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Electronics Themed ASCII Art
Smorgasbord / Kirt's Cogitations™ #333

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ASCII Art has been around nearly as long as digital computers have been in existence. It was the only type of "graphics" available to most users before other than text displays were commonplace. Universities, corporations, and government research facilities had crude forms of graphical displays, but it was not until the 16-color, 640x200-pixel CGA (Color Graphics Adapter) monitors began shipping with IBM PCs that most people had access to "real" graphics. To compensate, some pretty clever souls came up with what has become known as "ASCII Art." ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), for those of you too young to remember when that was part of common computer parlance, is the basic set of numbers, letters, and special characters that all computers are capable of rendering based on unique codes assigned to them. For instance, ASCII character 48D (30H) is the number "0," 65D (41H) is upper case "A," 122D (7AH) is lower case "z." The quotation mark (") used here is 34D (22H). Over time, the set of ASCII characters has grown significantly to include many languages and "emoji" type symbols. Even as pixel resolutions and color depths increased, ASCII Art remained popular. Today, you will find ASCII Art at the bottom of e-mails, in online forum posts, and other places as a way to include a picture without embedding a graphic image.

nnD is a decimal number and nnH is a hexadecimal number.

Here is a collection of electronics-themed ASCII Art pictures I found around the Internet. Almost by default, these are in the public domain, but attributions (without verification) are included when available. In order for these to display properly, a fixed-width font needs to be used. A good way to assure proper display on a web page is to surround the HTML with the <pre> ... </pre> tags, where "pre" stands for "preformatted text."

| ________ |
"----------" Calculator - HJW
|  _________________  |
| | JO           0. | |
| |_________________| |
|  ___ ___ ___   ___  |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | | + | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 4 | 5 | 6 | | - | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | x | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | . | 0 | = | | / | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
Calculator - JJO
/ ,-----------------. \
| |    1.05459 e -34| |
| `-----------------' |
| [@ ] On/Off  ###### |
|              ###### |
| [7] [8] [9] [C] [AC]|
|                     |
| [4] [5] [6] [X] [%] |
|                     |
| [1] [2] [3] [+] [-] |
|                     |
| [0] [.]  [EXP]  [=] |
Calculator - Blade Runner
|  _________________  |
| | JO  3.141592654 | |
| |_________________| |
|  __ __ __ __ __ __  |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
|  ___ ___ ___   ___  |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | | + | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 4 | 5 | 6 | | - | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | x | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | . | 0 | = | | / | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
Calculator - JJO
| # Texax Instruments   TI-82 |
| .-------------------------. |
| |            ./           | |
| |            +            | |
| |. . . . . ./. . . . . . .| |
| |          / .            | |
| | X=5.2   /  .   Y=0      | |
| '-------------------------' |
|                  _ [ ^ ] _  |
| [2nd][MODE][DEL]|_|     |_| |
| [ALP][XTO][STAT]   [ V ]    |
| [x-1] [SIN] [COS] [TAN] [^] |
|  [x2][ , ][ ( ][ ) ][ / ]   |
| [LOG][ 7 ][ 8 ][ 9 ] [ X ]  |
| [LN ][ 4 ][ 5 ][ 6 ] [ - ]  |
| [STO]][ 1 ][ 2 ][ 3 ][ + ]  |
| [ON][ 0 ][ . ][ (-) ][ENTR] |
| ----                        |
|  _________________  |
| |              /  | |
| |       /\    /   | |
| |  /\  /  \  /    | |
| | /  \/    \/     | |
| |/             JO | |
| |_________________| |
|  __ __ __ __ __ __  |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
| |__|__|__|__|__|__| |
|  ___ ___ ___   ___  |
| | 7 | 8 | 9 | | + | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 4 | 5 | 6 | | - | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | 1 | 2 | 3 | | x | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
| | . | 0 | = | | / | |
| |___|___|___| |___| |
Calculator - JJO
  \   |   /
   \  |  /
    \ | /
      |               |  ,
     _|_              | .i,
    "=#="             | /
    "=#="          ____/__
    "=#="          _______
    "=#="            /
    "=#="           / |
      |               |
      Tuned Circuit
   \   |   /
    \  |  /
     \ | /
       |               |  ^
       |_              | /
        _)          ___ /__
        _)          _______
        _)            /
        _)           / |
       |               |
Tuned Circuit
   ."`  `".
  /   /\   \
 |    \/    |
  \   ()   /
Light bulb - GJS
  .'           '.
 /      .-.      \
;       | |       ;
|       | |       |
;       \_/       ;
 \      (_)      /
  '.           .'
Light bulb - JGS
    .-"`   `"-.
  .'    .-.    '.
 /     (/^\)     \
/  #   (\ /)      \
| #    .-'-.      |
|     /(_I_)\     |
;     \\) (//     ;
 ;     / Y \     ;
  \    \ | /    /
   \    \|/    /
    \   /|\   /
     |  \|/  |
Light bulb - JGS
        '-. _____    
 .-._      |     '.  
:  ..      |      :  
'-._+      |    .-'
 /  \     .'i--i
/    \ .-'_/____\___
Monitor / TV - FSC
|,----------.  |\
||           |=| |
||          || | |
||       . _o| | | __
|`-----------' |/ /~/
 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ / /
Monitor / TV
    \ | /         _________ 
    - * -        |+-------+|
     /|\        (||       ||)
    /\|/\       |||_______|||
   /  |  \      || o  o  o ||
  /\/\|/\/\     ||  .-"-.  ||
 /    |    \    ||_(     )_||
-     -     -
TV Tower - JF
 /:::\ _.---'

Phone - SJW
     /` _____ `\;,
      /  :::  \   ,;
     |   :::   | ,;'
Phone - JGS
  (    ) ====  \
  ||  | [][][] |
,8||  | [][][] |
8 ||  | [][][] |
8 (    ) O O O /
Phone - HJW
      /   ,,____,,   \:.
      |__| [][][] |__|:  :
        /  [][][]  \   :  :
       /   [][][]   \   :  :
      /    [][][]    \   ..
      /` _`\
     |  (_()| .-.
      \_  _/_/   \
        ||=[_]   |
        || | |   |
        ||/   \  |
        ||`---'  /
  /`  .-||-.
Phone - JGS
      .---------. | == |
      |.-"""""-.| |----|
      ||       || | == |
      ||       || |----|
      |'-.....-'| |::::|
      `"")---(""` |___.|
     /:::::::::::\" _  "
    `"""""""""""""`  '-'

Here are some very extensive sources of ASCII Art: 

Christopher Johnson ASCII Art

ASCII Art Archive

Electronic ASCII Art

| .---------------------------------------. |
| | _~_                                   | |
| |  \/  Texas Instruments     T I - 8 6  | |
| | .-----------------------------------, | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | | 1 + 1                             | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                2  | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | | 6 * 8                             | | |
| | |                               14  | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | | _                                 | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | |                                   | | |
| | `-----------------------------------' | |
| |                                       | |
| `---------------------------------------' |
|     M1      M2      M3      M4      M5    |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  |  F1 | |  F2 | |  F3 | |  F4 | |  F5 |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|-------.________          ________,--------|
|                `--------'                 |
|                                           |
|          QUIT    MODE        _,-._        |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----,  /\ \_^_/ /\     |
|  | 2nd | | EXIT| | MORE| / /   |   \ \    |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' |<|   O   |>|    |
|  alpha   LINK x  INS     \ \  _|_  / /    |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----,  \/ / v \ \/     |
|  |ALPHA| |x-VAR| | DEL |     -._,-        |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----'                  |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  10x  A  SIN-1 B COS-1 C TAN-1 D pi   E   |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  | LOG | | SIN | | COS | | TAN | |  ^  |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  ex   F  x-1  G  [    H  ]    I  CALC J   |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  | LN  | | EE  | |  (  | |  )  | |     |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  | X2  | |  7  | |  8  | |  9  | |  x  |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  /_   P  CONS Q  CONV R  STRNG S LIST T   |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  |  ,  | |  4  | |  5  | |  6  | |  -  |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  RCL  =  BASE U  TEST V  MEM  W  STAT X   |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  | STO]| |  1  | |  2  | |  3  | |  +  |  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  OFF     CHAR Y  :    z  ANS  _  ENTRY    |
|  .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----, .-----,  |
|  | ON  | |  0  | |  .  | | (-) | |ENTER|  |
|  `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----' `-----'  |
|  -------                                  |
 \                                         /
  `-._                                 _.-'
      `--.__                     __.--
    .---.     '-..
    )''  `'-      `._
    )c  -'\\         `.
  ,.|\_=/              -._       _.
.' /   (                  ' ,----'|---.
| |  \  )\                  |`-.|     |
|  \ '_.__`---,.____.       |   |     |
| `.= ..,_'\..\..L__//      |   |     |
|         .'._   `--'       |   |     |
\        .'-._\_            '`.,|     |
 `       |    -.`.  _,..,--- `'.-----.'
  \_____,|`-.   \ \.            | | kOs
  | |./| |./ \  ,-.'            | |
  './  './   '...-'            |_._|
        =====  symbolic antenna
          |          micro henry
          |          coil w/tuning lug
          |    .----.     (not shown)
          |   (.-') |
          |   (.-') |
          |   (.-') |      pico farad cap
          |   (.-'  |    ___  (trimmable)
          |   |     |   |___|
PC   ->  .----'-----'---'---'
Board    `-------------------
         ground plane (foil)
Light bulb - BB
    /                           /\
   /                          _/ /\
  /                          / \/
 /                           /\
/___________________________/ /
 \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \
Integrated circuit - AAK
     .              .   .'.     \   /
   \   /      .'. .' '.'   '  -=  o  =-
 -=  o  =-  .'   '              / | \
   / | \                          |
     |                            |
     |                            |
     |                      .=====|
     |=====.                |.---.|
     |.---.|                ||=o=||
     ||=o=||                ||   ||
     ||   ||                ||   ||
     ||   ||                ||___||
     ||___||                |[:::]|
     |[:::]|                '-----'
Phone - JGS
                          |  |
                          |  |
                          |  |
                          |  |
         _.-----------._  |  |
      .-'      __       `-.  |
    .'       .'  `.        `.|
   ;         :    :          ;
   |         `.__.'          |
   |   ___                   |
   |  (_M_) M O T O R A L A  |
   | .---------------------. |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | |                     | |
   | `---------------------' |
   |                         |
   |                __       |
   |  ________  .-~~__~~-.   |
   | |___C___/ /  .'  `.  \  |
   |  ______  ;   : OK :   ; |
   | |__A___| |  _`.__.'_  | |
   |  _______ ; \< |  | >/ ; |
   | [_=<D)__\ \ \_|  |_/ /  |
   |            `-..__..-'   |
   |  _____   _____   _____  |
   | [ 1   ] [ 2abc] [ 3def] |
   |  _____   _____   _____  |
   | [ 4ghi] [ 5jkl] [ 6mno] |
   |  _____   _____   _____  |
   | [7pqrs] [ 8tuv] [9wxyz] |
   |  _____   _____   _____  |
   | [_*___] [_0_+_] [__#__] |
   |    _     _....---...._  |
   |   (O)   (_    [_]C520_) |
   |           ''''---''''   |
   ;    o                    ;
    `-._                 _.-'

JJO = Jeremy J. Olson
AAK = Argiris A. Kranidiotis
BB = Boba
JGS = Joan G. Stoke
JF = James Fox



Posted November 26, 2021

Windfreak Technologies Frequency Synthesizers - RF Cafe
RF Electronics Shapes, Stencils for Office, Visio by RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Passive RF Products - RF Cafe

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)