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RF Cafe Engineering & Technical Headlines Crossword Puzzle
September 1, 2019

This RF Cafe Engineering & Technical Headlines Crossword Puzzle contains at least 10 words from headlines posted on the homepage during the week of August 26 through August 30, 2019 (marked with an asterisk*). These custom-made engineering and science-themed crossword puzzles are done weekly for the brain-exercising benefit and pleasure of RF Cafe visitors who are fellow cruciverbalists. Every word and clue - without exception - in these RF Cafe puzzles has been personally entered into a very large database that encompasses engineering, science, physical, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, etc. Let me know if you would like a custom crossword puzzle built for your company, school, club, etc. (no charge).

cruciverbalist: [noun]  cruci- ("cross") +‎ verbal ("words") +‎ -ist ("agent, person") -- A person who constructs or works crosswords.

Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.

acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

Engineering & Technology Headlines Crossword Puzzle September 1, 2019 - RF Cafe

<click for full size to print>

1. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices

4. Macron Presses U.S. to Help Reform Taxes on Big ____*

7. Is It ____ to Forget about Huawei?*

10. Digital voltmeter (abbr.)

13. Prefix for 10E-18

14. Type of current

15. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.)

16. Imperfection in a crystal lattice

18. Time delay (abbr.)

19. Satellite TV system

21. Add two or more inputs

22. 1E6 nanoseconds

23. Agilent's EE design software (abbr.)

25. Miniature RF connector

27. Deutsche Industrie Normenausschuss

29. Discipline for aircraft navigation in low visibility environments (abbr.)

30. ______ 4G Equipment Market Expected to Be Worth $185B by 2026*

32. Science of light transmission

35. Totals

38. Input intercept point (abbr.)

40. PC Card - with 68 pin interface

43. Internet addresses

44. Apply (as a voltage)

48. Co-channel rejection ratio (abbr.)

49. Read-only (abbr.)

50. Real estate where equipment is located

52. Electronic assembly transport container

55. European equivalent to the U.L.

56. Number or digital inputs that an output can drive (pl.)

59. U.S. Issues New Safety Rules for Launching _______ Systems*

62. Digital Enhanced Cordless Telephone

63. Electromagnetic (abbr.)

64. Chemical symbol for mendelevium

65. Certificate of Successful Completion of Examination (abbr.)

66. Adjusts the design to accommodate tolerances

70. Electromagnetic surveillance thwarting technology

74. Chemical symbol for gallium

76. Quickly changing portion of waveform

78. On-the-air meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio frequency (pl.)

79. Band between RF and BB

81. Primary U.S. standards organization founded in 1918 (abbr.)

84. Tunes

87. 10E-12 numerical prefix

89. Greek letter used for wavelength

92. Unit of atmospheric pressure (abbr.)

93. Exotic States of ______ Quantum Phenomena in Magnetic Systems*

95. _/_-___, maker of RF semiconductors and connectors

98. Five-bit digital code used in teleprinter application

101. Once around a circuit

103. Effective frontal area presented to a microwave interrogation system (abbr.)

104. Official Space Shuttle designation (abbr.)

105. BER, 8 bits at a time

106. 30 kHz to 300 kHz

108. Facsimile

109. Digital encoding of the transmission mode in the vertical sync portion of an SSTV image (abbr.)

111. Satellite of Jupiter discovered by Galileo

112. Applies a lubricant

114. Chemical symbol for einsteinium

117. Chemical symbol for neodymium

118. Chandrayaan 2 in Lunar Orbit for ____ Landing in September*

120. Form of digital phase modulation in which the phase of the RF signal depends on the modulating code (abbr.)

121. Qualcomm, LG Reach ____ License Settlement*

122. Unexpected Pairing of Electrons in ____ Temperature Superconductors*

123. Direct Digital Synthesis (abbr.)

1. PC follower

2. Microwave Theory and Techniques Society (abbr.)

3. U.S. military organization (abbr.)

4. Time division duplex (abbr.)

5. Exalted-Carrier Single Sideband (abbr.)

6. Opposite of a LO

7. Chemical symbol for thulium

8. Log onto a hard drive

9. Electronic warfare defense (abbr.)

10. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.)

11. Family of ICs with a certain component density level (abbr.)

12. 1/000 of an amp (abbr.)

13. _______ Radio Resources Muster as Dorian Nears Hurricane Strength*

17. Workforce Woes Haunt Army Electronic _______ Units*

20. Miniature threaded RF connector

21. Half of a DIP

24. Oscillator type that is referenced to an external source (abbr.)

26. Target indication on a radar display

27. Add an impurity to a semiconductor

28. U.S. Spectrum allocation agency

30. One state of matter

31. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)

33. Internet protocol (abbr.)

34. Miniature RF connector

36. Ham's code for "Shall I increase power?"

37. Electrical safety organization (abbr.)

39. International Reply Coupon (abbr.)

41. Unit of volume (abbr.)

42. International Reply Coupon (abbr.)

44. International Telecommunications Union

45. Measured

46. End _______ Evaluations of Professors*

47. System On Chip

50. Chemical symbol for tin

51. Galilean moon

53. Chemical symbol for thallium

54. BS__ - the degree held by many RF Cafe visitors

56. ___ Testing Apple, Samsung Phones Following Failed Radiation Tests*

57. Automated Test Equipment (abbr.)

58. "Texting" (abbr.)

59. Nordic Mobile Telephone

60. Automatic Calibration System (abbr.)

61. Readability, Signal, and Tone (QoS report type)

67. Chemical symbol for neon

68. Time delay (abbr.)

69. Enhanced Graphics Adapter

71. Akin to EEs, CEs, AEs, etc. (abbr., pl.)

72. Chemical symbol for platinum

73. Chemical symbol for einsteinium

74. UK Seeking to Enlist 'Five Eyes' for Rival _______ GPS System*

75. Automatic network analyzer (abbr.)

77. One port of an amplifier

79. Current-voltage phase mnemonic

80. FORmula TRANslation

82. Type of component package (abbr.)

83. Big Blue

85. Intentionally blocks communications signals

86. Miniature RF connector (pl.)

87. Push to Talk (abbr.)

88. Network department (abbr.)

90. 24 hours

91. A common battery cell size

93. Chemical symbol for mendelevium

94. Online service

96. Hang the program

97. Ovenized crystal oscillator (abbr.)

99. Amateur radio operating mode for sharing realtime video (abbr.)

100. C# statement that ensures Dispose is called even if an exception occurs

102. Oscillator type that is referenced to an external source (abbr., pl.)

105. R.A. ____, RF consultants

107. Modem encoding method (abbr.)

108. Method of self-detection and self-fixing transmission of digital data (abbr.)

110. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy

111. Intermodulation distortion (abbr.)

113. Internet protocol (abbr.)

115. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.)

116. Unit of inductance (abbr.)

119. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.)

See solution below


2019 Crossword Puzzle Archive

Visit the Crossword Express website - RF CafeTake a well-deserved break and try your hand at some of these goodies. Every word in the RF Cafe crossword puzzles is specifically related to engineering, mathematics, and science. There are no generic backfill words like many other puzzles give you, so you'll never see a clue asking for the name of a movie star or a mountain on the Russia-China border.

All of these crossword puzzles were created using the fabulous Crossword Express (now called "Magnum Opus") software.

2024 | 2023 |2022 | 2021 | 2020 | 2019 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2015 | 2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | 2007 | 2006 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000


A cruciverbalist is a person who is skilled at creating or solving crossword puzzles. The term is a combination of "cruci-" from "crucifix," meaning cross, and "verbalist" from "verbal," indicating a person who deals with words. cruciverbalists are often responsible for designing crossword puzzles, and they possess a deep knowledge of wordplay, vocabulary, and the techniques used in constructing and solving crosswords. They aim to make puzzles that are both challenging and enjoyable for crossword enthusiasts.

December 29

December 22

December 15

December 8

December 1

November 24

November 17

November 10

November 3

October 27

October 20

October 13

October 6

September 29

September 22

September 15

September 8

September 1

August 25

August 18

August 11

August 4

July 28

July 21

July 14

July 7

June 30

June 23

June 16

June 9

June 2

May 26

May 19

May 12

May 5

April 28

April 21

April 14

April 7

March 31

March 24

March 17

March 10

March 3

February 24

February 17

February 10

February 3

January 27

January 20

January 13

January 6
















Engineering & Technical Headlines Crossword Solution September 1, 2019 - RF Cafe

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