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A Side Order of Insect Filth with Those Fries?
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A Side Order of Insect Filth with Those Fries?

Would you knowingly eat bugs or rodent hair? How about insect filth or larvae? Not unless you were starving, you say? Think again. The U.S. FDA has a guideline for allowable processed food contamination that might make you sick. Look about 1/4 of the way down this page ("Commodities and Defect Action Levels") and see what you have been eating! Here's a sampling. Cherries - Insect filth, average of 5% or more pieces are rejects due to maggots. Macaroni and Noodle Products - Insect filth, average of 225 insect fragments or more per 225 grams in 6 or more subsamples; Rodent filth, average of 4.5 rodent hairs or more per 225 grams in 6 or more subsamples. Canned Tomatoes - Drosophila fly, average of 10 or more fly eggs per 500 grams OR 5 or more fly eggs and 1 or more maggots per 500 grams OR 2 or more maggots per 500 grams. Yum!

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