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Ala Doc's DeLorean
Remember Doc's car in "Back to the Future 3," the one that ran on garbage? Well,
it seems the idea wasn't so far-fetched after all. The scientists at Changing World
Technologies are perfecting a contraption that can turn just about any carbon-based
material into high-quality oil, clean-burning gas, and purified minerals that can
be used for fuels, fertilizers or specialty chemicals. The magic is worked by a
Thermal Depolymerization Process (TDP), which has solved the problem of requiring
high-pressure, high temperature cookers. In two hours, 1400 lbs of turkey guts,
plastic bottles, and human waste were turned into marketable, clear oil. Efficiencies
of 85% are reported. Visit their
website for more information. Oh, a 175-lb man would be converted
into 38 lbs of oil, 7 lbs of gas, 7 lbs of minerals, and 123 lbs of sterilized water.