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The Mavens of Techno-Speak
The mavens of techno-speak have given us yet another noun-turned-verb to add
to our lexicon. "Texting" is the newly popular word describing the act of composing
and sending an SMS (Short Messaging Service) note. SMS, an immensely popular feature
of 2.5G and 3G wireless, transported more than 1 billion messages in August 2001
alone. How does one conjugate the verb "to text": has texted, is texting, will text?
That works for a regular verb, but what if it is declared irregular with a past
tense like: text-taxed or text-toxt or text-text (ala see-saw and tell-told and
let-let)? How about these active verb tenses involving "to text": I texted, I am
texting, I was texting, I have texed, I will be texting, I will text, I will have
texted. And, the passive tenses: The message is texted, The message was texted,
The message is being texted,... Well, you get the picture.