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RF & Microwave Magazine Article Archive - 2019

RF & Microwave Magazine Article Archive 2018 - RF CafeIf you are like me, you spend a lot of time reading articles from technical magazines. Sometimes I read the entire article, but usually I just scan the text for highlights and look at the schematics, block diagrams, and charts / graphs. Often, I want to go back and find an article but cannot recall where I saw it. A Google search will usually eventually reveal a hyperlink to the article, but a lot of times it takes a lot of digging. Since my key interests are not necessarily the same as RF Cafe visitors, an attempt will be made to catalog all of them. If there is a magazine not included here that you would like me to include in the list, please send me an e-mail and I will try to incorporate its articles, too.

Electronic Design | High Frequency Electronics | Microwave Journal | Microwaves & RF | Microwave Product Digest | Test & Measurement World

Electronic Design


Where Does 5G Conformance Testing Stand in 2020?

Majeed Kamran

Evaluate Power Device Efficiency with Double-Pulse Testing Using an AFG

Hanna Al Fahel

Will the AWS Chip Keep Arm in the Cloud?

William G. Wong


A Simple Way to Measure Temperature Using One GPIO Digital Interface

Chau Tran


Space Radiation and Its Effects on Electronic Systems

Murray Slovick

MIMO, Beamforming Methods Enhance Auto Radar Angular Resolution

Lou Frenzel


The Time is Right for Programmable MEMS Timing

Jim Holbrook


When Kirchhoff's Law Doesn't Work

Paul Rako

Redesign Overvoltage Protection to Bolster Reliability and Safety

Kurt Wattelet

The Rise and Fall of IoT in the 2.4-GHz Band

Joel Brand

Rubbery, Stretchable Semis and Sensors Meet Robotic-Hand Needs

Bill Schweber

Three Steps to an Automated ISO 26262 Random-Fault Flow

Jacob Wiltgen

Wood as a Transducer for Energy Harvesting of Low-Grade Heat?

Bill Schweber


Identify Modulation for Communications and Radar Using Deep Learning

Ethem Sozer, Honglei Chen, Matt Sprague, and Sara James

Automated Waiver Management: Past, Present, and Future

John Ferguson

A Low-Cost Alternative to Rare-Earth Permanent-Magnet Electric Motors

Fred Klatt

Machine Learning: The Magic is How it Works

William G. Wong

Measure - and Reduce - Output-Voltage Ripple for DC-DC Regulators

Weiran Dai

Thermal Modeling: How to Meet EV High-Power Charging Requirements

Marco Wolf


Forget the Spark Plug: Use a Laser to Ignite ICE Gasoline

Bill Schweber

How to Efficiently Power Your Smart Gas/Water Meter

Chinmay Honrao and Nazzareno Rossetti

Probing Methods that Boost Power-Conversion Measurement Accuracy

Ahmed Eisawy

Improving Factory Throughput and Efficiency with IO-Link

Lou Frenzel

Laser "Tricked" into Producing, Receiving Modulated Wi-Fi Band RF Signals

Bill Schweber

Maximizing Efficiency in IoT Projects

Tom Denholm

Protect RS-485 Transceivers from Electrical Surges - and Maintain Signal Integrity

Lou Frenzel


Optimize USB 3 by Understanding How it Works

Colin Walls

AI Enables Early Predictions of Li-Ion Battery Life

Bill Schweber

The Front End: Taking the Mystery Out of "Minimum Stable Gain"

Kendall Castor-Perry

Add Capacitive-Touch Technology to Your Control Design

Electronic Design Staff


Piezo-Based Energy Harvesting for Medical Implants May Transcend Alternative Approaches

Bill Schweber

Shielded Anode PIN Diode Breathes New Life into a 1950s Technology

Robert Bayruns, Ashok Ramu, and Michael M.A. Francois

Gain-Bandwidth Product is Not (Always) Constant

Hugo Coolens

Ultrasound: Don't Be Blinded by Your Amplifier's Slow Overload Recovery

Jim Chapman and Nazzareno Rossetti

Low-Power AFE Tackles Portable Electrochemical Measurements

Bill Schweber

Electronic Skin Emulates Hand's Sensing of Pressure, Shear Force

Bill Schweber


Simple Design Equations For Thermoelectric Coolers (Revisited)

W. Stephen Woodward

Autonomous Vehicle Timing is a MEMS Thing

Piyush Sevalia

Beat the Heat: Build a Compact, Multi-Standard Dual USB Charger

Nazzareno Rossetti, Adrien Gambino

Fluoride-Based Batteries Seek to Surpass Lithium Cells

Bill Schweber

How Man-Made Neural Networks Emulate Biology to Advance AI and ML

Robert Beachler


Nanoscale MEMS Resonator Structure Yields Controllable MHz-Range Filter, Isolator

Bill Schweber

Simplified Wi-Fi Service Discovery

Stephen McCann

Nanoscale MEMS Resonator Structure Yields Controllable MHz-Range Filter, Isolator

Bill Schweber

10 Things You Must Know About Benchtop Digital Multimeters

Steven Lee

Designing to Achieve Medical Temperature Measurement Accuracy

Lou Frenzel

Added Hysteresis Enhances DC-DC Converter Performance

Reed Kaczmarek


Troubleshoot the Wiring to Your Battery-Cell Test Fixture

Bob Zollo

Path to Systems: A SiP of Reliable Advantage - Systems Under Test

Neeraj Dantu, Masood Murtuza, Erik Welsh, and Gene Frantz

Resonant Electro-optical Temperature Sensor is Immune to Interference

Bill Schweber

The Chronicles of GND (Part 4): Supply Currents - When Simulations are Both Correct and Wrong

Kendall Castor-Perry

Electronics Meets Textiles in an Array of Innovative Guises

Bill Schweber

Impulse-Controlled Sequential Switch Without Active Electronics

Marek Irek

Silicon-Based Electro-Optical Gyroscope Overcomes SNR Deficiencies

Bill Schweber

High Frequency Electronics


RF Low Noise Amplifier Technology Landscape Grows More Diverse

Tim Galla


An Efficient and Accurate High-Frequency Diplexer, Duplexer, Triplexer, and N-Plexer Design Flow

Jeff Kahler


The 8 Most Important (and Fundamental) Oscillator Parameters

Jim Holbrook


Choosing the Right Coaxial Test Cables

Peter McNeil


Challenging Engineers' Perceptions of Cabling and Interconnects in a 5G Future

Masaru Omoto


An Analytical Model of Quad Cable to 1 GHz: Part Two

Kenneth S. Schneider


An Analytical Model of Quad Cable to 1 GHz

Kenneth S. Schneider


Designing Power Amplifiers Using Maximum-Efficiency Lines and Constant Power Contour

Ivan Boshnakov, Pieter Abrie, and Malcolm Edwards

How Does Match Affect My Power Measurement?

Orwill Hawkins


Delivering the World's First Digital Radar on Chip (RoC)

HFE Staff

Understanding Low Loss Coaxial Cables and Their Applications

Dan Birch


Multi-Beam Antennas: Increased Wireless Capacity with Enhanced Spectral Efficiency

John Howard and Steve Jalil


Smoothing Electric Fields in Microwave Ovens

Dr. Robert L. Eisenhart


R&S "Value Instruments" May Make a Big Difference

Tom Perkins

Microwave Journal


Industrial IoT Networks Powered by 5G New Radio

Amitava Ghosh, Rapeepat Ratasuk, and Anil M. Rao

Wideband, High-Resolution Phase-Amplitude Control Test System for 5G

Wei Liu


New Thermal Interface for High-Power Density GaN Devices in Space

Jordan Mizerak

Compact, Low Loss Switched Filter Bank Using MEMS Switches

Ian Burke and Dr. Purna Subedi

Removing MMIC Outliers in Production Test Using Real-Time Principal Component Analysis

Grace Remillard, Charles Trantanella, and Michael Megan

The Phase Noise Challenge Pacing the Race to 5G

Bill Linstrom, Ron Parrott, and Allen Sweet

Design of a Broadband Harmonically-Tuned Power Amplifier with Gate-Source Parasitic Compensation

Zhiqun Cheng, Lei Xu, Guohua Liu, Han Feng, and Steven Gao

Online Spotlight: First-Pass Design of Ultra-Wideband Microwave and mmWave Filters for Multistage Frequency Multiplication

H. M. Talasila, F. R. Morales, J. Paden, N. D. Orloff, D. Gu, M. Conte, C. Oakley, and M. McKeown


Piezo-On-Insulator Engineered Substrates for 4G/5G RF Front-End Filters

Christophe Didier, Eric Butaud, and Sylvain Ballandras

Design of an Integrated VNA Covering 70 kHz to 220 GHz

Jon Martens, Tom Roberts, Andrej Rumiantzev, and Kooho Jung

Characterizing Uncertainty in S-Parameter Measurements

Tekamul Buber, Pragti Narang, Giampiero Esposito, Sathya Padmanabhan, and Markus Zeier

Demystifying RF Transformers: A Primer on the Theory, Technologies and Applications

William Yu and Urvashi Sengal


Extremely High-Power GaN Devices

Patrick Hindle

Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using Self-Injection-Locked Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 2

Afshin S. Daryoush, Tianchi Sun, Kai Wei, Francis T. Pantano, Ajay K. Poddar, and Ulrich L. Rohde

Prototyping an UWB Airborne Radar for Snow Probing Using Modular Building Blocks

F. Rodriguez-Morales, C. Carabajal, A. Paden, C. Leuschen, J. McDaniel, A. Wolf, and S. Garrison


Computer-Controlled K-Band Frequency Synthesizer Using Self-Injection Locked Phase-Locked Optoelectronic Oscillator: Part 1

Afshin S. Daryoush, Tianchi Sun, Nicholas Bromhead, Ajay K. Poddar, and Ulrich L. Rohde

Digital Code Modulation MIMO Radar Improves Automotive Safety

Vito Giannini, Manju Hegde, and Curtis Davis

A Traceable K Connector for 43.5 GHz Measurements

Charles Tumbaga

Using CDF to Assess 5G Antenna Directionality

Scott Langdon

Gain-Enhanced Antenna with Metamaterial Structure and Pin Array Reflector for WiMAX and WLAN Applications

Tailei Wang, Xi Wang, Rongwei Wang, Rensheng Xie, Dong Chen, and Shouzheng Zhu

Dual-Band Resistive Third Harmonic Continuous Inverse Class F Mode Power Amplifier

Lamin Zhan, Yang Pei, Zuwei Li, and Wenguang Li


5G Power Amplifier Design and Modeling for mmWave GaN Devices

Valeria Brunel, Eric Leclerc and David Vye


Solving the Linearity and Power Conundrum: Carbon Nanotube RF Amplifiers

Philbert F. Marsh, Christopher Rutherglen, Alexander A. Kane, Tyler A. Cain, Kosmas Galatsis, Stephen A. Maas, and Mohammed R. AlShareef

Broadband Power Amplifier Design Using Extended Resistive-Reactive Continuous Class F Modes

Gang Liu, Fuqi Mu, Yongqing Leng, Yang Li and Xinli Cui

Fabricate PCBs at Your Desk

LPKF Laser & Electronics AG

All-Digital Antennas for mmWave Systems

Mike Kappes

Economical Spectrum Analysis for 5G mmWave

OML Inc.

Integrated 140 GHz FMCW Radar for Vital Sign Monitoring and Gesture Recognition

K. Vaesen, A. Visweswaran, S. Sinha, A. Bourdoux, B. van Liempd and Piet Wambacq

Adopting the 64 to 71 GHz Band for Fixed Wireless Applications

Sivers IMA


A New Generation of Integratable Frequency Agile Bandpass Filters

Fred Schindler, John Nielsen, Dennis Rosenauer and Tom Raschko

Tuning Electrically Short Antennas for Field Operation

Kazimierz Siwiak, TimeDerivative Inc. and Ulrich L. Rohde, Informatics, Cybersecurity; Federal University of the Armed Forces of Germany

Design and Production Challenges of Wire-Wrapped Ferrite RF Passives for Broadband Applications

Richard Bay-Ramyon

From Waveforms to MIMO: 5 Things for 5G New Radio

Alejandro Buritica

Designing Wide Instantaneous Bandwidth Doherty PAs for Cellular

Tim Das

Characterizing Circuit Materials at mmWave Frequencies

John Coonrod

Approaching the 5G mmWave Filter Challenge

Peter Matthews

Compact CPW-Fed Dual-Band Linearly and Circularly Polarized Monopole Antenna for WiMAX and WLAN

Qiang Chen, Hou Zhang, Xue-liang Min, and Lu-Chun Yang


GaN SSPA Technology for Space-Based Applications

Mario LaMarche

Designing a Narrowband 28 GHz Bandpass Filter for 5G Applications

David Vye, John Dunn, Dan Swanson, Jim Assurian and Ray Hashemi, Reactel Inc., and Philip Jobson

Multi-Beam Phased Array with Full Digital Beamforming for SATCOM and 5G

Divaydeep Sikri and Rajanik Mark Jayasuriya

RF Transceivers Enable Forced Spurious Decorrelation in Digital Beamforming Phased Arrays

Peter Delos, Mike Jones and Mark Robertson

Measuring Quartz Crystal Oscillator G-Sensitivity

Ivanov Yuri, Nikonov Arkady and Knyazeva Elvira


Test & Measurement Industry Tackles 5G Over-the-Air Testing

Patrick Hindle

Optimizing the Perennial Doherty Power Amplifier

Gareth Lloyd, Rohde & Schwarz

Recent Advancements in mmWave Isolator Technology

David W. Porterfield, Jr.

High Speed Data Converters Enable Flexible RF Sampling Architectures

Marc Stackler

Analytical Calculations for TRL Calibration

Kassem Hamze, Edouard De Ledinghen, Daniel Pasquet and Philippe Descamps


Gapwaves Platform Integrates 5G mmWave Arrays

Carlo Bencivenni, Thomas Emanuelsson and Magnus Gustafsson

Sub-6 GHz mMIMO Base Stations Meet 5G's Size and Weight Challenges

Walter Honcharenko

Global 5G Rush But No Global 5G Handsets

Ben Thomas

Challenges for Effective and Realistic 5G OTA Testing

Miguel Á. García-Fernández and David A. Sánchez-Hernández

Using a COTS SDR as a 5G Development Platform

Bob Muro


Client Software-Defined Antennas Improve Link Margins, Reduce Interference

Jeff Shamblin

Automotive Radar and Congested Spectrum: Potential Urban Electronic Battlefield

Sefa Tanis

Nonlinear Modeling of a High Peak Power PIN Limiter

Hetvi Patel, Kevin Kellog, Hugo Morales, Larry Dunleavy, Rob Jones and Paul Head

Using RF Power Meters for PAPR Analysis and Reduction

Walt Strickler

Microwaves & RF


The Gen5 Revolution

Nicole Faubert

UV LED Stimulates Calibrated, Fully Controllable X-Ray Source

Bill Schweber

Analysis of a 24- to 30-GHz Phased Array for 5G Applications (Part 2)

Vladimir Volman

Enabling the Internet of Wireless Things

Edel Griffith


Low-Noise Synthesizer Design Examples

Farron Dacus

Apply a New Approach to Dual-Fed Distributed Amplifier Design

Faycal Amrani and M. Trabelsi

Algorithms to Antenna: Train Deep-Learning Networks with Synthesized Radar and Comms Signals

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen, and Ethem Sozer


60-GHz Wireless Data Interconnect Targets Slip-Ring Applications

Anton Patyuchenko

Analysis of a 24- to 30-GHz Phased Array for 5G Applications (Part 1)

Vladimir Volman

Quad-Band Resonator Depends on CRLH/D-CRLH Structures

Ahmed F. Daw, Peter A. Fawzey, and Marian N. Adly

Shape-Shifting Origami Surface Yields Dynamically Tunable RF Filter

Bill Schweber

Algorithms to Antenna: Modeling Multistatic Radar Systems

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen, Prashant Arora, and Sara James

Shape-Shifting Origami Surface Yields Dynamically Tunable RF Filter

Bill Schweber


Algorithms to Antenna: Benchmarking Radar Cross Section

Rick Gentile, Giorgia Zucchelli, Vishwanath Iyer, and Honglei Chen

Meeting Fail-Safe Requirements for 5G Wireless Infrastructure

Manish Garg

Key Parts for Ultra-Low-Noise Synthesizer Design

Farron Dacus

Determining Volterra Kernels for Nonlinear RF Power Amplifiers

Siamack Ghadimi

Meeting Fail-Safe Requirements for 5G Wireless Infrastructure

Manish Garg


Addressing Size and Tolerance Challenges in mmWave Filters

Peter Matthews

Algorithms to Antenna: Radar Waveform Analysis Using the Ambiguity Function

Rick Gentile and Honglei Chen

A pH Sensor Reference Design Enabled for Wireless Transmission (Part 2)

Erbe Reyta and Mark Ochoco

The Rise and Fall of IoT in the 2.4-GHz Band

Joel Brand

A pH Sensor Reference Design Enabled for Wireless Transmission (Part 1)

Erbe Reyta and Mark Ochoco

How to Improve Noise-Figure Measurements and Calibrate High-Power Noise Sources

Roy Monzello


Design Methods of Modern Ultra-Low-Noise Synthesizers

Farron Dacus

Identify Modulation for Communications and Radar Using Deep Learning

Ethem Sozer, Honglei Chen, Matt Sprague, and Sara James

X-band Push-Push Oscillator Simulation and Measurement (Part 2)

Kenneth V. Puglia

Radar Defends on Land, in the Air, and at Sea

Chris DeMartino

Algorithms to Antenna: Radar Target Modeling

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen, and Rob Graessle

Bluetooth's New Location Vocation

William G. Wong

X-band Push-Push Oscillator Simulation and Measurement (Part 1)

Kenneth V. Puglia


Make Accurate Impedance Measurements Using a VNA

Brian Walker

Algorithms to Antenna: Closing the Loop in Multifunction Phased-Array Modeling

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen

GPSDO vs. Atomic Clock: What's Better for Your Satellite Application?

Rob Rutkowski

Is 5G Four Times More Power Dense - or Even More?

Pietro Scalia


Doherty PAs Go Broadband Using Impedance Adjustment Network

Qinghua Tang, Xiaoyu Zhang, Lamin Zhan, and Baoquan Hu

What are the 8 Most Important Oscillator Specs?

Jim Holbrook

Algorithms to Antenna: Generating Waveforms for Wireless and Radar Systems

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen


NASA Aims to Alter an Asteroid's Course

Stephen Mraz

Noise and Its Shaping in Ultra-Low-Noise Synthesizer Design

Farron Dacus

Algorithms to Antenna: Modeling Micro-Doppler Effects

Rick Gentile and Honglei Chen


Algorithms to Antenna: Where Should I Locate My Radar?

Rick Gentile, Jacob Halbrooks, Honglei Chen

Taking a Closer Look at MIMO Radio Systems

Brian Petted

What's the Difference Between the Four Stratum Levels?

Rob Rutkowski

What You Need to Know About Radio Telescopes

Lou Frenzel

The Critical Role OTA Testing Will Play in 5G

Lawrence Wilson


Overcome mmWave Automotive Radar Testing Challenges

Mark Elo

Calibration Techniques for Phased-Array Antennas

Rick Gentile, Honglei Chen, Marc Willerton

RFSoC Delivers FPGA Flexibility with High-Speed RF

Bill Wong

Noise Sources in Ultra-Low-Noise Synthesizer Design

Farron Dacus


A Brief Tutorial on Microstrip Antennas (Part 4)

Kenneth V. Puglia

Striking the Right Balance: RF Power Output and Efficiency

Jack Browne

Design Methods of Modern Ultra-Low-Noise Synthesizers

Farron Dacus

Algorithms to Antenna: Simulating Wideband Behavior in Wireless Communications and Radar Systems

Rick Gentile and Honglei Chen

Employ Design-Flow Integration for Advanced Multichip RF Design

Dustin Hoekstra and Michael Yore

Grappling with Those Unwanted Signals

Jack Browne

How Can 3D-Printed Plastic Waveguides Enable V-Band Applications?

Paul Rousseau, Yannick Avelino, and Robert Lacoste

Smart Antennas Steer Mission-Critical IoT Applications

Jeff Shamblin

A Brief Tutorial on Microstrip Antennas (Part 3)

Kenneth V. Puglia

Microwave Product Digest


The Internet of Things (IoT): Basics, Expectations & Sensors

Terry Edwards

A Comparison of Common Industrial IoT Protocols

Tinu Oza

The Data Center Industry: Growth Opportunities for the Test & Measurement Industry

Rohan Thomas

5G Millimeter-wave Handsets: Will People Buy Them?

Mobile Experts


GaN on SiC is Driving Advances in Radar Applications


Power Amplifier (PA) Designers Tackle High Peak-to-Average Power Ratio (PAPR) with Digital Predistortion (DPD)

David Vye

A Classic LNA Design Challenge: Meeting the Satellite Digital Audio Radio Service (SDARS) LNA Specification

Alan Ake

Distributed Amplifiers

Christopher Gregoire


Verification of Thermal Simulations of GaAs FETs Using Liquid Crystal Measurements

Emma Fournier

Design of a Highly-Integrated LTCC X-band Receiver

Dr. Bo Zhou

The DAS is Not Dead; It's Evolving

Mark Miller

Antennas Face Up to the Challenge of Crowded Spectrum

Justin Pollock


The Case for RF & Microwave Core Test Systems

Bob Twiggs

An Introduction to Passive Interconnect for Millimeter-wave Test

Fairview Microwave

5G NR Network Rollout Is Now - Let's Test!

Arnd Sibila


A First Look at Modern Macrocell PAs and Their Practical Implementation Considerations



5G New Radio Solutions: Revolutionary Applications Here Sooner Than You Think - Part Two

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.


5G New Radio Solutions: Revolutionary Applications Here Sooner Than You Think

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

The Reality of Millimeter Wavelength for 5G


Applications of Microwave Radiation in the Diagnosis and Treatment of Cancer: A Brief Review

Dr. Huma Rasheed, Fawad Maqbool and Mick Syed

Testing a 24-28 GHz Power Amplifier Using the 5G New Radio Test Standard

Tudor Williams, Darren Tipton, and Florian Ramian


MUOS - Overview and Update

Mike Cagney


MMIC Die Testing Made Easy with Ultra-Wideband 0 dB Attenuator (Thru-Line) Die


How RF Testing and Traceability Makes the Difference between Generic and "Hi-Rel" (MIL-Spec) Coaxial Cable Assemblies


Leveraging the Precision of Ion Beam Milling Vs. Chemical Etching of Thin Film Circuits



A Quick Guide to Lightning Arrestors

Fairview Microwave

Block Upconverter Design Considerations for Airborne Applications

Mehdi Ardavan

Flattening Negative Gain Slope with MMIC Fixed Equalizers



Methods to Increase Channel Capacity in RF Data Links

Stephen Barthelmes, Patrick Sherlock, Triad RF Systems, and Ken Andrew

RF Transceivers Enable Forced Spurious Decorrelation in Digital Beamforming Phased Arrays

Peter Delos, Michael Jones, and Mark Robertson

An Overview of Flexible Waveguide Operation and Construction

Steven Pong

Millimeter-Wave Technology for Defense Applications

Mike Lee

Test & Measurement World


Use LTspice to Simulate Mixed Continuous and Sampled Systems

Erick Cook

Use Finite Element Analysis to Your Advantage

John Dunn

Pass/Fail Testing Using an Oscilloscope's Signal Processing Capabilities

Arthur Pini

Macro Models let Engineers Simulate Circuits and Systems

Vishwanath Tigadi

Automate ESD Protection Verification for Complex ICs

Frank Feng and Li Li

Formal-based Methodology Cuts Digital Design IP Verification Time

David Vincenzoni

Resistors: Know How They Drift

Ove Hach


Quadrature Modulation: The Signal Behind Digital Communications

Bob Witte

Small, Lower Power Temperature Sensors: A Cooling Trend

Bonnie Baker

US Power Usage is Declining, or is it?

Bill Schweber

Conformance and Acceptance Testing Moves 5G to the Mainstream

Jessy Cavazos

PCB Factories Embrace AI

Meny Gantz


Changing ISPs: More Speed Reveals Hardware Limitations

Martin Rowe

Power Tips #93: Reduce Voltage Variation with Weighted Voltage Feedback

John Betten

Common-Impedance Plumbing

Bob Witte


Debug CAN/CAN FD Buses with an Oscilloscope

Mike Hertz & David Maliniak

Statistics Reveal Signals from Noise

Arthur Pini


For Signal Distortion, Phase Matters

Bob Witte

Do Lithium-Ion Batteries Follow Moore's Law?

Larry Desjardin

Bypass Capacitor S-Parameter Models: What You Need to Know

Glenn Weinreb

Measuring Inductance: Design Idea Discussion

Jim McLucas

Proposed LED/Wired IoT Standard Can Reduce Energy Use (Part 3)

Glenn Weinreb

5G OTA Testing: Key Concepts and Definitions

Jessy Cavazos

Proposed LED/Wired IoT Standard Can Reduce Energy Use (Part 2)

Glenn Weinreb

Proposed LED/Wired IoT Standard Can Reduce Energy Use (Part 1)

Glenn Weinreb


Measure Amplifier Compression with Hot S-Parameters

Joel Dunsmore

Insertion-Loss Measurements of Ferrite Absorber Sheets

Kenneth Wyatt

Linear Does Not Mean No Distortion

Bob Witte


Does 5G Pose Health Risks? (Part 3)

Larry Desjardin

Simplify Test of Embedded Video Interfaces

Ayusman Mohanty

Eye Diagrams: The Tool for Serial Data Analysis

Arthur Pini


PCB Design for Low-EMI DC/DC Converters

Jens Hedrich

Decibels: Make Them absolute Levels

Bob Witte

Characterize DC-DC Converter EMI with Near-Field Probes

Kenneth Wyatt


Does 5G Pose Health Risks? (Part 2)

Larry Desjardin

Decibels: Use with Caution

Bob Witte

Networks Prepare for 5G New Radio

Sheri DeTomasi

5G Mobile Network Test: The Secret Ingredient for Proficient 5G Networks

Jessy Cavazos

Design PCBs for EMI, Part 3: Partitioning and Routing

Kenneth Wyatt

Low-Cost design: When Best Practice is Too Expensive

Todd Westerhoff


Does 5G Pose Health Risks? (part 1)

Larry Desjardin

The Pitfalls of Power-Rail Noise Measurements

David Maliniak

Design PCBs for EMI, Part 2: Basic Stack-Up

Kenneth Wyatt

Find a  Signal's Bandwidth from Its Harmonics

Bob Witte

Accurate and Precise Automotive Extreme Temperature Testing

Ruediger Richter

What's effective Return Loss, Anyway? (Part 2)

Ransom Stephens

Design PCBs for EMI, Part 1: How Signals Move

Kenneth Wyatt


What's Effective Return Loss, Anyway? (Part 1)

Ransom Stephens

Step Excitation Stability Tests

John Dunn

Slew Rate and Rise Time: Not Quite the Same

Bob Witte

Control the Sample Rate of Digitized Signals

Arthur Pini


Link-Budget Calculations: Needed for 5G OTA Testing

Jeorge Hurtarte

What's That Signal's Bandwidth?

Bob Witte

Monte Carlo Gone Wrong

Charles Hymowitz

ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Rigol DHO1000 Oscilloscope - RF Cafe

Exodus Advanced Communications Best in Class RF Amplifier SSPAs