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Press Release & Product Announcement Archive: 2021 (#4)

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Here are 2021 press release archive pages:

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ConductRF Performance Flexible RF Cables to 18 GHz

ConductRF LSA Performance Flexible RF Cables to 18 GHz, September 7, 2021 - RF CafeConductRF LSA series of Low Loss, Performance flexible RF cable assemblies, provide microwave system designers with a versatile solution for most applications. Here we offer customers a solution for 0.086" dia. cable that facilitates greater flexibility and handling or, 0.141" dia. that exploits the same great performance but with almost half the loss. Connector options include SMA, Type-N, TNC & SMP that provide excellent VSWR between DC and 18 GHz, also solutions for MCX & SMB are available in a wide array of configurations. These assemblies are built using our own double shielded, FEP jacketed cable, that was developed specifically for performance solutions. With shielding effectiveness exceeding 90 dB through 18 GHz, these cables minimize the threat of cross-talk effect...

Axiom Blog: Ease the Loads When Testing AC/DC Sources

Ease the Loads When Testing AC/DC Sources - RF CafeAxiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment rental and sales company has published a new blog post that informs people about the versatility of an electronic load. When an AC or DC supply must be evaluated, during design or even for maintenance, an electronic load provides much needed capabilities. Electronic loads provide insights into how the power source behaves under different load conditions for AC or DC power sources. By keeping an electrical parameter such as voltage, current, power, or resistance fixed, it can measure voltage/current or power/resistance under constant-voltage (CV), constant-current (CC), constant-power (CP), and constant-resistance (CR) conditions. Starting the search for an electronic load usually begins by understanding an application's requirements, for AC or DC testing...

Exodus 400-1000 MHz, 4 kW SSPA

Exodus Advanced Communications AMP2123P-4KW, 400-1000 MHz, 4 kW Solid State Pulse Amplifier - RF CafeExodus Advanced Communications introduces the AMP2123P-4KW, a robust 400-1000 MHz, 4 kW Pulse Amplifier for Pulse/HIRF, EMC/EMI Mil-Std 461/464 and Radar applications. Up to 100 μsec pulse widths, up to 6% duty cycles with a minimum of 66 dB gain. Providing superb Pulse fidelity, excellent rise/fall times, monitoring parameters for Forward/Reflected power in Watts & dBm, VSWR, voltage, current, temperature sensing for unprecedented reliability and ruggedness, and local LCD & remote flexible interfaces, all in a compact 10U chassis 17.5"H x 19"W x 22"D nominally, weighing in at 45 kg 45 kg...

Modelithics COMPLETE+3D Library v21.6 for Ansys HFSST

Modelithics® Releases the COMPLETE+3D Library™ v21.6 for Ansys HFSST - RF CafeModelithics is pleased to announce the release of version 21.6 of the COMPLETE+3D Library for use with Ansys HFSS. The library contains nearly 350 highly scalable Microwave Global Models™ for capacitor, inductor, and resistor families from many popular vendors, plus Modelithics' collection of nearly 500 3D geometry models for inductors, capacitors, filters, packages, and connectors. This library now represents a total of more than 24,000 individual components with circuit and 3D electromagnetic (EM) models. Version 21.6 adds 6 new part value-, pad-, and substrate scalable Global Models for circuit models and 88 new full wave 3D EM models. New 3D EM models are available for 5 ATC capacitor series, 13 AVX capacitor series, 18 Barry Industries packages, Johanson's R05L and R07S capacitor series, 5 Kemet capacitor series, 11 Murata capacitor series...

Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas

Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas (Artech House) - RF CafeArtech House today announced the publication of Circularly Polarized Dielectric Resonator Antennas, by Raghvendra Kumar Chaudhary, Rajkishor Kumar, and Rakesh Chowdhury. This unique resource introduces wideband circular polarization radiation in dielectric resonator antennas (DRA). It presents five key feeding techniques, including coaxial probe, microstrip, conformal strip, aperture, and coplanar waveguide. It also covers different shapes of dielectric resonator antennas, which will lead to improvement of circularly polarized (CP) performance and explores the advantages and disadvantages of each feeding technique. Important characteristics of DRA, including high radiation efficiency, high gain, wide range of bandwidth, low ohmic losses, high power handling capability, and 3D‐design flexibility, are discussed. New techniques that generate broadside circular polarization (CP) by using sectored DRAs...

ConductRF Ruggedized Replacement VNA Cables

ConductRF Ruggedized Replacement VNA Cables - RF CafePrecision Ruggedized VNA Cables from ConductRF offer RF Engineers great alternatives to costly OEM cables that are now past their best days. We have standards for applications at 18 GHz, 27 GHz, 40 GHz, 50 GHz & 70 GHz. Our torque resistant connector heads and phase stable constructions ensure great performance for many tests to come. ConductRF VNA series provides customers with reliable ruggedized solutions for Lab and Production Vector Network Analyzer testing. With options for 18 GHz, 26.5 GHz, & 40 GHz, these cables offer cost leading alternatives to original OEM VNA cable solutions. VNA Series cables are enhanced with a stainless steel spiral armor, providing protection from excess bending and crushing forces. A black non-conductive outer cover completes the product. These cables are phase stable during flexing and have an operating life cycle...

Skyworks Intros L, S and C Band Ceramic RF BPFs

Skyworks Intros L, S and C Band Ceramic RF Band Pass Filters - RF CafeSkyworks is pleased to introduce its L, S and C Band Ceramic RF Band Pass Filters for GPS, TCAS, Portable Transceiver, Homeland Security Radio, 5G, IOT and medical-based systems. These products are in production and loose samples are currently available. Skyworks offers a family of ultra-small profile filters available in surface-mount technology (SMT) designs. We can design and manufacture filters from 200 MHz up to 8 GHz, with high power handling ability up to 10 W, continuous wave (CW). We also offer rapid response times on all filter design requirements. The small-profile ceramic filter designs offer customers the option to go with a lighter weight, and reduced X-Y-Z dimensions as solutions to their requirements. These ceramic filter solutions allow design flexibility beyond traditional ceramic styles...

PMI 6.0 to 18.0 GHz Low Noise Amplifier w/2 dB NF

Planar Monolithic Industries' (PMI) 6.0 to 18.0 GHz Low Noise AmplifierPlanar Monolithic Industries (PMI) introduces a 6.0 to 18.0 GHz low noise amplifier with a 2 dB noise figure, model number PE2-19-6G18G-1R6-16-12-SFF. PMI Model No. PE2-19-6G18G-1R6-16-12-SFF is a low noise amplifier which operates between 6.0 to 18.0 GHz. This LNA provides 19 dB of small signal gain while maintaining a low noise figure of only 2 dB. The P1dB output power of 15 dBm enables the LNA to function as a LO driver for balanced, I/Q or image reject mixers. This model also features I/O's that are DC blocked and internally matched to 50 ohms...

Top 5 Clever Solutions to Common Problems of RF PCB Designs

Top 5 Clever Solutions to Common Problems of RF and Microwave PCB Designs - RF CafeThe following article entitled "Top 5 Clever Solutions to Common Problems of RF and Microwave PCB Designs" was prepared for and submitted to RF Cafe by its author, Ken Ghadia, of TechnoTronix Electronics Manufacturing Services. He wrote asking whether he could provide an article on an aspect of PCB design relevant to RF Cafe visitors, so I suggested addressing the issue of placing digital and analog / RF signals on a common substrate. TechnoTronix has a state of the art facility here in the United States that enables clients to successfully overcome production and PCB fab challenges to produce the innovative, cutting-edge electronics products and providing PCB prototype services, PCB, PCB assembly service, PCB manufacturing service, PCB fabrication service & more in U.S. and around the world...

Exodus 2.0-8.0 GHz, 70 W, SSPA Replaces Aging TWTs

Exodus Advanced Communications AMP1146A, 2.0-8.0 GHz, 70 W, Solid-State Module Replaces Aging TWT's - RF CafeExodus Advanced Communications introduces our compact 2.0-8.0 GHz Module, model number AMP1146A. This ideal TWT replacement produces 70-watts minimum, 80-90 W nominal power. The minimum power gain is 48 dB with <-20 dBc harmonics. Included are current & temperature sensing and built-in protection circuits for optimum reliability & ruggedness for all applications. The nominal weight is 3 lbs., and dimensions of 4.3" W x 7.8" L x 1.0" H. Class AB linear GaN design. Suitable for all single channel modulation standards. Built-in protection circuits...

ConductRF VITA67 RF Solutions for VPX from DigiKey

ConductRF VITA67 RF Solutions for VPX from DigiKey - RF CafeConductRF is now making many standard VITA67 RF Cable assembly options available immediately through DigiKey. We are supporting SMPM, SMPS and NanoRF insertable coax connector configurations with standard validated performance up to 18 GHz. Each assembly is built utilizing our highly stable coax cable. Solutions include options for both 0.086" and 0.047" Coax Cable. A robust and powerful solution for Multi-Port RF interconnect. An new industry standard for backplane Blind Mate solutions. Also support mixed signal requirements. SMPM, SMPS & NanoRF contacts supports from DC to 18 GHz. Phase matching available. 100% Test Validated...

Anatech Electronics August 2021 Newsletter

Anatech Electronics August 2021 Newsletter - RF CafeSam Benzacar of Anatech Electronics, an RF and microwave filter company, has published his August 2021 Newsletter that features his short op-ed entitled "The Millimeter-Wave Debacle Revisited," where he notes, "there are good reasons why few have dared to tread there, not the least of which are extremely challenging propagation characteristics, very short range, and the need to rely on complex technologies to make communications possible. I found it interesting that, except for a few bold journalists, hardly anyone has asked whether, with all these challenges, it will be economically feasible, at least initially, to use these frequencies." Sam also presents some relevant industry news items as well...

3 Practical Steps to Begin the Custom RF Power Amplifier Design Process

Triad RF Systems Blog: 3 Practical Steps to Begin the Custom RF Power Amplifier Design Process - RF CafeTriad RF Systems, a leading designer and manufacturer of innovative RF/Microwave amplifiers and integrated radio systems for challenging environments, presents their newest Blog entry entitled, "3 Practical Steps to Begin the Custom RF Power Amplifier Design Process." It outlines the process to Research and Plan with Size and Performance in Mind; to Design, Simulate, Manufacture; and to Test, Tune and Repeat. "It takes years of expertise to push the boundaries of linearizing RF Solid State Power Amplifiers (SSPAs) while maintaining a price structure that allows RF amplifier solutions to meet cost targets. So, due diligence is crucial. Please feel free to contact us with any question." You can also download our paper entitled "Key Considerations for a Successful Custom RF Amplifier Design."

ConductRF Ready-Made "Plug-in" RF Cable Assemblies for D38999 & VITA67

ConductRF Ready-Made "Plug-in" RF Cable Assemblies for D38999 & VITA67 - RF CafeWe know, many times you want to just buy your RF assemblies to plug in to your Circular D38999 Connector or your VITA67 module. Well know ConductRF offers multiple solutions for both styles of Multi-Port connector all available on short lead times based on our on hand materials stock.D38999 integrates BMA, SMPM & SMPS Connectors, also other #8, #12 & #16 coax contact solutions. VITA67.1/2 uses SMPM solutions, but the new VITA67.3 also offers SMPS and NanoRF to support your coax. These are 100% factory tested to exacting VSWR and Loss standards because, We know, Results Count!

Exodus AMP2085-2, 2.0–8.0 GHz, 50 W SSPA

Exodus Advanced Communications Exodus AMP2085-2, 2.0–8.0 GHz, 50 W SSPA - RF CafeExodus Advanced Communications, a multinational RF communication equipment and engineering service company serving both commercial and government entities and their affiliates worldwide, introduces the AMP2085-2. Exodus AMP2085-2, a rugged SSPA replacing aging TWT technology. Ultra-broadband, class A/AB design for all industry standards. 2.0-8.0 GHz, 50 W Minimum, >70 W typical and 47 dB gain. Excellent power / gain flatness compared to TWT's. Forward / Reflected power monitoring in dBm & Watts, VSWR, voltage / current / temperature sensing for superb reliability and ruggedness. The nominal weight is 40 lbs. in a compact 3U chassis, 5.25"H x 19"W x 22"D...

Royal Circuit Solutions PCB Services

Royal Circuit Solutions PCB Services - RF CafeRoyal Circuit Solutions combines decades of manufacturing experience with the cutting edge in technology - from software automation to the most advanced machinery in the world. Design engineers come to us because, simply put, "we find a way to get the job done." Visit us anytime at either our 50,000 sq.ft. shop in Hollister, CA or our newest manufacturing facility outside of L.A. We manufacture quick-turn prototype printed circuit boards (PCBs) - rigid, rigid-flex, and flex - for thousands of customers nation-wide, including engineers at some of the world's biggest tech companies. Royal Circuits was founded in 1998 - 21 years ago - to provide engineers with high-tech circuit boards incredibly fast...

ARCTURUS Ultra-Compact 5G FPC Antenna

ARCTURUS Ultra-Compact 5G FPC Antenna - RF CafeARCTURUS is the new flexible antenna for 5G/4G LTE/3G/2G/NB-IoT/CATM applications designed by Synzen Precision Technology. In today's tech and electronics world, where the modern mantra is to think bigger and make smaller, we've designed perhaps the most compact and versatile 5G FPC antenna on the market. Measuring just 88 mm x 14 mm, ARCTURUS can be placed internally in devices which require an integrated antenna solution. Its ultra-small form factor doesn't compromise on performance, covering a hugely impressive array of wideband frequencies from 617-5000 MHz. Arcturus can be easily integrated with its "peel and stick" self-adhesive backing...

Anatech Electronics July 2021 Newsletter

Anatech Electronics July 2021 Newsletter - RF CafeSam Benzacar of Anatech Electronics, an RF and microwave filter company, has published his July 2021 newsletter that features his short op-ed entitled "Wi-SUN: The Most Pervasive Wireless Technology You May Not Heard Of," where he notes "Like ZigBee, WirelessHART, ISA100, SNAP, and 6LoWPAN, Wi-SUN (doesn't even have a Wikipedia entry yet) is based on the IEEE 802.15.4 standard and employs a mesh-type rather than star topology, making it inherently self-healing. There is no need for base stations because each node talks to the others, eliminating a single point of failure." Not only haven't I heard of Wi-SN, but I haven't heard of WirelessHART (HART = Highway Addressable Remote Transducer) or ISA100. Sam also presents some relevant industry news items as well...

Teledyne Intros 4 New Reed Relay Families for High Rel Apps

Teledyne Relays Announces 4 New Reed Relay Families for High Reliability Applications - RF CafeTeledyne Relays today announced availability of four new reed relay product families, all offering extremely long life of up to 1 billion cycles, ideal for applications where high reliability is essential. The new product lines complement the already broad array of rugged switching solutions the company has been supplying for more than 60 years. Reed relays offer a compact and lightweight solution for switching of AC or DC signals. Contacts are hermetically sealed inside a glass envelope which protects them from corrosion. Compared with other mechanical-based relays, reed relays offer low power consumption, low contact capacitance and faster switching speeds...

Antenova Lutosa Antenna for Small Devices on LTE and 5G

Antenova Intros Lutosa High Performing Antenna for Small Devices on LTE and 5G Networks - RF CafeAntenova Ltd, UK-based manufacturer of antennas and RF antenna modules for M2M and the IoT, is announcing a compact high performing antenna for the 5G bands worldwide, including LTE band 74 1420-1520 MHz and 617-698 MHz. Lutosa is a flexible antenna measuring 95 x 15 x 0.15 mm, making it ideal for smaller designs, as it can be curved or folded and inserted into the device The antenna is linear polarised and showed high efficiency in tests. Antenova has designed Lutosa for easy integration into a device, the antenna does not require a ground plane or a matching network, and is simply fixed in place using its own self-adhesive strip...

Spectrum Analyzers Check 5G Occupied Bandwidth

Axiom Blog: Spectrum Analyzers Check 5G Occupied Bandwidth - RF CafeAxiom Test Equipment, an electronic test equipment rental and sales company, has published a new blog post entitled "Spectrum Analyzers Check 5G Occupied Bandwidth" that informs people on how the right spectrum analyzers can help locate the interference of additional signal energy that can interfere with 5G service. With a suitable spectrum analyzer, occupied bandwidth measurements reveal the total integrated all signal energy within the bandwidths that concern 5G system designers, service providers, and users and when any interfering signals are at high enough power levels to be a concern. Selecting a spectrum analyzer for occupied bandwidth testing is a matter of matching the equipment's capabilities to the limits of the OBW measurements. An analyzer's frequency range and amplitude range are good starting points for 5G OBW measurements...

Exodus Intros 6 to 10 GHz, 100 W SSPA

Exodus Advanced Communications Intros 6 to 10 GHz, 100 W SSPA - RF CafeExodus Advanced Communications, a multinational RF communication equipment and engineering service company serving both commercial and government entities and their affiliates worldwide, introduces the AMP2053A-1. Model AMP2053A-1 is a rugged solid state power amplifier (SSPA) replacing aging TWT technology. It is a broadband class A/AB amplifier design for all industry standards, with a wide 6.0-10.0 GHz bandwidth, a minimum power output of 100 W Minimum (>120 W typical) and 50 dB of gain. The SSPA features excellent power and gain flatness as compared to TWT's. Forward and reflected power monitoring, VSWR, voltage/current and temperature sensing are provided for superb reliability and ruggedness. The nominal weight is 45 lbs. in a compact 4U chassis, 7"H x 19"W x 22"D...

Bittele Full Turnkey PCB Services

Bittele Electronics Helps Enterprises Reduce Manufacturing Costs with Full Turnkey PCB Services - RF CafeBittele Electronics, a Toronto-based manufacturing firm specializing in prototype and low-to-mid volume printed circuit board (PCB) assembly, announced today that it has expanded its Full Turnkey Services to help more companies reduce costs and save money. By combining PCB Fabrication, Parts Procurement, and Assembly into a one-stop Full Turnkey Service, Bittele will provide dramatic time and cost savings to its customers. Bittele's Full Turnkey Services save customers time and money with a free Design for Manufacturing (DFM) check, which eliminates manufacturability issues before PCBs are fabricated and also reduces the chances of costly re-spins. Amidst today's global semiconductor shortage, Bittele realizes the importance of keeping costs low. Bittele's Full Turnkey Service includes a BOM pricing team to check prices from authorized vendors to ensure customers receive the lowest cost. "With no markup on component pricing, you not only receive the lowest possible BOM price, you also save the time and resources of managing...

Modelithics Expands the Qorvo GaN Library

Modelithics® Expands the Modelithics Qorvo® GaN Library v21.4.5 - RF CafeModelithics, Inc. today announced plans to expand the highly-demanded Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library of high accuracy non-linear models for Qorvo transistors. The current GaN library version (v21.4.5) includes a total of 82 models containing 59 packaged power models, 17 GaN die power transistor products and 6 small-signal models. The expansion will now add more than 20 new high-power Qorvo GaN transistor models to the library. The Modelithics Qorvo GaN Library is a set of non-linear models for Qorvo package and die GaN devices, designed for excellent accuracy, and validated with broadband S-parameters and load pull data at multiple frequencies. Each model has a detailed datasheet summarizing model features, development details, and model performance plots. Some devices are also represented with small-signal and noise models in addition to non-linear models. "This long-term relationship on GaN power transistor modeling, now in its 8th year, has been an outstanding model of multi-company collaboration under the Modelithics Vendor Partner (MVP) Program...

Qorvo High-Efficiency PAs for 5G Small Cell Networks

Qorvo® High-Efficiency Power Amplifiers for 5G Small Cell Networks - RF CafeQorvo® (Nasdaq:QRVO), a leading provider of innovative RF solutions that connect the world, today unveiled a family of high efficiency power amplifiers (PAs) designed for 5G small cell infrastructure applications. These new PAs help small cell base station OEMs deploy 5G networks and services in densely populated, urban indoor and outdoor areas. Qorvo's new family of high efficiency PAs offers customers high power-added efficiency (PAE), greater than 30% in most cases, and covers major sub-7 GHz 3GPP frequency bands. These devices are designed to handle true 5G New Radio (NR) signal bandwidths of up to 200 MHz with dynamic spectrum sharing (DSS) in a small, 50 Ω-matched, 5 mm x 5 mm SMT package. Qorvo's extensive global manufacturing capabilities and high-volume production support the ongoing global deployment of 5G...

Signal Hound SM435B 43.5 GHz Spectrum Analyzer

Signal Hound Announces the SM435B 43.5-GHz High-Performance Spectrum Analyzer - RF CafeSignal Hound, a developer of highly optimized solutions for RF signal test and measurement, has announced the SM435B 43.5 GHz RF spectrum analyzer and monitoring receiver. This new product indicates the company's entry into millimeter-wave spectrum analysis. With broad application ranging from 5G cellular, to military, aerospace, and a host of other uses, this next-level production unit expands the company's reach into this next tier of the market. "We have taken a big step in the development of the SM435B," said Bruce Devine, CEO at Signal Hound. "Investment into 50 GHz test equipment, refining layout and design at a higher millimeter wave frequency, and stepping up our PCB technology were all part of bringing this unique product to our market segment...

Anatech Electronics May 2021 Newsletter

Anatech Electronics May 2021 Newsletter - RF CafeSam Benzacar of Anatech Electronics, an RF and microwave filter company, has published his May 2021 newsletter that features his short op-ed entitled "More Interference to Come – in Vehicles," where he discusses the increasingly hostile electromagnetic environment present in and around cars and trucks as wireless electronics gains an ever increasing presence. Says Sam, "This problem will only worsen with the 'digitalization' of vehicles that, in the not-too-distant future, will make them rolling IoT platforms." I like that rolling IoT platforms comment. Fortunately, the art and science of RF filter design and manufacturing is advancing to enable coexistence of multiple platforms - at least for now - and Anatech is at the front line of the battle. Sam also presents some relevant industry news items as well.

Signal Hound BB60D 6 GHz Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer

Signal Hound Announces the BB60D 6 GHz Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer - RF CafeSignal Hound, a manufacturer of highly-optimized solutions for RF test and measurement equipment, announces the BB60D - a much anticipated 6 GHz real-time spectrum analyzer with significant performance improvements as compared to the highly regarded industry favorite BB60C. The new BB60D has a fully integrated preselector covering 130 MHz to 6 GHz, 10 dB more dynamic range, and 10 dB better phase noise from 100 Hz to 10 kHz offsets. With selectable IF bandwidth from 27 MHz down to 4 kHz, 24 GHz/sec sweep speeds, and exceptionally clean spurious responses, the BB60D fits in your hand for accurate, clean, and fast RF analysis on the go...

Passion Radio Shop

Passion-Radio.com Amateur Radio Equipment - RF CafePassion Radio Shop proprietor Alexandre wrote to request that I post a notice here on RF Cafe regarding their Amateur Radio equipment supply service. Based in Paris, France, Passion Radio Shop is able to provide worldwide shipping on products. I suppose the company name including the word "Passion" is apropos for a company located in "The City of Love," and a company run by Hams radio enthusiasts for Ham radio enthusiasts. Transceivers, antennas, cables, connectors, test equipment, and many other items are available for immediate shipment. Please take a little time to visit Passion Radio Supply. I have no affiliation with them, but provide this as a service to both them and RF Cafe visitors.

PCBONLINE Provides Many Types of Ceramic PCBs and Products

PCBONLINE Provides Many Types of Ceramic PCBs and Products - RF CafeCeramic PCBs are the printed circuit boards using ceramic as the substrate. PCBONLINE provides alumina PCB, aluminum nitride PCB, COB LED (chip on board), DOB LED (drive on board), 3D aluminum products, etc. These types of circuit boards are used for high-power electronic modules, automotive electronics, aerospace, military electronics, high-power LED lighting products, etc. Compared with the normal FR4 and metal core PCBs, ceramic PCBs have these advantageous characteristics: Stable shape warping and low expansion coefficient | Large current carrying capacity and good insulation performance | Higher thermal conductivity and lower thermal resistance | Stable high-frequency performance and lower AK and DK values | Have good insulation and can achieve a better conductivity and insulation effect...

Planar Monolithic Industries (PMI) June 2021 Product Announcement

Planar Monolithic Industries (PMI) June 2021 Product Announcement - RF CafePlanar Monolithic Industries (PMI) introduces six new products for June in their extensive line of RF and microwave components. Included are a 1.0 to 2.0 GHz limiter, a 1.0 to 12.0 GHz threshold detector, a 50 MHz to 4.0 GHz, SP32T absorptive switch, an 8.0 to 22.0 GHz highpass filter, a 0.5 to 18.0 GHz frequency divider, and an 18.0 to 40.0 GHz bi-phase modulator. Contact PMI today for more information...

Webinar: High-Performance Arbitrary Waveform Generators

BNC Webinar: High-Performance Arbitrary Waveform Generators (Free Admission) - RF CafeMark it on your calendar! On Wednesday, June 30th at 1:00 PM EDT, Berkeley Nucleonics will be hosting a live webinar that will dive into the immersive world of High-Performance Arbitrary Waveform Generators. Admission is free. Arbitrary waveform generators (AWG's) are built to handle the most complex experiments and innovative applications, from advanced research, RF-Wireless to quantum computing. Join Edgar Guzman with Berkeley Nucleonics and Stefano Parma with Active Technologies to discuss AWG's and their role in the electrifying advancements in waveform development and signal generation. The High-Performance Arbitrary Waveform Generator that will be demonstrated is the Model 685 from Berkeley Nucleonics, which offers some of the most exciting advancement...

Qorvo Reconfigurable Dual-Band GaN PAs for Radar

Qorvo Advances Radar Architecture with Reconfigurable Dual-Band GaN PAsQorvo, a leading provider of innovative RF solutions that connect the world, is now shipping the world's first commercially available family of electronically reconfigurable dual-band (S- and X-band) GaN power amplifiers. These patented PAs support a revolutionary shift in radar architecture for defense, weather and commercial avionics. The QPA0007 and QPA0004 are the first commercially available GaN PAs that can be rapidly reconfigured for operation between S- and X-bands. This enables a single radar platform to be used across multiple applications, offering precise long-range and short-range capabilities. This eliminates the need for independent systems, saving size, weight, power and cost (SWaP-C). Now designers can dramatically reduce the BOM and footprint by as much as 50% while improving overall performance. The QPA0007 and QPA0004 are available in surface mount technology (SMT) packaging and offer higher saturated power...

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LadyBug RF Power Sensors