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I've Got Your WMD Right Here
Anti-Bush and anti-Blair minions perpetually repeat the mantra that weapons of
mass destruction (WMDs) never existed in Iraq because we would have found them by
now if they had existed. Consider this. Toward the end of WWI, Germany built 7 monster
guns (one affectionately dubbed the
Paris Gun) that were capable of
lobbing 264-pound projectiles into the heart of Paris from 25 miles away. A 400-pound
charge launched the projectile into its 170-second trajectory from its 131-foot
long, 380 mm barrel. 256 Parisians died from those WMDs. None of the guns, to this
day, have ever been found, yet photos and eye-witnesses proving their existence
are ample. I suppose Roosevelt and Eisenhower made up stories about those WMDs to
justify the D-Day invasion. We need an investigation!