Families Struggling with
Teens' Cellphone Addiction
Buckyball Pioneer Harold Kroto Dies at 76
Imec Honors Dr. Gordon Moore with 'Lifetime of Innovation Award' (Forbes says Moore's worth $6.3e9)
FCC Proposes $51 Million in Penalties for Lifeline Program (aka
Physicists Abuzz About Possible New Particle as CERN Revs up
No Need for Panic Regarding Synthetic Aperture Radars on 70 cm
Chip Sales Edge up Slightly
Instagram Hacked by 10-Year-Old Boy
THz Lenses
Indian Fabs,
the Free Market and Central Planning
Personal Cooling Units on the Horizon
Court: Chinese Company Can Call Product IPHONE
MaxLinear Buys Microsemi's
Broadband Wireless Unit
FCC Action Anticipated on ARRL's "Symbol Rate" Petition for Rule Making
Crowd Funding Changing the Game for Chip Firms
Hungry Weasel Shuts down Large Hadron Collider (LHC originally to built in Texas)
Take Part in "the Engineer's"
2016 Salary Survey
Global Semi Packaging Materials Market to Grow at 4.79% from 2016-2020
Superfast Light Source Made
from Artificial Atom
U.S. House Unanimously Passes Email Privacy Act
This Tech Bubble Is
Bursting, WSJ
Wi-Fi Hotspot Named 'Detonation Device' Causes Bomb Scare at Airport
SecDef OKs Arms Sales to N. Vietnam (call it "The Jane Fonda Accord")
Electronics Firms Win Queen's Awards
Sony Files Patent for Contact Lenses That Records Plays Video
Carl Icahn Dumps Apple Shares over China Fears
NY Wants to Know: Have You Been Texting and Driving? (unreasonable search
and seizure?)
Consortium to Build European Laser Plasma Accelerator
Man Jailed for Failing to Decrypt Hard Drives
Taking the Stigma out of Buying Used Electronics
World Wide Repeater Directory Now Lets Users File Jamming Reports
Zuckerberg Spent $19M on Security in Past 3 Years (guns OK for Mr. Facebook,
but not you and me)