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New Pick-Up Line: What's Your Erdö s Number?
Kirt's Cogitations™ #92

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New Pick-Up Line: What's Your Erdö s Number?

Every man has his price, in this case especially after he has assumed room temperature. Paul Erdö s, a Hungarian mathematician who left this Earth in 1996, was a prodigy in his day. A notable eccentric, he usually had no permanent address and worked with other mathematicians all over the world to author or co-author more than 500 scholarly papers. To have one's name associated with Erdö s on a publication was, and still is, a coveted status symbol in the world of number crunchers. Similar to the six degrees of separation from Kevin Bacon theorem, aspiring mathematicians strive for an "Erdö s Number," which is the separation from actually having co-authored a paper with Erdö s himself: an Erdos Number of 1. Co-authoring a paper with someone who co-authored a paper with Erdö s earns one an Erdö s Number of 2, and so on. So valuable is the ranking that some high-Erdö s-Number authors are auctioning off their co-authorship for a stiff price, just to help raise another mathematician's Erdö s Number. Seems Capitalism has invaded the halls of Academe.

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe