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Electronics Theme Crossword Puzzle May 7th,
This custom RF Cafe electronics-themed crossword puzzle for May 7th contains
words and clues which pertain exclusively to the subjects of electronics, science,
physics, mechanics, engineering, power distribution, astronomy, chemistry, etc.
If you do see names of people
or places, they are intimately related to the aforementioned areas of study.
Being that "G" is the 7th letter of the alphabet, it is used as the first and/or
last letter of many words in today's crossword puzzle. As
always, you will find no references to numbnut movie stars or fashion designers.
Need more crossword RF Cafe puzzles? A list at the bottom of the page links to hundreds
of them dating back to the year 2000. Enjoy.
Reproduction of this puzzle without the express permission
of RF Cafe is prohibited.
acr. = acronym, abbr. = abbreviation, pl. = plural, wds. = words
1. Protection device for preventing electrical shock
(abbr.) 4. Aerodynamic opposition to thrust 7. The Wright Flyer had an upper
one and a lower one 10. Yttrium Aluminum Garnet 13. High frequency semiconductor
(abbr.) 14. ________ _____ - Degrees of separation between two lines meeting
at a common vertex (2 wds., abbr.) 15. A common battery cell size 16. Aerodynamic
opposition to thrust 18. Centimeter (abbr.) 19. The cell band above DCN
21. Unit of current 22. Chemical symbol for selenium 23. Exponent that returns
the original number 25. Unit of energy 27. Key feature in a high level overvoltage
protection device 29. Conductor size unit (abbr.) 30. Maximally flat group
delay filter function 32. Network controller 35. 1/2 of a byte 38. FCC's
Universal Licensing System (abbr.) 40. A line on a map which joins points of
equal pressure 43. 2/3 of a triac 44. Device for converting electrical signals
into sound 48. 10E-1 numerical prefix 49. Chemical symbol for strontium
50. Time Division Multiple Access 52. Divide a signal into into chunks for sampling
55. Chemical symbol for tin 56. Part of a gyroscope that facilitates free movement
of the reference sphere (pl.) 59. Configuring a switch to make electrical contact
62. National Television System Committee (abbr.) 63. Electromagnetic (abbr.)
64. Opposite of a LO 65. Increase voltage linearly 66. Type of transistor
(abbr., pl.) 70. Apple's popular cellular communications device (pl.) 74.
Electronics manufacturer with "meatball" logo 76. Bit error rate tester (abbr.)
78. Hub of the solar system (pl.) 79. Chemical symbol for silver 81. Receiver
power level circuitry (abbr.) 84. Point in an revolving object's orbit that is
closest to the body it is orbiting 87. Geometric entity with only length 89.
Creating a corona 92. Automatic network analyzer (abbr.) 93. European space
probe which visited Halley's comet 95. A digital counter input line to establish
an initial value 98. A listing of the conditions of the Earth’s magnetic field
as measured at Boulder, CO 101. Newest buzz phrase for ubiquitous remote control
and monitoring of everything (abbr.) 103. Using Earth's natural satellite as
a passive reflector to establish a signal path (abbr.) 104. Miniature threaded
RF connector 105. Mr. de Forest's first name 106. Electromagnetic (abbr.)
108. Low- to mid- frequency RF connector 109. The system than converts common
website names to IP addresses (abbr.) 111. Chemical symbol for dysprosium
112. 36 inches 114. Unit of time (abbr.) 117. Morse Code for "from" 118.
Branch of the armed forces 120. One state of matter 121. Equipment 122.
Sudden, brief increase in wind speed 123. Yttrium Aluminum Garnet |
1. Chemical symbol for gallium 2. Crystal surface
3. FCC Part 15 rules apply in this band (abbr.) 4. SIP x 2 5. Radio Amateur
Civil Emergency Service (abbr.) 6. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 7. Write-Once
(abbr.) 8. Narrowband Advanced Mobile Phone System (abbr.) 9. Key feature
in a high level overvoltage protection device 10. 36 in. (abbr., pl.) 11.
Length times width 12. Chemical symbol for gallium 13. Common zero voltage
reference point (pl.) 17. First man to orbit the earth - Yuri _______ 20.
The design component of total product cost (abbr.) 21. A common battery cell
size 24. Keyboard key 26. ____ Logic: Name give to devices surrounding and
assisting processors 27. Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying 28. Amateur radio operator
who is qualified to administer Amateur Radio licensing examinations (abbr., pl.)
30. Largest broadcaster in the UK (abbr.) 31. Chemical symbol for selenium
33. Semiconductor and calculator company (abbr.) 34. Unit of length equal to
5.5 yards 36. Type of digital filter (abbr.) 37. Stock symbol for Boeing
39. Be behind in phase 41. Chemical symbol for beryllium 42. Automatic Calibration
System (abbr.) 44. Miniature threaded RF connector 45. Color set 46. Occlusion
of one heavenly body by another 47. Greek letter 50. Chemical symbol for thulium
51. Logarithmic ratio (abbr.) 53. Unix, Linux or Windows (abbr.) 54. Ratio
of circumference to diameter 56. Global System for Mobile Communications (abbr.)
57. Current-voltage phase mnemonic 58. "Texting" (abbr.) 59. Type of distribution,
squared 60. The design component of total product cost (abbr.) 61. One state
of matter 67. Chemical symbol for antimony 68. Chemical symbol for iron
69. Effective Radiated Power (abbr.) 71. Color quality 72. Switch position
73. Unit of time (abbr.) 74. The force which keeps heavenly bodies in their orbits
75. Resistive component of a capacitor's lumped element model (abbr.) 77. Chemical
element abbreviated Sn 79. Antenna (abbr.) 80. Which branch of mathematics
deals with the shape and area of the earth 82. Chemical symbol for scandium
83. Input intercept point (abbr.) 85. The "R" in BER 86. High frequency semiconductor
(abbr.) 87. Shorthand for liquid oxygen 88. Network department (abbr.)
90. Non-return to zero (abbr.) 91. Electronics manufacturer with "meatball" logo
93. Chemical symbol for gadolinium 94. U.K. equivalent of the IEEE 96. One
of four lines used in ferrite core memories 97. Science of assuring operation
amid dense EM background noise (abbr.) 99. Intermodulation distortion (abbr.)
100. Logic gates 102. Prefix meaning ground or earth 105. Constellation :
The lyre 107. Lowest power level capable of being demodulated (abbr.) 108.
A semi-automatic mechanical code key 110. Adjust a pot 111. 24 hours 113.
Chemical symbol for silver 115. Chemical symbol for chromium 116. Mass unit
(abbr.) 119. Chemical symbol for magnesium |
See solution below