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RF & Microwave Magazine Article Archive - 2006

If you are like me, you spend a lot of time reading articles from technical magazines. Sometimes I read the entire article, but usually I just scan the text for highlights and look at the schematics, block diagrams, and charts / graphs. Often, I want to go back and find an article but cannot recall where I saw it. A Google search will usually eventually reveal a hyperlink to the article, but a lot of times it takes a lot of digging. Since my key interests are not necessarily the same as RF Cafe visitors, an attempt will be made to catalog all of them. If there is a magazine not included here that you would like me to include in the list, please send me an e-mail and I will try to incorporate its articles, too.

High Frequency Electronics | Microwave Journal | Microwaves & RF | Microwave Product Digest | Test & Measurement World

High Frequency Electronics


InP Provides Improved Low Voltage Wireless PA Performance

Michael Gaynor

Achieving Connector Performance with Stacked Boards in Cell Phones

Ted Worroll

Simulation Results of Phase Noise of PLL Functional Blocks in 0.35 um SiGe Technology

M. Ain Rehman

Development of a JTRS / SINCGARS Ultra-Broadband Airborne Blade Antenna

Joseph R. Jahoda

Optical Technology: A Look into the (Near) Future

High Frequency Electronics Editorial Staff


'Macro' and 'Micro' Engineering are Growth Areas

Gary Breed

Radiated Power and Field Strength from UHF ISM Transmitters

Larry Burgess

Improving Test Times with Fast Frequency, Amplitude and Waveform Switching

Heather Lane

Designing Analog Circuits for Digital Signal Processing

Gary Breed

Techniques and Technologies for High-Frequency Interconnections

High Frequency Electronics Editorial Staff


Finding the Power to Run All Those Portable Electronics

Gary Breed Editorial

Minimization of DDS Spurious Content in Multi-Channel Systems

Ryan Groulx and Shawn Mason

Micromachining Concept on GaAs and a mm-Wave Oscillator Example

Kamaljeet Singh and Surendra Pal

Upconverting LTCC Mixer Targets Instrumentation Applications


Making the Build-or-Buy Decision—Balancing Cost, Time and Performance

Gary Breed


Adaptive Digital Baseband Predistortion for RF Power Amplifier Linearization

Rahul Gupta, Saad Ahmad, Reinhold Ludwig, and John McNeill

Optimize the Buffer Amplifier / ADC Connection

Joe Dipilato, Dan Terlep, and Tanja Hofner

Noise and Spurious in Digital Systems and Digitized Signals

Gary Breed

Everyone Needs to Understand High Speed Digital Design Techniques

High Frequency Staff


Systemizing the Design of Broadband Class-A RF Power Amplifiers

Firas Mohammed Ali

Experiments with Microwave Coherence Tomography: Part 2

Jiri Polivka

Field Installation of Cables and Connectors for MRI Systems

Kevin Moyher

Guidelines for Using Manufacture-Provided Reference Designs

Gary Breed


The Importance of Electromagnetic Compatibility

Gary Breed

2-22 GHz Continuously Variable Attenuator Has Low IMD and Flat Response

Alexander Chenakin and A.P.S. Khanna

Experiments with Microwave Coherence Tomography: Part 1

Jiri Polivka

Feedback Fundamentals: Basic Concepts and Circuit Topologies

Gary Breed

Low Frequency Applications Maintain High Interest

High Frequency Staff


Broadband Amplifier Gain Slope Equalization with a Single Passive Component

Alan Fejzuli, Ray Kaarsberg, and Nelson Roldan

A 1 to 2 GHz, 50 Watt Push-Pull Power Amplifier Using SiC MESFETS

Raymond Pengelly and Carl Janke

Fundamentals of Passive Component Behavior at High Frequencies

Gary Breed


High Efficiency, High Linearity GaN HEMT Amplifiers for WiMAX Applications

Simon Wood, Peter Smith, William Pribble, Ray Pengelly, and Jim Crescenzi

High Performance Active Mixer Overcomes RF Transmitter Design Challenges

James Wong

Microwave Coupler Feeds Outdoor Antenna Through Walls

Gunther Knapp

On-Wafer Testing Verifies IC Performance and Process Yield

Gary Breed

A Growing Number of Applications Boosts mm-Wave Technology

High Frequency Electronics Editorial Staff


The Yin-Yang of Matching: Part 2—Practical Matching Techniques

Randy Rhea

Procedures for High Power Swept Compression Measurements

Anthony J. Bichler

Understanding Mixers From a Switching Perspective

Gary Breed


The Yin-Yang of Matching: Part 1—Basic Matching Concepts

Randy Rhea

Open RFIC Design Platform Integrates Highly-Capable Design Tools

Thomas Quan

Guidelines for Improving the RF Immunity of Audio Amplifiers

Kymberly Schmidt

Proprietary Systems are Viable Options for Short-Range Wireless


Generating Frequency Agile and Custom Waveforms

Roger Jungerman

High-Efficiency Linearized LDMOS Amplifiers Utilize the RFAL Architecture

Ray Gutierrez

The Method of Moments: A Numerical Technique for Wire Antenna Design

W.D. Rawle


Zigbee System-on-Chip (SoC) Design

Khanh Tuan Le

Transmission Line Transformers: Theory, Design and Applications—Part 2

Chris Trask

Optimize Thermal Contact for RF Transistors

John C. Pritiskutch and Richard R. Hildenbrandt

Tutorial: Electroformed Cables Deliver Performance in Highly Demanding Applications

Bob Thiele


Microwave Journal


Interference Detection and Measurements for Microwave Radio Link Planning

Luca Stroppolo

Microwave Noise Modeling for AlGaAs/InGaAs/GaAs PHEMTs

Xiuping Li, Jianjun Gao, and Georg Boeck

Design of Microstrip Dual Behavior Resonator Filters: A Practical Guide

E. Rius, C. Quendo, A. Manchec, Y. Clavet, C. Person, J.F. Favennec, O. Bosch, J.C. Cayrou, P. Moroni and J.L. Cazaux


A Helical Resonator-based Filter with Improved Skirt Selectivity

Alex D. Lapidus

Power Amplifier Linearization Using an Indirect-learning-based Inverse TDNN Model

Hoon Hwangbo, Sung-Chan Jung, Youngoo Yang, Cheon-Seok Park, Byung-Sung Kim and Wansoo Nah

Intermodulation Distortion in Medium-power Drop-in Ferrite Isolators and Circulators

Tony Edridge

Novel Microstrip Band-stop Filters Based on Complementary Split Ring Resonators

Sheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao and Ying Li

A Novel Wideband Transition Between a Conductor-backed Finite Ground CPW and a Microstrip Line

Kamaljeet Singh and Surendra Pal

New Design Methodologies for High Performance RF CMOS

David Vye, Sean Kim, Soung Ho Myoung, Jason Yun and Charlie Jeung


Network-centric Operations and Information Superiority: Current Trends of Key Enabling Technologies

Heinrich Daembkes

Frequency Converters: Understanding the Benefits of Simple and Complex Architectures

Roland Hassun

Design of Bias Tees for a Pulsed-bias, Pulsed-RF Test System Using Accurate Component Models

Charles Baylis, Lawrence Dunleavy, and William Clausen

A Practical Design of a Low Phase Noise Airborne X-band Frequency Synthesizer

Vsevolod Tanygin

A Broadband Double Dipole Antenna with Triangle and Rhombus Shapes and Stable End-fire Radiation Patterns for Phased-array Antenna Systems

Abdelnasser A. Eldek

Measuring the Capacitance Coefficients of Coaxial Open-circuits with Traceability to National Standards

Martin J. Salter and Nick M. Ridler

Eliminating FFT Artifacts in Vector Signal Analyzer Spectra

Michael D. McKinley, Kate A. Remley, Maciej Myslinski, and  J. Stevenson Kenney


The Current State of Technology and Future Trends in Wireless Communications and Applications

Alastair Upton and Victor Steel

Accurate Simulation of an X-band Frequency Synthesizer

Mohamed Kameche

Low Voltage Operation of GaAs Power Amplifiers

Joe Madden

Novel Low Pass Filters Using a Defected Microstrip Structure

Sheng Zhang, Jian-Kang Xiao, Zi-Hua Wang and Ying Li

RF Power Detection: Measuring WiMAX Signals

Carlos Calvo and Matthew Pilotte

Distortion Inherent to VNA Test Port Cable Assemblies

Paul Pino

Coupled Line Noise in High Sensitivity RF Receiver Circuits

Oleksandr Gorbachov


Rigorous Analytical Expressions for the Electromagnetic Parameters of Rectangular Coaxial Couplers with Circular and Square Inner Conductors

N. Benahmed and S. Seghier

A Dual-band Branch-line Coupler Using Quasi-composite Right/Left-handed Transmission Lines

He-Kai Jhuang,Ching-Her Lee, Po-Min Hu and Chung-I G. Hsu

Characterization of Ultra-wideband Bow-tie Antennas for Ground Penetrating Radar Systems

Francesco Soldovieri, Giancarlo Prisco, and Giovanni Leone

Applications of CE Alloys in Defense, Aerospace, Telecom and Other Electronic Markets

David M. Jacobson, Andrew J.W. Ogilvy and Alan G. Leatham


Techniques of RFID Systems: Architectures and Applications

F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw, and M.B.I. Reaz

Periodically Loaded SSS Coupled-line Filter for Second Harmonic Suppression

D. Packiaraj, M. Ramesh and A.T. Kalghatgi

A Dual-passband Waveguide Filter with a Canonical Structure for Ka-band Satellite Applications

Man Seok Uhm, In Bok Yom, Juseop Lee, and Jeong Phill Kim

Matrix Switches: Blocking versus Non-blocking

Brett Chermansky

In Search of Maxwell

James Rautio


The Road from RFIC to SoC

J.P. Lanteri and D.J. Carlson

Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Transponder Circuit Design

F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz

UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part II: Theory

Daniel M. Dobkin

A 2.4 GHz CMOS Transceiver Single-chip RF Front-end for ISM-band Wireless Communications

Wei-Ting Lee and Huey-Ru Chuang, and Chun-Lin Lu

Power Amplifiers for Microwaves and RF Applications with LDMOS Transistors

Giuseppe Vacca


The Impact of MEMS on Cellular Phone Architectures

Mark Chapman

Radio Frequency Identification: Evolution of Reader and Antenna Circuit Design

F. Mohd-Yasin, M.K. Khaw and M.B.I. Reaz

Synthesis of a Planar, Coupled-line Marchand Balun with Emphasis on Balance

Jong-Hwan Lee and Kyung-Whan Yeom

Design of a Dual-band Ring Printed Antenna Array

M. Abri, N. Boukli-Hacene, F.T. Bendimerad, E. Cambiaggio, and Sophia Antipolis

Understanding the Operation and Test of a Bluetooth Enhanced Data Rate Radio

Helen Mills

High Harmonic-rejection Matching Filters for Quad-band Power Amplifiers

Rajanish, P. Onno, N. Jain, C. Weigand, P. McIntosh, B. Rizzi, and K. Izzac

The Design of a Finite Ground Plane Cross Semi-elliptic Monopole Antenna for UWB Applications

Wen-Shan Chen, Mao-Kai Hsu, Tainan Hsien

UHF RFID and Tag Antenna Scattering, Part I: Experimental Results

Daniel M. Dobkin and Steven M. Weigand


Microwave Oscillators:The State of the Technology

A.P.S. (Paul) Khanna

A Low Profile, Top-loaded Monopole Antenna with Four Small Posts

Yong-Woong Jang, Hyun-Chul Go, Sang-Woo Lee

Design of a Wideband Adaptive Linear Amplifier with a DSB Pilot and Complex Coherent Detection Method

Jianyi Zhou, Lei Zhang, Wei Hong, Jianing Zhao and Xiaowei Zhu

A 2 GHz, 0.25 µm MOS Complementary VCO with Differentially Tuned MOS Varactors for Wireless Applications

H.T. Lin, Y.K. Chu and H.R. Chuang

Design of an Amplifier Using a Harmonic Termination Matching Tuner and Harmonic Blocking Bias Line

Jin-Kuk Lee, Su-Taw Kim, Yong-Chae Jeong, Jong-Sik Lim, Chul-Dong Kim

Design and Temperature Compensation of a Ku-band Channel Amplifier with ALC for a Satellite Transponder

S.C. Bera, R.V. Singh and V.K. Garg


Synthetic Instruments: A New Horizon

David P. Menzer

A Multi-octave, Open-boundary, Quad-ridge Horn Antenna for Use in the S- to Ku-bands

Vicente Rodríguez

Real-time Spectrum Analysis Streamlines Radar Pulse Testing and Diagnostics

Matthew J. Maxwell

An Efficient, Interactive Optimization Solution for Analog and RF Design

James Spoto


A Specialized Low Loss 8 dB Coupler

Cecil W. Deisch

Microstrip Line with a Novel Broadband PBG Structure

Fei Zhang, Lina Shi and Chengfang Li

Ku-band MMIC Power Amplifiers Developed Using MSAG MESFET Technology

Inder J. Bahl

Design of a UWB Low Insertion Loss Bandpass Filter with Spurious Response Suppression

Chu-Yu Chen and Cheng-Ying Hsu

Building a 3.3 to 3.8 GHz 802.16a WiMAX LNA on FR4 Material

Xiao Lu


A Printed UWB Triangular Monopole Antenna

H.R. Chuang, C.C. Lin and Y.C. Kan

Performance Comparisons Between Dielectric Resonator Antennas and Printed Microstrip Patch Antennas at X-band

R. Chair, A.A. Kishk, K.F. Lee and D. Kajfez

Experimental Analysis of a Multi-band and High Gain Open Slot Antenna with Dual Reflector

Hyun-Chul Go and Yong-Woong Jang

A Novel Broadband Design of a Printed Rectangular Slot Antenna for Wireless Applications

Wen-Shan Chen

A Design of Double T-type Microstrip Antennas for Broadband and Control of Resonance

Hyeonjin Lee and Yeongseog Lim

Phased Arrays and Radars - Past, Present and Future

Eli Brookner


Test & Measurement World


Unwrapping Wireless Signals

Joan Mercadé

Extracting Value From Outsourcing

Marc A. Mangrum

Model-based Design Aids Test and Verification

Greg Reed


Keep the Power on: Testing Uninterruptible Power Supplies (UPSs)

Martin Rowe

Color Enhances Inspection Results

Jon Titus

To Mux or Not to Mux?

Alan Albee and Anthony Suto

Disposal of Test Data

Martin Rowe

Automation: Its Name is Software

Steve Scheiber


Silicon Debug

Bart Vermeulen, Yu-Chin Hsu and Robert Ruiz

Test Compression

Ron Press and Jay Jahangiri

DFM, DFY get EDA Industry Emphasis

Rick Nelson


LXI Triggering

Bob Rennard

Early Testing Avoids Compliance Woes

Martin Rowe

Stretching Immunity Test to 6 GHz

Richard A. Quinnell

External PCI Express Reaches 30 m

Martin Rowe


PCI Express: Beyond Minimum Compliance

Mike Li and Rich Vignes

All the Right Switches

Martin Rowe

Boundary Scan Accelerates VoIP test

Karla May

Optical Switch Testing Spans the Ocean

Martin Rowe

Detective Work Finds Board Failures

Thomas Paquette

Scan for ESD-induced Errors

Martin Rowe


Our Crumbling Infrastructure, Part CXVII

Brad Thompson

Audio: Not What it Used to be

Martin Rowe


Patent Common Sense

Rick Nelson

Test's Role on the Path to Zero-defect Devices

Mick Tegethoff and Vivek Chickermani

The Network is the Test Bed

Martin Rowe

Limits of Test Time Reduction

Chris Allsup

Post-test Inspection Boosts Die Yields

Jon Titus

IEEE Approves Testing Standard for Nanotubes


EMI Standard Planned for Replaceable Modules

Martin Rowe

Ethernet vs. Camera Link

John Egri

Deriving Thevenin Equivalents

Rick Nelson

IPTV: Video's Latest Test Frontier

Martin Rowe


Today's Testing, Tomorrow's Engineers

Martin Rowe

The Big Picture: Large-format Lenses

Andrea Tollison

Improving Strain Measurements

Bob Magee

Cut Noise From High-resistance Measurements

Dale Cigoy

Keep Your Eye on RF Risks

Richard A. Quinnell


Lead Makes an Electronic Exit

Martin Rowe

Probing Flip-chip Interfaces

Dr. Lawrence W. Kessler

DSL Tests Focus on Copper

Richard A. Quinnell


Many Tests, Many Setups

Martin Rowe

The Challenge of Multisite Test

Greg Smith

HSDPA Testing

Dr. Salim Manji

Optimize Resolution, Sampling Rate, and Memory

Rick Nelson

Charge Injection Creates Measurement Errors

Martin Rowe


Microwaves & RF


Beware Of Spectrum Analyzer Power Averaging Techniques

Steve Murray

Design A Simple, Low-Cost UWB Source

Yeap Yean Wei


Site Speeds Search For RF/Microwave Components

Jack Browne

RF Video Amplifiers Enable FTTP's Last Mile

Charles Armour, Glenn Eswein, Michael Raneri, and Brian Ribeiro

Design An MMIC LNA With GaAs PHEMTs

John E. Penn

Parametric Simulation Helps Optimize Antenna Performance

Paul Duxbury

ACM Controls Cost Of Increased Spectral Efficiency

Ran Soffer


Signal Generator Melds Speed With Low Phase Noise

John Regazzi and Ravinder Gill

Practical Approach Yields Class C PA

Firas Mohammed Ali

Simplify The Calculation Of Microstrip Dimensions

Alberto Bagnasco

Traffic Management Performs Testing For Triple-Play Services

Charlie Jenkins

Develop Advanced Designs For RFID Transponders

Faisal Mohd-Yasin, Y.K. Teh, M.B.I. Reaz

Design Directional Couplers For High-Power Applications

Nasreddine Ben Ahmed, Naima Benmostefa

Improve The Accuracy Of Amplifier ACLR And ACPR Measurements

Paul Schmitz


Developing Designs For RFID Transponders

Faisal Mohd-Yasin, Y.K. Teh, and M.B.I. Reaz

Understand Requirements For WiMAX Testing

Huseyin Arslan, Daljeet Singh

Directional Couplers Aid Antenna Power Monitoring

Andrzej Sawicki

Monopole Arrays Are Electronically Steerable

Dr. A. Kumar

RFID Is Not Just For Wal-Mart

Jack Browne

White Paper: Achieve Improved Spectrum Analyzer Amplitude Accuracy

Pablo Estrada


Signal Cancellation Improves DDS SFDR

Roger Huntley, Ken Gentile

Understanding Mismatch Effects In Power Combining Circuits

Howard Hausman

Building A Receiver For WiMAX Testing

Huseyin Arslan, Daljeet Singh

Optical Switches Link Multiple Receivers To Remote Antennas

Bruce Mead


Establish Test Procedures For WiMAX Transceivers

Huseyin Arslan and Daljeet Singh

Topology And Technology Drive E-PHEMT Amplifiers

Kevin W. Kobayashi

System Monitors Satellite Carriers

Jack Browne

Stripline Crossover Board Facilitates Planar High-Frequency Microwave Subassemblies

Raymond Kaarsberg and Thomas M. O'Leary.

Advanced Oscillator Technology Conquers Reference Degradation Due To Dynamic Environments

Olie Mancini

Microwave Synthesizers Aid Aircraft Tracking

Ken Positeri

SMD Port Discontinuities Are Conquered

James B. Rautio

Quick ACPR Analysis Performs Necessary PA Simulations

Andy Howard

Connectors Raise Density And Reduce Footprint

Paul A. Czikora

Making The Case For Well-Rounded Devices

John McCaffrey

White Paper: RF Power Devices Meet Wireless Challenges Head On

Pierre Piel, John McCaffrey, Keith Tilley, and Mark Williams


S-Band Power Amp Incorporates Bare Die

Pierre Bertram and Ph. Eudeline

Properly Understanding Noise In Test Applications

Peter Matthews

MEMS Motion Sensors Boost Handset Reliability

Harvey Weinberg

RF MEMS Integrates CMOS Controller

Refugio L. Jones and Michael C. Hopkins


Diode Quad Is Foundation For PIN Diode Attenuator

Lim Chin Leong, Lim Yeam Ch'ng, and Goh Swee Chye

Extending Phase-Noise Measurement Capability

Chris Desalvo

Stabilize Transistors In Low-Noise Amplifiers

Ulrich Delpy

Low-Power Approach Provides QPSK Modulation

Cecil Deisch

When Switching Speed Is Important

Uri Yaniv

RF Antenna Switches Simplify Telematics Radios

Brian Arnold

Measure Frequency With Time-Stamping Counters

Staffan Johansson

Emerging Applications Fuel Antenna Development

Nancy Friedrich


Cost-Effective VCOs Replace Power-Hungry YIGs

Ulrich L. Rohde, K. Juergen Schoepf, Ajay Kumar Poddar

Cables And Connectors Link A Wireless World

Nancy Friedrich

Seeking Higher-Power Solid-State Devices

Toshiaki Nakamura

Digitizer Provides Direct Sampling Of RF Signals

Uros Mavric

Microstrip Filters Provide High Harmonic Suppression

Kamaljeet Singh, Deepankar Roy, R. Ramsubramanian


Preparation Is Key For The Future Of Circuit Design

Jim McGillvary

ICs Have Steady Influence On Microwave Market

Russell Shaller

WiMAX Muddies The Wireless Waters

Pierre Piel

Filtering Compromises From Co-Located Systems

Ganesh Krishnan and André Doll

Simulation Spices RFID Read Rates

Tudor Breahna and David Johns

Microwave Connector Choices Determine System Performance

Steve Thomas

Analyzing EM Parameters For Shielded Bandline

Nasreddine Ben Ahmed and Mohammed Feham


Verification Tools Help PHS Transceiver Take Silicon Form

Jon Gordon, Venkata Atluri, David Schwan, and Nathaniel King

Generate Digital Chirp Signals With DDS

Bar-Giora Goldberg

Estimating RKE System Performance

Larry Burgess


Test Handset PA Phase And Amplitude Vs. Time

Marc Brodeur

Amplifying PA Theory For Efficient ISM Transmitters

Andy Zocher

Darlington Gain Blocks Eliminate Bias Resistor

Kevin W. Kobayashi, Tim Gittemeier


Microwave Product Digest


Semiconductor Innovation and Integration Drives Next-Generation Handsets

Skyworks Solutions, Inc.

RF Interconnections Evolve to Meet Industry Needs

Tyco Electronics

The Increasing Importance of Signal Integrity in Next-Generation Communications Designs By Applied Wave Research, Inc.

Say What? My Cross-talk Problem is at the Component Level? A Filter, You Say?

Anatech Electronics, Inc.

Bluetooth v2 Class 1 PA with 50% Power Added Efficiency By TriQuint Semiconductor

Signal Analyzer for Next-Generation Communications Technology

Anritsu Company

MMIC Amplifiers Deliver Up to 2 W at 18 GHz

iTerra Communications

Generate Bode Plots Easily In Non-50-Ohm Environments

Freescale Semiconductor

CMOS Switches Trim Footprint for RF Front Ends By Peregrine Semiconductor Corp.

Signal Analyzer Moves Measurements Beyond Traditional Spectrum Analysis

Agilent Technologies


A 20 Watt, Power Amplifier 20 MHz - 2500 MHz in a Single Module Design


Design for Manufacturing Saves Time and Money

Jack Sifri

Integrating S-parameter Models in Circuit Simulation: A Review of “Ports” and “Nodes”

Devin Crawford and David Vye

Scalable Power Amplifiers

Jason Smith

Six New Wideband, Power and Driver Amplifier Modules Cover 10 MHz to 35 GHz

Hittite Microwave

Getting the Most from General Purpose MMIC Amplifiers

Mimix Broadband


Antenna Integration for Multimode Handsets


Power Frequency Conversion Considerations

Falcon Electric, Inc.

Digital vs Analog Techniques for Simulating a Fading Channel

Hollis Electronics Company LLC

Validating Inter-RAT Handover and Cell Transitions using Two Base Station Emulators

Agilent Technologies UK Ltd.

WiMAX Mixer Provides High IP3 Upconverter Mixer Makes Most of LTCC for WiMAX Applications


Innovative Technologies Enable Higher Levels of Integration for Radar Applications

Endwave Defense Systems, Inc.


New Spectrum Analyzer Family from Aeroflex Combines High Performance with Low Cost

Bryan Harber

Understanding Noise and its Effect on Oscilloscope Measurements: Part I: Evaluating Oscilloscope Vertical Noise Characteristics

Johnnie Hancock

Understanding Noise and its Effect on Oscilloscope Measurements Part II: Making Measurements in the Presence of Noise

Johnnie Hancock

Updates on the New Release of IEC 61000-4-3 Edition 3

Jason Smith

Microwave Test Cable Care and Handling

John C. Lewis


Part II: Military Satellites: Politics, Picosats, and Payloads

Deutsche Bank Securities

New Active x2 Multipliers Extend Output Frequency Coverage to 46 GHz for Microwave Radio Applications

Mark Fallica

Enabling Multi-Radio Co-Existence with a 2.4 GHz WLAN Front-End Module

William Vaillancourt, Chun-Wen Paul Huang, Andrew Parolin, Chris Zelley, and Zeji Gu


High-Performance Passive Circuit Design

Keefe Bohannan, and Jeff Dekosky

Capacitors in Coupling, DC Blocking, and Bypass Applications

Richard Fiore

Taiyo Yuden Introduces Industry's First 100nH-rated and High-Q Multilayer Chip Inductors in 0201 Case Size

Taiyo Yuden

The Future of RF SAW Filtering in Mobile Handset Design

Danny King


Military Satellites: Politics, Picosats, and Payloads

Theresa Hitchens

Sources of Phase Noise and Jitter in Oscillators

Ramon Cerda

A Design Challenge: Tight Stability and Low Power Demand In a Compact Oscillator

Phil Myers

Engineering, Manufacturing Prowess Stands Tall

Tim Dolan

Noise Sources Cover Broad Applications

Ed Garcia

Chip-Sized Trimmer Caps Offer Wide Tuning Ranges

Nicholas Perrella


AD8368: A Broadband RF/IF VGA with 34 dB Linear-in-dB Gain Control Range

Phillip Sher

RF Coverage Validation and Prediction with GPS Technology

Jin Yu

A New 60W LDMOS RF Plastic Transistor Dedicated to 1.8 and 2.0 GHz Base Station Applications Associated to its Model

Guillaume Bigny, Nelsy Monsauret

Sarantel's SkyTune™ SDARS Antenna Brings Live Satellite Radio to Very Small Portable Radios

Brad Hurte


Amplifier Design Made Simple

Anurag Bhargava

Disruptive Resonator Technology from Dielectric Laboratories Inc. Brings Low Cost to Low Phase Noise Oscillators

Mesut Gokten and David Bates

Recent Design Innovations in Rubidium and BVA Based Time and Frequency Standards

Environment Applications


Low VSWR and Insertion Loss Over a Wide Bandwidth

Jim Kerekes

The Advantages of High Power Waveguide Subsystems and Components

Phil Walker

Polar Modulation and Bipolar RF Power Devices

Earl McCune


Testing Wireless Military Radios

John Stratton

Mimix 3-Chip Solution for 13/15 GHz

Paul Beasly

Improving WLAN Access Point (AP) Performance

By Conrad L. Young


RF Design


Fuel Cell Technology Enhances Military Robotics

Murali Arikara

Simulation Enables Accurate Military Receiver Documentation

Paul P. Wollam

All-digital Transceiver Bridges the Gap for Software-Defined Radio

Wes Littlefield


ESD-Protected RF Filter with On-chip Passive and Active Elements

H. Böhm, H. Kebinger, R. Losehand, and H. Heiss

Upconverting WiMAX Mixer Provides High IP3

Radhakrishna Setty

Digital Phosphor Technology Boosts RF Signal Discovery and Analysis

Kathy Engholm

Delivering Cost and Performance Advantages for Reliable UWB System Designs

Roberto Aiello


Improved InGaP/GaAs HBT Technology Facilitates High Linearity PAs

Nan-Lei Larry Wang

Addressing the New Challenges of MIMO Wireless LAN Manufacturing Test

Ewan Shepherd

Measuring RF Parameters in GSM/EDGE Power Amplifiers

Antonio Eguizabal

Mobile Application Reference Design Accelerates Development

Ron Stieger and David Brooke


How to Best Marry Time-Domain System-Level Verification with Frequency-Domain RF Circuit Simulations

Ashok Bindra

Reducing the Design Complexity of Next-Generation Handsets

Jennifer Chou

Mitigating Interference to Maximize Spectral Efficiency in 3G/4G Networks

John Thomas

Design and Performance of Precision Miniature TCXOs

Steve Fry

Optimizing Mobile Handset Performance

Greg Mendolia


Harnessing the Potential of Powerline Communications Using the HomePlug AV Standard

Srinivas Katar, Manjunath Krishnam, Richard Newman and Haniph Latchman

Calibration and Temperature-Compensation Techniques Using an RMS-Responding RF Detector

Carlos Calvo

Designing and Simulating THz Wire Waveguides Using FEM Modeling

Jason A. Deibel and Daniel M. Mittleman

Creating a Synthetic Instrument with Virtual Instrumentation Technology

Eric Starkloff

Measuring High-Speed Signals with an Active Differential Probe

Ashok Bindra


Impact of Ultralow Phase Noise Oscillators on System Performance

Ramon M. Cerda

Providing Reliable Sensing and Control Using ZigBee Wireless Networks

Peter Wotton

Highly Integrated Transceiver Enables High-Volume Production of GSM/EDGE Handsets

Patrick Morgan

RF CMOS Switches Address Multiband Requirements of Next-Generation Handsets

Rodd Novak

Low Power, Giga Speed Programmable Divider in 0.18 m CMOS

Girish N. Jadhav


High-Power Gallium Nitride Transistors Inch Forward

Ashok Bindra

The Challenges and Importance of Testing Mesh Networks Prior to Deployment

Fanny Mlinarsky

Flexible, Multi-Application Probing Solution in

150-mm Wafer Environments

Terry Burcham and Diana Laboy-Rush

IQ Modulators Advance Reconfigurable Radio

Eamon Nash

Power Amplifier Design for Open Loop EDGE Large Signal Polar Modulation Systems

Jackie Johnson

Reducing Current Consumption and Cost with 902-928 MHz Spread Spectrum ASK Modulation

Staale Pettersen


RF PA Linearity in GSM Transmitters

Oleksandr Gorbachov

Evaluating Distortion in ADC Driver Amplifiers

Eamon Nash

Standard Plastic Packages Handle Frequencies up to 45 GHz

Amer Droubi and Paul Beasly

Designing Digital Downconverters May 1, 2006 12:00 PM, By Brian Ogilvie and Paul Pacheco

Multigigabit wireless connectivity at 70, 80 and 90 GHz

Jonathan Wells

Simulating PLL Reference Spurs

Steve Williams and Tony Caviglia


In the Face of Competition, GaAs Continues to Grow

Ashok Bindra

CMOS RF Transceiver Chip Tackles Multiband 3.5G Radio System

Kiran Konanur

Evaluating and Optimizing RFID and NFC Systems Using Real-Time Spectrum Analysis

Darren McCarthy

Using High-Directivity Couplers in Cell Phone PA Control

Leonid Talalaevsky

High-Speed ADC Combines with FPGA to Enable Single-Slot SDR Solutions

Angsuman Rudra and Alexis Bose

Accurately Measuring Phase and Delay Error in Direct I/Q Modulators

Peter Stroet


Artificial Neural Networking Improves PA Design

Jarno Kyhälä

Accurate high-frequency noise modeling in SiGe HBTs

Mohamed A. Selim

Choosing RF CMOS or SiGe BiCMOS in Mixed-Signal Design

Adam H. Pawlikiewicz and David Hess

System considerations for building a high-performance digital satellite TV receiver front-end

Bart DeCanne


Architectures for Mobile RF Convergence and Future RF Transparency

Pieter Hooijmans

Power Management Alternatives for RF Portable Devices

Pedro Pachuca and Laurent Gauthier

IEEE 802.11n Delivers Maximum Video Performance in Wireless Entertainment Applications

Gil Epshtein

Over-The-Air Performance Testing of Wireless Devices with Multiple Antennas

Michael D. Foegelle


Next-Generation Wireless Propels GaN Power Transistors, CMOS RFICs and Passives

Ashok Bindra Mark Valentine, and Keith Vick

3G GMSK/EDGE Power Control With Enhanced Switching Transient Performance

Ulrik Riis Madsen

New SDR Architecture Enables Ubiquitous Data Connectivity

John A. Kilpatrick,Russell J. Cyr, Erik L. Org and Geoffrey Dawe

A Direct-Conversion Transmitter for WiMAX and WiBro Applications

Cecile Masse

Achieving Quality Audio Testing for Mobile Phones

Joey Tun

Axiom Test Equipment - RF Cafe
ConductRF Phased Matched RF Cables - RF Cafe

Anatech Electronics RF Microwave Filters - RF Cafe

Innovative Power Products Cool Chip Thermal Dissipation - RF Cafe