March 1965 Popular Electronics
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Electronics-themed comics
are usually saved for Fridays, but what the hey; maybe you need some humor on Monday
this week. They appeared in a 1965 issue of Popular Electronics magazine.
At least three of these antenna-based comics required a harder look to determine
what was happening and why it is humorous. One of those even requires a little technical
insight to "get it." To see my take on the comics, highlight the text below:
1) Ox being used to rotate the radar antenna.
2) Boat's direction finding radio antenna being used
to locate lost truck
3) Simple "rabbit ears" antenna amidst a sea of high
gain multi-element antennas
4) Tunnel overhead clearance limits 1/4-wave antenna
height to ~12 feet (for 21 MHz wavelength)
Antenna Orientation
By Rodrigues
Posted August 14, 2023 (updated from original
post on 6/26/2018)
These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines.
I personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized
some). 235 pages as of 6/28/2024