"Every mike except one is dead, but we find it's good business
to make these politicians feel like big shots!" (June/July 1940, Page 30)

The Metro Family (March 1930, Page 14)

Another student-drawn comic. Drawn for the "News" by Student
Allen of Wayzata, Minn. (December 1929, Page 5)

Student made radio contact with Admiral Byrd. (March 1929,
Page 12)

"I want a gadget that will turn off the radio next door!"
(August/September 1941, Page 9)

In the Old Days (May 1930, Page 12)

Comic trying to get students to pay their tuition bills.
(February 1930, Page 15)

Student comics. Contributed by Student H.B. Allen of Wayzata,
Minn. Jack, like all other N.R.I. men, knows what it takes to reach the top
in Radio - sound, thorough technical training and stick-to-it-iveness. I'll
stake my faith on Jack - J.A. Dowie. (November 1929, Page 5)