What better way to wind down
a week than to get a chuckle out of some electronics-themed comics from vintage
magazines?!?! These three came from WWII-era editions of Radio News. The
humor of the depicted scenarios might be lost on people who were not in the workforce
back in 1970s and earlier when workplace and supply chain conditions were much different
than they are today. Therefore - not to be insulting - I'll give a little insight.
Back in the days before online ordering of just about anything the entire world
has to offer, service shops and even design centers relied heavily on sales representatives
to procure parts. That is the gist of the p53 comic. The p56 comic alludes to when
something as harmless as listening to a radio at your workbench was not permitted.
Nowadays, of course, you can sit at your workstation with a Bluetooth ear bud and
privately listen to anything you want being broadcast from the smartphone in your
pocket. The p64 comic is timeless and needs no explanation ;-)
Electronics-Themed Comics

"Stop! Stop! I'll get you a condenser
and a 50L6!" (September 1944 Radio News, Page 53)

"I hope you realize that not many employers
would let you listen to the radio while you work!" (June 1945 Radio News, Page

"Tell the General I'm preparing to
make advances to determine resistance!" (June 1945 Radio News, Page 64)
Posted August 6, 2021
These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I
personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some).
250 pages as of 1/31/2025