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Application Notes & White Papers - #1 Absorbers to Interference / Intermodulation
These application notes on vendor sites are some of the fastest moving targets on the web. If you try to hit
one of the links and it is gone, please make an attempt to determine the new URL and
notify me. Thank you. Due to how large the original page has grown, multiple pages are now used.
Page 1: Absorbers - Interference
Page 2: Lasers - ZigBee
Application Notes & Technical Papers by Company
/ Source Name
Absorbers & Shielding
- EMI, RF, RFI |
Absorbent Materials Chart eccosorb.com/Collateral/Documents/English-US/dielectric-chart.pdf
Emerson & Cuming has a really nice chart available for determining the dielectric constant and loss
tangent. It includes materials that they supply as well as for some other common materials. JP-4 fuel, various
types of rubber, silica, beryllium oxide, pure water are amongst those included on the chart.
Absorbers Manage Military Electronics Microwave RFI
rfdesign.com/mag/radio_microwave_absorbers_manage/index.html RF Design,
August 2004
Microwave Absorbers: Reducing Cavity Resonances masttechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/Microwave-Absorbers-Andrew-Sundsmo-MAST-Technologies.pdf
by MAST Technologies
The Use [RF] of Absorbers in Electronics masttechnologies.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/The-Use-of-Absorbers-in-Electronics.pdf
by MAST Technologies
XBee Antennasmaxstream.net/support/knowledgebase/article.php?kb=153
Practical information regarding the performance of the XBee and XBee-PRO RF Modules., from MaxStream (now
A/D & D/A Converters |
DACs - Double Rate With Mixers edn.com/article/CA376628.html Double DAC rate by
using mixers as switches, by Randall Carver, Analog Devices.
DACs - Radio Frequency
By Michael Hopkins, CurrentRF.
Clock Requirements for Data Converters electronicdesign.com/analog/clock-requirements-data-converters-sponsored-analog-devices
Equations for calculating jitter and phase noise in data converters.
A/D & D/A Design Data
Design data links.
A/D, D/A & Sampling maxim-ic.com/appnotes10.cfm/ac_pk/2 By Maxim Integrated
Data Converters focus.ti.com/analog/docs/dataconvertershome.tsp?familyId=82&contentType=4
By Texas Instruments.
Sampling & Aliasing rfdesign.com/mag/radio_mathematical_basics_bandlimited/
Mathematical basics of band-limited sampling and aliasing, by Vladimir Vitchev. Jan 2005 RF Design
ADC Interleaving national.com/nationaledge/feb05/article.html "Interleaving ADCs
for Higher Sample Rates," by National Semiconductor
Amplifiers |
Amplifier Design (Microwave) cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note9.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English)
Amplifier Design sandiego.edu/~ekim/e194rfs01/rfamp.pdf Design of Microwave Transistor
Amplifiers Using S Parameters by D.B. Leeson.
Amplifier Design, Class-E arrl.org/tis/info/pdf/010102qex009.pdf By Nathan O.
Sokal, WA1HQC.
Amplifier Load Mismatch Design Using MMICAD optotek.com/pdfs/note34.pdf Application
note from Optotek, by D. Fitzpatrick.
Ampifier Operating Temperature Definitions micro.apitech.com/pdf/amplifier_operating_temperature_definitions.pdf
From Spectrum Microwave.
Designing High Efficiency Amplifiers using HFETs triquint.com/prodserv/tech_info/docs/mmw_appnotes/hfetapp.pdf
From TriQuint Semiconductor.
First-Time-Right Design Of RF/Microwave Class A Power Amplifiers Using Only S-Parameters
A procedure of how to design RF/Microwave Class A power amplifiers in a very efficient and highly accurate
manner when the only initial data available are the S-parameters of the transistors. By Ivan Boshnakov,
Aerial Facilities Limited.
Instrumentation Amplifiers, A Design Guide analog.com/en/amplifiers-and-comparators/instrumentation-amplifiers/products/index.html
This 108-page, highly detailed handbook is provided by Analog Devices - download it for free while it is
Opamp RF Parameters national.com/an/OA/OA-11.pdf A Tutorial on Applying Op Amps
to RF Applications, by National Semiconductor.
RF Amplifier Design Using HFA3046, HFA3096, HFA3127, HFA3128 Transistor Arrays intersil.com/data/an/an9315.pdf
Application note from Intersil.
RF & Microwave Power Amplifier
Design By Andrei Grebennikov, M/A-COM Eurotec
Lecture 1:
Nonlinear Active Device Modeling
Lecture 2: Impedance Matching
Lecture 3: PA
Design Fundamentals
Lecture 4: High
Efficiency Power Amplifier Design
RF Power Amplifier Design ece.ucsb.edu/rad/pubs/master/oisler_2004.pdf Design
and Implementation of a Common Collector Class B RF Power Amplifier in InGaP HBT Technology, Oliver Isler
Robust Bias Option for 0.15-mm pHEMT MMIC Low-Noise Amplifiers
triquint.com/prodserv/tech_info/docs/mmw_appnotes/robust_bias.pdf From TriQuint
Selection and Operation of RF Power Amplifiers for EMC Testing Applications ifi.com/web/html/appnotes/pdf/101.pdf
From Instruments For Industry.
Antennas |
Near-Field Antenna Measurements Using Nonideal Measurement Locations math.nist.gov/~BAlpert/aps98.pdf
IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation Ronald C. Wittmann, Bradley K. Alpert, and Michael H. Francis
Improvements in Polarization Measurements of Circularly Polarized Probes nist.gov/calibrations/upload/amt1-30.pdf
A. C. Newell, D. P. Kremer, J. R. Guerrieri, Proceedings of the Antenna Measurement Techniques Association,
pp. 1-30 through 1-35 (October 1989).
Calibrating Antenna Standards Using CW and Pulsed-CW Measurements and the Planar Near-Field Method
nist.gov/calibrations/upload/amt13-21.pdf D. P. Kremer and A. G. Repjar, Proceedings, Antenna Meas. and
Techniques Assoc., pp. 13-21 through 13-29 (September 1988).
Effect of Random Errors in Planar
Near-Field Measurement nist.gov/calibrations/upload/ieee36-6.pdf A. C. Newell and C. F. Stubenrauch,
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Near-Field Scanning, 769-773 (June 1988).
Improved Polarization Measurements Using a Modified Three-Antenna Technique nist.gov/calibrations/upload/eee36-6c.pdf
IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Near-Field Scanning, 852-854 (June 1988).
Gain and Power Parameter Measurements Using Planar Near-Field Techniques nist.gov/calibrations/upload/eee36-6b.pdf
A. C. Newell, R. Ward, and E. McFarlane, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, Special Issue on Near-Field
Scanning, 792-803 (June 1988).
Error Analysis Techniques for Planar Near-Field Measurements nist.gov/calibrations/upload/eee36-6a.pdf
A. C. Newell, IEEE Trans. Antennas and Propagation, 754-768 (June 1988).
The Determination of Near-Field Correction Parameters for Circularly Polarized Probes
nist.gov/calibrations/upload/amt3a3-1.pdf A. C. Newell, M. H. Francis, D. P. Kremer, Proceedings Antenna
Measurement Techniques Assoc. , pp. 3A3-1 through 3A3-29 (October 1984).
Helical Antennas for High Power RF apelc.com/pdfs/25.pdf Applied Physical Electronics
Antenna Basics tscm.com/antennas.pdf Introduction & Basics from Granite Island
EMC Antenna Fundamentals physics.adelaide.edu.au/~dmcintos/docs/A04F07.pdf By
Zhong Chen, ETS Lindgren (I worked with Zhong at Agilent).
Antenna Application Notes ham-radio.com/n6ca/50MHz/50appnotes/50ants.html From
N6CA, ham-radio.com.
Antenna Basics ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Jefferies/antennas.html A very extensive
treatise of many antenna types, including definitions, photos, and examples, by David Jefferies of University
of Surrey.
Antenna Design Considerations telecontrolli.com/pdf/Antenna Design Considerations.pdf
Application note from Telecontrolli.
Antenna Design - Fractal Patterns rfdesign.com/mag/508RFDSF1.pdf Fractals™ new
era in military antenna design, by Nathan Cohen. Wideband and size reduction.
Systematic Errors in Normalized Site Attenuation Testing ce-mag.com/archive/2000/janfeb/chen.html
Computing a correction factor for biconical antennas reduces the systematic errors for calculating normalized
site attenuation and improves the accuracy of the theoretical model. By Zhong Chen and Mike Windler.
Compact Integrated Antennas freescale.com/files/rf_if/doc/app_note/AN2731.pdf
Compact integrated (into PCB) antenna design. Starts with basic antenna theory and builds through dipole,
inverted-F, helix, loops, meandering, and other types. Ends with layouts & radiation patterns. AN2731,
by Freescale Semiconductor.
Antenna Design Tutorial micrel.com/_PDF/App-Notes/an-23.pdf Application note from
Micrel, by Tom Yestrebsky.
Antenna Efficiency Measurement (Cellular Handset) Using the Wheeler Cap skyworksinc.com/products_display_item.asp?did=3996
By Skyworks. Antennas, Transmission Lines, Wave Propagation
Navy Electricity and Electronics Training Series Module 10 cs.tcd.ie/Stephen.Farrell/ipn/background/US-Navy-NEETS/Module10-14182.pdf
Introduction to Wave Propagation, Transmission Lines, and Antennas.
Antennas: Design, Application, and Performance linxtechnologies.com/documents/AN-00500.pdf
Application note from Linx Technologies.
Understanding Antenna Specifications and Operation linxtechnologies.com/Documents/AN-00501.pdf
Application note from Linx Technologies.
Understanding the Measurement Uncertainties of the Biconical / Log Hybrid Antenna
ets-lindgren.com/pdf/chen_bilog.pdf Measurement uncertainty associated with the bicon/log hybrid antenna
for radiated emissions and site validation tests relate to many factors, including height dependency, polarization
and loading.
Antenna Pattern Measurements: (1) Concepts & Techniques
ce-mag.com/archive/02/Spring/fogelle1.html (2) Theory & Equations ce-mag.com/archive/02/Spring/fogelle2.html
The first article of this two-part series explores the basic concepts and techniques of antenna pattern
measurement and evaluates the benefits and drawbacks of various measurement methods. The concepts relating
to near-field and far-field pattern testing are discussed as well. The second article presents the theory
and equations governing antenna properties and includes a complete description of a site calibration for
pattern-measurement testing. By Dr. Michael D. Foegelle.
Antenna Terms & Formulas ara-inc.com/PDF-RF/015-standard.pdf By Antenna Research
Antennas - WLAN Design & Optimization cushcraft.com/comm/support/pdf/Antenna-Performance-C-14B37.pdf
Antenna Performance and Design Considerations for Optimum Coverage in Wireless Communication Systems, by
Cushcraft Corporation.
Fractal Antennas ece.iit.edu/~pfelber/fractalantennas.pdf Fractal antenna theory
is built, as is the case with conventional antenna theory, on classic electromagnetic theory. Fractal antenna
theory uses a modern (fractal) geometry that is a natural extension of Euclidian geometry. In this report,
attention is called to this developing, but already quite large, field of study. By Philip Felber.
The Basics of Patch Antennas orbanmicrowave.com/The_Basics_Of_Patch_Antennas.pdf
Antenna application notes from Orban Microwave Products.
The W1GHZ Online Microwave Antenna Book w1ghz.org/antbook/contents.htm Excellent
- a good reference for all microwaves.
Antennas: Design, Application, and Performance linxtechnologies.com/Documents/AN-00500.pdf
From Linx Technologies.
Understanding Antenna Specifications and Operation linxtechnologies.com/Documents/AN-00501.pdf
Application note from Linx Technologies.
V / UHF Antenna Design numatechnologies.com/pdf/an_antenna.pdf Application note
Yagi-Uda Antennas ee.surrey.ac.uk/Personal/D.Jefferies/yagiuda.html Tutorial with
photographs of actual antennas, by David Jefferies, of University of Surrey.
ASICs for RF |
Application Notes and Technical Articles maxim-ic.com/appnotes10.cfm/ac_pk/27
By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
ASIC Design Guidelines atmel.com/dyn/resources/prod_documents/doc1205.pdf Application
note from Atmel Corporation.
Attenuators |
Attenuator Design Data
Design data links.
Attenuators (Step, Fixed, Variable) nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/atten_notes.pdf
From Narda Microwave East.
Attenuators (variable) americanmicrowavecorp.com/sform/appnotes2 Application notes
by American Microwave.
Attenuators herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=attenuators Application
notes by Herley.
Attenuators, PIN skyworksinc.com/products_display_item.asp?did=2304 A Wideband
General Purpose PIN Diode Attenuator by Skyworks.
Attenuators sandiego.edu/~ekim/e194rfs01/minl_atten/minlosatten.html Minimum loss
design by Ernie Kim, University of San Diego, CA.
Baluns |
Balun (chip) Measurement johansontechnology.com/technicalnotes/cbn Chip Balun:
Definitions & Measurement Methodology technical note, by Johanson Technology.
Batteries |
Lifex Lithium Coin Cells & FB Encapsulated Lithium Coin Cells - Part 1 73.com/specs/th693.pdf
Application notes & product data sheet from Rayovac.
Battery Application Manuals
Alkaline data.energizer.com/PDFs/alkaline_appman.pdf Carbon Zinc
data.energizer.com/PDFs/carbonzinc_appman.pdf Manganese Dioxide App Note data.energizer.com/PDFs/alkalineminiature_appman.pdf
NiCad data.energizer.com/PDFs/nickelcadmium_appman.pdf NiMH
data.energizer.com/PDFs/nickelmetalhydride_appman.pdf Silver Oxide
data.energizer.com/PDFs/silveroxide_appman.pdf Zinc Air data.energizer.com/PDFs/zincair_appman.pdf
By Energizer.
Battery Handling - Li-Ion reed-electronics.com/ednmag/archives/1996/120596/25df_04.htm
By Matt Schindler, Maxim Integrated Products.
Battery Management maxim-ic.com/appnotes10.cfm/ac_pk/5 Application notes and technical
articles by Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Battery Selection Guide nikonians-images.com/ebooks/Nikonians
Battery Guide.pdf Lots of good information on battery chemistries and charge/discharge characteristics.
Battery Tutorial powerstream.com/BatteryFAQ.html PowerStream Battery Chemistry
- Custom design and manufacture of state-of-the-art battery chargers, UPS, and power supplies for OEMs.
Bluetooth |
Bluetooth cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5988-5412EN.pdf BluetoothTM
Manufacturing Test - A Guide to Getting Started by Agilent Technologies.
Bluetooth Remote Control from Your Mobile Phone flexipanel.com/Docs/Bluetooth Remote
Control... From Your Mobile Phone.pdf FlexiPanel makes a lot of turnkey modules for ZigBee and Bluetooth
applications. Admittedly, this concept does scare me a bit from a terrorist perspective!!!
Cable / Coaxial Cable |
Weight Reduction and Space Savings in Wire and Cable Design and Their Contribution to Aerospace
Design and Efficiency thermaxconnects.com/tech-center/Registration.cfm by Thermax Connections
Common Mode Signals maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/2045/ln/en
Understanding Common-Mode Signals, by Maxim.
How Cables and Connectors Impact Measurement Uncertainty support.fluke.com/find-sales/download/asset/2548277_6001_eng_a_w.pdf
by Fluke
Capacitors |
Capacitor Basics biologydaily.com/biology/Capacitor Definitions and configurations,
with some equations and illustrations.
Capacitors - Benefits of Thin-Film Dielectric Chip Capacitors at VHF, UHF and Higher Frequencies
avxcorp.com/docs/techinfo/benefilm.pdf By virtue of these characteristics and excellent mechanical features,
this thin film capacitor is the ideal surface mount chip for high frequency applications.
Capacitors, Ceramic avx.com/techinfo_doclisting.asp?Category=Ceramic Capacitors
Technical information by AVX.
Capacitors, Energy Handling avxcorp.com/docs/techinfo/energytf.pdf Energy and
power handling capabilities of thin film and ceramic capacitors, by AVX.
Capacitor Primer uoguelph.ca/~antoon/gadgets/caps/caps.html A very nice introduction
to capacitors including history back to Leyden Jar, by Tony vanRoon.
Capacitor Q & ESR Explained. johansontechnology.com/technicalnotes/qne A Johanson
Technology Primer.
Capacitor RF Current & Power johansontechnology.com/technicalnotes/rfc By
Johnson Technology.
Cascade Analysis Gain, NF, IP3, IP2,
P1dB, Intermods |
Half-IF (2x2 product) maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/1838/ln/en By Maxim.
Intercept Points & Receiver Sensitivity pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/en/an/AN749.pdf
By Maxim.
Clocks & Jitter |
Adjust mismatched delay lines in Cypress Semiconductor Application Note on Jitter in Transmission
Systems colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/jitter.pdf Describes the basics of jitter in transmission
DDS-Based Clock Jitter Performance vs. DAC Reconstruction Filter Performance
analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/351016224AN_837.pdf Describes
the results obtained from a filter layout experiment and discusses how layout and component selection impact
stop-band rejection.
Fine tuning clock source for Agilent Pattern Generator 70841B colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5980-0729E.pdf
Provides design guidance, test techniques, performance data and suggested layout recommendations for a 622
MBd ATM/SONET/SDH physical layer interface reference circuit.
Jitter in Clock Sources vectron.com/products/appnotes/jitter.htm Application note
by Vectron International.
Junction Temperatures and MTTF in MMIC Devices rfdesign.com/mag/508RFD33.pdf Article
by Radha P.N. Setty, in August 2005 RF Design magazine.
Measuring Jitter in Digital Systems colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5988-9109EN.pdf
For engineers who design data transfer systems and components operating at over a gigabit per second, and
so must be concerned with the effects of jitter on their system's bit error ratio (BER).
Phase Noise Measurements & Jitter Analysis colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5988-5291EN.pdf
The Agilent JS-1000 Performance Jitter Solution is a Phase Noise System that measures clock jitter characteristics.
Synchronizing differential clock sources for Bit Error Ratio Test (BERT) colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5988-2861EN.pdf
Interfacing the OmniBER 725 communications performance analyzer to optical transceivers.
Circulators |
Circulators utemicrowave.com/ute_microwave_circulator_facts.html Basic Circulator
Facts, by UTE Microwave.
Isolator/Circulator Basics e-meca.com/tech_papers/iso_cir.htm Isolator/Circulator
basic theory and definitions, common applications, power ratings, special handling and storage considerations,
from MECA Electronics.
Components |
"The Best Defense is a Good Offense" em.avnet.com/ctf_shared/pgw/df2df2usa/avnet-PGW-hirel-bestdefense.pdf
Authorized Component Distributors Help Military/Aerospace OEMs Plan for Obsolescence, by Avnet.
Communications |
Complex 2 Real complextoreal.com/tutorial.htm This
is the mother lode of communications tutorials, compliments of Charan Langton.
- Tutorial 1 - Basic concepts in signal analysis, power, energy and spectrum
- Tutorial 2 - What is Differential Phase Shift Keying
- Tutorial 3 - What is the DVB-S standard, a simplified version
- Tutorial 4 - Fourier Analysis Made easy - Part 1
- Tutorial 5 - Fourier Analysis Made easy - Part 2
- Tutorial 6 - Fourier Analysis Made Easy - Part 3
- Tutorial 7 - Hilbert Transform and the Complex Envelope
- Tutorial 8 - All About Modulation - Part 1
- Tutorial 9 - Baseband, Passband and Amplitude Modulation (AM)
- Tutorial 10 - All about Traveling Wave Tube
- Amplifiers (TWTA) and non-linear amplification
- Tutorial 11 - Link Budgets 101
- Tutorial 12 - Convolutional Coding and Decoding Made Easy
- Tutorial 13 - Coding Concepts and Block Coding
- Tutorial 14 - Inter Symbol Interference (ISI) and Raised cosine filtering
- Tutorial 15 - How to interpret an Eye diagram
- Tutorial 16 - Partial Response signaling and Quadrature Partial Response (QPR) modulation
- Tutorial 17 - Frequency Modulation (FM) , FSK, MSK and more
- Tutorial 18 - Unlocking the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) - Part 1
- Tutorial 19 - Unlocking the Phase Locked Loop (PLL) - Part 2
- Tutorial 20 - Modulation performance metrics and computation of BER
- Tutorial 21 - Linear Time Invariant systems and Matched filtering
- Tutorial 22 - Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplex (OFDM, DMT)
- Tutorial 23a - About Lattice and cosets
- Tutorial 23b - Trellis coded Modulation (TCM)
- Tutorial 24 - Turbo Coding and MAP Decoding, Part 1
- Part 2 - The MAP decoding algorithm, step-by-step
Companion worksheet complextoreal.com/CDMA.pdf
- Tutorial 25 - CDMA
Control & Monitoring |
Control & Monitoring focus.ti.com/analog/docs/analogtechdoc.tsp?familyId=353&navSection=app_notes&templateId=5255
By Texas Instruments.
Couplers - Directional,
Bidirectional |
Hybrid Coupler Basics e-meca.com/tech_papers/hybrid_basic.php App note by MECA
Couplers nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/couplers_notes.pdf From Narda Microwave
Directional Coupler Basics e-meca.com/tech_papers/directional-coupler-specs.htm
How to specify the best directional coupler solution for your critical application, from MECA Electronics.
Directional Couplers macom.com/Application Notes/pdf/m560.pdf RF Directional Couplers
and 3dB Hybrids Overview, by M/A-COM.
Directional Couplers & Power Dividers cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note6.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English)
Hybrid Coupler Basics e-meca.com/tech_papers/hybrid_basic.htm Basic theory and
common applications for 90° and 180° hybrid couplers, from MECA Electronics.
Hybrids nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/hybrids_notes.pdf From Narda Microwave
Why Directional Couplers Are Better for High Power Measurements vs. Attenuators e-meca.com/tech_papers/powerkit.php
From MECA Electronics.
Microwave Coupler Feeds Outdoor Antenna Through Walls highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/May06/HFE0506_Knapp.pdf
May 2006 HFS, by Gunther Knapp
Current / Energy / Voltage
/ Power |
Power Management focus.ti.com/analog/docs/analogtechdoc.tsp?familyId=64&navSection=app_notes&templateId=2
Power Management application notes by Texas Instruments.
Power Meters & Sensors literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5968-7150E.pdf Choosing
the Right Power Meter and Sensor product note, by Agilent Technologies.
Decoupling |
Decoupling: A Standard Methodology edn.com/article/CA6275411.html?text=decoupling+and+using+and+a+and+standard+and+methodology
To deal with the side effects of increased clock speeds and frequencies, engineers must bypass di/dt transitions
and reduce noise. By Barry Caldwell, Vitesse -- EDN
Decoupling Capacitors By Carl Lodstrom.
Designing Filters Using the Digital Filter Design Toolkit From National Instruments, by Rahman Jamal,
Mike Cerna, John Hanks.zone.ni.com/devzone/cda/tut/p/id/3237
De-Embedding & Embedding |
De-Embedding and Embedding S-Parameter Networks Using a Vector Network Analyzer cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5980-2784EN.pdf
Application Note 1364-1 from Agilent contains the procedure that a lot of people are looking for to embed
or de-embed the 12-term SOLT error terms.
Delay Lines |
Adjust mis-matched delay lines in Cypress Semiconductor Application Note colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/jitter.pdf
Describes the basics of jitter in transmission systems.
CPDL Operating and Programming Manual colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/CPDL-MANUAL.pdf
Custom Programmable Delay Line (CPDL) Operating and Programming Manual.
PDL-30A Operating and Programming Manual colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/PDL-30A-MANUAL.pdf
Programmable Delay Line Operating and Programming Manual.
Detectors |
Level Detector skyworksinc.com/products_display_item.asp?did=2064 A Level Detector
Design for Dual-Band GSM-PCS Handsets, by Skyworks.
Detectors literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5953-4444.pdf Square Law and Linear
Detection by Agilent Technologies.
Dielectrics |
Dielectric Aging atceramics.com/pdf/technotes/dielectric_aging.pdf By ATC Ceramics.
Dielectric Properties of Portland Cement in the Low Microwave Frequency Range scholar.lib.vt.edu/theses/available/etd-92598-152639/unrestricted/KIRAN2.PDF#search='dielectric
constant portland concrete' Thesis submitted to the Faculty of the Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University - covers mainly up through 700 MHz.
Dielectric Constants of Wall Materials antd.nist.gov/wctg/manet/docs/models.pdf#search='dielectric
constant building walls concrete' "Ultra-wideband Propagation Measurements and Channel Modeling DARPA
NETEX Program Report on Through-the-Wall Propagation and Material Characterization"
Digital Modulation |
Digital Modulation in Communications Systems cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7160E.pdf
This application note covers the reasons for the move to digital modulation, how information is modulated
onto in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) signals, different types of digital modulation, filtering techniques,
ways of looking at digitally modulated signals, multiplexing techniques, how a digital transmitter and receiver
work, measurements on digital RF communications systems, an overview table with key specifications for the
major digital communications systems, a glossary of terms used in digital RF communications.
Harmonic Measurement for IEC 61000-4-3 and other Radiated Immunity Standards arww-rfmicro.com/pdfs/appNotes/AppNote60.pdf?when=1107
by AR Worldwide
System-Level ESD Protection Guide focus.ti.com/lit/ml/sszb130/sszb130.pdf by Texas
Selection and Operation of RF Power Amplifiers for EMC Testing Applications ifi.com/web/html/articles/article0708_08.pdf
by Instruments for Industry (IFI)
Electromagnetic Radiation and Human Health highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/Jul05/HFE0705_Zamanian.pdf
High Frequency Electronics
A Review of Sources and Effects highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/Jul05/HFE0705_Zamanian.pdf
A very good synopsis from the July 2005 edition of High Frequency Electronics
EMC Antenna Fundamentals physics.adelaide.edu.au/~dmcintos/docs/A04F07.pdf by
Zhong Chen, ETS Lindgren (I worked with Zhong at Agilent)
ESD esda.org/esdbasics1.htm Electrostatic Discharge Association website.
EMI/RFI Shielding tech-etch.com/shield/4000series.html By Tech-Etch.
Equalizers |
Equalizer Key Specifications highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/Oct04/HFE1004_Kurzrok.pdf
"A Review of Key Equalizer Specifications and What They Mean," by Richard Kurzrok, Oct 2005 High Frequency
Electronics magazine.
Fiber Optics |
Fiber Optics Amplifier Tutorial rp-photonics.com/tutorial_fiber_amplifiers.html
This tutorial should be useful both as an introduction to fiber amplifiers and for learning more details
on them. We believe that even people already having a substantial experience with fiber amplifiers will
find it helpful for deepening the understanding. The focus is on the underlying physics and the resulting
technical consequences; we do not simply treat a fiber amplifier as a “black box”, but rather look inside.
By RP Photonics Consulting GmbH
Passive Fiber Optics Tutorial rp-photonics.com/passive_fiber_optics.html Comprehensive
physics-based tutorial on fiber optics which clarifies the foundations of this field. As an example, it
discusses how coupling losses at fiber joints arise, and explains how to estimate their strength. By
RP Photonics Consulting GmbH
Fields |
Near Field, The World of the evaluationengineering.com/archive/articles/1005/1005the_world.asp
Here's a good article in the October 2005 edition of Evaluation Engineering, by Tom Lecklider.
Network Analysis cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note3.pdf Very informative
presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English)
Filters - SAW, BAW, Lumped |
Analog Filter Design Demystified maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/1795
Application note by Maxim Integrated Products.
Filter Design, Distributed Element home.sandiego.edu/~ekim/e194rfs01/filterek.pdf
Periodic structures and equivalent lumped element models.
Filter Design - Transmission Line cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note7.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English)
Fiber Optic Products nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/fiberoptic_notes.pdf From
Narda Microwave East.
rfcurrent.com rfcurrent.com Devoted to RF & microwave filter theory and design.
Microwave Lowpass Filters with a Constricted Equi-Ripple Passband
rfcurrent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/amw_Jul_v13_no7.pdf Dieter Pelz.
Revision of Cascade Synthesis Theory Covering Cross-Coupled Filters rfcurrent.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/12/mtt_june2002.pdf
Dieter Pelz
GPS Systems |
Application of UART in GPS Navigation System nxp.com/acrobat_download/applicationnotes/AN10353_1.pdf
From Koninklijke Philips Electronics N.V.
Ground / Grounding |
Power Plane & Ground Design for RF PCBs rfdesign.com/mag/radio_power_supply_ground
Power supply and ground design for WiFi transceiver, by By Roger Bremer, Tracey Chavers, Zhongmin Yu, RF
Design magazine.
Group Delay |
Group Delay radiolab.com.au/DesignFile/DN004.pdf By Applied Radio Labs.
Heat Transfer |
What They Didn't Teach You in Engineering School About Heat Transfer
Inductors / Magnetics |
Inductors sandiego.edu/~ekim/otherjunk/inductor.pdf RF inductor design, from Ernie
Kim, University of San Diego, CA.
Intercept Points & Receiver Sensitivity pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/en/an/AN749.pdf
By Maxim.
Magnetic Core Design Rules lodestonepacific.com/distrib/pdfs/Magnetics/Design_Application_Notes.pdf
By Lodestone Pacific.
Intercept Points (IP2 &
IP3) |
IP2 and IP3 Nonlinearity Specifications for 3G/WCDMA Receivers mwjournal.com/BGDownload/Broadcom_IP2_IP3_.pdf
By Broadcom
Interference / Intermodulation |
Two-Tone vs. Single-Tone Measurement of 2nd-Order Non-linearity and IP2 Performance of Direct
Conversion Receivers skyworksinc.com/products_display_item.asp?did=1024 By Skyworks
Interference Mitigation rfdesign.com/mag/radio_detecting_interfering_signals "Detecting
Interfering Signals and Mitigating Them" by Steve Thomas, Jan 2005 RF Design
Isolators |
Isolator & Circulator Basics e-meca.com/tech_papers/iso_cir.php App note by
MECA Electronics