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The New Oxford American Dictionary, Second Edition, "the gold standard of American dictionaries," has added more  than 2,000 new words to the latest printing. Among them are many techno-speak terms like: adbot, blogosphere, Bluetooth, code monkey, dataveillance, hacktivist, infoholic, lurker, malware, megapixel, phishing, RFID, snert, and wiki. Polito-speak words include: al Qaeda, antiterrorism, bunkerbuster, faith-based, Falun Gong, frankenfood, Gitmo, hate crime, intelligent design and greenwash. Popular culture has given birth to the officially recognized new words: 9/11, air rage, Amber alert, conflict diamond, death metal, fake bake, permatemp, reality TV, road rage, safe room, sizeism, smart mob, smokeasy, supersize, Texas Hold 'em, trustafarian, and barista. If you find this comical, then maybe some of these new funny words will amuse you even more: buckle bunny, cankle, clueful, cone of silence, FUD, ginormous, Joe Schmo, ka-ching, labradoodle, noogie, prairie-dogging, Raelian, shojo, snivel gear and unobtainium. Being at a loss for words is getting harder all the time.

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