February 1960 Radio-Electronics
[Table of Contents]
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published 1930-1988. All copyrights hereby acknowledged.
Being one of the
world's premier communications technology companies, Bell Telephone Laboratories
(aka Bell Labs) engineers and scientists relied heavily on mathematics for its
accomplishment. It comes as no surprise, then, that one of their full-page
promotions in a 1960 issue of Radio-Electronics magazine celebrated the
accomplishments of mathematician Jacques Bernoulli.
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Jacques Bernoulli: A Biography |
Electronics Pioneers & History
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Jacques Bernoulli (1654-1705) was a Swiss mathematician who, along with his
brother Jean Bernoulli, was instrumental in the development of calculus and the
application of mathematical principles to various fields.
Jacques Bernoulli was born into a family of mathematicians in Basel,
Switzerland, and showed an early aptitude for mathematics. He studied at the
University of Basel and then went on to study in Italy, France, and the
Netherlands. In 1687, he became a professor of mathematics at the University of
Basel, where he remained until his death.
Bernoulli made significant contributions to a variety of mathematical fields,
including calculus, number theory, probability theory, and physics. He is best
known for his work on the calculus of variations, a branch of mathematics that
deals with finding the optimal solution to a problem. In particular, he is
famous for the "brachistochrone problem," which involves finding the path taken
by a particle that travels between two points in the shortest time possible
under the influence of gravity.
Bernoulli also made significant contributions to the study of probability
theory. In 1713, he published "Ars Conjectandi," a book on probability that
introduced the concept of the Bernoulli distribution, which is named after him
and is still widely used in modern statistics. |
Bell Telephone Laboratories Ad -Jacques Bernoulli
Jacques Bernoulli
- The Wizard of Odds
He solved a telephone traffic problem two centuries ago.
Jacques Bernoulli, the great Swiss mathematician, pondered a question early in
the 18th century. Can you mathematically predict what will happen when events of
chance take place, as in throwing dice?
His answer was the classical Bernoulli binomial distribution -a basic formula
in the mathematics of probability (published in 1713). The laws of probability say,
for instance, that if you roll 150 icosahedrons (the 20-faced solid shown above),
15 or more of them will come to rest with side "A" on top only about once in a hundred
Identical laws of probability govern the calls coming into your local Bell Telephone
exchange. Suppose you are one of a group of 150 telephone subscribers, each of whom
makes a three-minute call during the busiest hour of the day. Since three minutes
is one-twentieth of an hour, the probability that you or any other subscriber will
be busy is 1 in 20, the same as the probability that side "A" of an icosahedron
will be on top. The odds against 15 or more of you talking at once are again about
100 to 1. Thus it would be extravagant to supply your group with 150 trunk circuits
when 15 are sufficient for good service.
Telephone engineers discovered at the turn of the century that telephone users
obey Bernoulli's formula. At Bell Telephone Laboratories, mathematicians have developed
the mathematics of probability into a tool of tremendous economic value. All over
the Bell System, the mathematical approach helps provide the world's finest telephone
service using the least possible equipment. The achievements of these mathematicians
again illustrate how Bell Laboratories works to improve your telephone service.
Bell Telephone Laboratories
World center of communications research and development
Posted February 15, 2023
Bell Telephone
Laboratories Infomercials |
Bell Telephone Laboratories - Time Domain Reflectometry - December 1948 Popular
The Future Holds Great Promise - August 1949 Popular Science
Waveguide: 7/47 Popular Mechanics
Wire Wrapping - 10/1953 Popular Science
X-Rays, 4/60 Radio-electronics
- The Battle of
the Atoms, 4/1948 Radio News
The Transistor, 6/1952 Radio-Electronics
- 90-Mile Laboratory
for Telephone and Television, 6/1945 Radio News
Wire-Wrap, 10/53 Radio-Electronics
EDT Crystals, 10/47 Radio-Craft
- Germanium Refining,
5/54 Radio & TV News
- Crystal Timekeeping,
1/46 Radio News
- Transatlantic
Cable, 11/56 Radio & Television News
- Pipe Circuits,
11/48 Radio & Television News
Electron Tube, 6/54 Radio & Television News
- Thermocompression
Wire Bonding, 3/58 Radio News
Radio Relay Stations, 8/52 Radio & Television News
- Isolators,
6/56 Radio & Television News
- Punch
Cards, 3/55 Radio & Television News
Communications, 10/55 Radio & Television News
- Memory
Devices, 2/58 Radio & TV News
Adventure in Silicon, 5/55 Radio & Television News
- Pipes of Progress,
6/55 Radio & Television News
Project Echo, 11/60 Electronics World
Testing Phones - November 1947 Popular Science
Jacques Bernoulli, February 1960 Radio-Electronics
Type-O Carrier System, October 1952 Radio-Electronics
Electron Microscope, 4/1952 Radio-Electronics
Thermistor, 11/1946 Radio-Craft
Germanium Crystal, 1/1954 Radio-Electronics
Antenna, 5/46 Radio-Craft
- Quality Control, 6/46
Radio News Article
- Transcontinental
Radio-Relay, 10/51 Radio & TV News
- Solar
Battery, 7/54 Radio & Television News
Germanium Transistors, 1/54 Radio & Television News
- Cavity
Magnetron, 10/45 Radio News
The Cableman, 10/49 Radio & Television News
Coaxial Cable, 12/49 Radio & Television News
Whiskers, 12/55 Radio & Television News
- Relay
Contact Inspection, 7/55 Radio & Television News
- Transistor's
10th Anniversary, 6/58 Radio & Television News
Wrapping, 10/53 Radio & Television News
- Junction
Diode Amplifier, 11/58 Radio News
Nobel Prize Winners, 2/57 Radio & Television News
Diode Speeds Voices, 8/58 Popular Electronics
Microwave Relays, 7/59 Electronics World