December 1965 Popular Electronics
Table of Contents
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics. See articles
Popular Electronics,
published October 1954 - April 1985. All copyrights are hereby acknowledged.
Robert Balin created
scores of electronics-related quizzes for Popular Electronics magazine
(see list at bottom of page). Having appeared in the December 1965 issue, some of
the subjects are a bit dated, but hey, this is an Electronics History Quiz so it
shouldn't matter. I scored 80% - yeah, sort of pathetic - but I don't recall ever
hearing of Raymond Heising and I couldn't figure out what item "A" in the drawing
is (spoiler: it's a TV iconoscope). That left me with a guess between "A" and "G"
for #9 and #10, which of course I got wrong with a 50-50 chance. C'est la vie.
Electronics History Quiz
By Robert P. Balin
Many present-day electronics devices have
been around for a long time, and some still bear the manes of their inventors. Try
matching the names of the well-known scientists listed above (1-10) with drawings
A-J of the devices or circuits they helped develop.
1 Fleming ___
2 Hartley ___
3 Leclanche ___
4 Morse ___
5 Oersted ___
6 Pierce ___
7 Tesla ___
8 Wien ___
9 Zworykin ___
10 Heising ___
See answers below.
Quizzes from vintage electronics magazines such as Popular
Electronics, Electronics-World, QST, Radio-Electronics,
and Radio News were published over the years - some really simple and others
not so simple. Robert P. Balin created most of the quizzes for Popular
Electronics. This is a listing of all I have posted thus far.
- RF Cafe Quiz #71:
Tech Headlines for Week of 3/13/2023
- RF Cafe Quiz #70:
Analog &
RF Filter Basics
- RF Cafe Quiz #69:
Electronics Basics
- RF Cafe Quiz #68:
RF & Analog Company Mergers & Acquisitions in 2017
- RF Cafe Quiz #67:
RF & Microwave Company Name Change History
- RF Cafe Quiz #66:
Spectrum and Network Measurements
- RF Cafe Quiz #65:
Troubleshooting & Repairing Commercial Electrical Equipment
- RF Cafe Quiz #64:
Space-Time Adaptive Processing for Radar
- RF Cafe Quiz #63:
Envelope Tracking Power Amplifiers
- RF Cafe Quiz #62:
Stimson's Introduction to Airborne Radar
- RF Cafe Quiz #61:
Practical Microwave Circuits
- RF Cafe Quiz #60:
Ten Essential Skills for Electrical Engineers
- RF Cafe Quiz #59:
Microwave Circulator Design
- RF Cafe Quiz #58:
Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Electronic Packaging
- RF Cafe Quiz #57:
Frequency-Agile Antennas for Wireless Communications
- RF Cafe Quiz #56:
Tube Testers
and Electron Tube Equipment
- RF Cafe Quiz #55:
Radio Frequency
- RF Cafe Quiz #54:
Microwave Mixer Technology and Applications
- RF Cafe Quiz #53:
Chipless RFID Reader Architecture
- RF Cafe Quiz #52:
RF and Microwave Power Amplifiers
- RF Cafe Quiz #51:
Antennas and Site Engineering for Mobile Radio Networks
- RF Cafe Quiz #50:
Microstrip Lines and Slotlines
- RF Cafe Quiz #49:
High-Frequency Integrated Circuits
- RF Cafe Quiz #48:
Introduction to Infrared and Electro-Optical Systems
- RF Cafe Quiz #47:
LCP for Microwave Packages and Modules
- RF Cafe Quiz #46:
RF, Microwave, and Millimeter-Wave Components
- RF Cafe Quiz #45:
Dielectric and Thermal Properties of Materials at Microwave Frequencies
- RF Cafe Quiz #44:
Monopulse Principles and Techniques
- RF Cafe Quiz #43:
Plasma Antennas
- RF Cafe Quiz #42: The Micro-Doppler
Effect in Radar
- RF Cafe Quiz #41: Introduction
to RF Design Using EM Simulators
- RF Cafe Quiz #40: Introduction
to Antenna Analysis Using EM Simulation
- RF Cafe Quiz #39: Emerging
Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile Internet
- RF Cafe Quiz #38: Klystrons,
Traveling Wave Tubes, Magnetrons, Crossed-Field Amplifiers, and Gyrotrons
- RF Cafe Quiz #37: Component
Reliability for Electronic Systems
- RF Cafe Quiz #36: Advanced
- RF Cafe Quiz #35: Frequency
Synthesizers: Concept to Product
- RF Cafe Quiz #34: Multi-Gigabit
Microwave and Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communications
- RF Cafe Quiz #33: Battlespace
Technologies: Network-Enabled Information Dominance
- RF Cafe Quiz #32: Modern Communications
Receiver Design and Technology
- RF Cafe Quiz #31: Quantum
Mechanics of Nanostructures
- RF Cafe Quiz #30: OFDMA System
Analysis and Design
- RF Cafe Quiz #29: Cognitive
- RF Cafe Quiz #28: Human-Centered
Information Fusion
- RF Cafe Quiz #27: Remarkable
- RF Cafe Quiz #26: Substrate
Noise Coupling in Analog/RF Circuits
- RF Cafe Quiz #25: Component
Reliability for Electronic Systems
- RF Cafe Quiz #24: Ultra Low
Power Bioelectronics
- RF Cafe Quiz #23: Digital
Communications Basics
- RF Cafe Quiz #22: Remember
the Basics?
- RF Cafe Quiz #21: Wireless
Standards Knowledge
- RF Cafe Quiz #20: Famous First
- RF Cafe Quiz #19: Basic Circuit
- RF Cafe Quiz #18: Archaic
Scientific Words & Definitions
- RF Cafe Quiz #17: Inventors &
Their Inventions
- RF Cafe Quiz #16: Antennas
- RF Cafe Quiz #15: Numerical
- RF Cafe Quiz #14: Oscillators
- RF Cafe Quiz #13: General
- RF Cafe Quiz #12: Electronics
Corporations Headquarters
- RF Cafe Quiz #11: Famous Inventors &
- RF Cafe Quiz #10: A Sampling
of RF & Wireless Topics
- RF Cafe Quiz #9: A Smorgasbord
of RF Topics
- RF Cafe Quiz #8: Hallmark Decades
in Electronics
- RF Cafe Quiz #7: Radar Fundamentals
- RF Cafe Quiz #6: Wireless Communications
- RF Cafe Quiz #5: Company Logo
- RF Cafe Quiz #4: General RF
- RF Cafe Quiz #3: General RF/Microwave
- RF Cafe Quiz #2: General RF
- RF Cafe Quiz #1: General RF
- Vacuum Tube Quiz,
February 1961 Popular Electronics
- Kool-Keeping Kwiz, June
1970 Popular Electronics
- Find the Brightest
Bulb Quiz, April 1960 Popular Electronics
Where Do the Scientists Belong? - Feb 19, 1949 Saturday Evening Post
What's Your EQ?
- February 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - July 1967 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - December 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - April 1966 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - October 1963 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - July 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - May 1967 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - July 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - January 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - February 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - March 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - July 1961 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - August 1961 Radio-Electronics
Can You Name These Strange Electronic Effects? - August 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - September 1961 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - September 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - October 1961 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - November 1961 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - March 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - April 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - May 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - June 1962 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - April 1967 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - March 1967 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - December 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - January 1967 Radio-Electronics
Wanted: 50,000 Engineers - January 1953 Popular Mechanics
What's Your EQ? - August 1964 Radio-Electronics
- Voltage Quiz
- December 1961 Popular Electronics
What is It? - June 1941 Popular Science
- What Do You Know
About Resistors? - April 1974 Popular Electronics
What's Your EQ? - September 1963 Radio-Electronics
- Potentiometer Quiz - September
1962 Popular Electronics
Mathematical Bafflers - March 1965 Mechanix Illustrated
- Op Amp Quiz -
October 1968 Popular Electronics
- Electronic "A"
Quiz - April 1968 Popular Electronics
What's Your EQ? - May 1961 Radio-Electronics
Popular Science Question Bee - February 1939 Popular Science
What is It? - A Question Bee in Photographs - June 1941 Popular Science
What's Your EQ? - June 1961 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - June 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - May 1964 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - August 1963 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - May 1963 Radio-Electronics
- Bridge
Function Quiz - September 1969 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - March 1963 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - February 1967 Radio-Electronics
Circuit Quiz - June 1966 Radio-Electronics
What's Your EQ? - June 1966 Radio-Electronics
- Electronics
Mathematics Quiz - June 1969 Popular Electronics
- Brightest
Light Quiz - April 1964 Popular Electronics
What's Your EQ? - April 1963 Radio-Electronics
- Electronics "B" Quiz
- July 1969 Popular Electronics
- Ohm's Law Quiz
- March 1969 Popular Electronics
Antenna Quiz - November 1962 Electronics World
- Color Code Quiz
- November 1967 Popular Electronics
- CapaciQuiz
- August 1961 Popular Electronics
- Transformer
Winding Quiz - December 1964 Popular Electronics
Audiophile Quiz - November 1957 Radio-electronics
- Capacitor
Function Quiz - March 1962 Popular Electronics
- Greek Alphabet
Quiz - December 1963 Popular Electronics
- Circuit
Designer's Name Quiz - July 1968 Popular Electronics
Sawtooth Sticklers Quiz - November 1960 Radio-Electronics
Radio Quiz - December 1947 Radio-Craft
- Hi-Fi
Quiz - October 1955 Radio & Television News
- Electronics Physics
Quiz - March 1974 Popular Electronics
- A Baffling Quiz
- January 1968 Popular Electronics
- Electronics IQ
Quiz - May 1967 Popular Electronics
- Plug and Jack
Quiz - December 1967 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Switching Quiz - October 1967 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Angle Quiz - September 1967 Popular Electronics
- International
Electronics Quiz - July 1967 Popular Electronics
- FM Radio
Quiz - April 1950 Radio & Television News
- Bridge Circuit
Quiz -December 1966 Popular Electronics
- Diode Function
Quiz - August 1965 Popular Electronics
- Diagram Quiz,
August 1966 Popular Electronics
- Quist Quiz - November
1953 QST
- TV Trouble Quiz,
July 1966 Popular Electronics
- Electronics History Quiz,
December 1965 Popular Electronics
- Scope-Trace Quiz,
March 1965 Popular Electronics
Circuit Analogy Quiz, April 1973
Test Your Knowledge of Semiconductors, August 1972 Popular Electronics
- Ganged Switching
Quiz, April 1972 Popular Electronics
- Lamp Brightness
Quiz, January 1969 Popular Electronics
- Lissajous
Pattern Quiz, September 1963 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Quizoo, October 1962 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Photo Album Quiz, March 1963 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Alphabet Quiz, May 1963 Popular Electronics
- Quiz: Resistive?
Inductive? or Capacitive?, October 1960 Popular Electronics
- Vector-Circuit
Matching Quiz, June 1970 Popular Electronics
- Inductance
Quiz, September 1961 Popular Electronics
- RC Circuit Quiz,
June 1963 Popular Electronics
- Diode Quiz, July
1961 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Curves Quiz, February 1963 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Numbers Quiz, December 1962 Popular Electronics
- Energy Conversion
Quiz, April 1963 Popular Electronics
- Coil Function
Quiz, June 1962 Popular Electronics
Co-Inventors Quiz - January 1965 Electronics World
"-Tron" Teasers Quiz - October 1963 Electronics World
- Polarity Quiz
- March 1968 Popular Electronics
I.Q. Quiz - October 1948 Radio & Television News
- Amplifier Quiz
Part I - February 1964 Popular Electronics
- Semiconductor
Quiz - February 1967 Popular Electronics
- Unknown
Frequency Quiz - September 1965 Popular Electronics
- Electronics
Metals Quiz - October 1964 Popular Electronics
- Electronics
Measurement Quiz - August 1967 Popular Electronics
- Meter-Reading
Quiz, June 1966 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Geometry Quiz, January 1965 Popular Electronics
- Electronic
Factor Quiz, November 1966 Popular Electronics
- Electronics
Math Quiz, November 1965 Popular Electronics
- Series Circuit
Quiz, May 1966 Popular Electronics
- Electrochemistry
Quiz, March 1966 Popular Electronics
- Biz
Quiz: Test Your Sales Ability - April 1947 Radio News
- Electronic
Analogy Quiz, November 1961 Popular Electronics
History Quiz Answers
1 - H - John A. Fleming applied for a patent for his diode vacuum tube
in 1904. It utilized the Edison effect principle discovered 20 years earlier.
2 - B - Ralph V. Hartley invented the oscillator circuit that bears his
name. It uses a parallel-tuned tank circuit with a tapped coil to provide the feedback
3 - C - Georges Leclanche invented the dry cell using a solid depolarizer
in 1868. To this day carbon-zinc dry cells are known as Leclanche cells.
4 - I - Samuel F. Morse and his co-workers, Leonard Gale and Alfred Vail,
demonstrated their electromagnetic relay telegraph in 1838, using the original version
of the dot-and-dash code. The manual key, adopted later, was actually invented by
5 - D - Hans C. Øersted discovered, in 1819, that a magnetic field existed
around a current-carrying conductor.
6 - F - George W. Pierce was the first to apply a piezoelectric crystal
to a vacuum-tube oscillator circuit. This circuit, which now bears his name, is
basically a crystal-controlled version of the Colpitts oscillator.
7 - J - Nicola Tesla invented the high-frequency oscillator transformer
known as the Tesla coil in 1891.
8 - E - Max Wien developed the basic principles of a.c. bridges, and published
a collection of his bridge networks in 1891. The Wien bridge is used to make capacitance
and frequency measurements.
9 - A - Vladimir K. Zworykin invented the television iconoscope in 1923.
10 - G - Raymond A. Heising developed the constant-current form of plate
modulation that bears his name. This method of modulation is widely used in high-power
broadcasting stations.
Posted May 7, 2024 (updated from original post
on 4/4/2018)