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LED Taillights on the Way

Brake lights are about to become high tech. Two major pathways lead from our eyes to our brains. The faster m-pathway transmits info about motion and triggers fast reactions, while the slower p-pathway registers generalities. The m-pathway tells you to duck when a rock is coming toward your head, while the p-pathway tells you "there's a red thing ahead" when a taillight comes on. Researchers are developing an LED cluster that operates in 50 ms pulses in a way that stimulates the m-pathway for a quick reaction, while simultaneously the more rational p-pathway signals allow your brain an opportunity to create a controlled response.

Innovative Power Products (IPP) Baluns & Transformers
Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

withwave microwave devices - RF Cafe

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe