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Watkins-Johnson Tech-Notes Archive
May 25, 2020 Update: Many thanks
to Brad B. for contributing Tech Notes v5-3, v5-4, v5-5, v5-6, v6-2, v6-3,
v6-4, v6-5, v6-6, v8-1, v8-4, v9-1, v9-2, v9-3, v9-4, v9-5, v10-2, v10-5, v10-6.
March 12, 2019 Update: Thanks to Chuck U.
for providing new Tech Notes v10-3 and v15-2, and an improved v5-2.
August 14, 2018 Update: Thanks to Larry Jugler
for providing three new Tech Notes (v11-4, v11-5, and v11-6).
February 7, 2018 Update: Thanks to Paul Herzig,
of Raytheon, for writing to tell me that the hyperlink I originally had to the Watkins-Johnson
Tech-Note collection on the TriQuint website is no longer valid. Qorvo (formerly
RF Micro Devices, RFMD) took them down after acquiring TriQuint a few years ago.
They were all still available as of September 2015, but alas no more. Paul provided
many of the Tech-Notes in the following list for posting directly on RF Cafe. Also,
I discovered that some of the original Watkins-Johnson Communications web pages
can still be accessed via the Wayback Machine™ on the Archive.Org website:
Watkins-Johnson Tech-Notes
As of this time, you can purchase
WJ Tech Notes here for just a couple bucks apiece.
Here is Terry O's extensive Watkins-Johnson
website with complete
it or not, there was a time when the Internet did not exist and getting quality
information could be difficult. Perhaps more notably today, bad information is far
too easy to get online because there is no qualified peer review of content. Waaaaayyyyyy
back in the 1970s and 1980s when I was new to the electronics design world, offices,
cubicles, laboratories, company technical libraries, even hallways, were piled high
with reference books, magazines, component books, applications notes, datasheets,
white papers, and every other form of information that might be useful.
Now, of course, the preferred source for information is the Internet, particularly
from trusted sources like universities, book publishers, RF Cafe, etc. The problem
is that a lot of the old data that was uniquely useful, has not been archived on
the Web.
Such is the case with an exceptionally useful set of Tech-Notes that
appeared in the Watkins Johnson parts catalogs of yore (circa 1980). It is quite
difficult to locate those notes, especially since websites keep moving the files
around, breaking links. So, as a matter of public service, I am making them available
here. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged. At this time there are 85 Tech-Notes.
Also, don't forget the classic datasheet for the Watkins-Johnson WJ-G1/SMG1 Voltage-Controlled
Attenuator datasheet with the
Phase vs. VCTL vs. Frequency vs. Phase of the Moon Chart.
- Developing Electron-Bombarded Semiconductor Amplifiers, v1-1
- Developments in FML and Miniature Millimeter LNTWA Devices, v1-2
- The Laminar Flow Gun CRT,
- The Coplanar Mixer, v1-4
- YIG-Tuned Bulk GaAs
Oscillators, v1-5
- Voltage Controlled
Oscillators in Modern ECM Systems, v1-6
- X-Ray
Flux from Transmission-Target Tubes, v2-1
- Airborne
Rotary DF Antenna Systems, v2-2
- Microwave
Frequency Synthesizers, v2-3
- High
Probability of Intercept Receivers in EW Environments, v2-4
- Ka-Band YIG-Tuned
GaAs Oscillators, v2-5
- A Modern Receiving System Approach to EMI/EMC/TEMPEST Measurements,
- Electron-Bombarded
Semiconductors, v3-1
- Linear
VCOs Linearize Microwave Sources, v3-2
- EW Acquisition Systems... probability of intercept and intercept time,
- Gain of Directional
Antennas, v3-4
- Gain of Directional
Antennas (revised), v3-4
- EMC/TEMPEST Detection Systems... Test and Measurement Instrumentation,
- Signal Reception in a Complex Radar Environment, v3-6
- Advances in
Microwave Receiver Testing, v4-2
- Design of Power
Converters for Space TWA's, v4-3
- Pulsed X-Ray Tubes Methods
and Applications, v4-4
- YIG-Tuned Integrated
Devices, v4-5
- Cavity-Controlled
Oscillators, v4-6
- Mixers as Phase Detectors,
- HF Receiver Design, v5-2
- Transportation Lag
of Phase Locked Loops, v5-3
- Hyperabrupt Varactor-Tuned
Oscillators, v5-4
- Solid State Limiting Amplifiers,
- Miniature X-band
Amplifiers and Down Converters, v5-6
- Cascading
Amplifiers, v6-1
- Advances in CRT Technology
Part-1, v6-2.pdf
- Advances in CRT Technology
Part-2, v6-3.pdf
- Antenna Polarization, v6-4
- YIG Tuned FET Oscillator
Design 8-18 GHz, v6-5
- Signals Typical of the HF Spectrum,
- High
Dynamic Range Receiver Parameters, v7-2
- FSK: Signals and Demodulation,
- UHF/VHF Direction Finding, v8-1
- Mixers: Part
1, Characteristics and Performance, v8-2
- Mixers: Part 2,
Theory and Technology, v8-3
- Antenna Pedestals
for Microwave Recon Systems, v8-4
- Digital
Transmission of Analog Signals, v8-5
Local Oscillator Phase Noise and Its Effect on Receiver Performance, v8-6
- Improving System
and Environmental DF Accuracy, v9-1
- DF System Calibration
and Correction Techniques, v9-2
- Digital Signal Processing for Multichannel Receiving Systems, v9-3
- Design of Automatic
Receiver Test Systems, v9-4
- 18-60 GHz Signal
Generation Using Existing Sources, v9-5
- Time-Domain Receivers for Pulsed Signals - Part 1, v9-6
- Time-Domain Receivers for Pulsed Signals - Part 2, v10-1
- Frequency Memory Loops, v10-2
- ELF/VLF Receiver Design, v10-3
- Predicting Intermodulation Suppression in Double-Balanced Mixers,
- Low Power VHF/UHF Synthesizer
Design, v10-5
- Microwave Sampling for Ultra-Broadband Frequency Conversion, v10-6
- PSK Demodulation (Part
1), v11-2
- PSK Demodulation (Part
2), v11-2
- Competitive
Receiver Technologies, v11-4
- RF Signal
Processing Before the Receiver, v11-5
Software Design of Microprocessor-Controlled Receivers, Part 1, v11-6
Software Design of Microprocessor-Controlled Receivers, Part 2, v12-1
- Design Considerations for Automated RF Test Equipment, v12-2
- Image-Reject and Single-Sideband
Mixers, v12-3
- Modulation Recognition for Automated Surveillance Systems, v12-4
Aircraft Detection and Identification Using Passive Electronic Support
Measures, v12-5
- System Control
of VHF/UHF Receivers, v12-6
Parallel Testing of Magnetic Bubble Memories, v13-1
- Developments in Receiving System Integration Techniques, v13-2
- Time Tracking of High PRF Signals with Bit-Slice Microprocessors,
- Dual Mixers, v13-4
- Wideband YIG-Tuned
Oscillators, v13-5
- Receiver Dynamic Range: Part 1, v14-1
- Receiver Dynamic Range: Part 2, v14-2
- MIL-Specification
Mixers, v15-2
- Automated Noise-Parameter Measurements Using a Microwave Probe, v16-1
- Rapid Broadband
Signal Acquisition, v16-2
- Cascading
Amplifiers, v16-3 (other)
- Frequency Discriminators,
- Design Considerations for Miniaturized Receivers, v16-5
- Millimeter-Wave
Block Converters, v16-6
- Mixers in Microwave Systems
(Part 1), v17-1 (other)
- Mixers in Microwave Systems
(Part 2), v17-2 (other)
- Surface-Mount
Component Technology, v17-3
- Fiber Optics for Receivers,
Combline Filters for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Frequencies, Part 1, v17-5
Combline Filters for Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Frequencies, Part 2, v17-6
- Surface-Mount
Devices Reflow Soldering, v18-1
- Designing
Fast-Switching PLL Synthesizers, v18-2
Atmospheric Pressure vs. Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition, v18-3
- GaAs
MMIC Voltage-Controlled Phase Shifter, v18-4
- Mixers Application
