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Application Notes & Technical Papers - #2 Lasers to ZigBee
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Page 1: Absorbers - Interference
Page 2: Lasers - ZigBee
Application Notes & Technical Papers by Company
/ Source Name
Lasers |
Cooled DFB Lasers in RF over Fiber Applications opticalzonu.com/datasheets/doc_download/29-cooled-dfb-laser-transceiver-for-rf-over-fiber-application
Practical 10 dB improvement of SFDR, stable gain over full OTR, flat frequency response, higher IP3. From
Optical Zonu
LEDs & LCDs |
LCD General Information lumex.com/MstrCatalog/24_lcd_information.pdf From Lumex.
LED Notes ddp-leds.com By Data Display Products.
LED Design Guides theledlight.com/technical.html Tech Notes on laser diodes, LCD
displays & modules, color & light, gas tubes, miniature & subminiature incandescent lamps, and
solid state lamps, by The LED Light.
Machined Parts |
Pro Tips E-Newsletter procnc.com/protipsnewsletter/index.html Machined parts advice
- Using radii wisely, Smart use of GTOLS Geometry that is cheap to make, Tolerances that are easy to hold
and cost less, Designing undercuts, Material selection and size, Mistakes to avoid when modeling angles.
Materials Properties |
Direct FETTM Technology Materials and Practices Application Note irf.com/technical-info/appnotes/an-1050.pdf
Application Note AN-1050 from International Rectifier.
High Voltage Properties of Insulating Materials Measured in the Ultra Wideband apelc.com/pdfs/6.pdf
Applied Physical Electronics.
Measurements |
Microwave and Millimeter Signal Measurements: Tools and Best Practices cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-8892EN.pdf
by Agilent Technologies
Metrology |
Principles of Metrology support.fluke.com/calibration-sales/download/asset/2548139_a_6001_eng_w.pdf
by Fluke
Techniques for Precise Measurement Calibrations in the Field cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5991-0421EN.pdf
by Agilent
Techniques for Precise Cable and Antenna Measurements in the Field cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5991-0419EN.pdf
by Agilent
Mixers / Modulators |
Mixology 101: Mixers and Modulators in High-Speed Communications
Mixers & Oscillators cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note10.pdf Very
informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English).
Quadrature Modulators datasheetarchive.com/AN0001-datasheet.html By RF Micro Devices.
Mixer Spurious Products
A Graphical Approach To Mixer Spurious Analysis by Kirt Blattenberger.
Selecting and Using Miniature Microstrip and Surface-mount Mixers
spectrummicrowave.com/pdf/Mixer_Application_Notes.pdf From Spectrum
Modulation |
Quadrature ( I-Q ) Modulation Tutorial fourier-series.com/IQMod/index.html
Driving the QM Series Quadrature Modulators polyphasemicrowave.com/datasheets/AN-101A.pdf
This note outlines several methods of interfacing the QM series modulators to single-ended and differential
I/Q sources including modern D/A converters. From Polyphase Microwave.
Interface Circuits for the QD Series Quadrature Demodulators polyphasemicrowave.com/datasheets/AN-102A.pdf
This application note presents several circuit ideas for interfacing the differential I/Q outputs of the
QD series demodulators to single-ended loads and modern differential A/D converters. From Polyphase Microwave.
Modulation Techniques for Low-Cost RF Data Links linxtechnologies.com/Documents/AN-00130.pdf
In radio frequency applications there are many techniques to choose from. Some, such as Carrier-Present
Carrier-Absent (CPCA), are very simple and inexpensive to implement, while others, such Gaussian Minimized
Shift Keying (GMSK), allow for very efficient use of bandwidth at high data rates. Other modulation techniques
include Frequency Shift Keying (FSK), Phase Shift Keying (PSK), Quadrature Modulation, Direct Sequence Spread
Spectrum (DSSS). By Linx Technologies.
Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiplexing wirelessman.org/tutorial/80216t-00_02.pdf
This tutorial discusses Coded Orthogonal Frequency Division Multiple Access (COFDMA) technique.
Motors |
Choosing Position Sensors for Use with SQUIGGLE Motors newscaletech.com/app_notes/position_sensors.html
From New Scale Technologies.
Creating Closed-loop Positioning Systems Using SQUIGGLE Motors newscaletech.com/app_notes/closed_loop.html
This application note provides an overview of SQUIGGLE motors in closed-loop systems. From New Scale Technologies.
Multipath Fading Phenomena mwrf.com/Articles/Index.cfm?ArticleID=7964 Understanding
Terrestrial Multipath Fading Phenomena by Microwaves & RF.
Reducing Motor Noise teamdelta.com/pdf/tde_an1.pdf From Team Delta.
Use of Cryogenic SQUIGGLE Motors for Active Alignment of Cooled Optics in Cryogenic Sensor Applications
newscaletech.com/app_notes/hyperspectral.html From New Scale Technologies.
Network Analyzers |
X-Parameter App Notes home.agilent.com/agilent/editorial.jspx?cc=US&lc=eng&ckey=1670372&nid=-34017.0.02&id=1670372&checkRCF=N&referrerUrl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.home.agilent.com%2Fagilent%2Fapplication.jspx%3Fnid%3D-34017.0.00%26cc%3DUS%26lc%3Deng&showAckPage=Y
X-parameters are the new s-parameters for nonlinear characterization. From Agilent.
360B/37XXXA/B Series Vector Network Analyzers eu.anritsu.com/files/11410-00178.pdf
From Anritzu.
7 Reasons to Upgrade from your 8753 to an ENA Network Analyzer cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-0206EN.pdf
From Agilent Technologies.
Understanding the Fundamental Principles of Vector Network Analysis cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7707E.pdf
by Agilent.
Verifying the Performance of Vector Network Analyzers maurymw.com/support/pdfs/5C-026.pdf
From Maury Microwave.
Noise & Noise
Figure |
Noise Figure Tutorial fourier-series.com/Noise/flashprograms/noise5.html Interactive,
Flash-based app for visualizing how noise figure is affected by system parameters.
Thermal Noise Power Tutorial fourier-series.com/Noise/flashprograms/noise1.html
Interactive, Flash-based app for visualizing thermal noise power in a system.
What is Noise? noisewave.com/faq.pdf From Noisewave
Understanding Noise Parameter Measurement mwjournal.com/journal/article.asp?HH_ID=AR_7104
by Lawrence Dunleavy
Improving Noise Figure Measurement noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote121.pdf
From Noise Com.
BIT of Balanced Amplifiers noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote106.pdf From Noise
Calibrating Spectrum Analyzers With a Noise Source noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote112.pdf
From Noise Com.
Gain Bandwidth Product Tests To Cut Production Costs noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote110.pdf
From Noise Com.
Noise Analysis of Microwave Systems cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note11.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English).
Noise Basics noisecom.com/applicationnotes/NoiseBasics/noisebasics.pdf From Noise
Noise Diodes Randomize Quantization Errors in A/D Converters noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote109.pdf
From Noise Com.
Noise, Receiver Equation mwjournal.com/Journal/article.asp?HH_ID=AR_3028 The Receiver
Noise Equation: A Method for System Level Design of an RF Receiver - Technical Feature by Microwave Journal.
Noise Figure cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5966-4008E.pdf Spectrum Analyzer
Measurements and Noise application note by Agilent Technologies.
Noise Figure, Relating to Real World cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-9282EN.pdf
Relating Cascaded Noise Figures to Realworld Performance, by By Rulon VanDyke, Eagleware Corp.
Noise Figure Uncertainty mwrf.com/Globals/PlanetEE/Content/9595.pdf Calculate
The Uncertainty Of NF Measurements, by Duncan Boyd, Hewlett-Packard Co.
Noise-Injection Radiometers noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote119.pdf From
Noise Com.
Passive Component Models ti.com/lit/an/sloa027/sloa027.pdf Understanding Basic
Analog - Passive Devices, by Texas Instruments.
PCB Layout Guide for RF/Microwave jlab.org/accel/eecad/pdf/050rfdesign.pdf RF/Microwave
PC Board Design and Layout, by Rick Hartley, L-3 Avionics Systems.
PCB Partitioning and Layout, Mixed-Signal hottconsultants.com/pdf_files/june2001pcd_mixedsignal.pdf
Partitioning and Layout of a Mixed-Signal PCB, by Henry W. Ott.
Testing Amplifier Linearity With Noise Power Ratio noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote117.pdf
From Noise Com.
Oscilloscopes |
Hybrid Voltage Controlled Oscillators spectrummicrowave.com/pdf/VCO_application_notes.pdf
From Spectrum Microwave.
Oscilloscope Fundamentals - Agilent App Note 1606
cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-8064EN.pdf This application note provides an overview of oscilloscope
fundamentals. You will learn what an oscilloscope is and how it operates.
Phase Noise & Jitter |
Understanding Phase Noise in RF and Microwave Calibration Applications support.fluke.com/calibration-sales/Download/Asset/9010168_ENG_A_W.PDF
by Fluke
Know the Nuances of SSB Phase Noise mwrf.com/Articles/ArticleID/20741/20741.html
by Jack Browne
Phase Noise radiolab.com.au/DesignFile/PNRef/PNRef.htm Phase Noise Reference,
by Applied Radio Labs.
Phase Noise vectron.com/products/appnotes/phase.htm by Vectron International.
Phase Noise Measurement of Z-Comm VCOs zcomm.com/PDFs/appNotes/AN-109.pdf From
Z-Communications Inc.
Phase Noise Measurement of Z-Comm SFS Series zcomm.com/PDFs/appNotes/AN-205.pdf
From Z-Communications Inc.
Phase Noise Measurements & Jitter Analysis colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5988-5291EN.pdf
The Agilent JS-1000 Performance Jitter Solution is a Phase Noise System that measures clock jitter characteristics.
Phase Noise Prediction resume.rfdude.com/LL_apr2000pg30.pdf Accurate Phase Noise
Prediction in PLL Synthesizers, by Lance Lascari.
Measuring Jitter in Digital Systems colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/5988-9109EN.pdf
Agilent App Note 1448-1.
Phase Shifters |
Phase Shifters herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=iqv_phaseshift Phase
Shifters/Frequency Translators by Herley.
Piezoelectric Devices |
CAD For Circuits with Piezoelectric Devices cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-8906EN.pdf
Designing with Piezoelectric Devices by Eagleware.
Power Meters &
Monitors |
Seven Practices to Prevent Damaging Power Meters and Power Sensors cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-5036EN.pdf
by Agilent
High-speed Measurement of RF Power Sweeps boonton.com/pdf/HighSpeedMeasurementofRFPowerSweeps.pdf
From Boonton.
Power Meters and Monitors nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/pm398(1).pdf From
Narda Microwave East.
4 Steps for Making Better Power Measurements cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-8167E.pdf
by Agilent
Power Splitters
/ Combiners |
Power Dividers nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/powerdividers2.pdf From Narda
Microwave East.
Power Dividers & Directional Couplers
cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note6.pdf Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan
University (in English)
Power Dividers as Combiners e-meca.com/tech_papers/why_dividers.php Why most power
dividers are not suitable for combining, from MECA Electronics.
Power Splitter/Combiner synergymwave.com/Articles/PDF/Power-Dividers-Combiners.pdf
Power Dividers and Combiners, by Synergy Microwave.
Reactive Splitters e-meca.com/tech_papers/splitters.php Basic introduction, common
applications and information on why reactive splitters should not be used in combining applications, from
MECA Electronics.
Radar |
Radar Simulations in MATLAB mathworks.com/matlabcentral/fileexchange/loadFile.do?objectId=3948&objectType=File
Comprehensive set of *.m files and function, including GUI, to calculate and plot Radar design and analysis
issues. This include, the radar equation, radar waveform analysis, pulse compression, matched filter, stretch
processing, HRR, phased arrays, Kalaman filter, MTI, clutter analysis, Swerling models and Pd calculations,
PRN and Barker codes, SAR, etc.
Radios |
Testing Modern Radios tek.com/document/application-note/testing-modern-radios?ct=TI&cs=afs&ci=12622&lc=EN
Solutions for designing Software Defined Radios that employ legacy and modern modulation schemes with frequency
hopping techniques. By Tektronix.
/ Field Measurement |
ORL Measurements in Field Applications documents.exfo.com/appnotes/anote140-ang.pdf
From EXFO Electro-Optical Engineering, by Marie-Claude Michel.
Radiation Hazard Measuring Systems herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=rahms
By Herley.
Receiver Design |
Radio Design 101 analog.com/static/imported-files/tech_articles/480501640radio101.pdf
Basics of Designing a Digital Radio Receiver (Radio 101), Brad Brannon, Analog Devices.
Receiver Design focus.ti.com/lit/an/swra030/swra030.pdf Understanding and Enhancing
Sensitivity in Receivers for Wireless Applications, by Texas Instruments.
Link Calculations: Optimization Part II mwjournal.com/Journal/article.asp?HH_ID=AR_5134
Optimizing Link Performance, Cost and Interchangeability by Predicting Residual BER, by Microwave Journal.
Regulators |
Designing a Boost-Switching Regulator with the MCP1650
microchip.com/Stellent/idcplg?IdcService=SS_GET_PAGE&nodeId=1824&appnote=en022891 From
Microchip Technology Inc.
Improved Power Supply Rejection For IC Linear Regulators maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/883
By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Linear Regulators in Portable Applications maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/751
Application note from Maxim Integrated Products.
Linear Regulators: Theory of Operation and Compensation national.com/an/AN/AN-1148.pdf
From National Semiconductor.
Low Resistance Measurement Errors rfcafe.com/goto/PDFViewer?pdfURL=/QuadTech/ref/035093.pdf
The 2-wire versus 4-wire (Kelvin connection) debate, including the offset-compensated ohms method, by
MEMs: Part I nanomems-research.com/HJD_MW_Journal_Part_1.pdf Part II
nanomems-research.com/HJD_MW_Journal_Part_2.pdf MEMS for RF/Microwave Wireless Applications: The Next
Wave - An overview of RF/microwave MEMS technology.
Millimeter Wave Components herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=mwc 18-40
GHz by Herley.
Resonant Circuits: Oscillators, Synthesizers,
VCOs |
Crystal Oscillator Circuit Design axtal.com/data/publ/ukw1979_e.pdf A good transistor-level
design tutorial - many topologies, 33 pages. By AXAL.
Crystal Oscillator Model act.co.uk/techinfo/Sim _xtals_res.htm Simulation of crystals
and resonators
Dielectric Resonators, Introduction trans-techinc.com/products_detail.asp?ID=11
By Trans-Tech.
Free Running Oscillators nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/freerunning_notes.pdf
From Narda Microwave East.
Oscillators herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=oscillators Oscillators
application notes by Herley.
Quartz Crystal Oscillators Tutorial am1.us/Papers/U11625 VIG-TUTORIAL.PDF#search='quartz
crystal oscillators report The mother of all quartz crystal oscillator tutorials - 287 pages, courtesy
of the U.S. Army
Resonant Circuits cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note5.pdf Very informative
presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English).
Understanding Synthesizer Designs & Specifications spinnakermicrowave.com/download/an_syn_design_spec.pdf
From Spinnaker Microwave.
Understanding VCO Specifications spinnakermicrowave.com/download/spinnaker_AN2.pdf
This will help to specify your microwave source. From Spinnaker Microwave.
VCO - Differential Design skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200323A.pdf By Skyworks.
VCO - Low Phase Noise Design skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200326A.pdf By
VCO Modeling & Simulation in WinSPICE3 silicondevices.com/Resources/AppsNotes/ModellingVCOs.html
Application note compliments of Silicon Devices (UK) Limited
VCO Soldering Notes spinnakermicrowave.com/download/spinnaker_AN1.pdf Guidelines
from Spinnaker Microwave.
RF Basics |
RF 101 Information for the RF Challenged linxtechnologies.com/Documents/AN-00100.pdf
This application note goes to great lengths to remove the mysteries of RF. Please don't mistake the ease
with which you may grasp these basic principals for the effort required to actually execute an RF design.
Nooo, noooo, kiddies, don't try this at home. At least not if your jobs on the line. The science of RF is
unlike any other area of discipline in electronics. By Linx Technologies.
Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Overview tek.com/Measurement/applications/rf/rfid.html
This technical brief focuses on RFID automatic identification technologies which utilize low-power, short-range
wireless communications technology to provide radically enhanced data handling capabilities. By Tektronix.
RF System Planning: Cascade Analysis
- Gain, NF, IP3, IP2, P1dB, Intermods |
FCC Part 15 Rules arrl.org/part-15-letters From the ARRL site.
Path Loss Model mprg.org/people/buehrer/ultra/pdfs/DARPA NETEX Presentation.pdf
UWB Channel Measurements and Modeling for DARPA NETEX, by Virginia Tech.
Half-IF (2x2 product) maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/1838/ln/en By Maxim.
FM Broadcast RF Systems rfry.org/website2_001.htm A collection of technical papers
and data about FM broadcast antenna and transmitter systems, by Richard Fry.
Prototyping Techniques, RF home.sandiego.edu/~ekim/otherjunk/rf_proto.pdf RF Prototyping
Techniques, by Christian Bourde, Jeff Fuller & Steve Long, University of San Diego, CA.
Intercept Points & Receiver Sensitivity pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/en/an/AN749.pdf
By Maxim.
RF/Microwave Theory Files odyseus.nildram.co.uk/RFMicrowave_Theory_Files Many
brief tutorials that include equations.
RF System Design ee.columbia.edu/~kinget/papers_files/cicc99_c_proceedings.pdf
Receiver budget analysis, by Peter Kinget, Bell Laboratories, Lucent Technologies.
Sampling Theory |
See A/D & D/A Converters |
Semiconductors: Diodes, Transistors,
BJTs, FETs |
350 mA Buck Boost LED Driver using Bipolar Junction Transistors (BJTs), High Side Current Sensing
and a NCP3063 Controller onsemi.com/pub_link/Collateral/AND8305-D.PDF From ON Semiconductor.
Diodes avtechpulse.com/faq.html The Unusual Diode FAQ, by Avtech.
Microwave Integrated Circuits / Multifunction Assemblies (MIC and MFA) nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/MIC.pdf
From Narda Microwave East.
Mixer and Detector Diodes skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200826A.pdf From Skyworks.
PIN Diode Basics skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200823A.pdf From Skyworks.
PIN Diodes skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200312C.pdf Design With PIN Diodes
by Skyworks.
PIN Diodes palgong.kyungpook.ac.kr/~ysyoon/Pdf/Pdiode4.pdf Design With PIN Diodes
by Gerald Hiller, M/A-Com.
Varactor Diodes skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200824A.pdf From Skyworks.
Shielding |
Practical Electromagnetic Shielding Primer cvel.clemson.edu/emc/tutorials/Shielding02/Practical_Shielding.html
This is a great short note on RF shielding that includes illustrations and a few basic equations. By Clemson
PAMS (Portable Attenuation Measurement System) praxsym.com/documents/PAMSapplicationnotes2.pdf
PAMS measures shield level and is ideal for shielded enclosure caretakers whether the application is ensuring
equipment radiation is effectively attenuated, equipment is protected from external interfering radiation,
or electromagnetic pulse (EMP) protection.
Shielding and Guarding: How to Exclude Interference-Type Noise Application Note (AN-347)
analog.com/static/imported-files/application_notes/41727248AN_347.pdf From Analog Devices.
Signal Generators |
3-in-1 Signal Generator signalforge.com/shop/images/3-in1_Signal_Generator.pdf
From Signal Forge.
MG3700A Vector Signal Generator Waveform Combining Function us.anritsu.com/downloads/files/MG3700A_EF2100.pdf
By Anritzu Corporation.
SG-5000A Signal Generator User Manual colbyinstruments.com/pdfs/PG5000A_USER_MANUAL.pdf
Colby Instruments SG-5000A Signal Generator User Manual
Signal Generator (Source) Basics cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5965-7918E.pdf
By Agilent Technologies.
Signal Generator Spectral Purity cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5952-2019.pdf
By Agilent Technologies.
Simulation |
EMC Simulation Techniques for Printed Circuit Boards quantic-emc.com/include/EMC_Sim.pdf
By Dr. Al Wexler.
Smart Meters |
Smart Meters and Smart Meter Systems: A Metering Industry Perspective aeic.org/meter_service/smartmetersfinal032511.pdf
Edison Electric Institute
A Discussion of Smart Meters And RF Exposure Issues aeic.org/meter_service/smartmetersandrf031511.pdf
Edison Electric Institute
Chart - Impedance Matching |
Impedance Matching and the Smith Chart – The Fundamentals ieee.li/pdf/essay/smith_chart_fundamentals.pdf
Great fundamentals tutorial in RF Design, by K-C Chan & A. Harter
Smith Chart Flash Presentation fourier-series.com/rf-concepts/smithchart.html
Brent Locher An interactive Smith Chart tutorial with 5 different flash programs that contain a lot of
embedded audio.
Introduction to Smith Charts telemetry.nmsu.edu/~shoran/PDF/SmithChartTutorial.pdf
Dr. Russell P. Jedlicka.
Smith Chart Here is a long list
of great application notes and presentation for the Smith Chart.
Smith Chart for Excel By Kirt Blattenberger.
Impedance Matching literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5952-0496.pdf Impedance Matching
Techniques for Mixers and Detectors, by Agilent Technologies.
Impedance Matching and the Smith Chart: The Fundamentals maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/742
Tutorial on RF impedance matching using the Smith Chart. Examples are shown plotting reflection coefficients,
impedances and admittances. A sample matching network of the MAX2472 is designed at 900MHz using graphical
methods. By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Impedance Matching - Smith Chart cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note4.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English).
Smith Chart Tutorial amanogawa.com/archive/docs/G-tutorial.pdf This is one of
the nicest presentations By Professor Amanogawa.
Smith Chart Tutorial Part 1 odyseus.nildram.co.uk/RFMicrowave_Theory_Files/SmithChartPart1.pdf
From RFIC.co.uk.
Smith Chart Tutorial Part 2 odyseus.nildram.co.uk/RFMicrowave_Theory_Files/SmithChartPart2.pdf
From RFIC.co.uk.
Software / Modeling |
Model Building for first-Pass Results Modelithics paper on creating accurate component models
based on substrate parameters, using both vendor parameters and measured results.
Soldering |
Cree® XLamp® LED Soldering & Handling cree.com/products/pdf/XLampSolderingandHandling.pdf
This application note applies to XLamp 4550 & XR family (XR-E, XR-C & XR) LEDs.
Soldering Literature Database ameritherm.com/db_soldering.html From the Ambrell
Group Application Labs.
Soldering Tip By Kirt Blattenberger.
Solder Reflow Information skyworksinc.com/uploads/documents/200164B.pdf From Skyworks.
S-Parameters |
Converting S-Parameters from 50Ω to 75Ω Impedance maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/appnote_number/2866/
By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Displaying S-parameters via the Si9000 Smith Chart polarinstruments.com/support/cits/AP192.html
From Polar Instruments Ltd.
S-Parameter Design cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5952-1087.pdf By Agilent
S-Parameter Design tm.agilent.com/data/static/downloads/eng/Notes/interactive/an-95-/an-95-1.pdf
for Faster, More Accurate Network Design Application Note 95-1, by Agilent Technologies
S-Parameters of PCB Interconnects commsdesign.com/showArticle.jhtml?articleID=165700211
(Correctly Correlating) By Tan Tran, Intel, and Donald Telian, Cadence
TDR and S-parameters
Measurements – How Much Performance Do You Need? tek.com/document/application-note/tdr-and-s-parameter-measurements-how-much-performance-do-you-need?ct=TI&cs=apn&ci=4873&lc=EN
Spectrum Analysis |
Fundamentals of Real-Time Spectrum Analysis info.tek.com/www-fundamentals-of-real-time-spectrum-analysis.html?ct=TI&cs=pri&ci=2257&lc=EN
A 42-page tutorial by Tektronix. Given the challenge of characterizing the behavior of today’s RF devices,
it is necessary to understand how frequency, amplitude, and modulation parameters behave over short and
long periods of time. In these cases, using traditional tools like swept spectrum analyzers (SA) and vector
signal analyzers (VSA) might provide snapshots of the signal in the frequency domain and the modulation
domain, but this is often not enough information to confidently describe the dynamic RF signals produced
by the device.
IBOC signal measurement by using Boonton’s 9102 Handheld Spectrum Analyzer
noisecom.com/applicationnotes/appnote_evaluateHDradiosignals.pdf From
Boonton Electronics.
Spectrum Analyzer Accuracy literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5968-3659E.pdf By
Agilent Technologies.
Using Spectrum Analyzers for Audio Amplifier Design picotech.com/applications/ampdesign.html
Application note from Pico Technology.
SpecAn App Note cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-8902EN.pdf A Simple
Scalar Network Analyzer System Automated With TESTLINK, by Eagleware.
Spectrum Analyzer Speed literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5968-3411E.pdf By Agilent
Spread Spectrum |
An Introduction to Direct-Sequence Spread-Spectrum Communications maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/an_pk/1890
A tutorial overview of spread spectrum principles. By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Spread Spectrum & CDMA Theory newwaveinstruments.com/resources Spread spectrum
systems & theory, PN codes & generators, correlation & correlators, PN synchronization, PN acquisition,
PN tracking modulation (GMSK, MSK, ...), multipath fading. By New Wave Instruments.
Spread-Spectrum Clock Oscillators Lower EMI eetasia.com/ARTICLES/2005JUN/A/2005JUN08_ACC_POW_AN.PDF?SOURCES=DOWNLOAD
By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Switches |
A Guide To RF Switching Systems dowkey.com/_upload/AN2008-06_Guide_to_RF_Switching_Systems.pdf
Understanding the fundamentals of these complex systems and the ways in which application requirements impact
cost and performance.
Coaxial Electromechanical Switches: How Operating Life and Repeatability of Agilent’s Electromechanical
Switches Minimize System Uncertainty cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-6085EN.pdf
By Agilent Technologies.
Creating Your Own RF Switching System dowkey.com/_upload/AN2008-08_CYOM_Rev1.pdf
The purpose with this Application Note is to introduce an alternative way of meeting switching needs by
showing how to design your own RF switch solution using Dow-Key CANBus Switches together with a Dow-Key
Switch Controller Kit.
Matrix Switches Blocking vs. Non-blocking jfwindustries.com/catalog/RF_Matrix_Switch_App_Note-111-1.html
This article explores the three most basic types of matrix switches - from JFW.
Solid State Switch Products nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/solid_state_switch_notes.pdf
From Narda Microwave East.
Switch Drivers (PIN, FET) surplussales.com/SurfaceMntSW/pdf/AN_S2079.pdf Drivers
for GaAs FET Switches and Digital Attenuators, by M/A-COM.
Switching Power Supply Inductor Selection powerelectronics.com/mag/power_guide_selecting_inductors/index.html
By Chris Likely, Cooper Electronic Technologies, Power Electronics Technology magazine.
Switches herley.com/index.cfm?act=app_notes¬es=switches By Herley.
Substrates / PCBs Microstrip, Stripline,
Suspended, Vias |
Striplines, Suspended mwjournal.com/Journal/article.asp?HH_ID=AR_3062 Reviewing
the Basics of Suspended Striplines tutorial by Microwave Journal.
Flip-Chip Tutorials flipchips.com/tutorials.html
FlipChip.com - New tutorials are posted monthly, except
in August, compliments of George A. Riley, PhD, "Dr. Flip Chip." More than 60 currently available.
Power Plane & Ground Design for RF PCBs rfdesign.com/mag/radio_power_supply_ground
Power supply and ground design for WiFi transceiver, by By Roger Bremer, Tracey Chavers,
Zhongmin Yu, RF Design magazine.
Synthesizers |
See Resonant Circuits |
Terminations |
50 Ohm Chip Resistor Termination Narrow Band Matching aeroflex.com/ams/KDI-RP/pdfiles/APPNOTE2.pdf
From Aeroflex-KDI Resistor Products.
Terminations nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/term_notes.pdf From Narda Microwave
Thermal Analysis |
Thermal Analysis coolpowersolutions.fi/Library/PSTD.pdf Power System Thermal Design
by Artesyn.
Time and Frequency Domains highfrequencyelectronics.com/Archives/May05/HFE0505_Tutorial.pdf
A nicely done brief tutorial by Gary Breed, editor of High Frequency Electronics magazine.
Introduction to Thermocouples dataforth.com/catalog/pdf/an106.pdf By Dataforth
Practical Thermocouple Temperature Measurements dataforth.com/catalog/pdf/an107.pdf
By Dataforth Corp.
Thermocouple Application Note picotech.com/applications/thermocouple.html From
Pico Technology.
Thermal Management Solutions for Printed Circuit Boards Used in Digital and RF Power Electronics
and LED Assemblies asc-i.com/pdf/Thermal_management_of_PCBs_112305.pdf From American Standard
Thermistors |
How to Stop Inrush Current ametherm.com/inrush-current/how-to-stop-inrush-current.html
This application note provides some design considerations for inrush current protection of the AC current
applicable to Switching Power Supplies (SPS). The solution suggested in this application note uses an NTC
Power Thermistor in separate legs of the power supply circuit. By Ametherm.
Transformer Inrush Current Protection ametherm.com/inrush-current/transformer-inrush-current.html
This application note provides a convenient solution to deal with the problem of inrush current exceeding
saturation current in transformers. The solution uses an NTC Thermistor in series with the primary. By Ametherm.
Thermistor Protection for a Precharge Circuit on Lithium Ion Batteries ametherm.com/inrush-current/thermistor-protection-precharge-circuit-lithium-ion-batteries
When a battery is connected to a load with capacitive input, there is an inrush current surge as the capacitance
is charging to the battery voltage. The input current depends on the input capacitance; the larger the batteries
and the more powerful the load, the larger the input capacitance. By Ametherm.
Transformers |
Application Notes on Rectifier Transformers toroid.com/custom_transformers/technical_bulletin_1.htm
From Toroid Corporation of Maryland.
Rilton Variable Transformers farnell.com/datasheets/28558.pdffarnell.com/datasheets/28558.pdf
From Farnell.
Secondary-Side Transformer Termination Improves Gain Flatness in High-Speed ADCs
maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/an_pk/2884 By Maxim Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor.
Signal Transformers coilcraft.com/pdfs/doc157_SigXfrmApp.pdf Signal Transformer
Application and Specification, by CoilCraft.
Transmission Lines |
Introduction to Common Printed Circuit Transmission Lines pdfserv.maxim-ic.com/en/an/AN2093.pdf
By Maxim Integrated Products.
Transmission Line Fundamentals cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5988-5604EN.pdf
Gain a better understanding of transmission lines. By Agilent.
Transmission Lines sandiego.edu/~ekim/e194rfs01/tlsmthek.pdf Waves and Impedances,
from University of San Diego, CA.
Transmission Lines, Principles of tpub.com/neets/book10/41.htm An online tutorial
provided by Integrated Publishing website
Transmission Lines & Waveguides cc.ee.ntu.edu.tw/~thc/course_mckt/note/note2.pdf
Very informative presentation from the National Taiwan University (in English)
Transponders |
Ferrite Rod Antennas for RF-identification Transponders elnamagnetics.com/library/rfant.pdf
By Philips Magnetic Products.
UMTS / WCDMA Design |
A series of design and testing notes by Tektronix tek.com/Measurement/applications/rf/design_umts_wcdma.html
LNA for WCDMA (UMTS) Features Gain Step maxim-ic.com/appnotes.cfm/an_pk/3041 By Maxim
Integrated Products, Dallas Semiconductor. |
Ultra Wideband (UWB) |
Creating Calibrated UWB WiMedia Signals tek.com/document/application-note/creating-calibrated-uwb-wimedia-signals?ct=TI&cs=apn&ci=11353&lc=EN
From Tektronix.
Solutions for MB-OFDM Ultra-wideband cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-5280EN.pdf
From Agilent Technologies.
Ultra-Wideband Communication RF Measurements cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-0506EN.pdf
From Agilent Technologies.
UWB Antenna Measurements with the 20 GHz E5071C ENA Network Analyzer cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5989-9805EN.pdf
From Agilent Technologies.
Voltage Regulators |
A Designer's Guide to the L200 Voltage Regulator st.com/stonline/books/pdf/docs/1678.pdf
From SGS-THOMSON Microelectronics.
The Case for Voltage Regulators When You Already Have UPS or Stand-By Power elect-spec.com/klrcase.htm
From Electronic Specialists, Inc.
Digital Designerʼs Guide to Linear Voltage Regulators and Thermal Management focus.ti.com/lit/an/slva118/slva118.pdf
From Texas Instruments, Inc.
LM78S40 Switching Voltage Regulator Applications national.com/an/AN/AN-711.pdf
From National Semiconductor.
Voltage Regulator Handbook onsemi.com/pub/Collateral/HB206-D.PDF By ON Semiconductor.
Waveguide |
A Discussion of Ferrite Material Characteristics in Waveguide Digital Phase Shifters
trans-techinc.com/documents/No652.pdf This article discusses ferrite material characteristics relevant
to one type, the waveguide digital ferrite phase shifter. From Skyworks.
Basic Parameters of Coplanar-strip Waveguides on Multilayer Dielectric/semiconductor Substrates
ieeexplore.ieee.org/Xplore/login.jsp?url=/iel5/6668/27745/01237478.pdf?arnumber=1237478 By Gevorgian,
S.; Berg, H.; Jacobsson, H.; Lewin, T. from IEEE.
Characterizing The Optical Properties Of Planar Waveguides, Optical Chips And Planar Light Circuits
fiberopticsonline.com/article.mvc/Characterizing-The-Optical-Properties-Of-Plan-0001?VNETCOOKIE=NO From
Fiber Optics Online.
Optical Waveguide Characterization metricon.com/appl-4.html From Metricon Corporation.
Waveguide nardamicrowave.com/east/UserFiles/waveguide175.pdf From Narda Microwave
Waveguide Theory fnrf.science.cmu.ac.th/waveguide/index.html This is a very good
basics course on waveguide theory - from the Fast Neutron Research Facility
Waveguide Tuning 2450mhz.com/PDF/Doc/960006.PDF By Gerling Applied Engineering.
CDMA2000 Design & Performance rfdesign.com/mag/radio_cdma_design_performance
Requirements rfdesign.com/mag/radio_cdma_design_performance February 2005 RF Design magazine, by Bill
Schofield and Brad Brannon
CDMA & Spread Spectrum Theory newwaveinstruments.com/resources Spread spectrum
systems & theory, PN codes & generators, correlation & correlators, PN synchronization, PN acquisition,
PN tracking modulation (GMSK, MSK, ...), multipath fading. By New Wave Instruments.
Wire Bonding |
Wire Bonding calfinewire.com/fileadmin/calfine_upload/news/wirebonding1.pdf
By Mike Greenelsh, California Fine Wire.
Networks & Systems |
Fundamentals of Interference in Wireless Networks eu.anritsu.com/files/11410-00536.pdf
From Anritsu.
GMSK emc.york.ac.uk/reports/linkpcp/appD.pdf A nice explanation, from University
of Hull.
Unraveling Modulation Quality in Mobile WiMAX™ Uplink and Downlink with Multiple Zones and Bursts
mwjournal.com/BGDownload/Agilent_MWJ_200711_WiMAX_WP.pdf White paper
By: VISWANATHAN GANESAN WiMAX Application Engineer, Agilent Technologies. This article delves into the complexities
associated with digital demodulation of Mobile WiMAX uplink (UL) and downlink (DL) signals. It covers the
modulation quality measurement required for Mobile WiMAX transmitters and provides a recommendation of the
best tools to use for developing Mobile WiMAX products.
X-Parameters |
AWR White Paper Brings Emerging Nonlinear Device Models into Focus web.awrcorp.com/content/Downloads/AWR-X-Parameters-and-Beyond-White-Paper.pdf
Understanding X-Parameter Nonlinear Measurements cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-5151EN.pdf
Generating X-Parameters from Circuit-Level Designs cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-4628EN.pdf
Using X-Parameters to Make Nonlinear Measurements of High-Power Amplifiers cp.literature.agilent.com/litweb/pdf/5990-5431EN.pdf
by Agilent
ZigBee |
ZigBee Applications for Developers flexipanel.com/Docs/ZigBee for Applications Developers.pdf
FlexiPanel makes a lot of turnkey modules for ZigBee and Bluetooth applications.
Zigbee Transceiver rfdesign.com/mag/radio_designing_zigbeeready_ieee RF Design
article by Khanh Tuan Le.