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Next > Hand Me the Raid Great. A new class of insect has been
discovered - the gladiators - bringing the total number of classes to 31. Prior
to this, the last new insect class, rock crawlers, was added in 1914. All of the
1.2 million identified species of insects on the planet belong to the class of flies,
twisted-wing parasites, scorpionfiles, fleas, moths/butterflies, caddisflies, ants/wasps/bees,
beetles, lacewings/antlions, dobsonflies, snakefiles, book lice, bugs, lice, thrips,
stoneflies, webspinners, angel wings, cockroaches, mantids, termites, gladiators,
earwigs, rock crawlers, walkingsticks, grasshoppers/crickets, dragonflies, mayflies,
silverfish, jumping bristletails, or aphids/cicadas. My question is when will Ortho
have a spray for them? |