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Hmmmm... Maybe I Should Test This Theory on My Two Cats...
Kirt's Cogitations™ #41

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Hmmmm... Maybe I Should Test This Theory on My Two Cats...

Contrary to popular belief, cats are often killed or injured after falling from windows, trees, balconies or tall buildings. If they fall from only one or two stories high, damage is usually minimal or non-existent. If they fall between 3 and 7 stories, heavy damage or death is almost certain. Cats are well-known for their ability to upright themselves and land on their feet when dropped inverted from only a foot or two. This is due to a very sensitive inner ear mechanism called the vestibular organ and the cat's easily contorted spine with lightning fast muscles. Falling from higher than about 7 stories (the point at which the beast reaches terminal velocity) oddly enough improves the cat's chance of survival and often results in the cat walking away with no damage at all. Theory has it that with so long of a time to prepare for the landing, the cat can position itself optimally to absorb the impact.

Amplifier Solutions Corporation (ASC) - RF Cafe
Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe

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