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Module 3 - Introduction to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS)
Chapter 1:  Pages AII-1 through AII-2

Module 3 -- Introduction to Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement

Pages i, 1-1, 1-11, 1-21, 1-31, 1-41, 1-51, 1-61, 1-71, 2-1, 2-11, 1-21, 2-31, 2-41, 3-1, 3-11, 3-21, 3-31, AI-1, AII-1, AIII-1, IV-1, Index



Appendix II



The International Symbols Committee has adopted prefixes for denoting decimal multiples of units. The National Bureau of Standards has followed the recommendations of this committee, and has adopted the following list of prefixes:



Numerical prefixes - RF Cafe

To multiply like (with same base) exponential quantities, add the exponents. In the language of algebra the rule is am x an = am+n

 - RF Cafe

To divide exponential quantities, subtract the exponents. In the language of algebra the rule is

Exponents rule - RF Cafe


To raise an exponential quantity to a power, multiply the exponents. In the language of algebra

(xm)n = xmn.

 - RF Cafe

Any number (except zero) raised to the zero power is one. In the language of algebra x0 = 1

 - RF Cafe

Any base with a negative exponent is equal to 1 divided by the base with an equal positive exponent. In the language of algebra x-a = 1/xa

 - RF Cafe

To raise a product to a power, raise each factor of the product to that power.

 - RF Cafe

To find the nth root of an exponential quantity, divide the exponent by the index of the root. Thus, the nth root of am = am.

 - RF Cafe


NEETS Modules
- Matter, Energy, and Direct Current
- Alternating Current and Transformers
- Circuit Protection, Control, and Measurement
- Electrical Conductors, Wiring Techniques, and Schematic Reading
- Generators and Motors
- Electronic Emission, Tubes, and Power Supplies
- Solid-State Devices and Power Supplies
- Amplifiers
- Wave-Generation and Wave-Shaping Circuits
- Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas
- Microwave Principles
- Modulation Principles
- Introduction to Number Systems and Logic Circuits
- - Introduction to Microelectronics
- Principles of Synchros, Servos, and Gyros
- Introduction to Test Equipment
- Radio-Frequency Communications Principles
- Radar Principles
- The Technician's Handbook, Master Glossary
- Test Methods and Practices
- Introduction to Digital Computers
- Magnetic Recording
- Introduction to Fiber Optics
Note: Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series (NEETS) content is U.S. Navy property in the public domain.
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Innovative Power Products (IPP) Directional Couplers

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