Simulation Gets Speed, Capacity Boost
Teradyne Lays Off 14% of Staff, Implements 10% Pay Cut
UK Energy Workers Walk Out in Objection to Foreign Workers
Tin Whisker Pest Worries Lead-Free Solderers
NEC's Loss Widens, Plans
to Cut 20,000 Workers
New, Unusual Semiconductor
is a Switch-Hitter
Domain Walls That Conduct
Simulated Wi-Fi Worm Infects Thousands of Routers Overnight
DoCoMo to Shut-Down Its
2G Network
White LED Breakthrough Could Lead to Mass UK Production
Sierra Wireless to Cut
10% of Its Workforce
NASA Puts Out the Call for Low-Gravity Tech
Hams Provide
Communications Support as Ice Storms Sweep Across U.S.
Arrest Warrant Issued
for Russian Phone Millionaire
Rensselaer is Modeling Graphene, Manchester is Modifying It
Lockheed Martin Laboratory Earns CMMI Maturity Level 3
New Carbon Nanomaterial
NASA Wants Your Opinion on Its Next
Hubble Project
Exxon Mobil
Shatters U.S. Record for Annual Profit
Will Dell Smartphone Tackle BlackBerry or iPhone Fans?
Study: Learning Science
Facts Doesn't Boost Science Reasoning (Al Gore, are your
reading this?)
House Says "No" to DTV Transition Delay - February 12 Stands
Microsemi Bucks Financial Trends on Strength from Defense, Medical Markets
Consumer Crunch Hits Japan, Sony and Toshiba Feel Pain
Stretchy Electrodes
Wire Up Cells
STMicro Slashes 4500 Jobs, Halves Capex Plan
Digital Britain Report: Key Points Revealed
Fired Engineer at Fannie Mae Accused of Planting Malware Time Bomb
Verizon to Shut Down Internet Phone Service
Stimulus Package Contains Broadband Open Access Provisions
Hackers Crack Texas
Road Sign, Warns of Zombies Ahead
Ion Teleportation Scheme Could
Scale Up Quantum Computers
Citing Obama Opposition, McDowell Warns Against Fairness Doctrine
Is Technology
Producing a Decline in Critical Thinking and Analysis?
The Economy and Your Next Mobile Phone
Google Sets Up Online Broadband
Testing Lab
Attack of the Wireless Worms
Should Silent Camera Phones Be Illegal?
Catalyst Paves the Path for Ethanol-Powered Fuel Cells
Low-Cost LEDs to Slash Household
Electric Bills
U.S. Cell Phone Camera Law Might Not Really Click
Engineers Give Roads, Other
Public Works a 'D' (scary)
Top British Politician
Vows to Open Secret UFO Files
Hackers Hit Monster.com's Customer Data Again - Forcing Password Changes
Europe to Boost Rural
Broadband Internet Access
Scientists Not
So Sure 'Doomsday Machine' Won't Destroy World
AT&T Profits Up -
Expects Stable Year Ahead
Intel Researchers Demo RF Energy Harvester
Boeing Laser Avenger Shoots Down Unmanned Aerial Vehicle in Tests
TI Hunkers Down for a Prolonged Recession
EU Clears €457M Aid for STMicro-Led Scheme
Raytheon to Support U.S. Navy's Navy Multiband Terminal Satellite Communications
with CPI Solution
Comet Impact Theory Disproved
Tags Help Anne Arundel Medical Center Reduce Labor Costs (I was born in that hospital!)
Cox Testing New Way to Unclog
the Internet
Sun Sets Out $209M Loss, Will Cut up to 5,000 Jobs
Siemens Wireless Building Automation Catches On
ARRL Scholarship
Applications Due February 1
Coatings for Plastic Parts
Nuclear Fusion-Fission Hybrid
Could Contribute to Carbon-Free Energy Future
BAE Systems Wins $120M U.S. Air Force Contract
Cutting-Edge Online Game Brings Fresh Approach to Middle School Math
UK to Expand GSM-R Service
on Railways
CU-Boulder, SpaceDev Launch Center for Space Entrepreneurship
Brits Watch a Day's Worth (26 hrs) of TV a Week
Loom as Obama Seeks Space Weapons Ban
Non-Pb-Free Parts Still in Demand
of Thousands More Layoffs Announced
in U.S. & EU Deepens as 76,000 Jobs Disappear in One Day
More Growth Seen for China's Handset Market in 2009
Cooling Chips
with Thermoelectrics
McGraw-Hill Profit Falls (big-time textbook publisher)
Laura L. Smith
Named to FCC Amateur Radio Enforcement Role
Texas Instruments to
Shed 3,400 Jobs
Verizon Wireless Femtocell Launched
Andrew Wins Radio Coverage
Contract for World’s Longest Railway Tunnel
Carbon-Nanotube Memory that
Really Competes
Planet Hunter Nets Prize for Young Astronomers
Verizon Offers $250 In-Home Cell Phone Booster
Spending Continues: $5 B for Nanotechnology Development
Semiconductor Market to Plunge 28% in 2009
Passes Bill to Delay DTV Switchover by 4 Months
The Pencil is Mightier Than the Nintendo
Successful Flight of NASA Prototype Super-Pressure Balloon in Antarctica
U.S. Lawmakers Mull Internet, Wireless Tax Credits
California Mother Gives Birth to Octuplets
Now Requires Solar Panel Testing and Certification
Number of Internet Users Tops One Billion
Sprint Nextel to Cut 8,000 Jobs, Freeze Pay
Approves 4 Watts of Power for UHF RFID
Europe's New Atom-Smasher
Chief Signals Caution after Breakdown
USAF Academy Researcher Develops Satellite Imaging Technology
Philips to Cut 6,000 Jobs after Loss
ZigBee to Serve Smart-Energy
Another 50,000 Tech Jobs Slated for Elimination
Wolfson Claiming 123 dB SNR for HiFi DAC
Nanotechnology: Controlling the Nature of Graphene
Mercury Computer Systems Delivers TFLOPS of Computing Power for Military Radars
to L-Martin
Philips' New Phone Uses an AAA Battery - Cheap to Replace
ARRL Board
of Directors Considers Internal and External Goals for 2009
Kids and Cell Phones: A Crosswalk
Air Force to Develop Environmentally Friendly Propulsion Systems
Lower Gas Prices Send Buyers After Big Cars Again
Capacitors for Water Desalination
Top 10 New Technologies
That Could Save Your Commute
A Blended Battery
Pack for Cars
Iceland's Sr. Minister Becomes First Global Political Casualty of the Credit Crunch
Google's Rumored
GDrive May 'Kill' the PC
Wireless Standard Promises Ultra-Fast Media Applications
Office Politics, Alive and Well
Will Others Follow Google's Move to Revalue Stock Options
of Microlasers Could Improvement form New Theoretical Analysis
Answers to 10 Common Questions About DTV
REACH and ROHS Restrictions Merging?
Nuclear Proliferation Raises the Specter of EMP Attack
Profit Down 44%
Air Force Reconfigures Communications Satellite Program
Northrop Grumman Loses $$$Billions in Goodwill
ZigBee to Serve Smart-Energy Applications
TSMC Sales in Europe Leap 30% in 2008
Global Mobile Phone Shipments
Dropped by 10% in Q4 2008
Samsung Posts First Ever Quarterly Loss
Website Seeks to Cut Cost of College Textbooks
A Blue Christmas for eBay
GOP, Dems Spar
Over Broadband 'Stimulus' and FCC Powers
Popularity of Mobile
Broadband Surges Among European Consumers
Clear Carbon-Nanotube
ARRL Executive
Committee Approves 21 Education & Technology Program Grants
Way to Produce Hydrogen Discovered
Teleportation Between Distant Matter Qubits: First Between Atoms 1 Meter Apart
LG Posts a Big Quarterly Loss, Plans Restructuring
'Entanglement' Filter Prepares Photons for Quantum Applications
Google Posts 18% Sales Gain
Chip Manufacture: Flat Fixtures for EUV Exposure
A Quantum Memory
Secrets of Stradivarius'
Unique Violin Sound Revealed
LED Growth Offers Glimmer of Hope in 2009
Nokia Q4 Profit Slumps
69% - Warns of Difficult 2009
Organic Semiconductor Breakthrough
Could Speed Flexible Circuits
College Education Paramount for Life Success
Sony to Report First Operating Loss in 14 Years
Tantalum Capacitor Price Set to Rise
'New' Clearwire
Hires for 'New' York
Possible Switch: Single Gold Atom Forms the Contact
China's Semiconductor Market to Decline 5.8%
DTV Transition Gains Steam as Qualcomm Pushes Back
Canada Investigates P2P Blocking, Finds It Just About Everywhere
Vodafone Tries "Soft Caps" on Mobile Broadband Usage
U.S. Company Hit by World's Largest Data Breach
Flight Computers Helped Save Ditched Airbus
DIY Broadband Springs up Across the UK
Windows 7 Beta Gives Hope for Less-Bloated Operating System
Patient Appointments Cancelled Due to PC Virus
Nasty Worm Wriggles into Millions of Computers
Windows Weighs Down on Microsoft, Will Cut up to 5,000 Jobs
Two Million Phones Recycled
in 2008 by Regenersis
Staff Finds White House in the Technological Dark Ages
Ericsson Announces Plans
to Cut 5,000 Jobs
International Rectifier Sues Former CEO for Theft of Trade Secrets
SOS: Clear Channel Cuts 1,850 Jobs, 9 % of Work Force
Wireless Power Standard to Offer Cableless Phone Chargers
UK Forges Ahead
with Next Gen Net
Setting Alternative Energy in Motion
Doubling the GSM Voice
Capacity with Standard Handsets
Better Thermal Photovoltaics
What Ofcom's Advice Means for Five
DOD Grapples with Cyberattack Coordination
Weapons-Grade Plutonium Found in U.S. Landfill
Spain to Regulate Prices on Underwater Cabling
'Write' with Atoms Using An Atomic Force Microscope
Will Microsoft Cost Cuts "Starbucks Hot Coffee Program" and Other Perks?
USAF Remains Committed to Unmanned Aircraft Systems
iPhone Controls Your Computer as Well as Your Life
China Extends 'Lewd' Crackdown
to Cell Phones
to Sail Autonomously Across the Atlantic
SEC Digging into Steve Jobs' Health Disclosures
Mysterious New
Computer Virus May Be 'Sleeper' Agent
Here Comes the BlackBerry Application Storefront
Gordon Brown Brings Britain to the Edge of Bankruptcy
'Core-Shell' Silicon Nanowires
May Improve Lithium-Ion Batteries
The Flip Phone Takes a Dip in
FCC Reports
Decline in BPL Customers
Solar-Powered LED Light
Made of Bottles
In a Stampede Toward PC TV, 'Programmable Broadband' Emerges
New FCC Chairman Signals Major Change
Automakers Install Solar Panels on Prius, Audi A8
Infineon Ships 100 Millionth
Chips for Low-Cost Mobile Phones
RFID Helps Army Better Track Tank Parts
Landmark Year Ahead for Earth Observation Science Missions
Nanosensors Made
Italy Antiterrorism Law Stunts Wi-Fi, Critics Say
Analog Devices Cuts Power of MEMS 3-Axis Accelerator
Utah Researcher
Believes RFID Is the Key to Safe Driving
Samsung to Divide into Consumer and Component Divisions
Radar Provides First Look Inside Moon’s Shadowed Craters
Bell Offers 1,500 Union Staff Retirement Incentive
Micromotors Assist
Vascular Surgery
Girls Have the Edge over
Boys in Adopting New Technologies (ever wonder why are
there never headlines about where boys excel over girls?)
The EC's Latest Objection: Is it Time to Unbundle IE from Windows?
Don't Blame Technology, Blame the Parents
U.S. Patent Firms Seeks
Ban on Imports of Nokia, HTC Mobile Phones
Senate Considers Delaying DTV Transition Until June
China Plans Own Satellite
Navigation System by 2015
Created with Printer Significantly Improved
AMD Sheds Another 1,100 Jobs, Cuts Pay
Alternative Positioning Technologies Will Provide 25% of All Positioning Solutions
by 2014
South Korea:
First Out of the Gate when Economy Recovers? (very possible,
and for a good reason...)
Weird Stuff: Making Supersolids with Ultracold Gas Atoms
Start Selling Wi-Fi Encryption Cracker
Time to be Tracked to 100 Trillionths of Second Soon
Apprentice Scheme Key to Skills
PCTEST Lab Selects Spirent(R) Communications for Over-the-Air A-GPS Testing
Clear Channel Restructuring Coming
Military Commitments, Reliance on Technology, Increase Importance of Army Depot
UAE Will Soon Have Nuclear Capabilities
Averna RF Test Platform
Gains Digital Radio and Video Tools
The Cellphone Slide
Batelco Buys 49% Stake
in Indian Regional Mobile Network
U.K. Funds Four Renewable Energy Projects that Promise a Greener Existence
95% of All Music Downloads are Unauthorized
of Thermoelectric Effect is Cool Feature in Carbon Nanotubes
21,000 Jobs Worldwide Erased in Day as Recession Chokes Demand
Technology to Block Phones in Cars Isn't Foolproof
Assembly of Electronic Biological Chips
Qualcomm Set to Bring 40 MediaFLO Markets Online as Possible DTV Delay Looms
New Wireless 60 GHz Standard
Promises Ultra-Fast Applications
Science Closing in on Cloak of Invisibility
Cloaking Device May Make Cell Phone Static Vanish
Broadcom Gets Boost in
GPS Patent Lawsuit
Hitachi Faces Loss Due to Renesas
May Still Be a Living Planet, Methane in Atmosphere Reveals
U.S. Trade Panel Bars SiRF GPS Chips in Patent Fight
NEC Working on Updated
WiMAX Product Range
FCC Chairman
Kevin Martin Announces Resignation
Downadup Worm Hits Over
3.5 Million Computers
Researchers Chemically Align Carbon Nanotubes
Sony Ericsson Swings
into Loss on Lower Handset Sales/Margins
Raytheon Wins $12.2M Miniature Air-Launched Decoy-Jammer Study
Planetspace Files Protest Against Competition in Space
Crude Prices Tumble Below $34
Sanyo Cuts Net Profit Outlook, Slashes 1,200 Jobs
'Hands' for Building Tomorrow’s Machines
Economic Downturn Cancels out 15% Annual PC Market Growth
$150M Inauguration During Global Recession & Scandal?
Review "Favorable" to Cape Wind Farm
China Wary About the Power of "Netizens" in 2009
Trumps Germany as World's 3rd Largest Economy
Intel Invests $23M in Three India Companies
FCC OKs Temporary Emergency Broadcasts after DTV Switch
WiMAX Will Lag, LTE Might Catch Up
Semi Industry
Looks to Washington for Positive Change
High Growth Forecasted
for the Mobile Internet 2010
Linear Cuts 100 Jobs, Sales Fall 20%
Fearless IC Predictions from Wall Street
Motorola to Cut 4,000
More Jobs in 2009
Ex-Fighter Pilot Could Be Next NASA Chief
First 4G LTE Mobile Network Planned for Europe
Bigger, Stretchier
Shortwave Radio Still Packs
an Audible Thrill
Europe Earmarks Major Projects in Year of Astronomy
U.S. Lead in Patents Narrows
Spin-Polarized Electrons
on Demand
Photodetectors Could Help Sharpen Photos
NASA Tests Engine Technology for Landing Astronauts on the Moon
Two Terabyte
SD Cards Coming Soon
Internet Growth Follows
Moore's Law Too
EADS North America to Provide Simulator-Based Training to U.S. Air Force
Google to Cut 100 Jobs, Close Engineering Offices
(beats having to sell the luxury
Boeing 767!)
Researchers Claim Carbon Nanotubes Breakthrough
Electronic Inks
from Carbon Nanotubes
Do We Have a 700 MHz Problem?
Freescale Cuts Pay, Freezes Benefits
First Ever All-LED Headlamps on New V10 Version of Audi R8
DoD Falling Short on RFID, IUID and Logistics Plans
Mobile Phone Use Does
Not Cause Eye Cancer
Nortel Networks Files
for Bankruptcy Protection
Four Student Teams Selected to Fly Their Theses
Adaptive Braking Systems Boost Semiconductor Demand
Washington State Rep Reintroduces RFID Legislation
When Will Semis Recover?
Cellular Base Station
Chip Makers Face Declining Demand
Lithium-Ion Battery Firm Gets $55M from VCs
GPS Alone Just Won't Cut It for Location-Based Cell Phone Services
Applied, Boeing Could Gain from U.S.-China Tech Deal
Japan to Launch Korean Spysat in First Foreign Contract
Home Turbines Fail to Deliver
as Promised, Warns British Study
Internet Safety Technical Task
Force Issues Report Looking at Online Risks
Astronomers Seek Funds Amid
Cash Black Holes
Lighting: New LED Drops the 'Droop'
Pentagon: 61 Ex-Guantanamo Inmates Return to Terrorism
Dutch Government to Extend Scheme to Cut Working Hours for Savings
Motorola Planning Huge
Job Cuts in Handset Division
Hong Kong Named World's Freest Economy
Amkor Expects Sales to be Down as Much as 25%
Obama Appoints Genachowski to Head FCC Chairmanship
ARRL 500 kHz
Experiment Shows Increased Activity
U.S. Christmas Holiday Consumer Tech Sales Fell 5.7%
New LED Technology Lights Up the Future
Researchers Measure Elusive Repulsive Force from Quantum Fluctuations
in a Troubled Economy
Researchers Create Microscope
With 100 Million Times Finer Resolution Than Current MRI
FCC: We're Taking "White Spaces" Work Global, Baby!
Equipment Industry Will 'Pay the Price'
GM to Build Its
Own Batteries
Picocells, WiFi, Energy Harvesting, Smart Metering among Technologies to Watch in
DTV: It's
the Antenna, Stupid
China Experiences the Onset of a 3G Boom
Microgrippers Grab Living Cells in 'Biopsy' Tests
Seagate to Lay Off 10% of U.S. Staff
As Storms
Pummeled Northwestern States, Hams Responded to Local Needs
China's Population of
Web Users Hits 298M (Why is 298 significant? Why not
wait for 300 to make a big deal of it? Was 297 a headliner?)
Tech Giants Team on Education Push
Pair Accused of Assault over
Wii Christmas Gift
Bankers Expect Global Recovery in 2010 (why do we even
listen to these guys anymore?)
2009 GPS Market to Be
up over 25% Despite Poor Semiconductor Outlook (know
exactly where you are in the unemployment line)
National Safety
Council: Ban Cell Phones While Driving
14,528 Text Messages in One Month with 440-Page Bill
China Mobile Plans $8.6B
3G CAPEX in 2009
Toyota to Sell Tiny U.S. 'Urban Commuter' Battery Car by 2012
Hard Times and Empty Seats at CES
U.S. DoD
Picks Four for RFID III
Technology's Next Frontier: In-Car Computing
Cyan and Micrel to Develop Wireless Metering Systems
Northrop Grumman Downgrades Space Division in Corporate Shakeup
FCC Chairman Hedges on Shutoff Date for Analog TV
RFMD Generates $40M Free Cash Flow
Why Men Rank Higher than
Women at Chess
Microsoft Offers Unlimited Windows 7 Downloads
Faster 4G Phone Service May
be Slower to Arrive
Weakened Algorithm
Threatens Online Identity
Euro-Police Hacking Goes Out of Control
to Launch Insight Hybrid in Japan in February
Scientists Levitate
Tiny Balls Using Quantum Mechanics
Touch-Screen Gadgets Alienate Blind (Braille to be mandated
on BlackBerries, like on ATM machines?)
UK Hacker of DoD Offers Guilty Plea to Avoid Extradition to U.S.
Wireless Power Supplies Energizes CES
Powerful Solar
Storm Could Shut Down U.S. for Months
Revealed: The Environmental Impact of Google Searches
PopSci Predicts: The Year Ahead in Science and Technology
Giant Plasma TVs Face Ban in Battle to Green Britain
Older Folks Like Wii, PCs and Cellphones, Too
NYPD Eyes Disrupting Cell Phones in Event of Terrorist Attack
ON Semi Lays Off 1500, Closes Plants, Forces Unpaid Time Off
U.S. Companies Face $409B Pension Deficit
Army Awards $430M RFID Contract
Mobile Tariff Price Cuts
Drive Bullish Growth in Germany
Tech Jobs Hard to Find (check out the RF Cafe Job Board)
Goodies for High-Tech in Obama $700B Recovery Plan
Coming Soon to Cellphones: Free, Over-the-Air TV
Micronetics Supplies Microwave Subassemblies for Jamming Systems
U.S. Army Recruiters Going after
Study Reveals Hazards of Severe Space Weather on Communications
Nanotube Superbatteries
KEMET Announces New Trading Symbol for the OTC
FCC Clarifies
Closed Captioning Requirements for DTV Receivers
Warehouse Fire Blamed
on Overheating Mobile Phone Battery
France to Supply Technology for Vietnam Satellite
Mobile & Wireless Slideshow: 10 Killer Phones Spotted at the 2009 CES
Broadcasts to Mobile
Devices to Start in 22 Cities
Irish Jobless Claims Rise to 15-Year High
'Reviving' Galileo's First Telescopes
Sony Making Video Bifocals
and Bendable Televisions
UFO Hits Wind Turbine in U.K.
TriQuint Hazmat Incident Forces Worker Evacuation
EC Raids Smart Card Chip Makers
Oil Drops Largest % in 7 Years on Crude Build
2008 ARRL Periodicals on CD-ROM Now
RoHS2 is Coming - Will It Work Better Than RoHS?
Scientists Discover Way to Levitate
Tiny Objects
Broadcom Demonstrates Next Generation Bluetooth Supporting a 10x Increase in Speed
DSP Shipments Collapse, But Wireless Holds Up
Engineers Develop New Power
Line De-Icing System
Recession to Cut Broadband Growth
European Mobile Subscriber
Growth Falls to Sixth Successive Low
Handset Market Grows Just 7% in 2008
China Plans $50B Chip Investment, Despite Downturn
Outside View: Internet Threats -- Part 6
Broadcasters Fear Losing Free Sports Telecasts
Scientists Propose Thermal
Memory to Store Data
New E-Paper Technology
Speeds Up
Scientists Hear Mystery Boom
from Space
Oregon Teens Largely
Ignoring Cell Phone Driving Ban
AMC Blazes Trail for Lean Six Sigma in DOD
How Green Is Recycled
Plastic Lumber?
UK Retail Downturn Only Just Begun
Strategy Analytics: Handset Radio Components Down 2.9% in 2009
AMD Foundry Technology Transfer to Abu Dhabi Approved
Infineon Plans to Raise €450M
Traffic Control: Wireless Technology Could Reduce Congestion, Accidents
U.S. Teens Show a Positive Take on Sciences and Technology
Virtual Product Development Gaining Traction
Oscilloscopes Reach 30 GHz
China Confirms 3G License
Squeeze Light to Quantum Limit
Time Warner Cable to Book $15B Charge in 4Q
Wafer-Level Packaging Trends Up in 2009
Radio Revenues Will Fall 13% in 2009. Or More.
New Hydrogen Production
Method Could Reduce Need for Fossil Fuels
Motorola Puts a Green Jacket on a Carbon-Neutral Handset
Erie Real Estate Ranked 2nd in Nation for Growth in Value (I live in Erie)
Flash in Heavens Has No Earthly Explanation
Russian Girl Creates Next Soyuz Crew Patch
Researchers Calculate Oil Consumption Benefit of Energy-Efficient LED Lighting
Crying Wolf: Lawmakers Ignore Cyber-Threats ('lawbreakers'
is probably more appropriate)
Motorola Unveils Mobile
Phone Made Using Recycled Water Bottle Plastics
Tech Sector Faces Worsening Credit Conditions
Time for a New National Security Space Paradigm - U.S. Space Preeminence Eroding
A Better Way to Make Nanotubes
Abnormality in Fundamental Building Block of Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Foundation for Amateur Radio Invites
Scholarship Applications
Tech Companies Will Stick to Safe Deals in 2009
An Omnivorous
Fuel Cell
China-Russia Mars Mission Set for Takeoff
TV Converter Coupon Program is out of Cash
ISSCC Papers Look Toward High-Definition in Your Handset
Astronomy's Big Year
Phone Projector Beams Images Up to 50 Inches Wide
NXP 'Being Prepared for Sale'
Tidal Power System
Hits Record Output
Effect in Strong Laser Field Interaction Under Attack
Makes Predictions for Radio in 2009
Defense Act Keeps OMB from Directing Competitions
Semiconductor Sales Down 7.2%
in November 2008
Europe Faces Energy Crisis as Vladimir Putin Cuts Russian Gas Supply
Wi-Fi on Airlines is No Bargain
Polaroid Files for Bankruptcy
Princeton Reports New Lasing Mechanism in Quantum Cascade Laser
Recession Likely to Steal Glitz
from Gadget Show
Mobile TV Start-Up Gets $7M Funding for Products
Wireless LAN Powers Supermarket of the Future
Russia Has a Crisis-Free Year in Space
Toshiba Enters Solar Systems Business
Samsung Unveils Word's Slimmest
Interest in Home Networking
Migrates to Mobile and Portable Devices
Northrop Grumman's Global Hawk Maritime Demonstration UAV Program Receives Prestigious
U.S. Navy Test Team Award
Big Solar Power Plant Planned for Northwest China
Spinning Silk into
Virgin Galactic Signs Deal to Build Spaceport in New Mexico
California Micro Devices Receives 2008 'Product of the Year' Award from Electronic
Sydney Waste Site Turns Trash into Power
IE: Inevitable Extinction?
Godzilla-Like Substrate
Sizes— A Huge Challenge for Equipment Suppliers
Apple's Jobs Reveals Health Problem
600,000 New Government Employees (just what we DON'T
Japan Races to Build a Zero-Emission
North American Sites Hold 12,900-Year-Old Nanodiamond-Rich Soil
After 6 Months, Drivers Ignoring Cellphone Ban
EU's New Figurehead Believes Climate Change is a Myth
Obama Moves to Counter China with Pentagon-NASA Link
English Hippies
Want Local Wi-Fi Network Turned Off
Key Jams Teen Drivers' Cell Phones
Planning Huge Job Losses
"Z2K" Zune Extinction
Event: Microsoft Music Players All Freeze Up at Once
Stocks Suffer Worst Year Since Great Depression
Military Times Poll: Wary About Obama
Wireless Gadget Racket
Threatens Pulsar Research
2009 is International Year of the Telescope
Graphene Memories Denser than Flash
Plugging Efficiency Gap in Power Design
FCC Head Drops Filtering from Free Broadband Plan
Japan Still Tough for Foreign Components Distributors
Semiconductor International's Top 100 for 2008
Internet Surpasses Newspapers as Main News Source
Wal-Mart's iPhone Launch Meets Widespread Outage
Global 'Averaged' Chip Sales Fell 9.8% in November
ON Semi Confirms 200 Layoffs, Fab Closure
Wood Grain Standards Will Dramatically Reduce Baseball Bat Shattering
First as ALICE Achieves Energy Recovery at 11 MV
Scientists Extend the Lifetime
of Quantum Memory
U.S. Manufacturing Activity Falls to 28-Year Low in December
Microsoft Poised to Lay off 15,000 Staff?
Nanotech Could Provide
Sharper Images
Hong Kong Air Pollution Worst Since Records Began (good
thing they are exempt from Kyoto)