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"Management by Walking Around"
(MBWA) is a management philosophy that was popularized by the co-founders of Hewlett-Packard
(HP), Bill Hewlett and David Packard. It emphasizes the importance of direct interaction
and communication between managers and their employees by physically walking around
the workplace. The concept was introduced in the 1970s and is still relevant today
as a management approach.
The key principles of Management by Walking Around include:
Visibility and Accessibility: Managers should be visible and approachable to
employees. By being physically present in the work area, they can observe the operations,
understand the work environment, and be more accessible to employees.
Employee Engagement: MBWA encourages managers to engage with employees, discuss
their concerns, and gather feedback. By interacting directly with employees, managers
can build relationships, boost morale, and create a positive work culture.
Real-Time Information: When managers walk around and engage with employees, they
get real-time information about ongoing projects, challenges, and successes. This
helps them stay informed and make more informed decisions.
Understanding the Ground Reality: MBWA enables managers to have a firsthand understanding
of the organization's operations, challenges, and opportunities. It helps them gain
insights that may not be apparent from formal reports or meetings.
Empowerment and Support: By being present and actively listening to employees,
managers can identify areas where employees might need support or resources. This
promotes a sense of empowerment among the workforce.
Problem-Solving: MBWA enables managers to identify and address problems early
on, preventing potential issues from escalating.
Recognition and Appreciation: Managers can use MBWA as an opportunity to recognize
and appreciate employees for their efforts and achievements. This enhances motivation
and job satisfaction.
It's important to note that MBWA is not about micromanaging or interfering with
day-to-day operations but rather about fostering open communication and building
trust between managers and employees. This approach can be especially valuable in
large organizations or those with geographically dispersed teams.
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