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Garod Model 6AU-1 Commander Radio Data Sheet 341
November 1946 Radio-Craft

November 1946 Radio-Craft

November 1946 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Garod Model 6AU-1 on RadioMuseum.org - RF Cafe 

Garod Model 6AU-1 Commander on RadioMuseum.org

Garod 6AU-1 Red/Orange Cabinet - RF CafeThis data sheet with schematic and aligning procedures for the Garod model 6AU-1 tabletop radio appeared in the November 1946 issue of Radio-Craft magazine. It was AM only (shortwave and FM were not in use yet), and operated off of batteries (DC) or the AC line. It was one of the earlier radio to use a Bakelite-like phenol formaldehyde resin material for the cabinet rather than the more traditional wood. Molded plastic was not yet a thing in high volume commercial production. The brown (or bright red) and gold motif was considered avant-garde (aka Art Deco) compared to the more conservative solid and wood laminate finishes. There was also a version with orange case and red grille. The overall size was 11" wide x 6.5" high x 6" deep. There are many finely restored exampled around the Internet.

Garod Model 6AU-1 Commander Radio Data Sheet 341

Garod Model 6AU-1 Radio Data Sheet 341, November 1946 Radio-Craft - RF CafeLine Voltage: 105-125 volts, 50-60 cycles, a.c.,·d.c.

Power Consumption: 30 watts.

Tuning Range: Broadcast: 540 to 1650 Kilocycles (180 to 555 meters).

Tubes: The tubes used, and their functions, are as follows:

6SS7 r.f. amplifier

12SA7 converter

6SS7 i.f. amplifier

12SQ7 detector, a.v.c. and audio amp.

50L6GT beam power amplifier

35Z5GT rectifier

Alignment Procedure:

Should it become necessary at any time to check the alignment of this receiver, proceed as follows:

(1) Set the Signal Generator to 455 kc and connect to the grid of the 6SS7 r.f. amplifier, or to the stator lug on the rear section of the variable capacitor. Connect the signal generator ground lead to a -B point underneath the chassis. Connect a suitable output meter across the speaker voice coil connections. First turn the volume control to the maximum position. Turn the variable capacitor to the extreme clock-wise position.

(2) Adjust the trimmers located at the top of the first and second i.f. transformers for maximum output as indicated on the output meter.

(3) Loosely couple the signal generator lead to the loop and set to 1650 kc.

(4) With the variable capacitor set at the extreme clockwise position, tune in the 1650 kc signal by means of the oscillator trimmer on the variable capacitor (front section).

(5) Set the signal generator to 1500 kc and turn the tuning control so that this frequency is indicated on the dial. Adjust the antenna trimmer on the variable capacitor (rear section) for maximum output. No other adjustments are necessary.


The Model 6AU-1 is complete in every detail for efficient and immediate operation. A self-contained loop antenna is included, which will give excellent results in most locations. Due to the directional properties of the loop, it may be advantageous to turn the receiver to the left or right in noisy locations for maximum signal and minimum noise. A best position for reception can always be found. In unfavorable locations where distant reception is required, a well-constructed outside antenna may be used, and connected to the green wire labeled "Ant." at the rear of the loop.


The left-hand knob is the volume control and On-Off switch. The right-hand knob is the station selector tuning control, which selects the desired station along the slide-rule dial, the frequency of which is indicated by the pointer.


If this receiver is operated on d.c. (Direct Current), it may be necessary to reverse the line cord plug to obtain the correct polarity. Objectionable hum or noise may also be eliminated on a.c. operation by reversing the line cord plug.



Posted April 4, 2022

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

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