1. Type of current that alternately changes direction of flow.
3. Type of junction transistor.
7. Type of resistor.
9. Type of speaker.
10. Broadcast band or broadcast in general.
11. Type of electron tube.
14. Effective voltage of a sine wave.
15. Device or circuit that maintains a constant voltage in a circuit.
17. Unit of power equal to one-thousandth of a watt.
19. Unit of current equal to one-thousandth of an ampere.
20. Unit of inductance.
21. Type of junction transistor.
23. Amplitude of carrier varies during modulation.
25. Electron tube terminology meaning series screen resistor.
26. Potential.
29. Designation for mutual conductance.
31. Neutralization.
34. Type of oscillator circuit.
35. Frequency range between 3 and 30 mc.
2. Type of radio wave transmission.
4. Neon.
5. Carrier frequency is varied during modulation.
6. Type of frequency modulation.
8. Capacitor voltage rating.
9. Maximum working voltage that a capacitor can withstand without breakdown.
12. Transformer. transistor or transmitter.
13. Electron tube structure designation applicable only to glass tubes.
16. Speed of motors, turntables, etc.
18. Unit-time power consumption unit.
22. Opposite of positive.
23. Frequencies in audio range.
24. Synchronization.
27. Magnetic potential difference.
28. Unit used to express audio levels.
30. Frequency range between 300 and 3000 mc.
32. In wave-guide propagation, H-waves.
33. Opposite of HI.