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Crossword Puzzle
December 1960 Popular Electronics

December 1960 Popular Electronics

December 1960 Popular Electronics Cover - RF CafeTable of Contents

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Popular Electronics, published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

It was a little difficult to make out the shape within the crossword puzzle grid from this December 1960 issue of Popular Electronics magazine, so I got out my blue Crayon and filled in the hashed squares. It appears to be a transistor schematic symbol. Unlike the weekly RF Cafe crossword puzzles, not all of the clues and words are specifically related to science and engineering, but a large percentage of them are. Admittedly, I have the advantage of a software program to help place the words within the grid. Margaret LeFevre did not. Doing it by hand is a lot more work. I can't imagine how the people who created the New York Times' Sunday-size puzzles were able to do it without computer assistance!

Crossword Puzzle

By Margaret LeFevre


Crossword Puzzle from the December 1960 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe


1 Harvey·Wells T90 is a ________

9 Inclined passageway.

10 Toward.

11 Novices are limited to 75 watts ___ abbrev.

12 I2R.

14 Code for "Do you have anything for me?"

15 All right: abbrev.

16 In transistors, N is the _______________ of electrons.

18 Diameter symbol seen on mechanical blueprints.

19 State in third amateur district: abbrev.

20 Helpful for mobile operation.

22 Better halves: code.

23 Novice who can't make General Class.

24 One of the "R's" in ARRL.

25 Type of lug.

29 Directional antenna.

30 Policeman.

31 Swan Island station prefix.

32 _______ Cobb.

33 Components of a tuned circuit: symbols.

35 Modulation used in R/C devices.

37 Type of engineering degree.

38 Initials of your favorite magazine.

39 Control grid is to electron stream as _______ is to river.

41 More cunning.

42 Leyden _____

43 Evenings before.

45 Friends.

46 Receiver type.


1 Amplifier tube.

2 Standing.

3 Unit of current measurement: abbrev.

4 One of the magnetic poles: abbrev.

5 Radar signals were bounced off this object.

6 Layer.

7 Plate voltage: symbol.

8 Sound transducers.

10 Prefix for three.

12 Broad end of a hammer.

13 Succeeded.

16 Pasha of Tunis.

17 An antenna is used to _____ electrical energy.

19 Long distance: abbrev.

20 C.W. signals.

21 What most ham shacks are not.

23 Small amounts of speaker cement.

25 Metal alloy used by experimenters.

26 Alternating current: abbrev.

27 C.W. for "e."

28 Epic poetry.

31 One who operates code-sending device.

34 Natural opening.

36 North latitude: abbrev.

37 "Call Me ___________ ": abbrev.

38 Pallid.

40 1,000,000: abbrev.

42 Islander with PKI ham prefix: abbrev.

44 Element used in some solid-state rectifiers.

45 Type of antenna impedance network.

Here are other electronics-themed crossword puzzles from vintage electronics magazines (RF Cafe Crosswords here):

- April 1964 Popular Electronics

- November 1962 Electronics World

- March 1962 Popular Electronics

- September 1958 Radio & TV News

- October 1957 Popular Electronics

- November 1957 Popular Electronics

- January 1974 Popular Electronics

- November 1958 Popular Electronics

- January 1965 Electronics World

- November 1960 Electronics World

- January 1960 Electronics World

- December 1957 Popular Electronics

- February 1966 Popular Electronics

- September 1957 Popular Electronics

- December 1960 Popular Electronics

- August 1958 Popular Electronics

- July 1960 Electronics World

- September 1965 Electronics World

- August 1962 Electronics World

- May 1958 Radio News

- November 1958 Radio News

- April 1963 Electronics World

- July 1961 Electronics World

- July 1963 Electronics World

- May 1967 Electronics World

- August 1960 Popular Electronics

- March 1973 Popular Electronics

- June 1966 Popular Electronics

- April 1959 Popular Electronics

- January 1963 Electronics World

- October 1961 Electronics World

- December 1965 Electronics World

- September 1960 Electronics World

- July 1958 Radio & TV News

- April 1967 QST

- April 1960 Electronics World

- October 1963 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- October 1960 Electronics World

- July 1971 Radio-Electronics

- May 1959 Electronics World

- May 1963 Electronics World

- April 1966 Popular Electronics

- May 1961 Electronics World

- August 1958 Radio News

- July 1945 Radio-Craft










Crossword Puzzle Solution, December 1960 Popular Electronics - RF Cafe



Posted September 16, 2021
(updated from original post on 7/30/2014)

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