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Electronic Photo Album Quiz
March 1963 Popular Electronics

March 1963 Popular Electronics

March 1963 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

This is a different type of electronics-related quiz from Quizmaster Robert P. Balin. Mr. Balin created many monthly quizzes for Popular Electronics magazine. Here you are provided a series of images and a list of men's first names, and you need to match the image to the name. There are nine in all. Sure, it's kind of hokey (especially B and I), but it is a good Friday afternoon challenge to help pass the time until the weekend begins. Enjoy.

Electronic Photo Album Quiz

By Robert P. Balin

Here's an odd photo album: Our electronics-minded artist replaced every photo with a drawing, but each drawing bears some relation to the name of the man whose photo it replaced. Can you match the drawings with the given names below?


1 - Jack   __

2 - Henry   __

3 - Ray   __

4 - Gilbert   __

5 - Chuck   __

6 - Mike   __

7 - Phillips   __

8 - Allen   __

9 - Guy   __


See answers below. 

Quizzes from vintage electronics magazines such as Popular Electronics, Electronics-World, QST, and Radio News were published over the years - some really simple and others not so simple. Robert P. Balin created most of the quizzes for Popular Electronics. This is a listing of all I have posted thus far.

RF Cafe Quizzes

Vintage Electronics Magazine Quizzes

Vintage Electronics Magazine Quizzes




















Photo Album Quiz Answers

1 - F    A Jack is an electrical connecting device designed for the insertion of a mating electrical plug.

2 - I     A Henry is the electromagnetic unit of inductance or mutual inductance. Its magnitude is a

           measure of a coil's ability to produce a back e.m.f.

3 - E   The Ray in a television picture tube is the beam of electrons which originate at the cathode

           and strike the fluorescent screen.

4 - B   A Gilbert is a unit of magnetomotive force whose magnitude is proportional to the current I and

           turns N in a coil.

5 - D   A Chuck is a mechanical device which holds the bit on the shaft of an electric or hand drill.

6 - A   A Mike is, of course, a short common name for microphone.

7 - G   A Phillips screwdriver has fluted cruciform tip which fit slots in a screw head designed to receive it.

8 - H   An Allen wrench has a hexagonal cross-section designed to fit inside a similarly slotted screw head.

9 - C   Guy wires are used to hold an antenna mast in place and/or reduce mast swaying.



Posted July 31, 2020
(updated from original post on 7/11/2014)

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