January 1967 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Hugo Gernsback was the
Ulrich L. Rhode of the early 20th century; he was very accomplished in many areas
of electronics, was a prolific publisher of technical content, knew everyone of
any import in the technology realm, had successful business ventures, and seemed
to always be getting presented with awards from one group or another. With guys
like Gernsback and Rhode, organizations considered themselves honored to have
their offers accepted in order to be worthy of the recipient's attention. This
collection of industry New Briefs in the January 1967 issue of Radio-Electronics
magazine included the
Wireless Association (still in existence) giving an award to Gernsback. It
also reported on General Motors using silver-zinc battery packs, SCR's and
specially designed AC motors in its experimental Electrovair II - a conversion
of its gas-powered
Corvair. The government-controlled BBC's domination over "free" radio
broadcasting was getting a challenge from the Popular Music Authority (PMA),
which was also a government-controlled broadcaster (nothing Soviet about that
arrangement, eh?). Increasing sun spot activity opened up the 11-meter shortwave
band. Click the thumbnail above for all the news.
News Briefs:
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News Briefs
Hugo Gernsback Honored by Wireless Pioneers
A recent gathering of the Antique Wireless Association, a group of amateur radio
historians and collectors, paid tribute to pioneer publisher and radio manufacturer
Hugo Gernsback. Among the exhibits of coherers, magnetic and electrolytic detectors,
and early microphones, were many pieces of equipment manufactured by the Electro
Importing Co., an early Gernsback enterprise. During the luncheon held in his honor,
Mr. Gernsback addressed the group by means of a special tape recording. He stressed
the need to preserve historical records and artifacts and spoke of his desire to
see a museum devoted entirely to communication. Distinguished guests included: Elliott
Sivowitch, assistant to curator, and Dr. Bernard Finn, curator of electricity, both
of the Smithsonian Institute, and Frank Davis, curator, Ford Science Museum.
Slow-Motion TV Replay
Baseball fans saw a further innovation in TV engineering used in last year's
World Series. Interesting or tricky visual action was recorded and played back later
in slow motion - electronically.
The technique made use of MVR Corp.'s VDR 250 Videodisc slow-motion recorder,
which can record video signals on a magnetic disc. When replayed, action may be
slowed or stopped completely, or it may be viewed at medium-slow motion as well
as at normal speed. After recording, the machine can be cued for replay in less
than half a second.
Electric-Powered Vehicles Being Tested
Research continues in attempts to develop a practical electric auto to meet today's
needs. General Motors has installed silver-zinc battery packs, SCR's and specially
designed AC motors in its experimental Electrovair II. Performance is reported similar
to that of a gasoline-powered Corvair except for cruising range. The electric car
must recharge its batteries every 40 to 80 miles, vs a range of 250-300 miles for
gasoline-refill range of a standard car. A regular 1966 Corvair chassis is used,
but Electrovair II weighs 800 pounds more than its gasoline-powered cousin.
Another experimental vehicle being tested by GM is Electrovan, a van truck using
tanks of liquid hydrogen and oxygen as an electric fuel cell. Such a power source
is still expensive and not yet practical.
Commercial Radio to Start in Britain
A new popular-music radio service with commercials will be started soon by the
government of Great Britain. The new agency will be known as the Popular Music Authority
(PMA) and will be financed entirely by advertising revenue.
This is in contrast with the practice of the 44-year-old BBC, the government-controlled
monopoly that has furnished Britons with commercial-free radio fare until now. PMA
will broadcast on broadcast-band channels now used by BBC's Light Programme, one
of three BBC services.
Chief reason behind the decision was the nagging existence of "pirate" stations
which operate transmitters from offshore ships or abandoned gun forts on reefs,
selling time and broadcasting modern popular music. These stations are to be outlawed.
The new radio service has a precedent, however - the 12-year-old ITA (Independent
Television Authority). BBC television is commercial-free, like its radio service,
but ITA carries advertising on its channel.
More Shortwave Broadcasting
For the first time in 4 years, conditions have opened up on the 11-meter shortwave
band. Signals are being received on the 25-26 MHz international frequencies, due
to increased sunspot activity. Not only will overseas broadcasts be available for
SWL's, the 27-MHz Citizens band will undoubtedly be plagued by skip interference.
FM listeners in the New York City vicinity can hear Radio Peking, Radio Moscow
and Radio Havana without a shortwave receiver. New York's WRFM (105.1 MHz) tapes
English-language news and comments from these three Iron-Curtain SW stations for
playback to their audience. The excerpts are heard intermittently from 8 to 11 pm
nightly. WNYW, WRFM's SW affiliate, returns the courtesy by broadcasting features
about the U.S. to its overseas listeners at the same time.
Posted March 29, 2023