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Ford-Philco Radio Model FT9, 6-Tube Auto Receiver Radio Service Data Sheet
April 1936 Radio-Craft

April 1936 Radio-Craft

April 1936 Radio Craft Cover - RF Cafe[Table of Contents]

Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles from Radio-Craft, published 1929 - 1953. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.

Ford-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (1) - RF CafeFord-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (2) - RF Cafe
Ford-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (3) - RF CafeFord-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (4) - RF Cafe
Ford-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (5) - RF CafeFord-Philco FT9 Auto Radio image (6) - RF Cafe

Ford-Philco Model FT9 Auto Radio (eBay images - I had Archive.org do a capture)

This Radio Service Data Sheet covers the Ford-Philco model FT9, 6-tube auto-radio receiver. It appeared in a 1936 issue of Radio-Craft magazine. Most - if not all - electronics servicemen had subscriptions to these magazines because they were a ready source of not just these service sheets, but because of the extensive articles offering advice on servicing radios and televisions. In fact, many electronics manufacturers had a policy of supplying service data only to bona fide shops. Thumbnail photos at the left came from a Ford-Philco FT9 radio on eBay. A large list is included at the bottom of the page of similar documents from vintage receiver schematics, troubleshooting tips, and alignment procedures. They were originally published in magazines like this one, Radio and Television News, Radio News, etc. I scan and post them for the benefit of hobbyists who restore and service vintage electronics equipment.

Ford-Philco Radio, Model FT9, 6-Tube Auto-Radio Receiver Radio Service Data Sheet

Ford-Philco Radio, Model FT9, 6-Tube Auto-Radio Receiver Radio Service Data Sheet, April 1936 Radio-Craft - RF Cafe(Special antenna circuit; dynamic speaker; non-polarized battery input leads; tone control; A.V.C.)

A fully-charged, heavy-duty battery should be used when testing this set. For all alignments an output meter should be connected to the plate of V5 and to chassis. The lead from the signal generator must be connected to the cap of V3 through a 0.1-mf. condenser. The tone control must be set at "brilliant" and the volume control set at maximum. The attenuator on the generator is set so that the signal is audible but not loud. Adjust C8 and then C7 for best output. Then remove the generator lead from V3 and connect it to the cap of V2 through the 0.1-mf. condenser. Adjust C6 and then C5 for best output. Remove the lead from V2 and connect to the cap of V1 through the same condenser. Adjust the signal generator to 1,600 kc. Turn the tuning condenser plates as far out of mesh as they will go, and in this position balance the high-frequency padder, C3, and the R.F. padder, C2, for best response. This setting should correspond to 160 on the dial. Turn the receiver condenser to about 580 kc., 58 on the dial, and adjust the signal generator to the same position. Rock the tuning condenser back and forth at the same time turning the low-frequency padder, C4 for highest response. The high-frequency position should now be readjusted. Turn the receiver condenser plates out as far as they will go and adjust the generator to 1,600 kc. Then adjust the high-frequency padder, C3 again for maximum reading on the output indicator.

The antenna circuit is now tuned. Connect the antenna lead of the set to the antenna lead of the generator through a 125 mmf. condenser. Revolve the receiver tuning condenser to 1,400 kc., and set the generator dial at the same figure. Adjust C1 and C4 for highest output.

If the above procedure has been carefully followed the receiver will now be in alignment.

When the antenna stage is adjusted with the receiver installed in the car, the receiver antenna lead must be connected to the car antenna in the usual manner. The signal generator lead must be connected to a wire placed near the car antenna, but not connected to it.

No voltage readings are given for this set, since the manufacturer feels that they would be misleading, due to discrepancies in battery voltage, resistance of leads, and other variable factors. A slight change in signal voltage produces a relatively large change in operating voltages of the set.



Posted March 20, 2023
(updated from original post on 10/22/2015)

Radio Service Data Sheets

These schematics, tuning instructions, and other data are reproduced from my collection of vintage radio and electronics magazines. As back in the era, similar schematic and service info was available for purchase from sources such as SAMS Photofacts, but these printings were a no-cost bonus for readers. There are 227 Radio Service Data Sheets as of December 28, 2020.

Werbel Microwave (power dividers, couplers)
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