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Top 100 R&D Companies for 2002
list of the top 100 R&D spenders
in 2002 is finally out. At the top of the list again this year is Ford Motor Co.,
at $7.7B - that's right, $7.7x109. Microsoft came in at #10 with $4.3B.
Motorola is #13 at $3.75B. Nokia, at #22, spent $3.24B. Agilent spent $1.17B and
came in 65th. Broadcom, of WLAN fame, is #93 at $714M. Computer Associates was dead
last at a measly $664M invested in R&D. Overall, telecom R&D was way up
while sales were way down. Hardware and equipment was way down in both departments.
Here's a surprise (not), only pharmaceuticals & biotechnology saw increases
in both sales and R&D.