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RF Cafe Engineering & Science Crossword Puzzle
November 5th, 2023
As with my hundreds of previous engineering and science-themed crossword puzzles,
this one for November 5th uses only clues and terms associated with engineering,
science, physical, astronomy, mathematics, chemistry, etc., which I have built up
over more than two decades. Many new words and company names have been added that
had not even been added to the world's technical lexicon when I started in the year
As always, this crossword contains no names of politicians, mountain ranges, exotic
foods or plants, movie stars, or anything of the sort unless it/he/she is related
to this puzzle's technology theme. You might, however, encounter the name of a movie
star like Hedy Lamarr or a geographical location like
Tunguska, Russia, for reasons which, if you don't already know,
might surprise you. The technically inclined cruciverbalists
amongst us will appreciate the effort. A full list of all RF Cafe crosswords is
at the page bottom. Enjoy!
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission of RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words

<click for full size to print>
1. Lacing ____, for bundling cables 4. Form of
digital encoding 9. BASIC looping keyword 11. Stranded shield in coax cable
15. Design for Manufacturability (abbr.) 17. One port of an amplifier 18.
Ham-ese for Young Lady 19. Pertaining to the moon 21. Large radio telescope
in Puerto Rico 23. Boolean expression (pl.) 25. Synchronous Digital Hierarchy
28. Electromotive force (abbr.) 29. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 30. Common
mode ripple rejection (abbr.) 32. Solid state power amplifier (abbr.) 34.
Semiconductor and calculator company (abbr.) 35. Country of RF Cafe's residency
37. Electronically images a document 39. Voltage-Controlled Oscillator (pl.)
41. Type of current flow (abbr.) 42. Chemical symbol for magnesium 43. On-the-air
meeting of hams at a set time, day and radio frequency (pl.) 45. Agilent's (now
Keysight) EE design software (abbr.) 46. 3 GHz to 30 GHz 49. End of Life (abbr.)
50. "Texting" (abbr.) 51. Unit of inductance (abbr.) 52. Infrared (abbr.)
53. A BPF specification (abbr.) 54. Rotating disk 56. Min______ and Max_____,
in a Karnaugh map 59. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers 61.
Finite Element Analysis (abbr.) 62. Chemical symbol for einsteinium 64. End
of transmission (abbr.) 65. BASIC program command 67. Unit of inductance (abbr.)
69. Weight (abbr.) 70. Radio signal that propagates along the ground (2 wds.)
73. Test equipment (abbr.) 74. Chemical symbol for aluminum 75. Logical gate
type (pl.) 77. International Microwave Symposium (abbr.) 78. Boob tube (abbr.)
79. Using Earth's natural satellite as a passive reflector to establish a signal
path (abbr.) 80. Possess luminosity 81. Path followed by a heavenly body around
a star 83. The "C" in BCD 86. Stock symbol for Boeing 87. Chemical symbol
for calcium 88. Boob tube (abbr.) 90. Scheme to maintain proper frequency
(abbr.) 91. Type of logic gate (pl.) 93. Common shorthand reference for a
capacitor 94. USA's most widely used satellite navigation system 95. Stock
symbol for Google 97. Multifunctional silicon devices (abbr.) 98. Unit of
frequency (archaic, abbr.) 99. Electric enclosure standard organization (abbr.)
101. Short waveform excursion from a reference state 103. The design component
of total product cost (abbr.) 104. Shorthand for oxygen 105. Compliment to
a zero in a polynomial 108. Antenna radiated power measurement (abbr.) 110.
Early predecessor to an online forum (abbr.) 111. 30 Hz to 300 Hz 113. Type
of logic gate 115. Snail and E are examples of this 116. Electromagnetic surveillance
thwarting technology 118. The "S" in SOIC 120. Type of component package (abbr.)
122. Chemical symbol for chromium 123. Personal Handy Phone System (abbr.)
124. System for underwater navigation 126. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.)
127. An array of 12 or 16 numbered keys that generate the standard telephone dual
tone multifrequency (DTMF) dialing signals (2 wds.) 128. Measure of source/load
match |
1. Studies for a test just before taking it 2.
Chemical symbol for rubidium 3. One port on a FET (pl.) 4. Abbreviation for
minimum voltage 5. Adds solder to the tip of a soldering iron 6. Last keyword
in a BASIC subroutine (pl.) 7. Word used in describing 2-D and 3-D object dimensions;
i.e., 10 mm __ 25 mm 8. Precision landing system (abbr.) 9. Upper frequency
(abbr.) 10. Exponent that returns the original number 12. Amateur Radio Emergency
Service (abbr.) 13. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 14. Type of current 15.
Logarithmic unit of voltage 16. This is required to causes a change in the motion
of a body 19. A coherent monochrome light source 20. Web's most popular radio
frequency engineering site (2 ltrs. + 1 wd.) 22. Multifunctional silicon devices
(abbr.) 24. Send junk e-mail 26. Dual Tone Multi-Frequency 27. Level of
EMF generally considered to be dangerous 31. One factor of a polynomial 33.
Automatic Calibration System (abbr.) 35. Type of transistor that acts as a diode
with its own internal voltage divider biasing circuit 36. PC follower 38.
Type of data conversion device (abbr.) 40. Insulating cover over a solder joint
44. Term for asymmetry of a statistical distribution (pl.) 46. Metal or plastic
rod that connects a potentiometer wiper to a knob 47. Chemical symbol for helium
48. Chemical symbol for iron 50. Surface Mount Technology 54. BER, 8 bits
at a time 55. Mr. de Forest's first name 57. Term indicating profitability
of a company (abbr.) 58. Local Oscillator (abbr.) 60. Radio signals from the
cosmos (abbr.) 61. Kind of nuclear reaction which powers both the sun and the
hydrogen bomb 63. O-scope time base action 65. Mr. Ohm's first name 66.
Chemical symbol for tantalum 68. Chemical symbol for holmium 70. Miniature
RF connector 71. A feedback scheme to level out the receiver audio volume (abbr.)
72. Stock symbol for Advanced Micro Devices 73. Chemical symbol for thallium
76. Read-only (abbr.) 77. International Reply Coupon (abbr.) 80. Hydrogen,
argon, neon, xenon, etc. 81. The UK's equivalent of the FCC 82. Technical
drawing structure 84. Amateur radio abbreviation for the Oceania region (abbr.)
85. 10E1 numerical prefix 86. Method of sending high-speed digital signals on
electric distribution wires, a Ham's nemesis (abbr.) 87. Popular graphics program
89. Voltage-controlled crystal oscillator (abbr.) 90. Unit of current 92.
Type of chart used to plot immittance 94. Mr. Kirchhoff's and Mr. Eiffel's first
name 96. Switch position 100. Amateur Radio Emergency Service (abbr.) 101.
Common solder composition (pre-lead-free, abbr.) 102. Traditional term for a
person who enjoys helping newcomers get started in ham radio - a mentor 106.
Tie a bundle of wires together 107. Antenna radiated power measurement (abbr.)
109. Related to FM by a differential 110. Chemical symbol for beryllium oxide
112. Far-field 114. Readability, Signal, and Tone (QoS report type) 117. Unit
of time (abbr.) 119. Filter type that blocks upper frequencies (abbr.) 121.
Chemical symbol for molybdenum 123. Chemical symbol for palladium 125. Type
of flip-flop |
See solution below

