Unique Approach to Materials Allows Temperature-Stable Circuits
New Properties of
Carbon Material Graphene Discovered
FCC: 800 MHz SMR Band Order
Apple iPhone Users Account for 80% of
the Heaviest Smartphone Data Users
Index Reports on Consumer Acceptance of NFC Payments
Pushes Wireless Recharge
SK Telecom to Test Multi-Carrier
Capability - Doubling LTE Bandwidth
Nanowires Could Be Perfect Fit for Printable Electronics
Is This the Key to Vastly
Better Batteries?
Pentagon to Troops: Caution Required When Using Social Media
Insufficient Baseband Chip Supply Hurting LTE Smartphone Sales
World's First Self-Operating 3G and
LTE Network Deployed in Japan
SETI Finds No Signs of
ET Nearby
Power Mapper Shows UHF
Signal Strength, to Help Users Properly Install RFID Systems
FCC Expands Part 95 MedRadio Rules to Allow Devices in 2360-2400 MHz Band
Intel's First Smartphone Goes on Sale in Europe June 6
New Class of Technology Needed for Evolving Warfare
MIT Could Help You Pour Ketchup
Air Force's Secretive X-37B Space Plane to Land
Investors Flee Spain as Financial Crisis Spirals
Economic Watch: U.S. Must Stop Using China's Fake Military Parts
U.S. Military Chips
Cambridge Firm Develops Satellite Radio for U.S. Military
Carbon Nanotubes to Replace Platinum in Fuel Cells (a significant $
Eye to Create World’s Largest NFC Out-of-Home Advertising Network
LeCroy to Get New Owner and 100 GHz Scope Technology
House Armed Services Committee "Urges" MARS Consolidation
The Finest Gold Dust in the
NASA Announces
2012 Aeronautics Scholarship Recipients
Mathematicians Can
Conjure Matter Waves Inside an Invisible Hat
NSN Wins GSM-R Contract from Indian
Intelsat Signs First Commercial Falcon Heavy Launch Agreement with SpaceX
Ion-Based Electronic
Chip to Control Muscles
UK Government Approves New University Technical Colleges
Group Creates Longer Lived and More Efficient Quantum Memory
Quantum Dots Show Promise for New Technologies
Leaked iPhone Schematic Reaffirms Larger Screen
Oracle's Patent 'Disaster': Beginning of a Bright New Era?
'Invisible' Bike Helmets Integrate Motion Sensors to Expand Air-Bag-Like Shell
Facebook Shares Tumble to Fresh IPO Lows
Revolutionary Chipset
for High-Speed Wireless Data Transfer
Universities Adapt to Support More Engineers
As Headphones Invade the Office, Are We Lonelier?
Scientists Take
Steps Toward Creating Artificial Graphene
Electronics Factory Uses
RFID to Manage Assembly of Cisco Circuit Boards
Worldwide Mobile Payment Transaction
Value to Surpass $170B
Vintage U2 Gives High-Tech Drone a Run for Its Money (the airplane, not the
Smallest Possible
5-Ringed Structure Made: 'Olympicene' Molecule
Engineers Develop Cheap
Onboard Tracking System for UAVs
Index Reports on Consumer Acceptance of NFC Payments
Silica Offers £3,000 Prizes for UK Students
11% of Consumers Have a Worsened
Perception of Apple Since Steve Jobs Died
China's Dynamic App Industry Lures Foreign Entrepreneurs
Global Mobile
Payments to Top $171B
Intel Confirms Ireland for 14-nm Silicon
iPhone Commands Price Premium as Smartphone Sales Grow
Survival: Major
Newspaper Shifting to Online
(people not paying for biased reporting)
Warning over Digital Archive 'Black
$8.5B Skype Deal Presents a Puzzle
Researchers Conclude That Climate Change Led to Collapse of Ancient Indus Civilization
(did they find SUVs in caves?)
German Teen Solves 300-Year-Old Mathematical Riddle Posed by Sir Isaac Newton
Renesas Cuts 14,000 Jobs; Fab Sale to TSMC (awful lot of semi jobs lost
Hundreds of Words to Avoid Using Online If You Don't Want the Government Spying on You
Dresden Sets up 5G Communications Research Lab (is "5G" actually defined
For Tech Start-Ups, New York Has Increasing Allure
Irish Mathematicians
Solve The Guinness [beer] Sinking Bubble Problem (important breakthrough
for mankind)
"Flame" Massive Cyber-Attack
US Army Wants Fire-Resistant Gloves That Work with
(follow-on RFP: phones that survive fire for use w/gloves)
Graphene on Boron Nitride May Lead to Breakthrough in Microchip Technology
'Fake' Internet Would Prepare Soldiers for Real-World Social Media
Engineered Materials:
Custom-Made Magnets
Irish Regulator Outlines Radio
Spectrum Auction Plans
'Nanoclutch' Simulations Could Aid Nanorobot Manufacture
Lloyd's of London Preparing for Euro Collapse (UE visitors: Would you
prefer sovereign nations again?)
DARPA Launches DEFT Program to Pull Actionable Intelligence out of Ambiguously Worded Text
(I'm sure no mistaken "threats" will result in honest citizens being raided in
the middle of the night)
Cut in Handset Subsidies Would Be
Positive for Operators
House to Examine Plan for United Nations to Regulate the Internet (yeah,
let the anti-American thugs have control)
Submarine Cabling Boom Drives Down Bandwidth Prices in High Cost Regions
Students Will Be Tracked Via Chips
German Court Says Motorola Violates Microsoft Text Messaging Patent
Google Warns Hundreds of Thousands May Lose Internet in July
½ of U.S. Households Receive Government Payments ("...the majority always
votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy
always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship.")
U.S. Postal Service to Ban Shipping of
Consumer Electronics Overseas
Renesas to Try and Raise $1.3B; Lay Off 10,000
'Battle Kites' Latest in Fixed Aerial Surveillance Concepts
China Voice: U.S. Counterfeit Military Parts Accusation Goes Too Far
Memristor is 200 Years Old, Say Academics
Digital Edition of QST Now
SpaceX Dragon Arrives at ISS in Historic First
A SIM Card for
Domineering Parents
Sending an SMS to a Motorist May Leave
the Sender Liable for Road Accidents (thank a lawyer)
Landmark Calculation Clears the Way to
Answering How Matter is Formed
First Direct
Observation of Oriented Attachment in Nanocrystal Growth
Yahoo Gets into the Browser World with Axis
Campaigns Target Voters Through Their Phones (nowhere to hide)
Huawei Seeks EU Help on InterDigital
Patent Fee Dispute
Nokia Sells New York Headquarters
Solar Plane Ends
First Leg of Intercontinental Bid
NSA Certifies JTRS Wideband Networking Waveform Radio
Frazer-Nash Completes ITER Reactor Equipment Analysis
Legal Row over Dish Network's
Ad-Skipping TV Box
Small Investors Seek Answers in Facebook IPO Problems
Military Radio Competition Heats Up as Lawmakers Intervene
Report Reveals Fake Chips in U.S. Military Hardware
Facebook Banks Said to Make $100 Million on Stabilizing Stock (move along
folks, nothing to see here)
Intersil to Cut 11% of Workforce
AT&T Starts Migrating GSM Spectrum to
3G Services
Russian Spam Mastermind Jailed for
Creating Botnet
Layered Materials for High-Performance Electronics
Radar-in-a-Backpack Can Keep Soldiers from Being Ambushed
3 Navy Ships to Get Microwave-Based WWAN in 2012
Government Says It Must Support Science Research
Research Team Sees Water as a Replacement Form of Lubricant
Hong Kong Government to Expand
Municipal Wi-Fi Network
MTS Launches Commercial NFC Payments Service in Russia
New Circuit Pattern-Design Process Has Promise for 14 nm Design with Directed Self-Assembly
ZTE Completes World's First FDD/TDD
LTE PS Handover Test
SpaceX Craft Aims to Dock with International Space Station
Man Breaks into WIBW-TV, Stabs 2 (lots of "kill the cracker" going on - be
on alert)
New iPad, Nokia Lumia 900: 10 Gadgets to Boost Your Summer Productivity
Cyber Countershot: U.S. Hacks Web Ads of Al-Qaida's Yemen Affiliate
USA Today: Real Federal Deficit Dwarfs Official Tally ($42,054 debt per
household - median income is $49,445)
TV Remote Control Inventor
Eugene Polley Dies at 96 (the couch potato enabler live to a ripe old age)
Stolen Phone Beams Photos to Owner, Who Puts Them on Facebook
IBM Worries
iPhone's Siri Has Loose Lips
Researchers Improve Infrared Detectors Using Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
Boy Scouts Get High-Tech to Bring in New Recruits
Mobile Phones Offer Indian Women a Better Life
U.S. Army's Rocket-Intercept System Hits the Mark
Wireless LAN Market Sales Up 18% Y/Y
in Q1
Electron Spin States and Carbon Nanotube Vibrations
Apple Designer Behind the iPod and iPhone Receives Knighthood
Technical Advisory Board for First Responder Interoperability Submits Report to FCC
Will Japan Inc. Say Sayonara to TV Manufacturing?
Is Mobile Computing Good For
DOD Achieves Record Throughput in WGS Bandwidth Test
Philippines Complains About Illegal
Signal Repeaters
Availability of
Hydrogen Controls Chemical Structure of Graphene Oxide
Vote of Confidence for UK Manufacturing (see bleow)
Polls Suggest That UK Policies Aren't Helping Manufacturers (see above)
Microsoft Windows 7, Windows 8 Look to Redefine PC Experience
Engine Could Boost Fuel
Economy by Half
SpaceX Launches
Falcon 9/Dragon on Historic Mission
China Fake Parts Used in U.S.
Military Equipment
Timely Discovery: Physics Research Sheds New Light on Quantum Dynamics
Scotty's Ash Gets Kicked into Space
IEEE Career Day Gets Students Fired Up about Engineering
UCL Makes Memristors Manufacturable
DOD Achieves Record Throughput in WGS Bandwidth Test
Renesas May Lay Off 6000
Passengers Pass Seamlessly Through
Toulouse Airport Using Only a Mobile Phone (yeah, that would make me feel
A Magnetic Approach to
Biophoton Communication:
Can Cells Talk Using Light?
Microscopic Machines Using Metallic Glass
IEEE Launches Spark Online Magazine to Spark Engineering Interest in Teens
New Silicon Memory
Chip May Offer Super-Fast Memory
Qualcomm Offers $250,000 Funding for Best Startup
Software App Keeps Smartphone Chatter Secure
Google Becomes Hardware Company with $12.5B Motorola Buy
Military Addresses Double-Edged Sword of Troops on Social Media
Major Acquisition! Eaton to Acquire Cooper Industries
Facebomb - Shares Drop 11% off IPO
Samsung Makes Graphene Logic
European Physicists
Smash Chinese Teleportation Record
Major U.S. Cable Companies Join Forces
for Single Wi-Fi Service
Researchers Improve
Fast-Moving Mobile Networks
Inexact Processor is More Power Efficient (interesting)
N. Korea Denies Jamming GPS of Civilian Aircraft
ICOM to Support Boy Scouts at National Jamboree and at Local Council Level
Companies Increasingly Concerned About
Employee Use of Cell Phones While Driving
Team Demonstrates Paramagnetic Properties of Liquid Oxygen Drops
Silicon Labs Buys Zigbee Specialist
House Rolls Back Export Restrictions on Satellites (just sell secrets when
Fed can't print money fast enough)
Announces 2012 Space Technology Research Fellowship Grants
Europe's Eco-Chip Project Has 10% Energy-Cut Target
$21,500 Fine to Radio
Station for Unattended Studio
Cloak of Invisibility: Engineers Use Plasmonics to Create Invisible Photodetector
Qualcomm Seeks World's Best Start-Up
DARPA Moves Ahead with Fractionated-Satellite System F6 Program
Naval Surface Warfare
Center Demos RFID Tool-Tracking Solution for Combat Ships
Facebook Shares Drop Below Flotation
Mark Zuckerberg
Marries Long-Time Sweetheart
China Mobile Still Talking to Apple
over iPhone Sales
Dashboard Delivery is
Radio's Biggest Advantage.
Verizon Says Users Can Avoid
Data Change by Paying Full Phone Price
Gov. Moonbean Claims Facebook Was Invented in California
HP to
Slash Work Force by up to 30,000
Graphite Enters
Different States of Matter in Ultrafast Experiment
Russia Develops Air Defence Lasers
Gray Market for Mobile Cellphones
Serves As Boon to Low-Cost Flash Memory
Full Control of
Plastic Transistors
Met Police to Extract Suspects' Mobile
Phone Data (no
4th Amendment protection
in the UK)
Thai Regulator OKs 3G Auction
Solar Electric Propulsion Technology Proposed
Army Puts New Comms Systems to the Test at Third NIE
Strategy Analytics: 1B LTE Connections
by 2017
Avago and TriQuint Settle BAW Filter Patent Dispute
Chinese Counterfeiter Goes Out of Business
Scraps Broadband Cap, Moves to Usage-Based Billing
Asked to Listen for HORYU-2 Satellite
New Research Could
Mean Faster Computers and Better Smart Phones
Ariane 5 Mission with Twin Telecommunications Satellites Approved for Launch
World's Largest Solar Eclipse Party Takes over Football Stadium Sunday
Customers Clog Panera's Free Wi-Fi
2,000 Apply for Jobs Building Asteroid-Mining Robots
Still Smiling, Eduardo? U.S. Senators Want to Collect Your $67M in Facebook IPO Taxes Anyway
Coffee Buzz:
Study Finds Java Drinkers Live Longer (my insurance rates should be going
ARRL Responds to FCC Request for Comments on Impediments to Amateur Radio Communications
Army Looks to GSA for Fast Purchase of Vehicle Radios
Employers Make Ever Greater Assaults on Job Seekers' Privacy
Watching the 'Birth'
of an Electron: Ionization Viewed with 10 Attosecond Resolution
Apple Fan Writes Letter Praising
Nokia's Latest Smartphone
New "Shall Issue" Law
for Amateur Stations Now in Effect in Ohio
Researchers Solve
Tuning Problem for Wireless Power Transfer Systems
Disposable Satellite System Sees Soldiers
Bath University Opens Entrepreneurship Programme to All-Comers
Girls Encouraged to Pursue
STEM Careers (it seems they just don't want them)
Sunstorms' Costly Threat to U.S. Grid Stirs Debate
FCC Wants Clarity
from Verizon on Proposed Spectrum Deals
Underwater Turbine Set to Be Used for Scottish Tidal Power
Technology Convergence May Widen the
Digital Divide
Electric Car Could Power
Home During Blackout (good idea, I have to admit)
Google Patents Augmented Reality
Project Glass Design
Iranian Military Claims E-Weapon No Other Country Has Been Able to Invent
UK Opens Europe's Largest Robotics Laboratory
Minorities Now Surpass Whites in U.S. Births (huge # of illegal anchor
babies bankrupting hospitals, social services)
Lack of Trust in the Use of Personal
Data Threatens to Undermine the Digital Economy
Patent Dispute Holds Up Sales of 2 HTC Phones in U.S.
DARPA Wants Small Satellites to Test Fractionated Concept
ARRL Responds to FCC Request for Comments on Impediments to Amateur Radio Communications
Jaguar Joins Drive to Boost Engineer Graduate Numbers
GSA Spies Venture Capital Investment Uptick in April
You're Only
Worth $1.21 to Facebook
OMG! Texting Ups Truthfulness, New
iPhone Study Suggests
Receivers Could Promote More Widespread Wireless Recharging
Insulators Open Path to Room-Temperature Spintronics
Electronic Congestion in the Microchips of the Future
DeviceFidelity Adds Full NFC Functionality to iPhone
Reason For RIM: Why We Still Need the Blackberry
What Rare Earth Shortages Mean for Engineers, Part 5
"Data Killer"
Erases the Evidence
Samsung Loses $10B Market Value on Apple Order Report
When Lightning Strikes: A Photographer's Experience Going Viral
On-Demand Satellite Photos of the Battlefield, Coming to a Handheld Device Near You
States Using Fed Money Meant for Mortgages to Fund Budgets, Pensions
U.S. Leads
Biggest War Drill in Middle East in 10 Years (Israel Not Invited, But Their
Sworn Enemies Are)
Applied Materials to Cut Jobs, Move Solar Manufacturing to Asia ("this
[Stimulus] bill (Applied
got $10M)... will create thousands of ‘green’ jobs" -
CEO of Applied Materials, Mike Splinter)
First Simulation of
Quantum Tunneling on a Quantum Computer
UU.S. Phone Subscribers Hang Up on
GaN is Coming, Silicon Beware
Linx Technologies Begins Shipping Radiotronix Product Lines
Plan $1B Ghost Town
House Shoots Down DOD Plea to Alter Commercial Products Definition
ITU's Broadband Commission Studies
Impact of Broadband Growth on Economies
LightSquared Files for Bankruptcy
Technique Keeps Cool
High-Power Semiconductor Devices Used in Wireless Applications
Understanding Wireless Charging Configurations
IMEC to Detail Memristor
Progress at VLSI Symposia
Survey Points to Complexities of Current Patent Box Rules
ARRL Microwave Band Planning Committee Releases Draft Band Plans
Unusual Shape of Intel's Finfets
Announces Low Power FM and FM Translator Public Forum
Light-Powered Bionic Eye Invented to Help
Restore Sight
Engineering Tricks That Helped Facebook Win
Internet Hall of Fame Inductees: How Their Contributions Impact Everyone
Windmill Company Pulls the
Plug in Pennsylvania
The Army Wants You[r] Ideas on How to Place Communications and EW Systems on Vehicles Without Co-Location
What Yahoo
CEO's False Bio Tell Us About Resume Fraud (that you can make a lot of $$$
until caught, then not give it back?)
UK High-Tech VC Investment Sharply Up
New Ultra-Thin
Electronic Films Have Greater Capacity
In Metallic Glasses,
Researchers Find a Few New Atomic Structures
43% of American Teenagers Say They
Text While Driving
QST Digital Edition
Launch Approaching
Researchers Generate
Electricity from Viruses
NFC Phones and Tablets with Fingerprint Security Protection “Expected Later This Year”
Apple Drops '4G' from iPad Adverts
Steve Jobs Didn't Invent Design, But He Patented It
Law Firm Uses RFID to
Track Every Page of Confidential Documents
Semi Industry Set For a Good Year
Are Smart Phones Spreading
Faster than Any Technology in Human History? (I don't have one)
Fewer Women in Top U.S. Tech Jobs Since 2010
Mathematics Links Structure to Function in Leaves
Engineers Seek Zero-Defect Micro Manufacturing Strategy
Samsung Galaxy S III Spills Battery Life Secrets
The FM Cell Chip
Provides an Opportunity to Serve (after forcing customers to buy it)
Euro Fall Would Raise Stakes for China, U.S.
More Adults Uses Location-Based Services on Smartphone
Official Claims Fisker
Karma to Blame in Texas House Fire
Wireless Carriers Eye Solutions to Spectrum Crunch
Airborne Observatory Tests New Science Instrument
U.S. Oil Shale Deposits 5x Proven Reserves in Saudi Arabia
U.S. Student Science Scores Draw Concern (how long has this been a problem?
just send billion$ more to DoE)
Several Antennas in One: A
Major Innovation for Mobile Communications
FCC: Spectrum Auction Plans Big Part of Proposed $346M Budget
Chinese Physicists Smash
Distance Record For Teleportation
Wearable Batteries Unburden Soldiers
Sony Mobile Posts Loss of US$1.5B on
Write Downs and Lower Revenue
Use GPS and MEMS Sensor Combo for Next-Gen Positioning and Navigation
Silicon Nanospheres
Could Be Building Blocks of Optical Invisibility Cloaks
EU Sanctions Cheaper Mobile-Phone Calls
Within Europe
Opportunity Rover Fires up Engines, Starts Another Year Exploring Mars
Envisat Satellite Formally Declared Lost (forever polluting space)
Germans Send on Average 2 SMS Each a
Path Dependence and
the Stupidity of LED Light Bulbs
2013 Defense Act Has Long Road Ahead of It
Despite Obstacles, Experts Say China Continues to Innovate
EC Ends Roaming Rip-Offs
Google Starts Mapping Indoors
Sun’s Shock Wave Goes Missing
Do Consumers Really
Want an FM Chip in Their Smart Phones?
RIM Announces Approval of BlackBerry 7
Smartphones by USA Department of Defense
Three Hams Venture to
ISS Next Week
AOL to Give
Shareholders All Proceeds from Patent Bonanza
Infantry Gets Waveform Network Manager for Rifleman Radio
Huawei Conducts World's First
Commercial Network LTE Category 4 Trial
New York’s Tech Industry Tops U.S. in Growth
Mobile Firms Attack 'Early 4G' on
Everything Everywhere
Heavy-Ion Nuclear Fusion Brought One Step Closer to Reality
Officials Select Five Companies for Tactical Communications Program
Baltimore Concert Venues
to Try Reusable RFID Wristbands Instead of Tickets
KIT Researchers Succeed in Realizing a New Material Class
Coast Guard to Join Armed Forces Crossband Communications Test
Genachowski Promises Spectrum Solutions
New X-Ray Telescope Will Be Able to Focus
Tesla Still Losing
Money, But Plans an Early Debut for its Sedan
Unveils $49k All-Electric SUV (100 whole miles on a charge - look out Chevy
TDK Opens Capacitor Factory in India
Veterans Offer NASA Their Liberty Launch System
YouTuber Alleges NASA Cover up of Spaceship Spotted Near Sun (maybe it's
LF's famous "mother
Educational Systems Closes Up Shop (tragic loos of an American icon)
Yahoo CEO Apologizes for Bogus College Degree
Physicists Store Short
Movie in a Cloud of Gas (no jokes, please)
iPhone Costs
Sprint CEO $3.25M
Advertising Funded Free Wi-Fi for
London, UK
Stirs up Controversy over Nature of Quantum Wave Function (it's making
A Phone You Can
Hear in Your Bones
Plans "Small Cell" Tests Around Year End
Spectrum Need Fuels Tension Between Wireless Industry, FCC
Research In Motion Shows off a New
BlackBerry Smartphone
Zinc-Anode Battery Overcomes Problem of Dendrite Formation
Quantum Dots
Brighten the Future of Lighting
CTIA 2012
Employees Face $4B Tax Bite (feeding the Fed beast, ,but it's never enough)
Qualcomm, Samsung Form Wireless Power Alliance
Cyber Briefings 'Scare the Bejeezus' out of CEOs
SMS is Still the King of Messaging
with Speed, Reach and Reliability Cited As Reasons
Internet Detectives, and Others, Find out Where You Live
Visa and Samsung Reveal Olympics NFC Payments Plans
Investors Less Likely to Back Women-Led Ventures
Google Gets Nevada Driving License
for Self-Driven Car
BSA to Offer
Morse Code Interpreter Strip
Team Makes Progress on High-Temperature Semiconductors
Bill Would Have Businesses Foot Cost of Cyberwar
AT&T Expands
into Wireless Home Security, Automation
Two Stopped Light Pulses Interact
with Each Other
LTE Growth Leaves Security Gaps Due to
High Traffic, Lack of Security Standards
Many Competing Paths on the Road to the Phone Wallet
NIST Develops Biometric Wireless Communication Protocol
Secret Air Force X-37B Space Plane Mission a 'Spectacular Success'
Baolab Plans Monolithic Inertial MEMS
German Researchers Realize New Material Class
RIM Taps Former Sony Mobile and
Vodafone Execs for New Management
Lockheed Martin to Provide Orbital Operations Support of GPS IIR/IIR-M Satellites
$60 LED Light Bulb to Last More Than
20 Years
The Frequent Fliers Who Flew Too Much (interesting)
Smartphones Top Computers for U.S. Facebook Time
Monster Sunspot Threatens to Unleash Powerful Solar Flares
in 4 Users Lie on Facebook
U.S. Foils New Underwear Bomb
Plot by White Christian Grandmother (oh wait, it was a really what we no
longer call a terrorist)
Copper Thief Gets Handful of 33 kV
Trade Group Survey to Measure 'On-Shoring' in Electronics
Manufacturers Not Expecting Imminent EconomicRecovery
FCC Seeks Higher
Vanity Call Sign Fee
Agilent Releases Aerospace, Defense Application Videos
Why You
Should Believe the 4-inch iPhone Rumor
Can Minor Vibrations
Replaces Batteries in Power Sensors, Radio Transmitters and GPS Modules?
Apple Offering to Settle Chinese iPad
Trademark Dispute
Nokia's Woes Might Call for Microsoft Aid
A nNew Paper Made
of Graphene and Protein Fibrils
Physicists Go Totally Random
Hubble to Use
Moon as Mirror to See Venus Transit
Magnetic Bacteria May Be Building
Future Bio-Computers
Nokia Siemens Networks Improves Radio
Spectrum Refarming for GSM to 3G Networks
AEHF-2 Satellite Launch Delayed Due to Rocket Glitch
MasterCard Certifies More NFC Phones, Introduces a New Logo
Researchers Use Doppler
Effect for Computer Gesture Control
Aviation Invests in Electrical Power Technology for Commercial, Military Use
India's Slowing Economy Worrisome
Inconvenient Employment Numbers (pretending things are not what they are
only helps politicians)
Hold on to Your Ground Grids - Largest Coronal Mass Ejection Since 2005 Headed Our Way
USPTO Seeks Nominations for Patent and Trademark Advisory Committees
Australia's Mobile Phone Radiation Emission Limits May Be Cut
RIM Demos New BlackBerry 10 Mobile OS, Impressing Programmers, Users
Nokia to Defend Itself Against
U.S. Class Action Suit
2.2 Million Go on Disability Since Mid-2010; Fraud Explains Falling Unemployment Rate
U.S. Mobile Industry Faces Spectrum, Deal Paralysis
Technique Uses Electrons to Map Nanoparticle Atomic Structures
'Graphene' University Joins Electronics Skills Initiative
Visualization of Electron Pairing in Iron Superconductors
Smartphone Shipments to Reach 1.7B in
2017 and Android to Dominate as OS
Fast, Low-Power,
All-Optical Switch
Simplicity and
Quantum Complexity
Researchers Develop Sensitive Radiation Surveillance Method
NYC Subway Stations to Get Wi-Fi
NASA Announces 2012
Summer of Innovation Project
U.S. Tech Fest Showcases Young Engineers
Wants to Plug a Smartphone into Your Brain
Northrop Grumman Continues Significant Uptrend
New 'Unknowns' Hacking Group Hits NASA, USAF, ESA
Laser Pointers Provide Super-Fast Optical Comms
People Not in Labor Force Soar by 522,000, Labor Force Participation Rate Lowest Since 1981
(Carter era)
Army Concept Vehicle Can Double as Electricity Generator
Nielsen: TV Still King, But Web, Mobile Video Rising
Russia Threatens to Strike NATO Missile Defense Sites (must not think
O will
get 2nd term)
More Americans Stashing Cash in Home Safes
Harvard and
MIT Launch edX to Offer Free Online Classes (non-credit)
RIM's Blackberrys Account for 80%of NFC Phones
Report Warns of Weather Satellites' 'Rapid Decline' (trillion$ of deficit
spending for this?)
Acquisition Abuse Drives DOD to Reassess Commercial Purchase Rules
Honors National Inventors Hall of Fame 2012 Inductees
Freezing Liquids Help to
Predict Properties of Prime Numbers
2/3 of World's LTE Connections in
(yet we're together only 1/20 of world population - redistribute!)
Manipulating Liquid Crystals Leads to New Materials
Logbook of the
World Marks 50,000 Users
First-Ever Image of a
Flat Torus in 3-D
Delays ISS Launch to May 10
Chip Executives' Conference is Off to Armenia (yeah, that's where I would
have held it)
Bell Canada Profits Rise on Wireless
and Media Growth
20% of U.S. Consumers Buy Via Mobile; 62% Couldn’t Care Less
Wireless Carriers Who Aid Police Are Asked for Data
China Launches Two Satellites for Its Navigation System
Materials Science:
Perfecting the Defect
Getting a GPS Fix on Indoor Location
Single Nanomaterial
Yields Many Laser Colors
Stray Parakeet Tells Japanese Police Where He Lives
Graphene-Based Terahertz Devices: The Wave of the Future
Motorola Wins Xbox and Windows 7 Ban
in Germany
In Cellphone Era, Timepieces are Fashion Trend to Watch
Lightweight, Flexible Conductor Could Revolutionize Electronics Industry
Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Scheduled for May 12
Graphene-Based Material 'Outperforms' Indium Tin Oxide
Novel Radiation
Surveillance Technology Could Help Thwart Nuclear Terrorism
Researchers from University of Zurich Discover New Particle at CERN
Discarded Digital Devices Can Retain Sensitive Data
Jewel-Like Nanowires Pretty as Well as Efficient
Promises Great Things for Graphene Science
Barnes & Noble to Add NFC to Nook E-Reader
Nokia to Start Sales of 41-Megapixel
Cameraphone This Month
Golden Potential for
Gold Thin Films
Whatever Happened to Technology Innovation?
Google, FCC Showdown Spotlights Technology Law Lag
RIM Previews
Long-Delayed BlackBerry 10
7 Gbit/s 60 GHz Wireless Transceiver for Tablets
TriQuint Wins $12.3M DARPA Contract to Develop Ultra-Fast E-Mode GaN Power Switch
ESA Selects 1B€ Juice Probe
to Jupiter
Handset RF Front End Market to Double to $10B
Moore’s Law Ends in 10 Years
As Chip Plants Get Pricey, U.S. Risks Losing Edge (EPA regs greatly drive
up costs)
iPad '4G' Claims Face Scrutiny from
UK Regulator
Electronics Shine at UK Manufacturing Expo
Samsung Overtakes Apple As Top
Smartphone Vendor (they're kicking cellphone hiney)
The Lonely Life of the Techno-Addict
Large Layoffs
Loom on Wall Street
Here is How GE, Apple, et al, Avoid Taxes
Energy ≠ Heat: DARPA Seeks Non-Thermal Approaches to Thin-Film Deposition
Air Force Readies Second AEHF Satellite for Launch
Here Comes Silicene, Possible Graphene Replacement
Physicists Crack Fusion Mystery
Redefining Time:
Extremely Precise Clock Signals Transmitted over Long Distances
Wireless Carriers Alerting Users About Data-Overage Charges
Global Mobile Phone Shipments Down 1.5% in Q1
ScholarChip Brings NFC to Philadelphia Schools (good name-play on
Ford to Build Plant in China
'Faster-Ticking Clock' Indicates Early Solar System May Have Evolved Faster Than We Think
LDK Solar Has Cut More Than 5,000 Jobs This Year