COVID-19 Vaccination Effort Has No Statistically Significant Control Group Kirt's Cogitations™ #329
"Factoids," "Kirt's Cogitations," and
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are all manifestations of my ranting on various subjects relevant (usually) to the
overall RF Cafe theme. All may be accessed on these pages:
Let me begin by stating that in general, I am not an "anti-vaxxer." Since my
days in the USAF, I have chosen to get an annual flu shot, and my kids received
all the required/recommended vaccinations during their school years. I've even had
the second-generation
shots. No problemo. All those vaccines were subject to the full scientific regimen
of development and testing prior to being administered to the general public. (see
update at bottom)
The current crop of COVID-19 vaccines, however, are a major exception - especially
the mRNA varieties. None have been thoroughly vetted with the traditional multi-year
studies which include a very wide cross-section of voluntary participants. Furthermore,
none have been approved by normal guidelines - these are emergency approvals. Statistical
studies were performed which attempted to correlate cause and effect. Normal experimentation
involves, if needed, necessary modifications to the formulation being made based
on findings, and then trials began anew. Once the medical and science community
had enough data to determine the likely impact - both positive and negative - on
the world's population, the vaccines were released for administration... or shelved.
A major feature of a properly studied vaccine program is the establishment of
a "control group" of subjects (people, lab rats, orangutans, etc.) whose medical
conditions, lifestyle, mental attitude, eating habits, and other key data points
are monitored in order to establish an "apple-to-apples" kind of comparison to subjects
who are given the experimental vaccine. In that way, a determination can be made
regarding whether problems observed in the medicated group can be correlated with
like people in the control group.
mRNA Vaccine Infographic (CDC)
Viral Vector Vaccine Infographic (CDC)
Inactivated Virus, Viral Vector, and mRNA Infographic (OT&P
In all the news reports surrounding the worldwide COVID-19 vaccination push,
I have seen absolutely nothing about a control group. It seems that the scientific
method has been abandoned in favor of rushing to convince / coerce / require every
human on planet Earth to take one of the vaccines in as short of a time as possible.
That is a scary scheme in my view, especially considering the use of largely unproven
mRNA technology in some of the vaccines.
Consider this significant case, for example: Since the nine-month gestation period
for human babies is a longer time than has passed since large numbers of women began
getting the vaccinations in early 2021, nobody has any idea what the implications
might be on unborn / newborn babies. They haven't a clue what effect the vaccine
- especially the mRNA type - will have on the development of human lives inside
or outside the womb. The world will find out soon enough, after it is too late to
do anything for the sakes of those affected.
Most people who receive the COVID-19 vaccination have no idea what the technology
behind either of the two basic types are. Since I am not any sort of medical professional
(and I don't play one on TV), I rely on purportedly qualified sources for information
about them. The two
COVID-19 infographics to the right are from the Centers for Disease Control
(CDC) website, and the third is from OT&P Healthcare. If you are not already
clear on the way the two vaccines work, then it is worth clicking on the infographics
to review the science behind them.
BTW, we know that as of this writing, only slightly more than half the employees
at NIH, FDA, CDC have volunteered to receive any type of COVID-19 vaccine - that
in and of itself is telling. Ditto for
health care workers in general. Is it reasonable to expect they have valid scientific
reasons for not receiving the vaccines?
If you bother to search for it, there is a large amount of information available
reporting on the rather severe issues exhibited by some people who have had both
the viral vector and the mRNA vaccines. There are many articles written by highly
qualified medical and science professionals warning of the potential long-term effects
of particularly the mRNA vaccine, but also on minimally tested drugs of any sort.
Clearly, the science is not settled on these COVID-19 vaccinations, and realistically
cannot be until enough time has passed to fully assess the worldwide population's
The jury is still out on whether the whole panic was even justified in the first
place. The knee-jerk reaction to the initial outbreak, which by most accounts originated
from a laboratory in Wuhan, China, may have ultimately caused more harm than good.
I have no intention of taking either of the vaccination types unless the government
severely limits my freedoms and access to essential goods and services due to noncompliance.
If the choice is stay at home and starve or subject myself to a vaccination, then
I will choose the traditional viral vector variety (Johnson & Johnson) rather
than the mRNA that has already been shown to trigger
autoimmune responses in
some people. I'll risk the blood clot potential more prevalent (but not unique to)
the viral vector vaccine. I'm just not comfortable with my DNA being screwed with
via RNA manipulation.
If I do not already have COVID-19 antibodies in me and do contract the virus
and exhibit symptoms, I will opt for a regimen of
(HCQ) and and zinc with either azithromycin or doxycycline.
Consider me to be part of the
Control Group mandated
by the long-standing Scientific
Method empirical method of experimentation. The world needs brave people like
me to help validate or discredit these unproven COVID-19 vaccines. It's a sacrifice
I choose to make for my fellow man. You're welcome.
"60 Minutes" Reporting on the 1976 Swine Flu "Pandemic"
"60 Minutes" show exposing the disastrous 1976 Swine Flu "pandemic"
vaccination program. Here is another
video source in case the one above is removed.
This you might find hard to believe. After reading about my sister's severe reaction
to the Wuhan Flu vaccination, someone sent me a link to this "60 Minutes" television
show video from 1979. Intrepid newsman Mike Wallace reports on the debacle that
was the government's effort to hurriedly get everyone vaccinated against the Swine
Flu "pandemic" - which turned out to not be a pandemic at all. It was a knee-jerk
reaction that caused more harm than good through misinformation, mismanagement,
and, honestly, misanthropy on the part of government and industry "professionals"
following the science. Sound familiar? The difference is that now we don't have
total lap-dog media abetting the aforementioned string-pullers. You will
be amazed at the similarity of today's situation. It begins...
MIKE WALLACE: "The flu season is upon us. Which type will we worry about this
year, and what kind of shots will we be told to take? Remember the swine flu scare
of 1976? That was the year the U.S. government told us all that swine flu could
turn out to be a killer that could spread across the nation, and Washington decided
that every man, woman and child in the nation should get a shot to prevent a nation-wide
outbreak, a pandemic.
Well 46 million of us obediently took the shot, and now 4,000 Americans are claiming
damages from Uncle Sam amounting to three and a half billion dollars because of
what happened when they took that shot. By far the greatest number of the claims
- two thirds of them are for neurological damage, or even death, allegedly triggered
by the flu shot.
We pick up the story back in 1976, when the threat posed by the swine flu virus
seemed very real indeed..."
Watch the video for the full content.
Late May 2021 Update:
My sister, normally very healthy and active, took one of the two-shot mRNA vaccines.
Early this month, within a few hours of getting the second shot, she was suffering
from extremely high fever, nausea, partial deafness, and severe headache. She ended
up in the hospital for eight days with several complications, including a large
amount of fluid in her lungs (which required draining), and is just now finally
somewhat recovered. She was administered a large amount of antibiotics both during
and after hospitalization. I didn't know until a few days after it happened that
the beginning of symptoms were so close in time to the COVID-19 mRNA shot. The doctors
"ruled out" the second shot as a possible cause and instead concentrated on it maybe
being due to a tick bite. Extensive tests showed no evidence of any known tick-related
infection. To date, with a still undetermined cause and no formal diagnosis, the
doctors refuse to consider the COVID-19 vaccine as a possible cause. I had her submit
her experience to the CDC's Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS)
As of this writing, more than
419,000 incident reports for the Covid-19 vaccination have been reported, including
more than
5,400 deaths.
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formulas and reference material while performing my work as an RF system and circuit
design engineer. The World Wide Web (Internet) was largely an unknown entity at
the time and bandwidth was a scarce commodity. Dial-up modems blazed along at 14.4 kbps
while tying up your telephone line, and a lady's voice announced "You've Got Mail"
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