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Electronic Crosswords
January 1963 Electronics World

January 1963 Electronics World

January 1963 Electronics World Cover - RF Cafe  Table of Contents 

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Electronics World, published May 1959 - December 1971. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Fellow cruciverbalists, here from a 1963 edition of Electronics World magazine is an electronics-themed crossword puzzle for your mid-week enjoyment. You can click on the grid for a larger, printable, write-on-able paper version. If you are an avid worker of crosswords and don't already know it, I have created hundreds over the last two decades. Unlike this crossword from Electronics World (and most others for that matter), RF Cafe's technology-themed crossword puzzles have only hand-picked words related to engineering and science.

Electronic Crosswords

By Luther A. Gotwald, Jr.

Electronic Crosswords, January 1963 Electronics World - RF Cafe


1.   Attenuator circuit.

4.   Device used to detect unseen objects.

8.   TV frequencies (abbr.).

11. Rare silver-white element (abbr.) .

12. Likely to use radar.

13. Malayan ape.

14. Used in calibrating in the field.

15. Circuit employed in most computers.

17. Sacred song.

20. Many radar units are this.

22. Southernmost U.S. land mass.

24. Unit of time.

26. What radar senses.

28. English dip thong.

29. Tube that reduces the effect of amplitude modulation.

32. At full speed.

33. A grain of cereal grass.

34. Young fish.

35. Local official servant (abbr.).

37. An officer (abbr.).

38. One of the "Little Women."

40. To sleep fitfully.

42. Woman's name.

44. Order of animals (suffix).

45. To contrive by various make-shifts.

46. Hawaiian baking pit.

47. River in Hades.

48. Capek's play about robots.

49. Circuit which blocks low-level extraneous signals.

51. Good (prefix).

53. Circuits where lighthouse tubes are used.


2.   Particle.

3.   German article.

5.   Transformer output.

6.   Effect utilized by radar.

7.   One of the press associations (abbr.) .

8.   Body of Moslem scholars (Arabic spelling).

9.   Chapeau.

10. It's usually given in cycles-per-second.

15. Melancholy.

16. One of the backfield (abbr.).

18. Unit of time (abbr.).

19. Grid mounting on lighthouse tubes.

20. Indian of the Mayan tribe.

21. Colorful songbird.

23. Fencer's cry.

25. Region in Southeast Asia (abbr.).

27. The male red deer.

30. Make edging.

31. And (Latin).

36. African antelope.

38. Unlimited.

39. Combines oscillator signals.

41. Naught.

42. East Indian tanning tree.

43. Consisting of two parts.

44. Pronoun.

46. A Federal agency (abbr.).

47. Mineral spring.

50. Unit of measure (abbr.).

52. You and me.

Here are other electronics-themed crossword puzzles from vintage electronics magazines (RF Cafe Crosswords here):

- April 1964 Popular Electronics

- November 1962 Electronics World

- March 1962 Popular Electronics

- September 1958 Radio & TV News

- October 1957 Popular Electronics

- November 1957 Popular Electronics

- January 1974 Popular Electronics

- November 1958 Popular Electronics

- January 1965 Electronics World

- November 1960 Electronics World

- January 1960 Electronics World

- December 1957 Popular Electronics

- February 1966 Popular Electronics

- September 1957 Popular Electronics

- December 1960 Popular Electronics

- August 1958 Popular Electronics

- July 1960 Electronics World

- September 1965 Electronics World

- August 1962 Electronics World

- May 1958 Radio News

- November 1958 Radio News

- April 1963 Electronics World

- July 1961 Electronics World

- July 1963 Electronics World

- May 1967 Electronics World

- August 1960 Popular Electronics

- March 1973 Popular Electronics

- June 1966 Popular Electronics

- April 1959 Popular Electronics

- January 1963 Electronics World

- October 1961 Electronics World

- December 1965 Electronics World

- September 1960 Electronics World

- July 1958 Radio & TV News

- April 1967 QST

- April 1960 Electronics World

- October 1963 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- October 1960 Electronics World

- July 1971 Radio-Electronics

- May 1959 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- April 1966 Popular Electronics

- May 1961 Electronics World

- August 1958 Radio News

- July 1945 Radio-Craft


Answer to Electronic Crosswords


Electronic Crossword Solution, January 1963 Electronics World - RF Cafe



Posted July 17, 2024
(updated from original post on 7/29/2015)


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