Thieves Watching Holiday Trash to Find Targets
Top 10 Wireless Industry Predictions for 2012
New Year's Eve Science: Toasting the Chemistry of Champagne
China Push to Put Astronaut on the Moon
(USA is toast if we don't get real
Incredible Things That Happen Every 60 Seconds on the Internet
Top Scientific Discoveries of 2011
Subtle Electronic Effect in Magnetite Discovered
Must-See Science Videos of 2011
U.S. Court Upholds Telecom Immunity for Surveillance
Amazon Says 2011 'Best Holiday Ever' for Kindle
The Year’s Top 10 Apps for Android Phones
Are Superluminal Neutrinos Possible?
(a question I have often pondered)
Verizon Wireless Faces $1B Lawsuit from Phone Retailer
Apple in Race to Keep Ahead in 2012
Verizon Adds $2 Charge, Admits 4G Network Issues
Over 50,000 Apps Now Available in Windows Phone Market
Christian Named Broadcaster of the Year
Metal-Assisted Chemical Etching Makes High-Aspect-Ratio Wet Etch
Extremely Large Telescope's Construction to Begin Next Year
What If Electric Cars Were Better?
Sun Storms May Slam Earth
FCC Scrambles to Cope with Data Avalanche
Yaesu’s Amateur Radio Division Breaks with Motorola, Changes Name
to Yaesu Musen
EE Times 10 Most Read News Stories of 2011
Verizon Wireless Hit by Third LTE Network Outage This Month
Facebook Scams in 2011
The Art of Molecular Carpet-Weaving: 2-D Networks from Boron Acids
NASA's 2011 Year-End Review
NPR's Year in Review: Mega Tech Brands Raise Megabucks
FM Receivers Operate as Standalone TMC Receivers
Next-Gen iPad to Be Shown Off Next Month
At Construction Sites, RFID Tracks Arrivals, Departures
MSNBC's Top 10 Tech Stories of 2011
China Satellite Navigation System Starts Service
US-CERT Says Wi-Fi Hole Open to Brute Force Attack
Microsoft Lines up 'Superphones' for 2012
Despite RIM Takeover Talk, Hurdles Would Be High
Exploding HP Printers Turn Out to Be Not So Explosive
New Satellites to Extend China's Military Reach
Google and Facebook Top 2011's Most Visited Sites in U.S.
5 Tech Trends to Watch in 2012
11 Scientific Twists from 2011
Your Cell Phone is Out of Your Control
ARRL Launches New DIY Campaign
Researchers Propose New 12-Month Calendar
'Sketching' Electronics with Conductive Ink
Apple Reported to Be Working on Redesigned iPhone
GSM Phones Vulnerable to Hijack Scams
Faster Broadband for Welsh Rural Areas by Summer 2012
Timeline: A History of Touch-Screen Technology
Google Activates 3.7M Android Devices over Christmas, But Apple
Cause of Death Still Unknown in Cape Coral Tower Death
Urban Indians Sleep Increasingly Disturbed by Gadgets
The Internet's Perilous New Year's Resolution
Holographic 3-D Looks Tantalizingly Closer in 2012
Twin Probes to Orbit Moon, Study Gravity Field
8,000 Staff Strike at LG Display's Chinese Factory over Bonuses
(watch out for the tanks)
2011 Was the Year of the Restless Sun
Will Russia's Mars Probe Fall in Afghanistan? Too Early to Tell
Thieves Steal ½-Mile of Copper off Poles
Doh! Top Science Journal Retractions of 2011
Tech Disasters of 2011
Apple Researching Hydrogen Fuel Cell Battery
Top 10 Worst Tech Presents for Christmas
USPTO Begins Electronic Delivery of Pre-Grant Search Results to
the European Patent Office (EPO)
LinkedIn Releases IndexEngine Search As Open Source
Onset of Electrical Resistance Measured for First Time
Research In Motion Facing Trademark Dispute over BBM Service
Patents Are Getting Out of Hand
5 Simple (But Hidden!) Tricks All New iPhone/iPad Owners Should
Sapphire Supply and Demand Back in Check
France Telecom Sells its Swiss Subsidiary for $2.14B
Students: Irregular Study Gets Best Result
New Technique Makes It Easier to Etch Semiconductors
A Polaroid Instant Camera for the Digital Age
China Launches High-Resolution Remote-Sensing Satellite
China Tests 500 km/h Super High-Speed Train
Self-Healing Electronics Could Work Longer and Reduce Waste
45-Year-Old Spy Satellite Program Declassified
Vietnam Store Makes Christmas Tree from Cellphones
Navy's X-47B on Truck Trailer Mistaken for UFO
AT&T Gets Conditional Approval for $1.9B Radio Spectrum Purchase
Researchers Double Organic Semiconductor Conductivity
Outsider Physicists and the Oh-My-God Particle
RIM Waves off Amazon Interest, Says It Can Turn Things Around
Paint-On Solar Cells Developed
Wireless Infrastructure Gear Market Grew 9% in 2011
Mysterious Metallic Sphere Falls from the Sky
Samsung Shows Off Dual-SIM Android Smartphones
Hacker Finds Weak Mobile Security in Europe
Electronic Gadgets OK on Airplanes, Study Suggests
Russian Satellite Hits 'Cosmonaut Street' in Siberia
Russian Spacecraft Delivers 3 to Orbiting Station
(at least that one made it)
'Anonymous' Hackers Hit U.S. Security Firm Stratfor
PayPal Tests Wireless Mobile Payments in Sweden
Study Links College Football Success to Decrease in Male GPA
Young Women Get Introduced to Electrical Jobs at 11th Annual Yukon
Career Fair
Saturn Moons Spied from the Side
The 'Science' of Santa
An Expert's Take on Snowflakes
Top 10 Reasons Why Large Companies Fail to Keep Their Best Talent
FCC Approves AT&T Purchase of Qualcomm Spectrum
More Powerful Supercomputers?
Verizon's 4G Service Suffers Yet Another Outage
Terahertz Pulse Increases Electron Density in GaAs 1000x
Webpages Showing Sharp Growth in Size, 965 kB on Average
(RF Cafe 2012 will shrink)
Large Hadron Collider Discovers First New Particle
Most Employees Will Work Through the Holidays, But Get Little Done
(IPV: in-plant vacation)
10 Notable Blunders of Electronics World in 2011
Bill That Could Break the Internet' Delayed Until 2012
10 Super Extravagant Gifts for the CEO Who Has Everything
Smart Meter ICs to Be a Billion Dollar Market in 2016
Nanotransistor Boosts Sensitivity of Gene Sequencer
Indian Government Blocks 3G Roaming Agreements Between Operators
'Plasmonic Nanoantennas' Show Promise in Optical Innovations
Organic Semiconductors Now Made More Conductive Than Ever
Digi-Key to Grow Short-Order Production Business
Patent Firm Sues German Retailers for HTC Phones
Teliasonera Pays $1.52B for 49% Stake in GSM Kazakhstan
The Puzzle of 3-D Images from a Single Shot
'Space Ball' Drops on Namibia
U.S. Population Growth Slowest Since Before Baby Boom
(Illegal aliens fueling growth,
legal citizens not having kids)
Verizon Investigated over Radio Spectrum Purchase
Self-Healing Electronic Chip Tests May Aid Space Travel
The 10 Biggest Stories of 2011 in Mobile Tech
The Onset of Electrical Resistance
Czech Firms Report on NFC Trial
Amazon, Microsoft and Nokia Mulled Takeover Bids for Research in
Don't Believe BlackBerry Takeover Rumors
Record Conductivity Achieved in Strained Lattice Organic Semiconductor
Irish Privacy Watchdog Calls for Facebook Changes
Steve Jobs Statue Unveiled in Hungary
Linear Acquires Wireless Sensor Firm Dust Networks
Court Lends an Ear to Complaints Against FCC's Efforts on Special
Access Reform
Capture of U.S. Hi-Tech Drone Signifies Iran's Power in Electronic
Warfare (or not)
All 7 Planets in the Night Sky This Week
Mobile Internet Increasingly Available, But Europe Missing out on
High Speed Broadband
Bouncing Data Would Speed Up Data Centers
Don't Expect the Phone to Replace the Wallet Soon
FCC Official: "Internet Freedom" Threatened
Google Invests in Utility-Scale U.S. Solar Photovoltaic Projects
Norman Krim, Who Championed the Transistor, Dies at 98
New Crew to Spend Christmas on the Space Station
Universal Transistor Serves as a Basis to Perform Any Logic Function
More States Ban Disposal of Electronics in Landfills
Year 12 Students Ditching 'Boring' Science in Droves
Wireless Infrastructure Drives RF Power Semi Markets over $1B in
Eurozone Crisis Stunts Power Semiconductor Growth
Sweet Success: Global 100 Operators Report 2011
FCC's McDowell Opposes Setting Aside More TV Spectrum for Unlicensed
Living 'Neon Signs' Composed of Millions of Glowing Bacteria
New York Plans $2B Tech Campus
5 Signs that Employees are in Survival Mode
Metal Undergoes Novel Transition Under Extreme Pressure
FCC Gets a New Chief Technology Officer
Samsung Galaxy Nexus Teardown Shows Tidy 'Ice Cream Sandwich' Smartphone
Cascade Lasers Become Three Times More Powerful
Africa Pitches New Promised Land for Astronomers
(just hope the warring tribes of a peaceful religion stay away)
NASA Announces Kepler Discovery of Earth-Size Planets
Look, No Hands! Italian Driver Caught on Two Phones
Rare Earth Demand, Supply Rising for the Next 5 Years
Cornell Wins NYC Science-Campus Competition
Three Drivers Behind Asia-Pacific's Explosive Smartphone Growth
Research Provides Insight into Ultrafast Laser Pulse Behaviour
Cars to Come Equipped with Embedded Wireless
Paris Gets Interactive NFC Mailboxes
China Probing Blast at Apple Supplier Factory
Military Prepares MUOS Satellite for February Launch
Get Ready for Land Grabs at 5 & 60 GHz
AT&T Walks Away from $39B Takeover of T-Mobile USA
Americans Losing Addiction to 'CrackBerrys'
(I believe this is a media-driven
Researchers Measure Nanometer Scale Temperature
Mouser Grows Sales Operation in Europe
Windows 8 to Feature Image Sign-on System
Scientists in Germany Create Acoustic Invisibility Cloak
(I've already done that - nobody
ever hears what I say ;-)
On the Edge of Friction
Sky-High Expectations Surrounding Mobile Networks
Popular Kim Jong Il Photo Blog May Live On
(stupid people idolize this Communist
paradise leader who starved his people - they can be found at OWS
Google Adds Christmas Easter Egg
(it only works in Chrome for me)
"Whatever" Named Most Annoying Word Again in 2011
MIT to Offer Labs, Certificates to Virtual Students
Semiconductor Market Hits $302B in 2011
Army Rangers Take Smart Phone to Afghanistan
Can We Build Tomorrow's Breakthroughs?
BT Sues Google over Android 'Patent Infringements'
NFC Forum and Bluetooth SIG Publish NFC Developers Guide
Rebooting Philanthropy in Silicon Valley
Voltage Increases Up to 25% Observed in Closely Packed Nanowires
New NASA Rover Studying Space Radiation En Route to Mars
Samsung Tops UK Website Phone Sales Chart
RFID Sheet Antennas Enable Unique Shelf-Management Systems
A New Kind of Metal in the Deep Earth
Semi Confidence Lower Than Last Year
RF Mixers to Reduce Distortion in 4G Basestations
Verizon Continues to Gobble up MSO Spectrum
NASA Shuts Doors, Pulls Plug on Shuttle Discovery
(need the money for green energy
scams to donors)
Spy Drone GPS Spoofing Claims Doubted by Security Analysts
Saudi Prince Purchases $300M Stake in Twitter
(maybe Saudis would like a record
of your Tweets, too)
Audi Chief Calls Troubled Chevy Volt “A Car for Idiots”
(see video)
Spectrum Fragmentation Will Result in Costlier LTE Devices, Warns
Fewer Christmas Cards Make Their Way Via Snail Mail
5 European Startups to Watch
NTT DoCoMo Predicts 48% Increase in Data Revenues in 4 Years
NASA Builds Six-Foot Crossbow to Harpoon Comets
Operator Hears, Reports Dumb Thieves Talk of Heist After Pocket-Dial
Almost Noiseless Nanomechanical Microwave Amplifier
Venture Capital Winners of 2011
Snag This Glowing Apple iPhone 4 Mod Before Apple’s Lawyers Do
Wi-Fi Enabled Posters Deliver Police Messages in London
ST Creates Early-Stage Venture Capital Fund
Cox Cable Sells Wireless Spectrum to Verizon
LightSquared Demands Investigation into Lower-Band Test Leaks
Google Awarded Patent for Driverless Car
Hot Development Area: TV Antennas
NASA Makes Changes to Commercial Space Taxi Program
(we're screwed for the foreseeable future)
Antarctic Ice Wired for Long-Distance Calls
Researchers Prepare Cheap Quantum Dot Solar Paint
The Future of War: Far-Out Battle Tech
4G Mobile is Ready to Power Ahead
USAF and Lockheed Martin Agree on Satellite Command and Control
Research Project
Nokia Continues to Dominate Indian Mobile Market as Shipments Rise
Experts Question Need for Stronger Cellphone Ban
Comet Defies Death, Brushes up to Sun and Lives
'Smart Connector' for Coax Could Save Millions in Lost Revenue
DARPA Builds Space-Based Telescope for Missile Tracking
Amateur Radio Balloon Flight Crosses Atlantic, Sets Records
LTE Pricing is Set to Decline by 60% over the Next 5 Years
New Path to Flex and Stretch Electronics
TV Companies Have a Year to Pipe Down Loud Ads
Are We Too Hooked on Our Phones for a Driving Ban?
U.S. Forces-Afghanistan Buys Tactical Comms Units
Intel Announces Mobile, Wireless Reorganization
35M Handsets in 2011 Marks Breakthrough Year for NFC
Net Access: EU Survey Shows Geographic Divisions
Engineers Enhance Thin-Film Thermal Conductivity
U.S. Teens Triple Data Usage
New Report Maps Out the Current Status and Future Trends in NFC
Does LightSquared Interfere with 75% of GPS Systems?
Tablet Computers Read Blood Pressure over Bluetooth
ST Claims World's First Contactless Wafer Test
NASA Spacecraft Cozies Up to Gigantic Asteroid
Even Headsets Are Dangerous for Drivers
Firearm Sales Way Up During Holiday Season
(go ahead, make my day)
NTSB Seeks Nationwide Ban on Driver Use of Personal Electronic Devices
Alexander Graham Bell Recordings Played from 1880s
ARRL Warns Members to be Aware of New E-Mail Scams
FBI Denies Request for Info on Smartphone Spyware
European Businesses Keen to Deploy Tablets in 2012
Ofcom: UK Lags on Fast Broadband
Tweeting in Court is Allowed
Optical Fiber Innovation Could Make Future Optical Computers a 'SNAP'
Artificial Electronic Skin Device Capable of Detecting and Responding
to Touch
Deadline Approaching for Hams to Recommend Updates to Microwave
Band Plan
AT&T's 4G LTE Comes to NYC
Nanocrystals Go Bare
FCC's Voluntary Auction Legislation Passes House
Semiconductor Capital Equipment Spending to Decline 19.5% in 2012
IBM to Develop NFC Payments Solutions in Moscow
Original Apple Founders' Document Sells For $1.6M
Two Hurricane Experts Won’t Make December Forecasts Anymore
Despite Growth, China Too Faces Debt Problems
Household Electricity Bills Skyrocket
(don't look for sympathy
from the top)
U.S. Consumer Electronics Industry Faces $17B Product Returns Bill
This Year (ouch!)
WiGig Preps Software Specs for 60 GHz
New Generation GPS Satellite Starts Tests in Colo.
Blue Christmas for Tech Stocks
NASA Intros "Third Rock Radio"
Multi-Purpose Photonic Chip Paves Way to Quantum Processors
Scientists Close In on 'God Particle'
LightSquared to Propose 'Upper Band' for 4G Network
Here Come the Quantum Dot TVs and Wallpaper
'Matrix'-Style Effortless Learning? Vision Scientists Demonstrate
Innovative Learning Method
(I want the helicopter pilot program that
Trinity got)
Microsoft Adds NFC to Tag Platform
Rad-Hard 3D Integrated Circuit Design for Aerospace and Defense
The World's Smallest Steam Engine Measures a Few Micrometers
Wi-Fi Beats Cellular for Tablet Connections
System Uses Small Electrical Currents to Aid Stroke Patients
Attention, Angel Investors Have Until Jan. 1 to Lock in 100% Tax-Free
Capital Gains on Startup Stock
Wireless Sensor Device Quickly Measures E. Coli Levels in Water
Apple Spent $460k to Lobby Government in Q3
(~2M iDollars per year)
High Winds of the Upper Atmosphere Contain Less Renewable Energy
Than Previously Assumed
Ham Radio in Hollywood: Comedian Tim Allen Stars as Radio Amateur
on New TV Show
Afghanistan Firm to Test Paying Wages by Mobile Phone Transfer
Blue Christmas for Tech Stocks
How Long Do Electrons Live in Graphene?
Carving at the Nanoscale
Police to Test Blinding 'Anti-Riot' Laser
Carbon Nanotubes Best for 3D Electronics
Army to Hit Civilian Workforce with Nearly 9,000 Cuts
Nokia Siemens Networks Sells Fixed Line Broadband Access Division
Samsung Claims over 300M Mobile Handset Sales in 2011
Japan Launches Second Spy Satellite This Year
Startup Turns Your Cell-Phone Number into a Location Fix
Are These Satellite Images Exposing America's Secrets?
Mobile Devices Pushing International Remittances to $55B in 2016
Newton’s Handwritten Notes on Laws of Motion Published Online for
First Time
Deep-Sea Battery Comes to Light
Optical Chips Can Now Control Quantum Entanglement
(I'm still a bit dubious about
entanglement as hypothisized)
U.S. Military Needs Versatile Weapons Systems
Industrialized Nations Borrowing >$10T in 2011
Copper Thieves Targeting DISD Campuses
8 Reasons Why the Electric Car Will Not Be a Success Anytime Soon
Army Slashing 8,700 Jobs as Budget Cuts Begin
Israel Shocked by Undamaged Captured Drone
(I hope that bugger is booby-trapped
to detonate upon breach)
A Modest Proposal for Immigration: The $100,000 Green Card
(heck, just buy a ticket to Mexico
and get in free - full benefits and hero status)
Twelve 2012 Predictions for the Telecom Industry
Motorola Wins Apple Wireless Patent Fight in Germany
Lasers Can Tweak the Internal States of Atoms
Panasonic Confirms Plans to Re-enter European Smartphone Market
ViaSat-1 Passes Data Transmission Test
How the Verizon Spectrum Deal Changes the World Forever
Canadian WiMAX Network Tests LTE Overlay
Intel Takes a Seat on the Board of NFC Forum
Scientists Excited over Hints of Finding Elusive 'God Particle'
Germans Join Probe of Mobile Phone Tracker
Jigsaw Puzzlers Summoned to Defend the Nation
QRP Group Offers Free Kit Building Services to Hams with Physical
UK Distribution Market to Decline Next Year
Android Market Hits 10B Downloads
Starbucks China Adds NFC to Festive Check-in Campaign
Gartner Cuts 2012 Chip Market Forecast
Elusive Ultrafine Indoor Air Contaminants Yield to NIST Analysis
Yahoo Lottery Scam: Conmen Ordered to Pay Net Firm $610M
Astronomers Find Cosmic 'Dragonfish' Packed with Supermassive Stars
Lunar Eclipse Will Supersize Blood-Red Moon Saturday
Man Admits Stealing Cemetery Urns, Selling for Scrap
Verizon Wireless Says 4G Service Restored
One of the World's Smallest Electronic Circuits Created
U.S. Weighed 3 Options for Destroying Downed RQ-170
IEEE Elects 3 Texas Instruments Engineers to Fellow
Start-up Seeks New Life for Planar Transistors
More Drivers Texting at the Wheel
Nokia Looking to Sell its Luxury Handset Division
Why QR Codes Aren't Catching On
IBM Extends Graphene to Silicon Scales
Physicists Find That an Ultrahigh-Energy Proton Looks Like a Black
EU Court Rules ISPs Cannot Be Forced to Block Copyrighted Content
38% Are Concerned About Safety of Electric Cars
(I actually like the eCar concept,
just not ready yet)
Everything Everywhere Outlines UK Network Upgrade Plans
Nippon Steel Develops Japan’s First 6” SiC Single-Crystal Wafer
TomTom GPS Shares Up as It Will Cut 10% of Workforce
New '3-D' Transistors Promising Future Chips, Lighter Laptops
Cellphones Test Strength of Gym Rules
NASA Rover Finds Convincing Evidence of Water on Ancient Mars
Drone Crash in Iran Reveals Secret U.S. Surveillance Effort
Pearl Harbor Attack Remembered at 70th Anniversary
Library of Congress to Receive Entire Twitter Archive
(go ahead, tweet away, Big Bro
loves it)
Bill Gates to Build Next-Gen Nuclear Reactors with China
Gov't Motors (GM) Volt Battery Issues Growing, Safety Findings May
Have Been Suppressed (feel
your gov't is scamming you yet?)
A High-Stakes Search Continues for Silicon’s Successor
Voltage Increases up to 25% Observed in Closely Packed Nanowires
Taiwan Spy Agency Denies "Electromagnetic Wave" Attack
(nothing a tinfoil hat won't protect
Graphene Chip at 2 GHz
Mexican Networks Drop Legal Action over 2010 Radio Spectrum Auction
Android Marks 10B Downloads for Google
(not even 1 from me, Apple neither)
Hollow Through-Silicon Vias Ease Expansion Issues
Superhard Carbon Material Could Crack Diamond
Renewed IRA Provision on Charitable Giving Makes It Easy to Support
ARRL Through 2012
Longtime FCC Commissioner Copps to Retire
Norwegian Mobile Market Sees Less Voice and SMS - More Mobile Data
Media Salivating over Big Political Spending Season
(½ of it from a political party
they'll then bash at every opportunity)
Thales Communications to Enhance Wideband SATCOM Capability with
Pending Acquisition of Tampa Microwave
Daimler Tests Wireless Electric Vehicle Chargers
China's Hu Urges Navy to Prepare for Combat
(hurry to Walmart and buy more
Chinese goods to fund them)
Silicon-Free MoS2 Promises Small, Low-Energy Chips
RQ-170 Drone Crash Might Put U.S. Sensor Technology at Risk
(possible sabotage in USAF? check
everyone involved)
Jobs [not Steve] Still Engineers' Top 2011 Concern
Lawyers Turn to SMS to Deliver Eviction Notices to Protesters
Power in Numbers: China Aims for High-Tech Primacy
Special Prefixes on Tap for Canadian Stations this December
Korea to Eliminate Paper Receipts with NFC
Earth's Radiation Balance Target for New NASA Airborne Study
MEMS Transistor Integrated on CMOS
Verizon Blocking Google Wallet on Android Smartphones
Liquid-Nitrogen Engine Could Be an Alternative to Batteries
1 in 4 Starbucks Card Transactions Done via Mobile
Printed CNT Transistor Circuits May Lead to Cheaper OLED Displays
Google Security Expert Demonstrates Web Browser History Theft
(Big Bro know where you've been)
Qualcomm Atheros Launches World’s First HomePlug Green PHY Solution
Voyager Hits New Region at Solar System Edge
(aka "V'Ger"
to Trekkies)
New Nanoscale Electronic State Discovered on Graphene Sheets
Electric Grid Needs Full-Time Cyberguard
Second Earth Found? Location is Promising
DARPA, Northrop Team on RF Transmitters Project
Nano Paint Could Make Airplanes Invisible to Radar
S-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g Electrical Conductance to the Limit
Samsung Can Sell Disputed Devices in U.S., for Now
Researchers Find Way to Observe, Control the Way Electrons Spin
on the Surface of Exotic New Materials
New Switch Could Improve Electronics
Wireless LAN Infrastructure Market Posts Record $1.7B in 3rd Quarter
Syria 'Bans iPhones' over Protest Footage
European October IC Sales Down 1.6% on the Month
Scientists Create Transistor Compatible with Living Cells
Are U.S. Cell Phone Carriers Complicit?
DOD Said on Verge of Authorizing Androids, iPhones
How Carriers Could Thwart Mobile Phone Thieves, But Don't
Wi-Fi Service Upgrade for Norway's Airports
MIT Recommends U.S. Power Grid Improvements and Security
Should Homeland Security Control the Electrical Grid?
China Post Office Offers Letters from Space
Online Learning, Personalized
Seattle Welfare Recipient Lives in $Million Home
(think this is an isolated incident?)
Smartphone Addicts Starting to Feel the Pain
Pentagon Official Calls for F-35 Production Slowdown
Church Uses Baby Monitor to Help Nab Suspected Copper Thieves
Could a Higgs Boson Announcement Be Imminent from the LHC?
(ha, see
Sept. headline from LHC)
Massive WWII Bomb Successfully Defused in Germany
Gov't Motors Offers to Buy Back All 6,000 Volts
(reverses ownership polarity...
will the $7k credit have to be given back?)
FCC Grants Secondary Service Allocation to Wireless Broadband Medical
Micropower Networks
U.S. Senator Calls for Answers on Phone 'Snooping'
Engineers Behind Russia's Failed Mars Probe Could Face Prosecution
FASTRAC-1 Satellite Digipeater Active
Defense Authorization Targets Industrial Base
Carrier IQ Responds to Spying Allegations as Companies Distance
$100B Invested in Smart Grid in 2011; to Double by 2015
Names Proposed for New Elements
(Rfcafenium still in the running)
Sprint and Clearwire Announce Agreement Worth Potentially $1.6B
RF Warhorse Takes on TI Transceiver as Booster
Cable Companies to Resell Verizon Wireless Service
Scientists Link Diamonds in Strange Quantum Entanglement
2011 Technology and Innovation Award Winners Revealed
Cellphone Towers Don't Hurt Property Prices - in New Zealand
Gasoline Fuel Cell Would Boost Electric Car Range
(is this an ironic joke?)
Instant Nanodots Grow on Silicon to Form Sensing Array
Month of Amazing Skywatching Awaits Us in December
Study Confirms Many of Us Go Online for No Reason
China Manufacturing PMI Plunges to 32-Month Low of 47.7
Tens of Millions of Smartphones Come with Spyware Preinstalled
Canadian Researchers Running JTRS-Compatible Radio Waveforms on
Android Smartphones and Tablets
The Startup Choice: Get Big or Get Bought
Can HP Printers Be Remote-Detonated?
Fully Printed Carbon Nanotube Transistor Circuits for Displays
Europe Proposes New Conditions on Research and Development
Internet Economy: Wireless Subscribers Drive Broadband Growth
Authorities Gauge Impact of Europe's Galileo Navigation Satellite
Dutch Banks and Carriers to Launch NFC in 2013
Alternatives to Quartz for Frequency References
Can Physicists Crack the Big Puzzle?
Legal Row over Carrier IQ 'Surveillance' App Claims
2012: Magnetic Pole Reversal Happens All the (Geologic) Time
Can You Crack This Code? Britain Spy Test
USPTO Seeking Comments on Future Locations for Satellite Offices
Apollo 13 Checklist Auctioned for $380,000
First Superman Comic Sells for Record $2.2M
Bank Action Merely 'Buys Time' for Europe
Fed Shifts $88B to Undisclosed Recipients
(nobody with authority has the
guts to prosecute the Fed)