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All Physical Constants

This is a very comprehensive list of most physical constants needed to perform routine (and some not-so-routine) tasks. Oddly enough (and scarily enough), a search on the Internet, and printed texts as well, will turn up sometimes significantly different values for these "constants."

As with all endeavors of importance, you are advised to collaborate the values presented here with a second source that you trust.

Name Value Unit
Absolute Entropy Constant -1.1517048
Absolute Entropy Constant -1.1648678
Absolute Zero -273.15 °C
Acceleration of Free Fall on Earth 9.80665 m/s^2
Acceleration of Free Fall on Earth 32.174 ft/s^2
Acre 4046.856422 m^2
Air Density 1.2929 kg/m^3
Air Viscosity @ (20°C) 0.000018 N s/m^2
Alladi-Grinstead Constant 0.809394021
Ångström 1E-10 m
Année-lumière ly 9.46053E+15 m
Apéry's Constant 1.202056903
Apothecaries' Ounce 0.031103477 kg
Astronomical Unit AU 1.49598E+11 m
Atmospheric Pressure 101325 N/m^2
Atmospheric Pressure 1.01325 bar
Atmospheric Pressure 14.7 lbf/in^2
Atomic Mass Unit 1.66054E-27 kg
Atomic Mass Unit 931.494013 MeV
Atomic Mass Unit 1.49242E-10 J
Avogadro Constant NA 6.02214E+23 mol-1
Avoirdupois Ounce oz 0.028349523 kg
Avoirdupois Ounce oz 0.0625 lb (av.)
Avoirdupois Ounce oz 16 drachms (av.)
Backhouse's Constant 1.456074949
Base of Natural Logarithms 2.718281828
Bernstein's Constant 0.280169499
Board Foot (Timber) 0.002359737 m^3
Bohr Magneton 9.27401E-24 J/T
Bohr Magneton 5.78838E-05 eV/T
Bohr Magneton 13996246240 Hz/T
Bohr Radius 5.29177E-11 m
Boltzmann Constant 1.38065E-23 J/K
Boltzmann Constant 8.61734E-05 eV/K
Boltzmann Constant 20836644000 Hz/K
Briggsian logarithm log10(2) 0.301029996
Brun's Constant B 1.902160582
Cahen's Constant 0.62946502
Carbon-14 Half-life of T 5570 years
Catalan's Constant 0.915965594
Chain 20.1168 m
Characteristic Impedence of Vacuum 376.7303135 Ohm
Charge to Mass Quotient(Electron) -1.75882E+11 C/kg
Charge to Mass Quotient (Proton) 95788340.8 C/kg
Charge (Electron) 1.60218E-19 C
Charge (Electron) 2.41799E+14 A/J
Charge (Electron Specific) -1.75882E+11 C/kg
Charge (Elementary) 1.60218E-19 C
Charge (Elementary) 2.41799E+14 A/J
Circulation (Quantum) 0.000363695 m2/s
Circulation (Quantum) 0.00072739 m2/s
Classical Electron Radius 2.81794E-15 m
Common Logarithm of 2 log10(2) 0.301029996
Compton Wavelength of Electron 2.42631E-12 m
Compton Wavelength (Muon ) 1.17344E-14 m
Compton Wavelength (Neutron) 1.31959E-15 m
Compton Wavelength (Proton) 1.32141E-15 m
Compton Wavelength (Tau) 6.977E-16 m
Conductance Quantum 7.74809E-05 S
Conductance (Quantized Hall) 3.87405E-05 S
Copper (Linear Expansivity) 0.000017 K-1
Copper (Specific Heat Capacity) 385 J kg-1 K-1
Copper (Thermal Conductivity) 385 W/m/K
Copper (Young Modulus) 1.3E+11 Pa
Cord (Timber UK) 3.624556364 m^3
Critical Temperature of Air -190 °C
Cross Section (Thomson) 6.65246E-29 m^2
Cube Foot 0.028316847 m^3
Cube Inch 1.63871E-05 m^3
Cube Yard 7.64555E-05 m^3
Curie 37000000000 Bq
Dalton 1.66054E-27 kg
Dalton 931.494013 MeV
Dalton 1.49242E-10 J
Daniel Cell (emf) 1.08 V
Density of Air (at stp) 0.7734 m^3/kg
Density of Air (at stp) 1.2929 kg/m^3
Density (Earth's Average) 5517 kg/m^3
Deuteron Magnetic Moment 4.33074E-27 J/T
Deuteron Magnetic Moment 0.000466975 µB
Deuteron Magnetic Moment 0.85743823 µN
Deuteron Molar Mass 2.013553214 u
Deuteron Rest Mass 3.34359E-27 kg
Deuteron Rest Mass 2.013553214 u
Deuteron Rest Mass 1875.61339 MeV/c^2
Deuteron-Electron Magnetic Moment Ratio 0.000466435
Deuteron-Electron Rest Mass Ratio 3670.483014
Deuteron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio 0.307012204
Deuteron-Proton Rest Mass Ratio 1.999007496
Dirac's Constant 1.05457E-34 J s
Dirac's Constant 6.58212E-16 eV s
Drachm (Avoirdupois) 0.001771845 kg
Dry Pint (US) 0.00055061 m^3
e 2.718281828
Earth's Average Density 5517 kg/m^3
Earth's Average Radius 6370000 m
Earth's Magnetic Field (Horizontal Component) 0.000018 T
Earth's Mass 5.972E+24 kg
Earth-Moon Mean Distance 384400000 m
Electric Constant 8.85419E-12 F/m
Electron Charge 1.60218E-19 C
Electron Charge 2.41799E+14 A/J
Electron Charge to Mass Quotient -1.75882E+11 C/kg
Electron g-Factor -2.002319304
Electron Gyromagnetic Ratio 1.76086E+11 s-1 T-1
Electron Gyromagnetic Ratio 28024.954 MHz/T
Electron Magnetic Moment -9.28476E-24 J/T
Electron Magnetic Moment -1.001159652
Electron Magnetic Moment -1838.281966
Electron Magnetic Moment Anomaly 0.001159652
Electron Mass 9.10938E-31 kg
Electron Mass 0.00054858 u
Electron Mass 0.510998902 MeV
Electron Molar Mass 5.4858E-07 kg/mol
Electron Radius (Classical) 2.81794E-15 m
Electron Specific Charge -1.75882E+11 C/kg
Electron to Shielded Helion Magnetic Moment Ratio (gas sphere 25°C) 864.058255
Electron to Shielded Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio (H2O sphere 25°C) -658.2275954
Electron-a-Particle Mass Ratio 0.000137093
Electron-Deuteron Magnetic Moment Ratio -2143.923498
Electron-Deuteron Mass Ratio 0.000272444
Electron-Muon Magnetic Moment Ratio 206.766972
Electron-Muon Mass Ratio 0.004836332
Electron-Neutron Magnetic Moment Ratio 960.9205
Electron-Neutron Mass Ratio 0.000543867
Electron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio -658.2106875
Electron-Proton Mass Ratio 0.000544617
Electron-Tau Mass Ratio 0.000287555
Electronvolt 1.60218E-19 J
Elementary Charge 1.60218E-19 C
Elementary Charge 2.41799E+14 A/J
emf of Daniell Cell 1.08 V
emf of Lechlanché Cell 1.46 V
emf of Nife Cell 1.4 V
emf of Weston Cell 1.0186 V
Energy Production (Sun's) 3.9E+26 W
Energy (Hartree) 4.35974E-18 J
Energy (Hartree) 27.2113834 eV
Euler's Constant 0.577215665
Faraday Constant 96485.3415 C/mol
Fathom fath 1.8288 m
Fathom fath 72 in
Fathom fath 6 ft
Feigenbaum's Constant 4.669210609
Fermi Constant 1.4E-50 J m-3
Fermi Coupling Constant 1.16639E-05 GeV-2
Fine Structure Constant 0.007297353
First Radiation Constant 3.74177E-16 W m2
First Radiation Constant for Spectral Radiance 1.19104E-16 W m^2/sr
Fluid Ounce UK 0.00002841 m^3
Fluid Ounce US 0.00002957 m^3
Foot 0.3048 m
Foot (Board Timber) 0.002359737 m^3
Foot (Cube) 0.028316847 m^3
Foot (Cube) 1728 in^3
Fransén-Robinson Constant 2.807770242
Free Neutron (Half-life) 650 s
Free Space (Permeability) 1.25664E-06 N/A^2
Free Space (Permittivity) 8.85419E-12 F/m
g-Factor (Electron) -2.002319304
g-Factor (Muon) -2.002331832
g-Factor (Neutron) -3.82608545
g-Factor (Proton) 5.585694675
Gallon (UK) 0.004546 m^3
Gallon (UK) 1.201 US gallon
Gallon (US) 0.003785 m^3
Gallon (US) 0.833 UK gallon
Gas Constant 8.314 J K-1 mol-1
Gas Constant 8.314472 J mol-1 K-1
Geepound 14.59390294 kg
Glass (Refractive Index) 1.5
Glass (Thermal Conductivity) 1 W m-1 K-1
Gold Number 1.618033989
Golden Mean 1.618033989
Golomb-Dickman Constant 0.624329989
Grain 0.06479 g
Gravitation (Newtonian Constant) 6.673E-11 m^3 kg-1 s-1
G/hc 6.707E-39 (GeV/c2)-2
Gravitational Acceleration (Moon's) 1.619 m s-2
Gravitational Constant 6.673E-11 N m^2 kg-2
Gravity (Acceleration) 9.80665 m s-2
Gravity (Acceleration) 32.174 ft s-2
Gunter's Chain 20.1168 m
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Electron) 1.76086E+11 s-1 T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Electron) 28024.954 MHz T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Neutron) 183247188 s-1 T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (n/2p) 29.1646958 MHz T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Proton) 267522212 m s-1 T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Proton) 42.5774825 MHz T-1
Gyromagnetic Ratio (Shielded Proton H2O sphere 25°C) 267515341 /s/T
Hafner-Sarnak-McCurley Constant 0.353236372
Half-life of Carbon-14 5570 years
Half-life of Free Neutron 650 s
Hard Square Entropy Constant 1.503048082
Hartree Energy 4.35974E-18 J
Hartree Energy 27.2113834 eV
Hectare 104 m^2
Horizontal Component of Earth's Magnetic Field 0.000018 T
Hundredweight (UK) 50800 g
Hundredweight (Short US) 45350 g
Hydrogen Rydberg Number 10967758 m-1
Impedence of Vacuum Z0 376.7303135 Ohm
Imperial Pint 0.0005682 m^3
Inch 0.254 m
Inch (Cube) 1.63871E-05 m^3
International Nautical Mile 1852 m
Inverse Conductance Quantum 12906.403786 Ohm
Inverse Fine Structure Constant 0.137036
Josephson Frequency-Voltage Quotient 4.83598E+14 Hz/V
Khintchine's Constant 2.685452001
Landau-Ramanujan Constant 0.764223653
Laplace Limit Constant 0.662743419
Lechlanché Cell (emf) 1.46 V
Length (Planck) 1.616E-35 m
Lengyel's Constant 1.098685806
Lieb's Square Ice Constant 1.539600718
Light Year 9.46053E+15 m
Light Speed of (in a Vacuum) 299792458 m/s
Linear Expansivity of Copper 0.000017 K-1
Linear Expansivity of Steel 0.000012 K-1
Liquid Pint (US) 0.0004731 m^3
Litre 0.001 m^3
Loschmidt Constant 2.68678E+25 m-3
Loschmidt Constant (T=273.15K; p=100kPa) 0.022710981 m^3/mol
Madelung's Constant -1.615542627
Magnetic Constant 1.25664E-06 N A-2
Magnetic Flux Quantum 2.06783E-15 Wb
Magnetic Moment Anomaly (Electron) 0.001159652
Magnetic Moment Anomaly (Muon) 0.001165916
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Deuteron-Electron) 0.000466435
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Deuteron-Proton) 0.3070122035(51)
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron to Shielded Helion gas sphere 25°C) 864.058255(10)
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron to Shielded Proton H2O sphere 25°C) -658.2275954(71)
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron-Deuteron) -2143.923498
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron-Muon) 206.766972
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron-Neutron) 960.9205
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Electron-Proton) -658.2106875
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Muon-Proton) -3.18334539
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Neutron to Shielded Proton H2O- sphere- 25°C) -0.68499694(16)
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Neutron-Electron) 0.001040669
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Neutron-Proton) -0.68497934
Magnetic Moment Ratio (Proton-Neutron) -1.45989805
Magnetic Moment (Deuteron) 0.43307375(15)e-26 J/T
Magnetic Moment (Deuteron) 0.000466975 µB
Magnetic Moment (Deuteron) 0.85743823 µN
Magnetic Moment (Electron µe) -9.28476E-24 J/T
Magnetic Moment (Electron µe/µB) -1.001159652
Magnetic Moment (Electron µe/µN) -1838.281966
Magnetic Moment (Muon µµ) -4.49045E-26 J/T
Magnetic Moment (Muon µµ/µB) -0.004841971
Magnetic Moment (Muon µµ/µN) -8.8905977
Magnetic Moment (Neutron µn) -9.66236E-27 J/T
Magnetic Moment (Neutron µn/µB0 -0.001041876
Magnetic Moment (Neutron µn/µN) -1.91304272
Magnetic Moment (Proton µp) 1.41061E-26 J/T
Magnetic Moment (Proton µp/µB) 0.001521032
Magnetic Moment (Proton µp/µN) 2.792847337
Magneton (Bohr) 9.27401E-24 J/T
Magneton (Bohr) 5.78838E-05 eV/T
Magneton (Bohr) 13996246240 Hz/T
Magneton (Nuclear) 5.05078E-27 J/T
Magneton (Nuclear) 3.15245E-08 eV/T
Magneton (Nuclear) 7.62259396 MHz/T
Mass Ratio (Deuteron-Electron Rest) 3670.483014
Mass Ratio (Deuteron-Proton Rest) 1.999007496
Mass Ratio (Electron-a-Particle) 0.000137093
Mass Ratio (Electron-Deuteron) 0.000272444
Mass Ratio (Electron-Muon) 0.004836332
Mass Ratio (Electron-Neutron) 0.000543867
Mass Ratio (Electron-Proton) 0.000544617
Mass Ratio (Electron-Tau) 0.000287555
Mass Ratio (Muon-Electron) 206.7682657
Mass Ratio (Muon-Neutron) 0.112454508
Mass Ratio (Muon-Proton) 0.112609517
Mass Ratio (Muon-Tau) 0.0594572
Mass Ratio (Neutron-Electron) 1.838683655
Mass Ratio (Neutron-Muon) 8.89248478
Mass Ratio (Neutron-Proton) 1.001378419
Mass Ratio (Neutron-Tau) 0.528722
Mass Ratio (Proton-Electron) 1836.152668
Mass Ratio (Proton-Muon) 8.88024408
Mass Ratio (Proton-Neutron) 0.998623479
Mass Ratio (Proton-Tau) 0.527994
Mass Ratio (Tau-Electron) 3477.48
Mass Ratio (Tau-Muon) 16.8188
Mass Ratio (Tau-Neutron) 1.89135
Mass Ratio (Tau-Proton) 1.89396
Mass (Deuteron Rest) 3.34359E+27 kg
Mass (Deuteron Rest) 2.013553214 u
Mass (Deuteron Rest) 1875.61339 MeV/c^2
Mass (Earth's) 5.972E+24 kg
Mass (Sun's) 1.99E+30 kg
Mass (Tau) 3.16788E-27 kg
Mass (Tau) 1.90774 u
Mile 1609.344 m
Mile (Square) 2589000 m^2
Mills' Constant 1.306377884
Molar Gas Constant 8.314472 J mol-1 K-1
Molar Mass (Deuteron) 2.013553214 u
Molar Mass (Electron) 5.4858E-07 kg/mol
Molar Mass (Muon) 0.000113429 kg/mol
Molar Mass (Neutron) 0.001008665 kg/mol
Molar Mass (Proton) 0.001007276 kg/mol
Molar Mass (Tau NAmt) 0.00190774 kg/mol
Molar Planck Constant 3.99031E-10 J s/mol
Molar Planck Constant 0.119626565 J m/mol
Molar Volume (Ideal Gas T=273.15 K p=101.325 kPa) 0.022413996 m^3 mol-1
Moon's Gravitational Acceleration 1.619 m/s^2
Moon's Mean Density 3330 kg/m^3
Moon's Mean Distance from Earth 384400000 m
Moon's Mean Mass 7.33E+22 kg
Moon's Mean Radius 1738000 m
Muon Compton Wavelength 1.17344E-14 m
Muon g-Factor -2.002331832
Muon Magnetic Moment -4.49045E-26 J/T
Muon Magnetic Moment -0.004841971
Muon Magnetic Moment -8.8905977
Muon Magnetic Moment Anomaly 0.001165916
Muon Mass 1.88353E-28 kg
Muon Mass 0.113428917 u
Muon Mass 105.6583568 MeV
Muon Molar Mass 0.000113429 kg/mol
Muon-Electron Mass Ratio 206.7682657
Muon-Neutron Mass Ratio 0.112454508
Muon-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio -3.18334539
Muon-Proton Mass Ratio 0.112609517
Muon-Tau Mass Ratio 0.0594572
Naperian (natural) logarithm ln(10) 2.302585093
Naperian (natural) logarithm ln(2) 0.693147181
Nautical Mile (International) 1852 m
Nautical Mile (UK) 1853.18 m
Neutron Compton Wavelength 1.31959E-15 m
Neutron g-Factor -3.82608545
Neutron Gyromagnetic Ratio 183247188 /s/T
Neutron Gyromagnetic Ratio 29.1646958 MHz/T
Neutron Magnetic Moment -9.66236E-27 J/T
Neutron Magnetic Moment -0.001041876
Neutron Magnetic Moment -1.91304272
Neutron Mass 1.67493E-27 kg
Neutron Mass 1.008664916 u
Neutron Mass 1.50535E-10 J
Neutron Molar Mass 0.001008665 kg/mol
Neutron to Shielded Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio (H2O- sphere- 25°C) -0.68499694
Neutron-Electron Magnetic Moment Ratio 0.001040669
Neutron-Electron Mass Ratio 1.838683655
Neutron-Muon Mass Ratio 8.89248478
Neutron-Proton Magnetic Moment Ratio -0.68497934
Neutron-Proton Mass Ratio 1.001378419
Neutron-Tau Mass Ratio 0.528722
Newtonian Constant of Gravitation 6.673E-11 m^3 kg-1 s-1
Newtonian Constant of Gravitation 6.707E-39 (GeV/c2)-2
Nife Cell (emf) 1.4 V
Niven's Constant 1.70521114
Nuclear Magneton 5.05078E-27 J T-1
Nuclear Magneton 3.15245E-08 eV T-1
Nuclear Magneton 7.62259396 MHz T-1
Number (Gold) 1.618033989
Ounce (Apothecaries) 0.031103477 kg
Ounce (Avoirdupois) 0.028349523 kg
Ounce (Avoirdupois) 0.0625 lb (av.)
Ounce (Avoirdupois) 16 drachms (av.)
Ounce (Troy) 31.103 g
Paraffin (Refractive Index) 1.42
Permeability of Free Space 1.25664E-06 H/m
Permittivity of Free Space 8.85419E-12 F/m
Pi 3.141592654
Pint (Dry US) 0.00055061 m^3
Pint (Imperial) 0.0005682 m^3
Pint (Liquid US) 0.0004731 m^3
Planck Constant (h) 6.62607E-34 J s
Planck Constant (h) 4.13567E-15 eV s
Planck Constant (h/2p) 1.05457E-34 J s
Planck Constant (h bar) 6.58212E-16 eV s
Planck Constant (Molar) 3.99031E-10 J s/mol
Planck Constant (Molar) 0.119626565 J m/mol
Planck Length 1.616E-35 m
Planck Mass 2.1767E-08 kg
Planck Time 5.3906E-44 s
Porter's Constant 1.467078079
Pounds per Acre 0.112 g/m^2
Pounds per Foot 1.488 kg/m
Pounds per Inch 17.85 kg/m
Pounds per Square Foot 4882 g/m^2
Pounds per Square Inch 703000 g/m^2
Pounds per Yard 0.496 kg/m
Pressure (Atmospheric) 101325 N/m^2
Pressure (Atmospheric) 1.01325 bar
Pressure (Atmospheric) 14.7 lbf in-2
Proton Charge to Mass Quotient 95788340.8 C/kg
Proton Compton Wavelength h/mpc 1.32141E-15 m
Proton g-Factor 5.585694675
Proton Gyromagnetic Ratio 267522212 s-1 T-1
Proton Gyromagnetic Ratio 42.5774825 MHz/T
Proton Magnetic Moment 1.41061E-26 J/T
Proton Magnetic Moment 0.001521032
Proton Magnetic Moment 2.792847337
Proton Magnetic Moment (Shielded H2O- sphere- 25°C) 1.41057E-26 J/T
Proton Mass 1.67262E-27 kg
Proton Mass 1.007276467 u
Proton Mass 1.50328E-10 J
Proton Molar Mass 0.001007276 kg/mol
Proton-Electron Mass Ratio 1836.152668
Proton-Muon Mass Ratio 8.88024408
Proton-Neutron Magnetic Moment Ratio -1.45989805
Proton-Neutron Mass Ratio 0.998623479
Proton-Tau Mass Ratio 0.527994
Pythagoras' Constant 1.414213562
Quantized Hall Conductance 3.87405E-05 S
Quantized Hall Resistance 25812.8056
Quantum of Circulation 0.000363695 m^2/s
h/me 0.00072739 m^2/s
Quantum Conductance 7.74809E-05 S
Quantum Inverse Conductance 12906.40379 Ohm
Quantum Magnetic Flux 2.06783E-15 Wb
Radiation Constant (Second) 0.014387752 m K
Ramanujan-Soldner Constant 1.451369235
Refractive Index of Glass 1.5
Refractive Index of Paraffin 1.42
Refractive Index of Water 1.33
Residual Entropy For Square Ice 1.539600718
Resistance Quantized Hall RH 25812.8056 Ohm
Rydberg Constant 10973731.57 m-1
Rydberg Constant 3.28984E+15 Hz
Rydberg Constant 2.17987E-18 J
Rydberg Number (Hydrogen) 10967758 m-1
Sackur-Tetrode Constant -1.1517048
Sackur-Tetrode Constant -1.1648678
Second Radiation Constant 0.014387752 m K
Self-Numbers Density Constant 0.252660259
Shapiro's Cyclic Sum Constant 0.4945668
Short Hundredweight (US) 4.535e4 g
Short Ton 907100 g
Short Ton 2000 lb
Siegbahn Unit 1.00021E-13 m
Sierpinski's Constant 2.58498176
Sigma 1E+12 m
Siriometre 1.49598E+15 m
Siriusweit 1.54284E+17 m
Slug 14.59390294 kg
Solar Constant 1400 W m-2
Specific Heat Capacity of Copper 385 J kg-1 K-1
Specific Heat Capacity of Water 4200 J kg-1 K-1
Specific Latent Heat of Fusion of Water 334000 J kg-1
Specific Latent Heat of Vapourisation of Water 2260000 J kg-1
Spectral Radiance (First Radiation Constant) 1.19104E-16 W m^2 sr-1
Speed of Light in a Vacuum 299792458 m/s
Speed of Sound in Air at STP 340 m/s
Square Mile 2589000 m^2
Square Yard 0.8361 m^2
Steel (Linear Expansivity) 0.000012 K-1
Steel (Young Modulus) 2.1E+11 Pa
Stefan-Boltzmann Constant 5.6704E-08 W m-2 K-4
Sun's Energy Production 3.9E+26 W
Sun's Mass 1.99E+30 kg
Sun's Mean Distance From Earth 1.495E+11 m
Sun's Mean Radius 696000000 m
Tau Compton Wavelength 6.977E-16 m
Tau Mass 3.16788E-27 kg
Tau Mass 1.90774 u
Tau Molar Mass 0.00190774 kg mol-1
Tau-Electron Mass Ratio 3477.48
Tau-Muon Mass Ratio 16.8188
Tau-Neutron Mass Ratio 1.89135
Tau-Proton Mass Ratio 1.89396
Thermal Conductivity of Copper 385 W m-1 K-1
Thermal Conductivity of Glass 1 W m-1 K-1
Thomson Cross Section 6.65246E-29 m^2
Ton 106 kg
Ton Short 907100 g
Ton UK per 1000yd 1.111 kg/m
Ton UK per Mile 0.6313 kg/m
Troy Ounce 31.103 g
Vallée's Constant 0.199458818
Van der Corput's Constant 3.364317578
Verdet's Constant (Light at 589nm in water) 0.000477 rad/A
Viscosity of Air at 20°C 0.000018 N s/m^2
Viscosity of Water at 20°C 0.001002 N s/m^2
von Klitzing Constant 25812.80757 Ohm
Water (Refractive Index) 1.33
Water (Specific Heat Capacity) 4200 J/kg/K
Water (Specific Latent Hear of Vapourisation) 2260000 J/kg
Water (Specific Latent Heat of Fusion) 334000 J/kg
Water (Viscosity 20°C) 0.001002 N s/m^2
Wavelength of Electron Compton 2.42631E-12 m
Weak Mixing Angle 0.2224
Weston Cell emf 1.0186 V
Wien Displacement Law Constant 0.002897769 m K
Wilbraham-Gibbs Constant 1.851937052
Young Modulus for Copper 1.3E+11 Pa
Young Modulus for Steel 2.1E+11 Pa
Zero Absolute -273.15 °C

Values obtained from MilMega table

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RF Cascade Workbook 2018 by RF Cafe