Pi Poetry
4 - Farewell and
Adieu to Pioneer 10
3 - Piezoelectric Foam
2 - Top 100
R&D Companies for 2002
1 - Untitled Collection
0 - New
York Taxing Out-of-State COVID-19 Healthcare Workers