Today has been a busy day, so a couple electronics-themed comics from issues
of vintage Radio & Television News magazines help to relieve the stress
a bit. I could never figure out why these comics were buried deep inside most issues
at the ends of article continuations. These two were on pages 88 and 93. The top
one is meant to demonstrate just how obsessed the public was with the relatively
new television phenomenon - just look at what they chose to ignore on the display
TV in order to get a peek at the inside workings of a television set. The other
comic, while clever in its intent, would never pass editorial muster in today's
world because of the great hazard it represents. Enjoy.
Electronics-Themed Comics

(Page 88)

"It gives me a folded dipole that's about 1200 miles long."
(Page 93)
Posted June 1, 2020
These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I
personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some).
250 pages as of 1/31/2025