April 1962 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Many of these vintage
electronics-theme comics would fit well into today's "meme" for the "You know
you are old if you remember this" type pictures. There might be a photo of a
dial phone, a car or truck with three pedals under the dashboard (accelerator,
brake and clutch), a phone booth on the street corner, a bicycle with a banana
seat and sissy bar, or maybe a typewriter. The April 1962 issue of
Radio-Electronics magazine includes comics showing a record player (vs.
Blu-ray or DVD player), a set of headphones (vs. ear buds), an electronics
chassis filled with vacuum tubes and leaded components (vs. leadless ICs and
passives), and a sports car having a radio installed (vs. Bluetooth connection
for streaming from smartphone). Who among us remembers adjusting the tone arm on
a turntable for optimum tracking and balance? I still have my force gauge from
yesteryear, and still play vinyls on a regular basis. Headphones - check, still
have them, but not of the design shown here (do you know what the
"hole-in-the-middle" is?). My two 1940s vintage console radios still have
glowing tubes, although they are rarely fired up. Looks like I am "that" old.
Electronics-Themed Comics

"My new arm tracks fine, but the record keeps falling off the
turntable." Page 56

Stereo Phones Eliminate the "Hole-in-the-Middle" Effect! Page 64

"I worked on it until I finally forgot what it was I started
to build." Page 80

"We generally pull car radios, Feeney." Page 97
Posted June 19, 2024
These Technically-Themed Comics Appeared in Vintage Electronics Magazines. I
personally scanned and posted every one from copies I own (and even colorized some).
250 pages as of 1/31/2025