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4 of the January 2022 homepage archives.
Friday the 7th
Before I forget, let me remind you while
on the subject of antenna design that beginning January 1, 2022, EZNEC Antenna Software
by Roy Lewallen (W7EL) is being offered free of charge. It is inarguably the world's
premiere package for amateur radio enthusiasts and is used by many professionals.
QST's Joel Hallas (SK) used it extensively as part of his monthly "The
Doctor Is In" column. This "ABCs
of Antenna Design" article appeared in a 1948 issue of Radio News magazine
in an era when nomographs, slide rules, and empirical testing and adjusting were
the primary tools of all designers. Digital and analog computers occupied entire
wings of buildings and could not calculate results nearly as well as EZNEC can on
even a low end Windows 10 computer...
"The IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility
Society is the world's largest organization dedicated to the development and distribution
of information, tools and techniques for reducing electromagnetic interference.
They are organizing a webinar on 'Multiple
Signal Testing in Accordance with IEC 61000-4-3,' on January 12th, 2022 from
10.30 pm to 11.30 pm. The changes introduced in the IEC 61000-4-3:2020 fourth edition
include a description of how to test using multiple test signals; the addition of
information regarding EUT and cable layout; the removal of the upper-frequency limitation
to take into account new services; and the further specification of how to characterize
the uniform field area, as well as added clarification for checking the power amplifier
linearity in the field generation chain..."
The Civil Air Patrol (CAP), being made up
primarily of volunteer, unpaid airmen and officers, has been serving the country
since World War II, as highlighted in this 1957 Radio & TV News
magazine article. Many members use (or at one time used) their own aircraft and
radio gear in the service of the country. Per the CAP website, "In the late 1930s,
more than 150,000 volunteers with a love for aviation argued for an organization
to put their planes and flying skills to use in defense of their country. As a result,
the Civil Air Patrol was born one week prior to the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor.
Thousands of volunteer members answered America's call to national service and sacrifice
by accepting and performing critical wartime missions. Assigned to the War Department
under the jurisdiction of the Army Air Corps, the contributions of Civil Air Patrol...
Aegis Power Systems, a leading supplier
of AC-DC and DC-DC power supplies for custom and special applications, has posted
a blog entitled "Utilizing Three-Phase AC-DC Power Supplies in Unmanned Aircraft
Systems". It begins: "Unmanned aerial systems (UAS) consist of an unmanned aerial
vehicle (UAV) and a controller and data system that allows operators or programs
to control the vehicle. UAS units come in a wide variety of electronic and electromechanical
options that can be autonomous, remotely piloted, or both. Electronic UAS units
give military and defense organizations control during potentially hazardous missions.
Unmanned vehicles are safer, can be programmed with routine instructions or operational
parameters, and allow remote operations with a significantly reduced risk of error
or communication delays..."
I've always disliked book and article titles
containing the word "Modern" because the word is utterly ambiguous and usually downright
misleading more than a few years past the original publication date. What at publication
time was modern is usually obsolete merely a decade later, especially in the realm
of high technology. Sometimes, however, as with this 1932 Radio News magazine
article on
insulation (dielectric) breakdown voltages, bringing the information up to date
requires only the addition of an extra couple decimal points of precision and/or
the substitution of a few words. For instance, replace "condenser" with "capacitor"
and units of "mfd" with "μF" and "mmfd" with "pF." Then you'll be on your way to
gaining useful information. You might not find some of the dielectric types pertinent
today, like gutta percha...
RF Cafe's raison d'être is and always has
been to provide useful, quality content for engineers, technicians, engineering
managers, students, and hobbyists. Part of that mission is offering to post applicable
job openings. HR department employees and/or managers of hiring companies are welcome
to submit opportunities for posting at no charge (of course a gratuity will be graciously
accepted). 3rd party recruiters and temp agencies are not included so as to assure
a high quality of listings. Please read through the easy procedure to benefit from
RF Cafe's high quality visitors ...
ConductRF is continually innovating and
developing new and improved solutions for RF Interconnect needs. See the latest
Cables for labs. ConductRF makes production and test coax cable assemblies for
amplitude and phased matched VNA applications as well as standard & precision
RF connectors. Over 1,000 solutions for low PIM in-building to choose from in the
iBwave component library. They also provide custom coax solutions for applications
where some standard just won't do. A partnership with Newark assures fast, reliable
access. Please visit ConductRF today to see how they can help your project!
Thursday the 6th
As is often the case with some of these
vintage electronics-themed comics, you need to be privy to the mindset of the
readership of the era. The 1948 Radio News magazine audience of electronics
technicians and servicemen had a wide variety of experiences dealing with finicky
customers and equipment. In-home service calls were as commonplace as family doctors
making house calls (I'm old enough to remember both doctor and TV repair visits
to our house in the 1960s). 1948 was only a couple years past the end of World War II,
a time when the electronics field was burgeoning with new technology and domestic
products that seemed magic and miraculous to the layman. High quality radios and
the rapidly growing number of broadcasters gave anyone living near even a medium
city a seemingly unlimited number of stations from which to choose. Many of the
shows were still at least partly live, with music and entertainment shows conducted
in the studio. Then, as now, listeners griped about the number and length of commercials
interrupting programs...
How many of us have any idea what a
magnetic amplifier is or how they work? Very few, I would guess. This article
from a 1960 issue of Popular Electronics magazine is a good introduction.
Magnetic amplifier have been around since the beginning of the 20th century and
have been used extensively in heavy industrial and military equipment controls.
Their appearance is very similar to a typical electrical transformer, but the function
is completely different. Basically, the magnetic amplifier is a current-controlled
impedance changer. The current applied to the primary winding controls the degree
of saturation in the secondary, which in turn causes the impedance of the secondary
to vary. That action makes it functions like an electrically controlled rheostat...
Here is a 3-part video introduction to
nitride (GaN) technology. Although GaN has been around for two decades, it has
only been fairly recently that wafer sizes and processes have enabled it to be widely
used for a wide variety of applications. GaN's power handling and high frequency
operation capabilities makes it the semiconductor of choice for power supply and
RF power amplifier applications. Power Integrations' Vice President of Marketing
and Applications Engineering Doug Bailey provides an overview on GaN technology
and the new possibilities it brings to the power conversion industry...
Dry cell chemistry has come a long way since
this article appeared in the April 1959 edition of Popular Electronics
magazine. Yes, you can still buy a basic carbon battery, but much superior cells
are available now that perform over much wider temperature ranges, have nearly flat
discharge curves throughout their rated range, and offer standard chemistries with
voltages other than 1.5 volts per cell (nominal). For example, nickel metal hydride
(NiMH) cells exhibit 1.2 volts nominally, and lithium polymer (LiPo*) cells have
a nominal voltage of 3.7 volts. As a kid in the 1960s and 70s, I spent a lot of
time struggling to make Eveready flashlight "D" cells from my father's flashlight
power the glow plugs on my model airplane engines. They were typically so weak that
even slight flooding from glow fuel on the element that the current could not get
nichrome elements hot enough. Nowadays, a voltage regulated glow plug driver can
overcome any amount of fuel on the heating element...
Axiom Test Equipment, an electronic test
equipment rental and sales company has published a very unique and helpful new blog
post entitled "Make
Older Gear Work When New Test Equipment Cannot Be Found." Since the beginning
of the COVID plandemic two years ago, everything from housing to cars to food to
medical care has been increasingly difficult and expensive. Test Equipment and other
electronics items have not been spared during this time. This article informs people
on the different alternatives available to them due to today's global supply chain
challenges that prevents them from finding the specific unit they're looking for.
Shortages have led to a great deal of creativity in electronic design and manufacturing
when a part cannot be found. Amplifier designers, for example, may have to change
transistors and integrated circuits (ICs) and with them the circuit materials that
best suit the amplifier. If it is possible to modify an electronic product with
available components...
A recent headline announced where a guy
hacked his hearing aid to enable listening to Wi-Fi signals as he walked around
town. Why would a person do that? I suppose now that the audible digital handshaking
tones of telephone modems and fax machines are all but gone from everyday life,
he must have really been missing the nerve-grating melodies. I don't recall ever
seeing a story about anyone picking up Wi-Fi signals from a faulty metal tooth filling
like used to occur occasionally in the presence of high power AM transmitter towers.
This article from a 1956 edition of Popular Electronics reminded me of
it. I think I've told the story of how while working as an electrician in Annapolis,
Maryland, (mid 1970s) I sometimes used a pair of modified telephone handsets to
communicate with co-workers...
New Scheme rotates
all Banners in all locations on the page! RF Cafe typically receives 8,000-15,000
website visits each weekday.
RF Cafe is a favorite
of engineers, technicians, hobbyists, and students all over the world. With more
than 16,000 pages in the Google search index, RF Cafe returns in favorable
positions on many types of key searches, both for text and images. New content is
added on a daily basis, which keeps the major search engines interested enough to
spider it multiple times each day. Items added on the homepage often can be found
in a Google search within a few hours of being posted. I also re-broadcast homepage
items on LinkedIn. If you need your company news to be seen, RF Cafe is the
place to be.
Copper Mountain Technologies develops
innovative and robust RF test and measurement solutions for engineers all over the
world. Copper Mountain's extensive line of unique form factor
Network Analyzers include an RF measurement module and a software application
which runs on any Windows PC, laptop or tablet, connecting to the measurement hardware
via USB interface. The result is a lower cost, faster, more effective test process
that fits into the modern workspace in lab, production, field and secure testing
Wednesday the 5th
Before a suitable manufacturing process
was developed for synthetic quartz, the mineral (silica, or silicon dioxide - SiO2)
was mined from the ground in various parts of the world. The primary source for
electronics grade quartz came from Brazil. It was not until 1921 that Walter Cady
developed the first quartz crystal oscillator, and George Pierce came up with his
eponymously named Pierce oscillator circuit in 1923. It was not until the1950s that
a commercial-scale process was developed for hydrothermal processing of synthetic
quartz. This 1938 Radio News magazine article describes the manufacturing
steps required for making
radio-quality natural quartz crystals...
CQ magazine is a great monthly
publication for the electronics hobbyist and professional. Each month it is chock
full of amazingly informative articles covering circuit design, system design, antenna
design, product reviews, electronics theory, prototyping and kit building, industry
news, and more. Being primarily an amateur radio publication, CQ also contains many
pieces on equipment setup and use, operational suggestions, contest coverage, ARRL
events, FCC regulatory news, reports on personal accomplishments, etc. As part of
his "Haywire State" article, Eric highlights the venerable
Bob Pease (sadly no longer with us) with his famously messy workbench and tangle
breadboarded circuits...
One of my favorite old-time radio personalities,
Paul Harvey, had a trademarked feature titled The Rest of the Story. For those of
you not familiar with the format, Mr. Harvey would begin his story talking about
particular life aspects of a person that, while remarkable, usually had no connection
with the person's eventual claim to fame. The listener's challenge was to guess
who the person was before it was revealed at the very end, followed by, "... and
now you know --- the rest [emphasis] of the story." As far as I know the story of
FM radio inventor
Edwin H. Armstrong was never a subject, although it certainly met the criterion.
I've already let the figurative cat out of the bag, so you already know my subject.
However, that probably will not diminish the surprise at the end (for most people).
You likely are familiar with the epic struggle that Nikola Tesla had with Thomas
Edison in the contest between adoption of alternating current (Tesla) versus direct
current (Edison) as the dominant electrical distribution system in America. It was
a take-no-prisoners battle...
ConductRF's latest innovation is
Hi-Frequency RF Jumper Cables with 2.92 mm, 2.4 mm or 1.85 mm
connectors as standard. This assemblies use our optimized direct solder attached
connectors and our superior double shielded hi-frequency A61SW flexible cable with
shielding effectiveness greater than -100 dB. These cables are design to support
the latest requirements for 5G applications for cross connecting modules, but can
equally be used in any field where hi-frequency jumper cables are required. Beyond
our standard interconnect, we can also offer solutions with SMP, SMPM, SMA and many
other common connector interfaces. Hi-Performance right angled options are available
utilizing hard setting shrink tube to form the cable bend...
"Tokamaks, which use magnets to contain
the high-temperature plasma in which atomic nuclei fuse and release energy, have
captured the spotlight in recent months, due to tremendous advances in superconducting
magnets. Despite these gains, though, traditional
fusion is still years away from fulfilling nuclear fusion’s promise of generating
abundant and carbon-free electricity. But tokamaks aren’t the only path to fusion
power. Seattle-based Zap Energy’s FuZE-Q reactor, scheduled to be completed in mid-2022,
bypasses the need for costly and complex magnetic coils. Instead, the machine sends
pulses of electric current along a column of highly conductive plasma, creating
a magnetic field that simultaneously confines, compresses..."
Major Edwin Armstrong, whose first name
is Edwin but is often assumed to be Major (which used to be a not-so-rare man's
first name), was endowed with many awards, patents, titles, and honorary distinctions
during his amazing career. He served in the Signal Corps during World War I,
where he attained the rank of Major. Having already achieved notoriety for his work
prior to being commissioned, he entered as military service as a Captain (RCA's
David Sarnoff was initially commissioned as a General during World War II).
Being highly patriotic, Armstrong granted the U.S. government free use of his patented
material during both wars. As with many other renown inventors, scientists and engineers
of the era (and no doubt today as well), he suffered from personal issues that haunted
him constantly, as written about in my Kirt's Cogitations article...
RF Cafe's raison d'être is and always has
been to provide useful, quality content for engineers, technicians, engineering
managers, students, and hobbyists. Part of that mission is offering to post applicable
job openings. HR department employees and/or managers of hiring companies are welcome
to submit opportunities for posting at no charge (of course a gratuity will be graciously
accepted). 3rd party recruiters and temp agencies are not included so as to assure
a high quality of listings. Please read through the easy procedure to benefit from
RF Cafe's high quality visitors ...
Atenlab has been operating in Taiwan for
more than a decade, and has sold and installed hundreds chambers around the world.
Holistic, affordable Over-the-Air
(OTA) measurement systems perform comprehensive measurement and test in a controlled
environment. Compact Antenna Test Range (CATR) with one-touch operation supports
multiple systems - 2G, 3G, 4G, 5G - and major instrument brands. [M]ulti-probe OTA
measurement systems offer reduced time measurements over single-probe systems.
Tuesday the 4th
Even in the late 1930s when this article
appeared in Radio News magazine, factory automation had made significant
progress from the times when nearly every step of the process had to performed by
hand by workers. However, as components became smaller, more delicate, and precision
assembly was essential to assure acceptable performance and reliability, direct
human interaction was the only available means for getting the job done. As can
be seen in this array of photos from the
DuMont company's television cathode ray tube (CRT) production line, simple monochrome
tubes required the precision and in-situ decision making of many kinds of skilled
craftsmen (and craftswomen). Stories in later editions of various electronics magazines
showed that although the level of automation had increased in the production of
more complicated color CRTs, there was still a lot of manual labor involved...
"Advances in communications enable a safer
world in many ways, ranging from health monitoring and diagnosis to reliable connectivity
for critical defense systems. However, radio frequency (RF) signals may negatively
affect health if exposure is too high, as in the case of errant RF emissions. Concerns
also arise over threats to disable
critical communications from an event such as an electromagnetic pulse (EMP).
An EMP would halt the functioning of much of society by disabling electronics. Using
RF signals to trigger attacks with drones or explosive devices is also an issue.
Drones have the potential for illegal or threatening uses. While spectrum monitoring
cannot prevent these issues and attacks, it can detect signs beforehand and provide
insight into mitigating threats. As a result, military, intelligence, and other
agencies employ spectrum monitoring to watch communications patterns for suspicious
"Following the introduction of a solar-powered
Eco Remote for its TV lineup at last year's CES, Samsung has returned to the 2022
show with an updated remote that converts router radio waves into energy. Like the
older models, the new
Eco Remote can still be charged with solar energy, though its RF harvesting
capabilities allow the device to be charged in dark environments. Aside from the
remote's radio-waves-to-energy conversion abilities, the device can be charged from
both outdoor and indoor light, as well as via USB-C, which breeds the fastest charging
time. Samsung has announced that it will unveil a white model of the device this
year, which is intended to better match the aesthetic of the tech giant's lifestyle
TVs: The Frame, Serif and Sero. As with the previous device, the latest Eco Remote..."
My civilian career began at
Westinghouse's Oceanic Division in Annapolis, Maryland. It was long ago bought
out by Northrop Grumman and re-named Undersea Systems. Their AQS-24 towed sonar
system looks outwardly very much like the AQS-14 that I worked on while there in
the 1980s. Our parent organization was the Westinghouse Electronics Systems Division
in Baltimore, MD, adjacent to the Baltimore-Washington International Airport (BWI)
tarmac so that military aircraft could fly in and out to be retrofitted with radar
systems. Headquarters for Westinghouse was (and still is) in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania,
where progenitor George W. founded it. Having had its roots in locomotive air braking
systems, Westinghouse became a major defense electronics contractor during World
War II and thereafter. Both military and commercial electronics were designed...
Modelithics, the leading provider of RF/microwave
simulation models, is pleased to announce version 21.8 of the
Modelithics Library for Cadence Spectre RF Option. Version 21.8 adds 22 new
complex equivalent circuit models to the library. The Modelithics Library for Cadence
Spectre RF Option offers a large selection of highly scalable Microwave Global Models™
for passive components. New models added in version 21.8 include models for the
AMOTECH A60Z and A60L capacitor families, the Coilcraft 0603CT, 0603HL, and 0805LS
inductor families, and the Passive Plus R35-1209BB and R35-2010BB resistor products.
Other new models are included for the TDK CGA1A2C0G, CGA1A2X7R, and CGB1T3X5R0J104M
capacitor series and the Vishay CRCW01005 resistor series...
With more than 1000
custom-built stencils, this has got to be the most comprehensive set of
Visio Stencils available for RF, analog, and digital system and schematic
drawings! Every object has been built to fit proportionally on the provided
A-, B- and C-size drawing page templates (or can use your own). Stencils are provided
for equipment racks and test equipment, system block diagrams, conceptual drawings,
and schematics. Unlike previous versions, these are NOT Stencils, but instead are
all contained on tabbed pages within a single Visio document. That puts everything
in front of you in its full glory. Just copy and paste what you need on your drawing.
The file format is XML so everything plays nicely with Visio 2013 and later...
Triad RF Systems designs and manufactures
RF power amplifiers
and systems. Triad RF Systems comprises three partners
(hence 'Triad') with over 40 years of accumulated
knowledge of what is required to design, manufacture, market, sell and service RF/Microwave
amplifiers and amplifier systems. PA, LNA, bi-directional, and frequency translating
amplifiers are available, in formats including tower mount, benchtop, rack mount,
and chassis mount. "We view Triad more as a technology partner than a vendor for
our line-of-sight communications product line." Please check to see how they can
help your project.
Monday the 3rd
In the late 19th century, 1877 to be precise,
Italian astronomer Giovanni Schiaparelli determined by observation and logical deduction
that the maze of dark lines seen on the surface of Mars had to be of intelligent
design (i.e., Martian beings) because no known natural process could possibly create
such complex patterns. He called them "canali," meaning channels, or canals. This
type of proclamation seeded the concept of
(ETs) being "out there" and most likely visiting Earth. American astronomer Percival
Lowell (of Lowell Observatory renown) picked up on and amplified the Mars canals
and oases theme through the early 20th century. In fact, it was not until NASA's
Mariner planetary probes photographed Mars close-up that the theory was disproved
and shows the real explanation was natural drainage paths which occurred when its
CO2 polar ice caps melted. When this article appeared in a 1938 issue
of Radio News magazine, many serious people believed there was animate life on Mars
and other planets...
Prior to around 1960, the nature of electromagnetic
radiation outside the Earth's atmosphere was entirely a matter of scientific conjecture.
As is evidenced by this 1961 Popular Electronics magazine article, at the
time it was still not known for certain whether electromagnetic energy outside the
bands transmitted through the
ionosphere existed for sure. There was of course no reason to believe that low
frequency, long wavelength radio waves were not present along with the rest of the
spectrum, but experiments needed to be developed that would launch satellites above
the atmosphere to detect probable out-of-band signals and then re-transmit them
on frequencies known to easily penetrate the "ether." Many failures occurred along
the way, but persistence paid off in what is today a very well explored and documented
outer space. Prior to the last half decade, groups like NASA were more interested
in conducting research than wasting precious allocated funds on unrelated projects
like the utterly unrelated studies...
Antenova Ltd, the UK-based manufacturer
of antennas and RF antenna modules for M2M and the IoT, has published a report entitled
for 5G: How to Guarantee the Best Performance." 5G offers a wealth of benefits
to wireless devices – high speeds, low latency and reliable connectivity, to name
a few. To enjoy these benefits, antennas play a vital role. As the transmitter and
receiver, a wireless device can only operate as well as an antenna allows it to.
And, with cellular carriers scrutinising a device's performance, choosing the right
antenna is critical. Topics covered include: How to determine the best antenna for
your 5G project, How to optimise PCB design for 5G, How to optimise 5G mobile device
performance by prototyping...
"Unlike the jumble of frequencies produced
by the light that surrounds us in daily life, each frequency of light in a specialized
light source known as a
''soliton' frequency comb
oscillates in unison, generating solitary pulses with consistent timing. Each 'tooth'
of the comb is a different color of light, spaced so precisely that this system
is used to measure all manner of phenomena and characteristics. Miniaturized versions
of these combs - called microcombs - that are currently in development have the
potential to enhance countless technologies, including GPS systems, telecommunications,
autonomous vehicles, greenhouse gas tracking, spacecraft autonomy and ultra-precise
timekeeping. The lab of Stanford University electrical engineer Jelena Vučković
only recently joined the microcomb community. 'Many groups have demonstrated on-chip
frequency combs in a variety of materials, including recently in silicon carbide
by our team. However, until now, the quantum optical properties..."
Arithmophobia (a real word) is likely the
root cause of of decibelphobia (that one's made up), a condition that causes some
otherwise rational people to curl in the fetal position in an attempt to avoid the
topic. As with most subjects, the more often you engage in using a term, the more
comfortable you become with it. Technicians and engineers who deal in voltage and
power levels in terms of dividing quantities or transmitting them from one location
to another would find conversation and writing without the use of decibels quite
inconvenient. It is tempting to point out that using decibel units to express ratios
or relative levels, thereby permitting use of simple addition and subtraction rather
than multiplication and division, respectively, is no different than using logarithms
to do the same with any number in general. However, logarithms are lost on most
people as well. Historically, logarithms were so important in science and mathematics
that large volumes were created to facilitate rapid multiplication and division
of numbers.
RF Cascade Workbook is the next phase in the evolution of
RF Cafe's long-running series, RF Cascade Workbook. Chances are you have
never used a spreadsheet quite like this (click here for screen capture). It is a full-featured RF system
cascade parameter and frequency planner that includes filters and mixers for a mere
$45. Built in MS Excel, using RF Cascade Workbook 2018 is a cinch
and the format is entirely customizable. It is significantly easier and faster than
using a multi-thousand dollar simulator when a high level system analysis is all
that is needed. An intro video takes you through the main features...
Please take a few moments to visit the
everythingRF website to see how they can assist
you with your project. everythingRF is a product discovery platform for RF and microwave
products and services. They currently have 267,269 products from more than 1397
companies across 314 categories in their database and enable engineers to search
for them using their customized parametric search tool. Amplifiers, test equipment,
power couplers and dividers, coaxial connectors, waveguide, antennas, filters, mixers,
power supplies, and everything else. Please visit everythingRF today to see how
they can help you.
Sunday the 2nd
Here is the first custom
RF Cafe Crossword Puzzle for 2022, this one having a wireless engineering theme.
Let us hope it is a good year for all except those in power who strive to make our
lives miserable with attempts to restrict and/or deny our human rights and freedoms.
All RF Cafe crossword puzzles are custom made by me, Kirt Blattenberger, and have
only words and clues related to RF, microwave, and mm-wave engineering, optics,
mathematics, chemistry, physics, and other technical subjects. As always, this crossword
contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic foods or plants, movie
stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related to this puzzle's technology
Withwave manufactures an extensive line
of metrology quality coaxial test cable assemblies, connectors (wave-, end-, vertical-launch,
board edge, panel mount), calibration kits (SOLT), a
fully automated
4-port vector network analyzer (VNA) calibrator, between- and in-series connector
adaptors, attenuators, terminations, DC blocks, torque wrenches, test probes &
probe positioner. Special test fixtures for calibration and multicoax cable assemblies.
Frequency ranges from DC through 110 GHz. Please contact Withwave today to
see how they can help your project succeed.
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