October 1952 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
Wax nostalgic about and learn from the history of early electronics.
See articles from Radio-Electronics,
published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.

Bell System Technical Journal (BSTJ) -
The Type-O Carrier
System, by Paul G. Edwards and L.R. Montfort (Manuscript received June 11, 1952)
Always creating and pushing the leading edge of communications
technology, Bell Telephone Systems and their research group, Bell Telephone
Laboratories, frequently ran full-page promotions in many types of magazines,
from electronics industry publications like the 1952 issue of Radio-Electronics,
to domestic rags like Woman's Day and
Better Homes and Gardens. In this
instance, Bell Labs was justifying its continued use of the original open-wire
telephone line distribution systems using poles with individual pairs
rather than the newer multi-pair cables that carried sometimes hundreds of
circuits in the space of a few square inches of cross-section, and in a
protective sheath that guarded against signal interference and weather
degradation. An entire volume of the Bell System Technical Journal (BSTJ) was
published on the Type-O (open wire) Carrier System in the same year this ad appeared.
It basically came down to economics based on the fact that so many thousands of
miles of the old lines in existence performed adequately well, and new
technology allowed two or more circuits to co-exist on the same twisted pair.
Bell Telephone Laboratories: Open-Wire Lines
Same wires - many more voices
Connecting new multi-voice system to open-wire lines, near Albany, Georgia. With
new system, 150,000 miles of short open-wire telephone lines can be made to carry
up to 16 simultaneous messages economically.
Much of your Long Distance telephone system works through cable but open-wire
lines are still the most economical in many places. Thousands of these circuits
are so short that little would be saved by using elaborate carrier telephone systems
which are better suited for long-haul routes. But a new carrier system ... the Type
O designed especially for short hauls ... is changing the picture. It is economical
on lines as short as 15 miles. With Type O thousands of lines will carry as many
as 16 conversations apiece.
Type O is a happy combination of many elements, some new, some used in new ways.
As a result, terminal equipment takes up one-eighth as much space as before. Little
service work is required on location; entire apparatus units can be removed and
replaced as easily as vacuum tubes.
Moreover, the new carrier system saves copper by multiplying the usefulness of
existing lines. For telephone users it means more service ... while the cost stays
Repeater equipment is mounted at base of pole in cabinet at right, in easy-to-service
position. Left-hand cabinet houses emergency power supply. System employs twin-channel
technique. transmitting two channels on a single carrier by using upper and lower
sidebands. A single oscillator serves two channels.
Bell Telephone Laboratories
Improving telephone service for America provides careers for creative men in
scientific and technical fields
Posted September 1, 2022
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Laboratories Infomercials |