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The Life and Times of a Recovering Disc Jockey
Jim Quinn - The Warroom
Smorgasbord / Kirt's Cogitations™ #358

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The Life and Times of a Recovering Disc Jockey (Jim Quinn Warroom) - RF CafeRadio talk show hosts are a dime a dozen, and prior to readily available streaming services on the Internet, most never had a reach beyond the over-the-air reception range of the local radio station. In the early days of talk radio, AM was almost exclusively the domain of the craft. As its popularity increased, FM channels began picking it up because a lot of advertising money followed popular hosts. Rush Limbaugh, of course, was responsible for resurrecting the nearly dead format and motivating a lot of imitators, many of whom have gone on to build a loyal listener base. While living in Erie, Pennsylvania, I discovered a guy named Jim Quinn broadcasting on WPGB out of Pittsburgh along with his sidekick, Rose Tennet. New station ownership replaced them with a sports show (which bombed). Being a multi-decade entrepreneur in the radio business, Quinn contracted with WYSL in Rochester, New York, to air his Quinn in the Morning show. Rose, now a professional podcaster, did an interview with Quinn in a piece entitled "The Life and Times of a Recovering Disc Jockey." This Rumble video is the story of his 60+ years in the radio business, and runs like a highly motivational TED Talk of ingenuity, stick-to-itiveness, vision. Lots of cool vintage photos of people and venues are presented spanning from Ohio to New York to follow the dialog. Quinn's website is The WarRoom.com. Unlike our current dementia-ridden president, his intellect, memory, and wit are amazingly acute at the ripe old age of 80. He is a licensed private pilot, an active licensed amateur radio operator (W3VEX, Amateur Extra), and an avid 2020 mid-engine Corvette owner. Apologies for the ads in the video; just skip past them.



Posted January 12, 2024

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